Talk:Boxer (3.5e Feat)
From Dungeons and Dragons Wiki
Monk's technical non-proficiency aside...[edit]
"Improved Unarmed Strike, Proficient with Unarmed Strikes."
Isn't this redundant? -- Eiji-kun (talk) 04:32, 21 April 2014 (UTC)
"3 HD: You can enchant your unarmed strike as though it was a normal weapon. It is also treated as a one-handed weapon, instead of a light weapon, when it is advantageous to do so."
Also this is already the case. -- Eiji-kun (talk) 18:46, 19 June 2015 (UTC)
- > Isn't this redundant?
- No. You are not guaranteed proficiency in your unarmed strikes, and Improved Unarmed Strike does not require proficiency. But also, redundancy is built into feat pre-reqs in general; for example, Greater Weapon Specialization has a requirement of Weapon Focus, while Weapon Specialization already has that.
- With regards to the 3HD, I'm going to be spitballing on some things because I'm a bit out of touch with 3.5e. But, you cannot enchant your fists, as the rules are written. 3HD should probably say that your fists are *Masterwork* and enchantable. But, the last bit is about two-weapon fighting, I think, which will allow you to add half your damage bonus to the second attack, unlike if it were a light weapon. I think, I can't be sure. --TK-Squared (talk) 06:10, 8 August 2019 (MDT)
- Did you mean treating it as a two-handed weapon and two-weapon fighting at the same time? If so, I actually misinterpreted that. It would be really good if the feat made it clear that the "when advantageous to do so" really means any time it's advantageous. I assumed you had the choice to treat it as whichever type of weapon for TWF, but it had to be the same type of weapon for each part, since technically two-weapon fighting would imply you're not wielding a weapon with both hands. I mean it makes sense to do it how you suggested; I just assumed this out of convention. Clarification would really show how good the feat really is. --MadmanFromSpace (talk) 06:21, 8 August 2019 (MDT)
- It turns out that Light and One-Handed both add 1/2 their damage to the Off-hand attack. If I knew what I was thinking back when I made this, I'd explain it better - but it currently seems to be sitting there to justify the 8HD ability. If I wanted to change it, I'd make it so you can your whole strength bonus to off-hand attacks instead. --TK-Squared (talk) 06:58, 8 August 2019 (MDT)