From Dungeons and Dragons Wiki
Assid Spitter likes this article and rated it 3 of 4.
Is this limited to the Dragon, Libram race? If it is, it’s waaaay to specific to be great, but if it’s just general dragons, then it’s pretty awesome. Already used it in a campaign, it’s pretty cool.
Foxwarrior is neutral on this article and rated it 2 of 4.
It's good enough... but maybe too good for scry-and-die tactics...
ErikOfWiki dislikes this article and rated it 1 of 4.
I actually like the idea of a feat that makes a breath weapon a viable action to take if you didn’t have a good one. And there may be room for a mechanic that takes an extra round to give more oomph. But this ain’t it. As the tin says, it is in a First Draft state and the balance and racial exclusivity *need work*. Observed it in level 9 play and 18d12 is 100 dmg pretty much as an area effect with a very high DC plus penalties. Nope. Just nope.