Talk:Deino (3.5e Monster)

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RatedNeutral.png Foxwarrior is neutral on this article and rated it 2 of 4.
I guess it's a perfectly decent creature. It doesn't provide any guidelines on how Deino's blindness actually impacts its AoE placement aptitude, however. And that Advancement stuff is wimpy.
RatedDislike.png Leziad dislikes this article and rated it 1 of 4.
This does not need the xenothetric subtype. This has nothing to do with the subtype, no use of bio-energy, no use of xenothetric feats. Nothing.

Oh wait it got a bioweapon! I didn't saw that at first... and that barely make it better.

Edit: I realized I was being overly harsh.

Facts about "Deino (3.5e Monster)"
DislikedLeziad +
NeutralFoxwarrior +