Talk:Manhunter (5e Martial Archetype)
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Rlyehable dislikes this article and rated it 1 of 4. |
See "Initial Thoughts" |
Initial Thoughts
One With The Knife: Much too powerful to gain an additional fighting style and a feat. Remember, they already have had the option to choose the Two-Weapon Fighting style and at next level they have the option to take the feat. My suggestion would be to either add the Two-Weapon Fighting style if they do not possess it or gain the Dual Wielder feat if they have the TWF style already.
Superimpose: Gaining +2 to hit and negating shield protection (also +2) is too powerful (equates to a +4 bonus). Yes, I understand that you made the +2 both ways. I dislike being able to end your turn in your opponent's space; even grappling creatures are not occupying the same space. The only exceptions to this, that I can think of, are swarms, oozes, and creatures that are 2 sizes smaller than their opponent. My suggestion would be to simplify it to either ignore shields or gain a bonus to the attack, and even then it should be a limited number of times (1/short rest, 3/day, # of times = proficiency bonus, etc.).
Sharp Whirlwind: Needs limited to your turn only and once per turn. I do like the idea of this risk/reward balance.
Visceral Strike: IMHO, too complicated. Also, guaranteed long-term death is too powerful (some creatures cannot regenerate and do not have access to magic healing, ex. Owlbear). Suggest simplifying this to allowing you to forgo an attack to automatically deal damage with a light melee weapon to creatures you have grappled or Con save to end bleeding.
Vital Chord: see notes on Visceral Strike. Suggest that standard "hit point maximum reduction lasts unit the creature finishes a long rest".
Close Quarters Master see above notes.
--Rlyehable (talk) 16:18, 12 May 2022 (UTC)
1st Reply[edit]
If you've got balance changes you'd like to make, and the necessary insight to do so, feel quite free to make such edits. I only check back here now to make sure no one comes in and rips up anything I started way back when; I've completely lost all drive to continue creating anything since the pandemic hit. My books and schedule for writing came to a halt, and I only still run DnD in a homebrew game for my friends because they want me to. I won't begrudge you making suggested edits, especially since the subclass has never been used before. This was mostly concept work after talking with another friend of mine who's been a DM much longer than I have, and it's a migrated page from a much worse wiki. --Max7238 (talk) 00:50, 13 May 2022 (UTC)