Talk:Swift Barrier (5e Spell)
Design Notes[edit]
This spell is designed to be a more balanced, and more versatile, replacement for the Shield spell.
Shield only works against attacks that target your AC, and despite this limitation, it proves to be one of the single most frustrating spells in the game. This is mostly because it overrides any sense of the RNG this game is based on - Imagine how unfair it would be if an NPC could elect to add +5 to all attack rolls it makes this turn, for the low, low cost of a reaction and a 1st-level spell slot. That flat +5 bonus is mathematically better than advantage or disadvantage, and as a mechanical flaw, can also be combined with such, creating a situation where the Shield user cannot be hit by anything, save for the 2.5% chance of a critical hit.
Swift Barrier better encapsulates what Shield is supposed to emulate - A hasty force field, thrown up to deflect an attack. But all too often in media, we see this type of force field break when put under too much pressure - And rarely are they bypassed by a lucky shot. Thus, Swift Barrier creates a force field with a set - Albeit chunky - Number of hit points, and while it cannot be bypassed by a critical hit like Shield can be, it can be broken and overcome if the attackers are determined enough.
Swift Barrier has the added utility of being a defensive support spell, a category in which 5e's spell selection is severely lacking. This is accomplished by one simple change - The range is 30ft, rather than Self, and can be applied to another creature. This can amplify tension in a situation where a party member is downed - Or desperately needs to finish something before they're taken out - And right when it looks like they'll be finished off, another character throws up a Swift Barrier to save them.