Talk:Time Bender (3.5e Class)
So cool and yet[edit]
Some of the writing in this class is so intense, like "a time bender becomes aware of even the smallest unit of time, eventually starting to think of the world as merely a compilations of nows that are eternally disappearing and being born anew. This state of awareness allows her to notice fractions of seconds during which reality is weaker, allowing her to exploit these moments to her advantage. "
...and then all it does is give you evasion on Will saves for half damage.
The idea of needing a Fetch creature that you talk to as a sort of therapist and being away from it leads to you descending into madness is also pretty sick... but the first stage makes you double save-or-died without the save (frightened and confused) so it's not like all the stages can really come up. --Foxwarrior (talk) 06:21, 22 October 2024 (UTC)