Talk:Warforged Colossus (3.5e Monster)

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In my experience, Eva units seldom missed or were missed. An AC closer to 20 would probably be more appropriate. --Foxwarrior 06:10, 21 February 2011 (UTC)

You kiddin? With their shields, no amount of small arms fire could dent them. The only things which hurt Evas were absurdly powerful AoE style N2 mines (and thus no attack roll) or angels, whose size and strength would indicate they were also epic monsters packing massive to-hits. I wouldn't expect anything but high level supermen to be able to injure an Eva... on foot. -- Eiji-kun 08:20, 21 February 2011 (UTC)
EDIT- Looking back on this, the AC is ironically too low for its CR. Changing that. -- Eiji-kun 08:22, 21 February 2011 (UTC)
That's what a DR of 60 is for. Also, I note that you increased the touch AC. Surely you don't deny that all of those rockets could touch the Evas?
For that matter, the Spacial Field already makes it so that no amount of small arms fire can dent them. --Foxwarrior 17:28, 21 February 2011 (UTC)
AC is more than evasion, it's evasion and physical toughness. While still superhuman, their actual ability to dodge isn't all that great. All their AC froms from natural armor (their armor plates mostly) and their deflection modifier (the AT Field). Remember the fluff is its because of the AT Fields why conventional weapons can't penetrate, it's because they run into a shield before they hit actual skin, which is what deflection does. It prevents attacks from even touching the person. You forget the AT Field isn't always just flat walls, most of the time it's not even visible (and apparently skintight... makes sense, it's their soul, it would make sense for it to be in the shape of the bodies they contain).
But even if I can't convince you on a fluff perspective (and I'm not sure why), at least view it mechanically. Why would I want my CR 60 beast, presumably going off against a level 56 party, being hit on everything but a 1? And yes, I would expect people fighting the Warforged Colossus to have access to deified weapons, if not be gods unto themselves, given the presumed CR. DR and resistances can only do so much, especially since they are fairly easy to bypass altogether. You gotta have a miss chance with a high AC to provide a challenge. -- Eiji-kun 17:49, 21 February 2011 (UTC)
Is it even possible to imagine what a level 56 party would realistically have? --20:32, 21 February 2011 (UTC)
Not really. It's easier to imagine what they don't have at that point. X3 -- Eiji-kun 20:36, 21 February 2011 (UTC)
Should this get a higher Dex bonus in Berserker, since in Berserker mode Eva Units generally seem more agile. This is not something I thought of but a friend who is a major fan of the series complained that it has Regeneration when not Berserk, but I think I see why you did it and my friend is a nit-picker so yeah.--Stryker 08:05, 22 February 2011 (UTC)
Hmm, perhaps. I might do that. As for regeneration, non-berserk Evas do regenerate (remember the eye scene?) though they certainly seem to regenerate slower than when in berserk, when entire arms are crafted. Perhaps I will make the regeneration increase in berserk mode. ....yes, I shall. -- Eiji-kun 14:29, 22 February 2011 (UTC)
Huh, turns out regen already increased, though I altered the number of the increase. Anyway, dex added to berserker. What with the high sync ratio, it's hard to touch. Unfortunately I now remember why I had the AC so low, as I wasn't adding sync ratios into it, so I'mma gonna do that.-- Eiji-kun 14:32, 22 February 2011 (UTC)