Talk:Wolverine (3.5e Prestige Class)

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RatedLike.png Franken Kesey likes this article and rated it 3 of 4.
I like your execution of a rage based self-healer with claws. Especially how you balanced fast healing with regeneration. And I find all the sense abilities excessive. A skill bonus, scent, darkvision, pitch perfect, blindsense AND blindsight! You did a good job of giving mechanics to the claws that make it easy to use.

Abnormal Anatomy[edit]

If a character had weak arms but powerful legs (or tentacles for arms), could they implant the claws into different types of limbs?

Sign in to the website and sign your posts (with 4 ~ in a row) and I'll be happy to answer your questions and address your concerns. The-Marksman (talk) 13:41, 20 March 2019 (MDT)
To answer this question for future reference since the user never signed. I was going to say that the class is written and intended with arm claws in mind and thus is not balanced with an expectation of other kinds of anatomy used. That being said, it would be up to DM discretion. But I, as the article author, am not expressly opposed to the idea. The-Marksman (talk) 00:44, 8 January 2023 (UTC)


  1. You still have some instances of "dont" which should be don't (esp. in flavor text).
  2. Ellipses have three ellipsis, not two (or dots).
  3. There are a few instances of plural-singular disagreement. For example: "...he can pinpoints the source’s location. (Change to pinpoint, no "s".)
  4. Some instances of apostrophe omission. For example: "...Its even said that..." (Change to "It's".) Another example: " a moments notice..." (Change to "moment's".)
  5. A few instances of capitalization in the middle of a sentence (which is not used to emphasize things). For example "...creatures with regeneration, If he is left alone..."

Cool class, it would be better with good grammar.-- 13:10, 22 March 2019 (MDT)

Thank you for pointing those out. They have been corrected. The-Marksman (talk) 15:25, 22 March 2019 (MDT)


I like your execution of a rage based self-healer with claws. Especially how you balanced fast healing with regeneration. And I find all the sense abilities excessive. A skill bonus, scent, darkvision, pitch perfect, blindsense AND blindsight! The only ones that make sense are scent, darkvision, and the skill bonus. In fact it is very odd that they gain scent at such a late level, but have have blindsense before it.

Suggest getting scent at a lower level – makes more sense with flavor. Then, having a improved variety later (call it olfactory vision, or something similar). Completely removing pitch perfect, blindsense and blindsight. Additionally, track would be a good feat to have at a later level.

Side question: Are they limited on what skills they can use while raging, like a normal rage, or is their list more expansive?--Franken Kesey 00:20, 23 March 2019 (MDT)

Also check out thermalsight. Do not give them this. Say again. Do not give them thermalsight. But you could use similar traits to create an olfactorysight ability.--Franken Kesey 01:02, 23 March 2019 (MDT)

Thanks for the input. I reviewed it and I actually agree that the Scent is too far out and Im going to switch scent with Blindsense. I agree that there are a lot of sensory abilities, but it has to be that way to accurately account for all of Wolverine's senses. If I removed Pitch Perfect then you wouldn't be able to account for his enhanced hearing. As far as the blindsense and blindsight that's because the comics show that he can fight without being able to see opponents. Blindsight is the best way to represent that. The-Marksman (talk) 06:43, 24 March 2019 (MDT)
As a general rule, most comic and cinematic superheros are epic level. Blindsight at essentially 14 character level is powerful. That being said, he should have enhanced senses, the issue is redundancy. If blindsense is built on olfactory and hearing, but you also have scent and pitch perfect something is redundant. You could rework and empower pitch perfect to do what you wanted it to do, then you would not need blindsight or blindsense.
Sidenote, the skill bonus (Enhanced Senses) is good.--Franken Kesey 10:38, 24 March 2019 (MDT)
Enhanced senses is just a skill bonus, which in and of itself does not grant the ability to discern special information about the source of the sound as Pitch Perfect does. Pitch Perfect takes your ability to hear to the next level other than just the presence or absence of noise. Also, Blindsense and Scent may both be powered by olfactory senses but if I removed Blindsense that would imply you could just plug his nose with a clothespin and then all of a sudden hes not aware of people. Blindsense takes into account that he also hears and feels vibrations through the air on his skin which make him aware of incoming adversaries. With Blindsight, Blindsense in and of itself does not grant you the ability to fight without penalty even if you can't see like Blindsight does. Blindsight builds on Blindsense and makes it so you can fight as well without your sight as you can with it, which Blindsense and Scent do not do. As to the power level of Blindsense, go look at the Complete Adventurer Scout base class. Its a Wizards published book and it gives Blindsense to PCs at 10th level, so I think the power is fine on that one. While I do agree there is some overlap in what some of these abilities grant, none of them are 100% redundant. Each one gives something that a previous one did not in some form or another. The-Marksman (talk) 11:44, 24 March 2019 (MDT)
What I am suggesting you do is beef up perfect pitch to allow you to fight with it. Instead of learning the type of creature or weapon, you can find a creatures location (depending on how well you beat the DC).
Not suggesting that enhanced senses in an actual sense ability. Only that a bonus to the skills meets flavor. However, after looking at it again, +1 bonus per level is a lot. +1 per two levels would be better.
When it comes to visions types outside of eye sight, the main ones are olfactory, taste (which is really a type of olfactory), auditory, touch and equilibrioception. You could meld these all into two features (blindsense and blindsight). This would be fine. Or you could beef up two, olfactory and auditory are probably the best. In all honesty, touch and equilibrioception place only a minor roll in senses when blinded; and when they do are not as precise as olfactory and auditory. Building on blindsense and blindsight OR scent and pitch perfect would be better.--Franken Kesey 12:12, 24 March 2019 (MDT)
I understand what you're saying and I understand your point of view, but I feel that it is sufficient as is. I dont see the need to beef up or overstuff everything into 2 new features when there are SRD features that accomplish the goals just as well. If I only put everything into olfactory and auditory then I'm not doing the flavor justice, because ALL of his senses are enhanced, not just 2 of them. Thank you for the suggestions Kesey, I appreciate your input, but I don't see a need to change it from its current form without a more compelling argument. The-Marksman (talk) 13:32, 24 March 2019 (MDT)

→Reverted indentation to one colon

Does the Tireless feature have any affects on sleep effects (i.e., give a resistance to them, or grant an immunity)?--Franken Kesey 17:18, 6 April 2019 (MDT)

No, its just for fatigue and exhaustion. Its to do with stamina, not sleep related. Logan still sleeps like everyone else. Technically his body might be more forgiving about getting too little sleep, but I dont feel its necessary to go into that detail. The-Marksman (talk) 19:15, 6 April 2019 (MDT)