Talk:Word Of God (3.5e Power)

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Tread with caution indeed[edit]

Hoooo boy. Where do I start? You know what, others will probably bring up the several problems within this (least among them an infinite loop of making yourself smarter than you actually are), but let's try to get down to brass tacks. This should be "Contingent Major Image" with maybe a [Shadow] component to make it "real". And it should have PR and a save because this ain't a physical object and everyone has will saves, not everyone has Sense Motive.

What I feel this should be getting at is "I implant the idea that the pool's closed due to gators." Then whenever they go to pool it triggers, and they are utterly convinced the pools closed, complete with Shadow Gators which may actually produce real wounds. This lasts until help can be established however. Put restrictions in that it can't produce any creatures stronger than CR whatever, and that it can only produce threats once per incident to prevent an endless parade of shadow gators from emerging from the pool and you got yourself a deal.

You could try to use it on yourself, though you run into the question "can shadow illusions actually work on someone who knows its an illusion". YMMV, but assuming you can you can convince yourself that there is indeed a bridge over this cliff. Oh, and "Illusions can only add, not subtract or change" so you can't convinced yourself a bare wall has a door other than visually, or that the tarrasque over there is actually a puppy; it'll still tear you up.

As far as everything else... well, I'll let others handle that for now. -- Eiji-kun (talk) 00:55, 5 April 2018 (MDT)

I see. I probably should've added the clause that you cannot do this to yourself, but I thought it was obvious. As for the other're right. Not everyone has Sense Motive. Same goes for normal bluff. You convince someone the pool's closed, the pool is freaking closed, but this makes it all the trickier to disprove. If you convinced a person that deadly creatures would surely kill them, without any supporting evidence, they would stay away anyway. All that separates this from base bluff is that it goes deeper than words. No physical changes actually result from this. It's all the power of suggestion, much like in the Matrix. Increases to power are a result of the soul being as convinced as the body, and embracing the Placebo. I could do your idea, sure,'s almost the opposite of what I'm going for. -SecondDeath777 05:23, 5 April 2018