Template:3.5e Book (BoB)/doc/parameters

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Parameter Required Description Examples
Summary Yes A one- or two-sentence summary of your Book. This summary won't appear on the page itself, but will appear on navigation pages.
Title Yes Title of the Book Book of Seven Bows, The Unholy Book of Jim...
Type Yes Which of the 5 book types it is Mundane book, Lexicon, Tome, Manual or Grimoire
Description Yes What it is made of and how it looks A Stone Table with pictograms, a simple pocket book bound in green leather...
Author Yes Who wrote the book Unknown, Sir Oscar Calm, The Red Bearon...
Publisher No Who if any published the book Wand's Printing House, Sorcerer's of the Beach, BlackDog Press...
Language Yes What language was it written in Elven, Common, Aquan, Japanese...
Subject Yes a short whats it about Knowledge (Arcane) with focus on Blue Dragons, a novel about the adventures of a halfling cook and his ogre helper, Summoning elder evils and getting power...
Clarity Yes DC and what check you must make to get the benefit DC 12 Intelligence, DC 16 Knowledge (History), DC 19 Profession (lawyer)...
Length of study Yes How long you must study the book before you can make the clarity check 5 minutes, 1 hour each day for 3 weeks, 18 hours...
Bonus of study Yes What bonus you get for having the book as one of your study bonus book's None, +2 circumstance bonus to all knowledge checks, use of the feat cleave, +5 enchantment bonus to Strength...
Cost Yes what you need to pay for it worthless, 200 GP, Your soul...