Template:5e24 Subclass Spells Table

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Used on a subclass page.


{{5e24 Subclass Spells Table
|name= <!-- name of subclass, like "Oath of Awesomeness", "Blight Circle", "Prescience Domain", or similar -->
|class= <!-- name of the class that this subclass belongs to -->
|spells3=spellLink, spellLink
|spells5=spellLink, spellLink
|spells7=spellLink, spellLink
|spells9=spellLink, spellLink


{{5e24 Subclass Spells Table
|name=Life Domain <!-- name of subclass, like "Oath of Awesomeness", "Blight Circle", "Prescience Domain", or similar -->
|class=Cleric <!-- name of the class that this subclass belongs to -->
|spells3={{srd5lc|Bless}}, {{srd5lc|Cure Wounds}}, {{srd5lc|Lesser Restoration}}, {{srd5lc|Spiritual Weapon}}
|spells5={{srd5lc|Beacon of Hope}}, {{srd5lc|Revivify}}
|spells7={{srd5lc|Death Ward}}, {{srd5lc|Guardian of Faith}}
|spells9={{srd5lc|Mass Cure Wounds}}, {{srd5lc|Raise Dead}}


Life Domain Spells

Cleric Level Spells  
3rd bless, cure wounds, lesser restoration, spiritual weapon 
5th beacon of hope, revivify 
7th death ward, guardian of faith 
9th mass cure wounds, raise dead