The Afro of Power (3.5e Equipment)

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Author: Furhammer (talk)
Date Created: 12/20/2020
Status: Complete
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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The Afro of Power[edit]

The Afro of Power
Price: 250gp
Body Slot: head
Caster Level: 2
Aura: Light Universal
Weight: -

An Afro of incredible size and awe, the one who wears this great afro clearly must be a champion of champions.
The wearer of this glorious afro believes he is granted great strength by it. While wearing this afro you are granted a +2 morale bonus to strength. However, this afro does not function if the wearer has a Intelligence score greater that 7 as they are smart enough to know the afro actually does nothing, it simply has a magic aura attached to it.
One may attempt to explain to the wearer that the afro, in fact, does nothing. The wearer receives a Will save versus the explanation with a DC of 10+the explainers charisma modifier. They receive a bonus to this save of +2 if they have witnessed "proof" that the afro does work. If the wearer fails the save they come to realize that it is simply a wig and cease to receive any bonus from wearing it.

Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item.
Cost to Create: 1/2 Market price, 1/25 Price in EXP, 1 day per 1,000 gp in the base price, minimum of 1 day days.

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AuthorFurhammer +
Body Slothead +
Cost250gp +
Identifier3.5e Equipment +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryThe Afro of Power +
TitleThe Afro of Power +