Unending Flame Twister (3.5e Spell)

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Author: Undead_Knave (talk)
Date Created: July 6, 2021
Status: Disco inferno
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Unending Flame Twister
Evocation / Necromancy [Fire]
Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 5, Cleric 5, Psychic 5
Components: V, S
Casting time: 1 full round action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Effect: A tornado made of fire
Duration: Concentration
Saving Throw: Ref negates (see text)
Spell Resistance: Yes

The lich laughed at the small flame vortex. "That's all you have?" He urged his undead forces to charge. When the vortex only grew, he began to grow slightly more concerned.

Typically cast as an Artillery Spell, this starts of relatively weak, but gets stronger the more damage it is able to cause. This spell creates a tornado made of fire that can be moved up to 40' per round by the caster while they concentrate as a standard action, or 70' per round while they concentrate as a full round action. The tornado starts as a 5' radius, 10' tall column that deals 6 Fire damage (Ref negates). For every intelligent, living or formerly living creature it kills, the tornado grows in strength and size, gaining +2 damage (up to a max of 10/CL) and +5' radius for every 3 creatures, always remaining twice as tall as its radius (max 20' radius). The wind counts as 1 level higher within an area out to twice the radius of the tornado.

For the purposes of any spell or effect that requires the soul to be in the area, the soul of a creature killed by this spell is considered to be in this spell until it is ended. For the purposes of this spell, an intelligent creature is any creature who has an Int score of 5 or higher or who had an Int score of 5 or higher before death.

If cast as a Cleric spell, it deals half Fire, half divine damage.

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Article BalanceUnquantifiable +
AuthorUndead_Knave +
ComponentV + and S +
DescriptorFire +
Identifier3.5e Spell +
LevelSorcerer/Wizard 5 +, Cleric 5 + and Psychic 5 +
RangeMedium +
RatingUndiscussed +
SchoolEvocation + and Necromancy +
SummaryA tornado of fire that gains power as it consumes. +
TitleUnending Flame Twister +