User:FiddleSticks96/Libris Vampiricus (3.5e Sourcebook)/Chapter 4

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This overhaul includes new feats for both PCs and NPCs. Only vampires may select a Vitae Feat.

General Feats[edit]

Exalted Feats[edit]

Exalted Faith ???.

Prerequisites: Gift of Faith, Wis 16
Special: If you have at least 14 ranks in Knowledge (religion), you gain ??? bonus to ???

Vile Feats[edit]

Deformity (hollow bones) The character has not only had their bones hollowed out, but they have allowed thousands of insects to take up residence in them.

Prerequisites: Vermin Friend, Willing Deformity, Small or larger
Benefit: The character may carry a single swarm of diminutive or fine vermin inside their bones. The type of swarm is chosen at the time of taking this feat. It can be changed, but it requires the character to locate a swarm of the desired type and succeed a DC 20 Charisma check to ensnare the new swarm.
As a full-round action, the character may release or take in one swarm, which appears in a square adjacent to the character, from their body. Taking the swarm back into the character’s body also requires a full-round action. This swarm comes out of or enters through the characters mouth. The swarm obeys the characters every command, and the character may give commands telepathically, although if the swarm has a low intelligence it may interfere with its ability to follow commands. Regardless of intelligence, the swarm may only be given basic commands, such as Come Here, Go There, Attack, and Stand Still.
The character may hold 2 extra swarms inside their body for each size category they are above Medium. For example, an Ogre (a Large sized creature) can hold up to three swarms in its body.
The character gains a +4 bonus to saving throws against disease and poison so long as at least one swarm remains inside their body.
If the swarm is dispersed or otherwise destroyed, the character loses all benefits of this feat; however, the countless dormant egg sacks left behind by the last swarm become active, and will grow into a new swarm of the same type in 24hrs.
Special: The character suffers a permanent -2 penalty to Constitution.

Vitae Feats[edit]

Vitae Feats are feats that only vampires may take. Some feats require the vampire to be of a specific bloodline. A vampire gains a bonus Vitae Feat for every 3 levels after becoming a vampire, and at 10th level and every 10 levels thereafter. Natural born vampires count all their levels towards how many Vitae Feats they gain. A vampire gains 4 bonus Vitae Feats at each new Age Category, starting at Young. When a vampire gains a regular feat by leveling up, they may use it to take a Vitae Feat instead. A vampire may substitute any bonus feat for a Vitae Feat (such as the bonus feats gained from the Fighter class). If a vampire does not qualify for any Vitae Feat, than any extra Vitae Feats are wasted.

Some feats have a specific bloodline as a prerequisite. Only a Pureblood or a vampire of that specific bloodline may select that particular Vitae Feat. Some of these feats have multiple bloodlines listed in the prerequisites. These feats may be selected by a vampire of any one bloodline listed. For example, the Silent Shadow feat has Berne as a prerequisite, so only a Berne vampire may select it. On the same note, the Blood Armor feat has “Quarra or Yekef” listed as a prerequisite, so both Quarra vampires and Yekef vampires may select this feat.

A Pureblood automatically gains every Vitae Feat it meets the prerequisites of except for Heartless. Purebloods are considered to be part of every bloodline, and so they meet all bloodline prerequisites. When the Pureblood meets the prerequisites for a Vitae Feat it did not previously meet, it automatically gains that feat as well. For example, when a Neonate Pureblood becomes a Young Pureblood, it automatically gains the Cold Fury feat (and others as well).

Certain feats reference a cleric’s ability to turn undead. It should already be implied, but to avoid argument at the game table I will state it clearly. Any individual with the Turn Undead ability falls into the category of “a cleric’s ability to turn undead”, regardless of whether or not said individual is a Cleric.

Certain feats can be taken multiple times, and have the restriction “You can only take this feat once per Age Category”. This means that you can take up a number of times equal to your Age Category, and is not restricted from the Age Category from when it becomes available. Neonate counts as the first Age Category and it increases from there, as opposed to AV, which indicates the numerical value of your Age Category. You can take such a feat more than once before your Age Category increases, but only if you do not exceed a number of gains greater than your Age Category. Some of these feats state “You can only take this feat once per Age Category + your GV”. This functions the same way, but you add your Generation Value once, and only once, to the number of times you may select that feat. For more information on Age Categories and Generations, see “Vitae” and “Generation” listed under the Vampire Rules section. If more than one type of Vitae is used for the same ability, the ability functions as though all the Vitae used had the same properties of the highest Category of Vitae. A vampire cannot select a feat that can be taken “your Age Category + your GV” times if its Age Category + GV would equal less than 1, as can sometimes be the case with vampires of 12th Generation or higher. Such a vampire cannot select one of these feats until its Age Category or 1 higher than its Generation Value. This means that vampires of 12th Generation or higher must wait longer before they qualify for certain feats, and can take them fewer times.

Examples: A Young 11th Generation Vampire may take the More Spawn feat up to 2 times, even though More Spawn is not available until a vampire becomes Young. An Aged 10th Generation Vampire can take the More Spawn Vitae Feat up to 5 (Age Category + GV) times, after that, it cannot take it again until it advances to Elder, and then it can only take it one more time, until it again advances in Age Category. These may be gained in any order, so the Aged Vampire could have taken it 3 times while it was Young, and 2 times again when it became Aged. A Young 14th Generation vampire cannot select the More Spawn feat, since its Age Category + its GV equals 0. This vampire must wait until it is Mature before it can select More Spawn. Once it is Aged, it may select More Spawn a second time at its option.

Unless otherwise stated, all Vitae Feats that produce lasting effects are dismissible as a free action. Effects that are continuous, such as the Sense Vitae Feat, are not dismissible and not suppressible unless otherwise stated.

Unless otherwise stated, all Vitae Feats are Supernatural Abilities.

A vampire starts with a number of Vitae feats equal to 3 + its Charisma Modifier (if positive) + its GV (minimum of 1). Use the Charisma Modifier of the vampire BEFORE applying the vampire template and bloodline. After initially applying the vampire template, the vampire does not gain any more Vitae Feats by virtue of its Charisma Modifier, even if its Charisma Modifier increases.

Advanced Blood Memories Your ability to see memories in your victim’s blood is stronger than normal.

Prerequisites: Blood Memories, Wis 16
Benefit: You may see memories that are twice as old as you normally could without killing your victim. You gain a +4 bonus on Sense Motive checks to find specific information and to defeat your victim’s Bluff check if they resist you. If your victim successfully resists you, there is only a 20% chance that you will not get the information you are looking for.
Special: This is an extraordinary ability.

Advanced Charm Your charming powers bend the minds and fog the memories of your victims.

Prerequisites: Mature
Benefit: When you use your Charm Gaze attack, you may expend 1 Vitae to perform an Advanced Charm. The DC to resist an Advanced Charm increases by AV, and creatures that fail their saving throw suffer two effects in addition to the normal effects of a Charm Gaze. First, a hypnotic suggestion is implanted in the creature’s mind. This effect functions as a Suggestion spell that convinces the creature that it would be a good idea to let you suck their blood. This allows you to use your Blood Drain attack, and only your Blood Drain attack, on the creature without them resisting. You may only use your Blood Drain attack once without alarming the creature; however, you may deal maximum damage will your Blood Darin attack, allowing you to drink your fill in one go (assuming you aren’t ravenously thirsty). Second, the creature’s memory is altered as though by a Modify Memory spell. This erases the creature’s memory of their encounter with you, although a Greater Restoration spell restores this lost memory. Finally, the creature will hypnotically overlook any bite marks left behind (why didn’t you just lick it closed? see Healing Properties under Chapter 2 – Vampire Rules) and will take steps to hide it without question. A Greater Restoration spell removes the hypnosis that prevents the creature from noticing the bite mark. If you threaten or harm the creature in any way (except for using your Blood Drain attack), or if you use your Blood Drain attack on the creature more than once, the Advanced Charm is immediately broken.

Advanced Control Your powers of control are easier to deliver and harder to circumvent.

Prerequisites: Domination or Raelu
Benefit: You no longer have to make eye contact to use Domination or Command; your target need only hear your voice (verbally or telepathically) for it to work. If another vampire attempts to Dominate or Command a victim already under your control, they suffer a -2 penalty to their Control Check made to override your control. You gain a +2 bonus to all Control Checks made to override control from another vampire. Finally, creatures that temporarily resist your Domination suffer terrible pain that deals 1d6 lethal damage, or 2d6 nonlethal damage at your option.

Advanced Decay Your powers of decay are stronger than normal.

Prerequisites: Egnana, Young
Benefit: The radius of your Aura of Decay increases by 10ft x (your AV + your GV) (to a minimum of 10ft) and it slays living creatures regardless of type (instead of slaying only Animals and Plant-like creatures), assuming their HD are low enough.

Alternate Form You can assume the form of bats, rats.

Benefit: As a standard action, you may assume the form of a Bat, Rat, their Dire versions, or back to your original form. This form lasts until you assume a new form or you choose to end it. This ability functions as the Alternate Form ability, except that any gear worn or carried by you that cannot be worn or carried by your new form is subsumed into your new form; such gear returns to its original state when you revert to your normal form.

Abyssal Might Your connection to the abyss has strengthened you.

Prerequisites: Khulari
Benefit: You gain the Fiendish template. You lose your vulnerability to fire. The Smite Good attempt you gain from the Fiendish template stacks with your innate ability to Smite Good, thus, you gain an additional use of Smite Good. The Cold Resistance you gain from the fiendish template stacks with the Cold Resistance you gain for being a vampire. The Darkvision you gain from the fiendish template stacks with the Darkvision you gain for being a vampire. When you first gain this Vitae Feat, you may choose to change your alignment to Evil without penalty. This is a choice, not a requirement. You may gain this Vitae Feat without changing your alignment (and the DM should not penalize you for it).
Special: Do not increase your LA. You do not gain the Extraplanar Subtype for being on the Material Plane (unless the Material Plane was not your home plane to begin with, in which case you already had the Extraplanar Subtype for being on the Material Plane). Your appearance is unchanged, but living creatures may feel that your appearance is somehow “wrong” even if you are using Mask of Mortality.
You may be kept at bay by a Protection from Evil spell (or similar effects that protect against evil) in the same way evil aligned summoned monsters are kept at bay.

Acidic Blood Your blood is like acid.

Prerequisites: Aged
Benefit: Your blood takes on a corrosive property that is deadly to the flesh of both the living and the undead, although you may renew or suppress this ability as a free action once per round (it is automatically renewed if you ever lose consciousness, such as when you are sleeping). If a creature deals piercing or slashing damage to you, they must make a DC 16 Reflex save or suffer 1d6 + your AV + your GV in acid damage (minimum of 1). Creatures that used a weapon with Reach do not suffer damage. Creatures that used a natural weapon do not receive a saving throw (even if the natural weapon has Reach). So long as this ability is active, vampires cannot drain your Vitae or diablerize you, and in fact, suffer consequences when they attempt to do so. When a vampire uses its Blood Drain attack on you it suffers 6 + your AV + your GV (if positive) in acid damage and must make a DC 12 + your AV + your GV Fortitude save or vomit up some of its own blood, causing it to lose 1d4 points of Vitae. They must also make an additional Fort save of the same DC or their fangs are severely damaged, disabling their Blood Drain attack for 24hrs. Vampires immune to acid damage are also immune to this ability (meaning they can still drain your Vitae and diablerize you.
Special: This is an extraordinary ability. You cannot perform the Embrace while this ability is active.
  • Note: Remember that the Shape of Blood, Blood Bones, and whatever feat makes weapons from blood feats benefit from Acidic Blood.

Arcane Vitae Your Vitae is magical by nature, and has the power to influence your spells.

Prerequisites: Aundae, Young
Benefit: When you prepare a spell, you may expend Vitae to apply a Metamagic feat to it (even one you do not know) without the spell taking up a higher spell slot. To do this, you must expend a number of Vitae equal to the number of spell slots the Metamagic feat would have raised the spell.
Special: The spell does not gain the benefit of having a higher caster level if you use this ability, since it is not placed in a higher level spell slot.

Apostasy You have developed some resistance to divine magic.

Prerequisites: Selenu
Benefit: You gain SR 10 + your AV + your GV against divine spells and effects.
Normal: A Selenu vampire’s spell resistance is not effective against divine spells and effects.
Special: This feat may be taken multiple times. Each time it is taken, increase the SR by 5 + your GV. This feat may only be selected once per Age category.

Attune Grave You can establish extra Graves for yourself.

Benefits: You can attune an additional Grave for yourself. The grave to be must be some kind of place or object where the dead are put to rest (see Grave under Vampire Rules for examples). Coffins are common Graves because they can be brought with the vampire on its travels, making it extremely easy to attune and move. This new Grave grants all the same benefits as your original Grave, and you may return to either of them for rest and recovery. You may only have one additional Grave equal to 1 + your AV + your GV (if positive). The time it takes for a vampire to attune a new Grave depends on its Vampire Category.
Category C: You must visit (be at least within 100ft of) the grave to be a minimum of 24hrs each week for a full month; afterwards, you have properly attuned the new Grave to yourself.
Category B: You must visit (be at least within 100ft of) the grave to be a minimum of 12hrs each week for 1 week; afterwards, you have properly attuned the new Grave to yourself.
Category A: You must visit (be at least within 100ft of) the grave to be a minimum of 6hrs within a 24hr period; afterwards, you have properly attuned the new Grave to yourself.
Special: You may select this feat even if you have the Unbound feat.

Augment Shadow Your shadow is stronger when you are nearby.

Prerequisites: Dancing Shadow
Benefit: Your Shadow gains a +4 enchantment bonus to its Dex and Cha scores and Fast Healing 1 + your AV + your GV (if positive) so long as it remains within 60ft of you. In addition, so long as you may deliver touch attacks through your Shadow so long as it remains within 60ft of you. If you Shadow is hiding in the shadow of a creature or object, you can only deliver touch attacks through your Shadow to that creature or object; however, you automatically succeed the melee touch attack.

Augmented Spawn Your spawn are empowered by your presence.

Prerequisites: Create Spawn
Benefit: Vampires and Vampire Spawn under the control of your Create Spawn (or a Pureblood’s Vampire Familiars) ability gain a +4 enchantment bonus to Str and Dex so long as they remain within 60ft of you. This bonus stacks with the Enhanced Spawn (and a Pureblood’s Enhanced Childer) ability granted by the Master Vampire prestige class. Vampires no longer under your control do not benefit from this ability.

Aura of Dread You can invoke hopeless despair in the hearts of your enemies.

Prerequisites: Voice of Dread, Young
Benefit: As a move-equivalent action, you may expend 1 Vitae to generate an aura with a 30ft radius +10ft per (AV + GV) (minimum of 10ft) centered on you. The aura lasts for a number of rounds equal to AV + GV + your Charisma Modifier (to a minimum of 1 round). Hostile creatures within the aura must make a Will save at a -2 penalty to resist the effects. Those that fail their save suffer a morale penalty equal to AV to their attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks. A creature that succeeds its Will save is immune to the effects of the aura, but if they leave the aura and then re-enter it, they must make a new saving throw.

Aura of Grandeur Using the force of your character, you create a dark splendor that foes cannot easily ignore.

Prerequisites: Cha 18, Raelu, Young
Benefit: As a move-equivalent action, you may expend 1 Vitae to generate an aura with a 30ft radius +10ft per (AV + GV) (minimum of 10ft) centered on you. The aura lasts for a number of rounds equal to AV + GV + your Charisma Modifier. Hostile creatures within this aura, or that enter the aura, must make a Will save or they cannot make attacks of opportunity against you or your allies and suffer a penalty to Concentration Checks equal to AV. The effects remain until the aura ends or they leave the range of the aura. A creature that succeeds its Will save is immune to the effects of the aura, but if they leave the aura and then re-enter it they must make a new saving throw. You may renew the duration of this ability as a free action by expending 1 Vitae during the round that it ends, but only during that round. If you renew the aura, creatures that succeeded their saving throw must make a new saving throw or be affected as normal.

Awareness of Childer The bond between sire and child is strong. The bond between you and your childer is a cut above the rest.

Prerequisites: Wis 18, Watchful Sire
Benefit: You aware of the location and condition of any vampire you have sired as though by a Status spell (Greater Status for Purebloods). If one of the your childer is on another plane, you are aware of which plane the child is on, but nothing else. You are immediately aware of when any of your childer die the true death, as well as the location and plane where they were destroyed, regardless of whether or not the child was on different plane.
The benefits listed above is an extraordinary ability. The benefits listed below is a supernatural ability.
You also gain the ability to establish or sever a Telepathic Bond with any of your childer as a free action once per round. You may establish or sever your telepathic bond with one or more of your childer as a standard action. This allows you and your child to telepathically communicate. You may have a telepathic bond with more than one child at a time, but your childer cannot communicate with each other in this manner, only with you. This telepathic bond functions regardless of distance but does not work across planes. If you have a telepathic bond with a child and that child is no longer on the same plane as you, the bond is immediately severed. Your childer cannot resist this ability, nor can they sever the bond, only you can do that. At your option, you can send images, rather than words, to your childer; however, your childer can only communicate with words.

Baptism of Agony You can channel destructive force against the living.

Prerequisites: Denounce the Living
Benefit: This ability functions as Denounce the Living, except you must spend 2 turning attempts and affected creatures are instead wracked with crippling pain that causes them to suffer 1d6 nonlethal damage per (AV + GV), or half that amount in lethal damage, as well as a -4 penalty to all attack rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. The pain and penalty lasts for 1hr per AV + GV.
Noble: Increase nonlethal damage by 2d6 (or half that amount in lethal) and gain a +2 bonus to turn check.
Pure: Increase nonlethal damage by 4d6 (or half that amount in lethal), gain a +4 bonus to turn check.

Beastform You can assume even more forms.

Prerequisites: Alternate Form, Young
Benefit: You may assume the form of any Tiny, Small, Medium, or Large Animal or its Dire version. This does not mean that if you select Wolf, you can assume the form of both a Wolf and a Dire Wolf. You must select each form individually. If your Generation is 7 or lower, add Huge to your size type range; if your Generation is 3 or lower, add Diminutive and Gargantuan to your size type range. If your size type in your natural form is something other than Medium, shift your size type range as appropriate. You may only assume the form of a number of animals equal to your AV. If you gain a new Age Category, you may select an additional form. This ability otherwise functions as the Alternate Form Vitae Feat, but you must expend 1 Vitae to use it.
The new form cannot have more HD (or CR, DM’s discretion) than your HD + your GV (if positive).
You cannot assume the form of a Raven with this ability.
Special: This feat may be taken multiple times, its effects stack. If Young (or older) Pure Vitae is used to activate this ability, the form of any animal or dire animal can be taken, regardless of whether or not you have selected it; however, you still cannot exceed the size limit.
“Several cultural myths ascribe that vampires can assume the form of a wolf. While there are vampires that can change into wolves, wolves are by no means the only animal that vampires can change into. It’s just that it is a favorite among the vampires of the past few generations.” – Atalna, vampire hunter

Beast of Magic You can transform yourself into creatures of magic.

Prerequisites: Beastform, Mature
Benefit: You may assume the form of a Magical Beast in the same way you assume the form of animals and dire animals with your Beastform ability. This ability functions, and has the same restrictions as, Beastform. This ability benefits from Improved Beastform. You select the form of one Magical Beast when you first select this feat. You must expend 2 Vitae to use this ability.
Special: This feat may be taken multiple times, its effects stack. If Aged (or older) Pure Vitae is used to activate this ability, the form of any magical beast can be taken, regardless of whether or not you have selected it; however, you still cannot exceed the size limit.

Bequeathment You can channel your unholy power through another.

Prerequisites: Khulari, Young
Benefits: As a full-round action, you may bequeath a single creature with supernatural powers with just a touch. You must expend 2 Vitae to use this ability. Your target must be willing and within your natural reach. If you cannot touch your target, or if your target is unwilling, this ability fails. The bequeathed target gains Damage Reduction 5 + your AV + your GV/good, Spell Resistance 10 + AV + GV against Good aligned spells and effects, a bonus to Str and Dex equal to AV, and a +10ft bonus to its speed. The target may make a Smite Good attempt as a supernatural ability once per Bequeathment; the Smite Good attempt uses the target’s Charisma Modifier or your Charisma Modifier, whichever is higher, and the AV + GV of the Vitae in place of class levels (minimum of 1) when determining how much damage is added to the smite. The target’s weapons and natural weapons are treated as Evil aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. The target gains an Aura of Evil as if it were a Cleric of a level equal to AV + GV (minimum of 1) (see Detect Evil for more details). The effects last for a number of minutes equal to AV + GV + your Charisma Modifier (minimum of 1). You may use this ability to temporarily boost your own power, causing you to benefit from Bequeathment, but you must expend 2 additional points of Vitae to do so and it only lasts ½ as long.
Noble: May Smite Good 2 additional times per Bequeathment. The evil aura the target generates increases by 1 level.
Pure: May Smite Good once every other round, may use Unholy Blight as a spell-like ability 3 times per Bequeathment (caster level equal to AV + GV). Target is affected by a Protection from Good spell as a supernatural ability (caster level equal to AV + GV), it may be dispelled, but it can be resumed as a free action the next round. The evil aura the target generates increases by 3 levels.

Bioplasmic Growth You can increase your mass and size with the detritus of the fallen.

Prerequisites: Telboth, Young
Benefits: You can increase your size and mass by mystically bonding to yourself dead flesh found across the multiverse. Your appearance does not change, making this one of the few non-gruesome Telboth abilities. As a standard action, you may expend Vitae up to 1 + your AV + your GV (minimum of 1) to duplicate the effects of the Enlarge Person spell, but only on yourself. This effect lasts for a number of hours equal to the amount of Vitae you spent.
Special: An change in size affects many things. Among them is the damage of your natural weapons. For example, a medium sized vampire normally deals 1d6 damage with its claw attack, if its size is changed to large, such as when using Bioplasmic Growth, it will deal 1d8 damage with its claw attack.

Black Rage Your inner rage is fearsome to behold.

Prerequisites: Invernus
Benefit: When you enter a Black Rage you gain the benefits of your normal Rage but you also gain an additional +2 to Str, 2 Temporary Hitpoints per level in the Barbarian class, and you are not Fatigued after your Rage ends. Entering a Black Rage consumes 1 Vitae Point. It is otherwise identical to a Barbarian Rage class feature for a Barbarian of your level.

Blood Armor You can protect yourself at the cost of Vitae.

Prerequisites: Quarra or Yekef
Benefits: As a standard action you may expend Vitae up to 1 + your AV + your GV to gain an armor bonus to your Armor Class equal to the number of Vitae you spent. A crimson aura surrounds you while this power is in effect. This AC bonus lasts for a number of minutes equal to 1 + AV + GV. At the end of this period, the bonus decreases by 1 point per round until it returns to normal. You cannot use this ability again while it is still active.
Noble: Total armor bonus increases by 2 and lasts for an extra 4 minutes. The crimson aura surrounding you shimmers and glows hypnotically; any living creature engaged in combat with you must succeed a Will save (DC 10 + the number of Vitae points you spent) or be Dazed for one round. This save must be made each round. Attacking the creature automatically ends the daze effect. Creatures that succeed their save are immune to this effect for 24hrs.
Pure: Total armor bonus increases by 5 and lasts for 10 extra minutes. The crimson aura surrounding you shimmers and glows hypnotically; any living creature engaged in combat with you must succeed a Will save (DC 15 + the number of Vitae points you spent) or be Dazed for one round. This save must be made each round. Attacking the creature automatically ends the daze effect. Creatures that succeed their save are immune to this effect for 24hrs.

Blood Bath You are like a storm in the thick of combat, striking down all who oppose you.

Prerequisites: Ancient, Dex 20, Quarra
Benefit: As a swift action, you may expend 2 Vitae to gain an extra Full Attack Action (NOT a Full ROUND Action). This extra action lasts only for the turn you activate this ability, so any extra attacks not used are wasted.

Blood Bones You can manipulate your blood and vitae to make temporary limbs.

Prerequisites: Body of Blood, Cha 16, Varseth, Mature
Benefit: When one of your body parts are severed, such as an arm or an eye, you may expend 2 Vitae as a swift action to create a temporary copy of the severed part. This ability is useful when one of your limbs is severed during combat and you can’t wait for it to grow back on its own. When you use this ability, some of your own blood bursts forth from the stump and forms into the mostly accurate form of the severed part. The blood is semi-solid and wreaths slightly while it is in this form. The Vitae used to create this blood copy empowers it, granting it the same functionality and ability as the original. The temporary blood body part lasts for a number of minutes equal to 1 + AV + GV (to a minimum of 1).
You cannot grant yourself extra limbs or body parts with this ability, but you can use it to replace as many severed body parts as you want, so long as you can pay the Vitae cost. You may use this ability multiple times in the same round by taking a full-round action.

Blood Clone Through a complex ritual, you can animate your own blood into a copy of yourself.

Prerequisites: Aged, Blood Bones
Benefits: You may create a Blood Clone using a complex ritual that requires 24hrs to complete and the expenditure of 12 Vitae. A Blood Clone is identical to a Simulacrum, except it is made from your blood and Vitae rather than snow and ice. You may only have one Blood Clone at a time and may only make a copy of yourself. You can repair your Blood Clone with a 1hr ritual and the expenditure of 6 Vitae. You may dismiss the existence of your Blood Clone at any time as a free action at will. If the Blood Clone is ever dismissed or destroyed, it dissolves into an oozing slush of blood and detritus that rapidly decays into nothingness over the course of 1hr.

Blood Memories You can see the memories of the creatures whose blood you drink.

Prerequisites: Wis 14
Benefit: When you drink blood directly from a living creature via your Blood Drain attack, you may choose to see their memories. You may influence which sort of memories you see (such as those of a particular creature or event, or that bear emotional weight to your victim). If you are looking for specific information, such as the location of a particular object or the command word to activate a portal, you must make a DC 15 Sense Motive check to find it. If the memory is too old (unless you kill your victim), or if your victim simply does not have the information you are looking for, than you do not get the information regardless of the result of the check. If your victim is aware of what you are doing, they may attempt to resist you delving into their memories. If they resist, you must make a Sense Motive check opposed to their Bluff check. If they defeat your check, there is a 50% chance that you do not find the specific information you are looking for regardless of whether or not you succeed the DC 15 Sense Motive check. Your victim must make this check for each Blood Drain you successfully deal to them if they are to continue to resist you. No matter how much your victim resists, they cannot prevent you from absorbing nonspecific memories.
You may see memories as old as a number of weeks equal to 1 + your AV + your GV + 1 for each point of Constitution Damage you deal to your victim + your Charisma Modifier. Memories you see are not lost to your victim; you merely see the memories. You see a number of memories equal to 1 + your AV + your GV + your Charisma Modifier for each point of Constitution Damage you deal to your victim. Seeing memories is a mental action that requires 1 round per point of Constitution Damage you deal, during which you cannot make Concentration checks or perform any action that requires special attention to detail (such as Open Lock or Spot checks). If you absorb more than 10 x your Intelligence Modifier in memories within one sitting, there is a 50% chance you will lose consciousness for 1hr while your mind sifts through the flood of memories. If you kill your victim with your Blood Drain attack, you may see any memory regardless of how old it is; you may also choose to absorb ALL of your victim’s memories if you kill them, allowing you to see everything you need to. Absorbing all of your victim’s memories will cause you to lose consciousness for 24hrs.
You can choose to delay seeing memories for a number of hours equal to 1 + your AV + your GV, allowing you to finish the job, get to safety, or do whatever else you want. This also applies when you absorb too many memories or all of your victims memories (it isn’t good to lose consciousness outside where the sun rises).
If you choose to absorb the mannerisms of your victim, you gain a +10 bonus on Bluff and Disguise checks made to impersonate your victim. You must still disguise yourself as your victim.
Special: This is an extraordinary ability. This ability may be used on corpses as well, but only if the creature has been dead for no more than 24hrs.
“Blood is the currency of the soul, and the silver plate of the mind. The giving of blood, the taking of blood, that’s what it means.” - Schrödinger

Blood Oath You can compel creatures to be true to their words.

Prerequisites: Aged, Raelu
Benefits: When a living creature or a vampire willingly swears an oath to you, you may expend 3 Vitae to bestow a Geas upon the whoever swore the oath. You must verbally affirm their oath in some way, such as saying “I accept your oath” or “May your word be as law to you”. The target is not allowed a saving throw but spell resistance still applies. False intentions on your target’s part are irrelevant, so if your target swore an oath to you that they did not intend to keep, they will be compelled to fulfill their oath by the Geas anyway. When you use this ability, your target immediately becomes aware that their oath has been supernaturally enforced in some way, although they may not necessarily know you are the one that enforced it.
Noble: This ability also produces the effects of the spell Oath of Blood (see pg 131 of Heroes of Horror), but only if the target is successfully affected by the Geas effect. Spell resistance does not protect the creature from this effect, but it can still be dispelled; however, the Oath of Blood effect cannot be dispelled until after the creature is subject to a Remove Curse spell of at least 10th caster level.
Pure: This ability also produces the effects of the spell Oath of Blood and a Familial Geas (see pg 129 and pg 131 of Heroes of Horror), but only if the target is successfully affected by the Geas effect. Spell resistance does not protect the creature from these effects, but they can still be dispelled; however, neither the Oath of Blood or Familial Geas can be dispel until after the creature is subject to a Break Enchantment spell of at least 15th caster level. If the Geas is successfully passed on to the creature’s closest adult relative, the relative is also affected by an Oath of Blood spell. The Oath of Blood is passed along with the Familial Geas, and dispelling the Oath of Blood without dispelling the Familial Geas does not prevent the Oath of Blood from being passed on.

Body of Blood You can transform yourself into a pool of blood.

Prerequisites: Varseth
Benefit: At will, you may take a standard action to transform into a mass of blood similar to an ooze. While in this form, you can move and climb at rate of 10ft + 5ft x (AV + GV (if positive)), you cannot be flanked, and are immune to physical damage of any kind; however, you can only move while in this form, you may not take any other action except a standard action to change your form again or, if you have the Acidic Blood Vitae Feat, use one of the special abilities listed below. You sink in water at a rate of 5ft per round, and cannot swim, although you can still climb out and may direct which way you sink in the meantime. You retain your Size Type, but may move through even the tiniest cracks and holes; unless a place is air tight, you can get into it. You may still hear and see while in this form, and have Blindsight out to 60ft + 10ft x (your AV + your GV (if positive)), but are immune to Gaze Attacks. The Blindsight functions by detecting scent and vibrations. So long as even the smallest portion of blood remains, you can reform. If you spread yourself thin and stop moving, you look like any ordinary blood pool.
Special: If you have the Acidic Blood Vitae Feat, you gain the following special abilities. If you suppress your Acidic Blood ability, these special abilities cease to function.
Immunity to Acid.
Acid (Ex): The blood that you are made of is highly acidic and dissolves organic material and metal quickly, but does not affect other materials, such as stone. A metal or wooden weapon that strikes you dissolves immediately unless the attacking creature succeeds on a Reflex save. Creatures that strike you with a natural weapon automatically suffer damage from this ability with no chance for a saving throw. You may melt through obstacles (although you must remain in contact with such obstacles for a full round in order to deal damage to them). You cannot choose to not damage creatures and objects with this ability, so if you want to, say, move across a metal floor without melting it, you must suppress your Acidic Blood Vitae Feat altogether. You deal 10 + ½ your HD + your Charisma Modifier + your AV + your GV (if positive) acid damage per round with this ability. This ability replaces the damage dealt by the Acidic Blood Vitae Feat.
Engulf (Ex): As a standard action, you may enter a square occupied by another creature or object. This provokes an attack of opportunity. The creature suffers from your Acid ability until it is no longer in the same square as you.
Consume (Ex): You may attempt a Grapple against creatures or objects you are currently Engulfing, although you cannot Grapple a creature in the same round you Engulf it. Creatures and objects you Grapple suffer double damage from your Acid ability, and creatures can no longer end your attack by moving to a different square. The armor and cloths of creatures you Grapple dissolve and become useless unless the creature succeeds a Reflex save. The creature must break free of the Grapple to stop suffering acid damage (objects can’t break free for obvious reasons).

Body of Iron You can turn your body to iron.

Prerequisites: Aged, Blood Armor
Benefits: As a standard action, you may expend 2 Vitae to turn your body to iron as per the Iron Body spell except as noted here. The damage reduction you gain from the effect is 15/adamantine and magic, you are immune to fire, but fire damage will still heal you as if you were an Iron Golem, the enchantment bonus to strength you gain from the Iron Body effect is equal to 6 + AV instead of just 6, the effect lasts for additional minutes equal to AV. As a free action, you may grow spikes on this armor. These spikes function as Armor Spikes. You may retract these spikes as a free action.
Noble: The damage reduction is 15/adamantine and +3, the enchantment bonus to Str increases by 2, the effect lasts for an additional 5 minutes.
Pure: The damage reduction is 15/adamantine and epic, the enchantment bonus to Str increases by 4, the effect lasts for an additional 30 minutes.
Special: You cannot use Body of Iron while Body of the Moon or Body of the Stars is active.

Body of the Moon You can transform your body into a magical substance that glows like moonlight.

Prerequisites: Aged, Body of the Stars
Benefits: As a standard action, you may expend 3 Vitae to turn your body into a glowing, translucent substance similar to that of Body of the Stars, but it is more intense and much stronger. While in this form, you are immune to physical damage, cold damage, and sonic damage, you are immune to blindness and all light based attacks and spells with the Light descriptor (including Sunbeam and Sunburst, but not natural sunlight), all melee attacks you make do not have the 50% chance to not affect incorporeal targets, you gain a bonus to all your attack rolls equal to AV, you have SR 25 + AV + GV. While in this form, you glow like the moon, causing you to shed bright illumination out to a radius of 10ft and shadowy illumination for another 10ft beyond that. You are immune to the illumination that you shed for the purposes of sensitivity to light. This light is not magical, and is negated by any magical darkness. Living creatures exposed to this light must make a Will save at a -4 penalty or be Sickened and Slowed for as long as they are exposed to it and for 1d4 minutes afterwards. Creatures that stop being exposed to this light, but then become exposed to it again must make a new Will save. Creatures that succeed their will save are immune to this effect for 24hrs. Living creatures with Total Cover relative to you are not subject to this effect. While in this form, you may expend 1 Vitae to become Incorporeal for a number of rounds equal to AV + GV (to a minimum of 1). This ability lasts for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma Modifier + AV + GV (to a minimum of 1).
Frozen Touch (Su): You may deliver a melee touch attack that deals 1d8 + AV + GV in cold damage. Your natural weapons and other touch attacks also deal this damage on a successful hit. Creatures that hit you with their natural weapons, a melee touch attack, or otherwise touch you suffer this damage. Creatures that strike you in melee combat suffer this damage unless wielding a reach weapon.
Moon Beam (Su): As a standard action, you may evoke a beam of intense moonlight. You evoke 1 beam for every 2 points of Charisma Modifier you have, to a maximum of 3 beams in a single round at a Charisma Score of 22+. You may choose to evoke less beams than you are able. The area of each beam is a Line from your hand out to a range of 60ft. No two beams can be launched in the same direction. Each creature in the beam suffers 1d6 damage per point of your Charisma Modifier + AV + GV (min 1d6, max 10d6) and is Blinded for 1 round. A successful Reflex save negates the blindness and reduces the damage by half. A creature that suffers at least 40 damage from this ability must make a Will save or be Stunned for 1 round. This is an Evocation (Light) effect.
Moon’s Symphony (Su): Your body emits a low hum in a 15ft radius. Hostile creatures within this radius suffer 1d4 + AV + GV (minimum of 0) sonic damage each round; creatures with Total Cover relative to you do not suffer this damage. Blindsense and Blindsight that rely on sound do not function within this radius; creatures with Total Cover relative to you do not suffer this effect. Listen checks, but not yours, made within this radius suffer a -4 circumstance penalty.
Touch of the Moon (Su): You may deliver a melee touch attack that Slows your target for 1d4 minutes unless they succeed a Will save at a penalty equal to AV.
Noble: Creatures that fail their will save against the light you shed are also Fatigued for as long as they are Sickened/Slowed, Moon Beam max damage is 12d6 and max range is 80ft, Moon’s Symphony deals 1d6 + AV + GV (minimum of 1) sonic damage per round and in a 20ft radius, lasts an additional 5 rounds.
Pure: Creatures that fail their will save against the light you shed are also Exhausted for as long as they are Sickened/Slowed, Moon Beam deals d8s instead of d6s and max damage is 15d8 and max range is 120ft, Moon’s Symphony deals 2d6 + AV + GV sonic damage per round and in a 30ft radius, creatures that fail their will save against the light you shed are Confused for 4 rounds, lasts an additional 3 minutes.
Special: You cannot use Body of the Moon while Body of Iron or Body of the Stars is active.

Body of the Stars You can transform your body into a magical substance that glows like starlight.

Prerequisites: Thrafey, Young
Benefits: As a standard action, you may expend 1 Vitae to turn your body into a fainting glowing, translucent substance that grants you the following benefits: Your Natural Armor bonus increases by 4, Damage Reduction 10/silver and magic, SR 15 + AV + GV, immune to blindness and all light based attacks and spells with the Light descriptor (including Sunbeam and Sunburst, but not natural sunlight), immune to cold and acid, all melee attacks you make do not have the 50% chance to not affect incorporeal targets, bonus to all your attack rolls equal to AV. While in this form, you glow faintly, causing you to shed shadowy illumination out to a radius of 10ft. This light is not magical, and is negated by any magical light/darkness. Living creatures exposed to this light must make a Will save at a -2 penalty or be Sickened for as long as they are exposed to it and for 1d4 minutes afterwards. Creatures that stop being exposed to this light, but then become exposed to it again must make a new Will save. Creatures that succeed their will save are immune to this effect for 24hrs. Living creatures with Total Cover relative to you are not subject to this effect. While in this form, you may expend 1 Vitae to become Incorporeal for a number of rounds equal to AV + GV (minimum of 1); you cannot use this ability again until you dismiss the incorporeality or it wears off. This ability lasts for a number of minutes equal to your Charisma Modifier + AV + GV (minimum of 1).
Noble: The damage reduction is 10/silver and +3, creatures that fail their will save are also Fatigued for as long as they are Sickened, lasts an additional 5 minutes.
Pure: The damage reduction is 10/silver and epic, creatures that fail their will save are also Fatigued for as long as they are Sickened, creatures that fail their will save are Confused for 1 round, lasts an additional 30 minutes.
Special: You cannot use Body of the Stars while Body of Iron or Body of the Stars is active.

Bonds of the Earth You can manipulate earth and stone.

Prerequisites: Young
Benefit: As a standard action, you may expend 2 Vitae to duplicate the effects of a Fist of Stone, Move Earth, Soften Earth and Stone, or Stony Grasp spell.

Bonehammer You are skilled in fortifying your attacks with your shape shifting.

Prerequisites: Flesh Craft
Benefit: You may create a thin, but very dense, layer of bone beneath the skin of your natural weapons and limbs. Your unarmed strikes and natural attacks gain a +2 bonus to damage. You may renew or suppress this ability as a move-equivalent action at will. This ability functions regardless of what form you take.
Special: This is an extraordinary ability.

Bonekey Your bones mold to the shape of keys.

Prerequisites: Flesh Craft
Benefit: You can liquefy the bones in your fingers, and your whole hand if necessary, to create keys. To do so, you simply press your finger against a key hole and the liquid bone matter spills into it through your finger tip, molding itself into the shape of the key and then hardening. This ability automatically succeeds on opening a lock, but can only open locks with an Open Lock DC of no more than 30. Particularly complex locks, such as one that requires water be poured into a slot to access a set of knobs that must be turned in the right order, cannot be opened with this ability. Use of this ability requires a standard action, although retracting the bone matter back into your finger is a free action.

Boneskin You are skilled in fortifying defenses with your shape shifting.

Prerequisites: Flesh Craft
Benefit: You may change your skin to a layer of flexible, but very tough, chitinous bone. This grants you a bonus of 2 + your AV to your natural armor class. This bonus stacks with other natural armor bonuses. You may renew or suppress this ability as a move-equivalent action at will.

Bottomless Vitae The power of your blood runs deep.

Prerequisites: Varseth, Vitae Well
Benefit: Your Vitae Score permanently increases by 10 + your AV + your GV (minimum of 10).

Boundless Strength Though it has come at a price, the curse of vampirism has made you strong indeed.

Prerequisites: Enhanced Strength, Yekef
Benefit: You gain a permanent +2 bonus to Strength.

Brave the Day In times of emergency, you are able to move about during the day without consequences.

Prerequisites: Young
Benefit: You are able to rouse yourself from sleep during the day with far greater ease than normal. This equates into a +4 bonus to all Waking checks. Every 24hrs for a number of hours equal to 1 + your AV, you do not suffer any penalties for leaving your Grave during the day, although you still suffer the normal penalties for it being daytime. If you are still outside of your Grave after this time has expired, you immediately suffer from Grave Dependency as normal. This ability does not grant you any special resistance to sunlight, but it is useful for dealing with incaution adventurers disturbing your rest, or completing some task that cannot wait.
Normal: A vampire without this feat suffers from Grave Dependency (if it is not Unbound) immediately after leaving its Grave during the day.

Break the Chains You retain perfect mobility even while staked, but only for a short while.

Prerequisites: Aged, Strain the Chains
Benefit: If you are ever staked, you do not suffer the effects for a number of rounds equal to your AV. As a free action at will, you may choose to increase this duration by 1 round for each point of Vitae you expend, but you cannot increase the duration beyond 2 x your AV. It is recommended that you use this time to remove any offending object from your heart that is causing you to be considered staked. Removing a stake is a full-round action that provokes an attack of opportunity. If you are still staked at the end of this ability’s duration, you immediately suffer the normal effects of being staked. This does not prevent your Strain the Chains feat from functioning.
Special: This is an extraordinary ability.

Breath of Fire Your breath is like hellfire.

Prerequisites: Fekkir
Benefit: You gain a Breath Attack that deals fire damage. As a standard action, you may breathe out roiling fire as a Cone-Shaped Burst with a range of 60ft + 10ft x (your AV + your GV). Creatures within the cone suffer 1d6 + 1d6 x (your AV + your GV) (minimum of 1d6) in fire damage, Reflex save for half. Once you use this ability, you cannot use it again for 1d4 rounds.
You may instead choose to release this breath attack as a fast moving ball of fire the size of your head. The ball of fire deals the same damage as the cone attack and has a range of Long. When it collides with a solid object or creature, or reaches its intended destination, it explodes like a Fireball, dealing damage to everything within a radius of 20ft + 5ft x (your AV + your GV + your Charisma Modifier) (minimum radius of 20ft).
Noble Class and Pureblood vampires can breathe more powerful fire. The following adjustments only apply to vampires of the given Category. These adjustments cannot be duplicated by a vampire that merely absorbed the appropriate Vitae.
Noble: Attack deals an additional 1d6 damage. May also release the attack as a Line attack with a range of 100ft + 10ft x (its AV + its GV).
Pure: Attack deals an additional 3d6 damage. May also release the attack as a Line attack with a range of 100ft + 10ft x (its AV + its GV). May designate certain squares that are not touched by the cone attack, making anything within those squares immune to the attack. The Pureblood may only choose up to 1 + its AV in squares to not affect.
If you release this attack as a Line or Cone attack, you may choose to sustain it the next round as a standard action. You may also redirect the attack up to 90 degrees as part of the standard action used to sustain it, hitting everything in a sweeping arc. You may move while you are sustaining this attack, but you may only move up to your base speed. You may sustain this attack up to a number of rounds equal to 1 + your AV + your GV, excluding the round you first used your breath weapon.
Special: This is an extraordinary ability. When you become Mature, the damage die is increased to 1d8. When you become Elder, the damage die is increased to 1d10. When you become Ancestor, the damage die is increased to 1d12. This increase in damage also affects the additional damage the Noble and Pureblood vampires deal.

Breath of Frost Your breath is like long winter.

Prerequisites: Volkihar
Benefit: As Breath of Fire, except you deal cold damage instead; releasing freezing air and shards of ice.

Breath of the Night Your breath is like a perfect cold darkness.

Prerequisites: Nocturnal Embrace
Benefit: During the night (from sunset to sunrise), you gain a Breath Attack. You may use this breath attack as a standard action. You breathe out a coiling darkness of extreme cold as a Cone-Shaped Burst with a range of 60ft + 10ft per (your AV + your GV). Creatures within the cone suffer 1d6 + an additional 1d6 points of damage per (your AV + your GV) (minimum of 1d6), Reflex save for half. Half of this damage is cold damage, the other half is negative energy damage. In addition, living creatures within the cone must make a Fortitude save (DC 17 + your AV + your GV) or suffer 1d6 Strength Damage. Finally, the darkness you exhaled remains for a number of rounds equal to 1 + your AV + your GV (minimum of 1). This misty darkness is cold to the touch, but not harmful, and functions as a Darkness spell.
Special: This ability functions as if it were night in a world that does not have a sun, in worlds of eternal night, or if you are at least 1 mile underground.

Call of the Dark Master Rotten flesh and long dead bones rise up to answer your call.

Prerequisites: Elder, Garlythi, Touch of the Dark Master
Benefit: As a full-round action that expends 6 Vitae, you command the corpses within your area to rise up and serve you. This ability functions as the Plague of Undead spell (see Libris Mortis for more details), affecting a number of corpses of your choice with the Animate Dead spell, but is an Instantaneous Burst effect with a radius of 20ft x (AV + GV + your Charisma Modifier) (minimum of 20ft). The newly created undead count against your total HD of undead that you may control. Undead created in this manner crumble to dust in a number of days equal to AV + GV (minimum of 1).
Noble: Undead created by this ability last twice as long before they crumble to dust.
Pure: Undead created by this ability are permanent.
Undead you create with your Touch of Entropy and Touch of the Undead Lord abilities no longer crumble to dust on their own.
Undead you create with your Touch of the Dark Master ability last twice as long before they crumble to dust.

Caress of Entropy Unlike other vampires, who feel an attachment to places of morbid significance, you are empowered by such places.

Benefit: All vampires feel an attachment and are at ease in places of morbid significance, such as a graveyard, the site of a suicide or murder, or a place where undead spontaneously animate. This is in part because such places have a stronger connection to the negative energy plane than other places in the world. While you are in a place where negative energy naturally accumulates (key word is naturally), the DC to resist all your special abilities you gained for being a vampire increases by 2. Simply carrying around tokens of such locations, such as putting some gravedirt in your pocket, is insufficient; you must physically be in such a place.
Special: Consult your DM with what is considered a place of morbid significance or a place where negative energy naturally gathers. As this is a prerequisite to See the Flow, you should talk with your DM before you attempt to take this feat and its related feats.

Cast the Mind You can send your mind into the world.

Prerequisites: Anthotis, Young
Benefits: As a full-round action, you may enter a trance that allows you to cast forth your mind into the world. You can roam the halls of your home or even journey forth into the world in the form of an invisible force. This force is your disembodied mind and does not create a magical sensor, so it can not actually be detected by effects that would detect invisible things, such as See Invisibility; though it is detectable by effects that detect psionic presences, such as Detect Psionics. Creatures that detect your mental presence observe it as a gray haze with a vaguely humanoid shape and a size approximately the same as your own.
This force is immune to physical damage of any kind, passes through physical matter as if it were not there (as if it were Ethereal), and may not interact with physical matter in anyway except with use of your Powers. It may not use any of your spells or special abilities unless otherwise noted. It retains the use of feats and abilities that are purely mental. It is not harmed or hindered by sunlight in any way. It has Blindsight out to a range of your Telepathy ability (if you have more than one source of Telepathy, use the ability with the longest range), it retains the use of your Telepathy ability. It cannot enter or see into a Null Psionics Field, it cannot enter Holy Ground (but it may still see into it). It may use any of your Powers but all Powers cost double the normal amount. It may use any Vitae Feat you have but it costs double the normal amount of Vitae to use. It can be turned with relative ease, its HD are considered to be your Charisma Modifier + your AV for the purposes of turning or your HD (whichever is lower), any bonus you have to resist turning does not apply. It has ½ your total hitpoints and does not retain your regenerative abilities. It otherwise uses your statistics. If this force is destroyed, you suffer 2d4 points of Intelligence Damage, but you are otherwise unharmed.
Special: While in the trance you sense everything within 5ft of your body. You may use this ability while you sleep; however, if you do, you do not regain Power Points for resting, but you otherwise benefit from resting as normal.

Chameleon You can blend your colors like a chameleon.

Prerequisites: Whet-Fang
Benefit: As a move-equivalent action, you may cause your scales (or skin in the case of Purebloods) and equipment to match the colors of your immediate surroundings, just like a chameleon. This grants you a +10 circumstance bonus to Hide checks; however, you must remain stationary for it to be effective. If you change locations after using this ability, you lose this bonus, although you can use another move-equivalent action to regain this bonus after stopping. You may end this ability as a free action at will.
So long as you use this ability, you may Hide in Plain Sight, except that you do not require shadows to do so.
Special: Part of this ability is considered an extraordinary ability. If your supernatural abilities are somehow suppressed, such as when in an antimagic field, you can only use this ability to blend your own body, not your equipement, which means you would have to be naked to make proper use of it.

Champion Through a supernatural link with your comrades, you have the might of a champion.

Prerequisites: Mature, Quarra
Benefits: You can establish a supernatural link with your party in order to increase your power. To establish this link, you must perform a 1hr ritual starting at the hour before midnight (11:00 pm), and you must drink the blood of each party member (via your Blood Drain attack) at least once a month. All participants must be willing. During the 1hr ritual, you must drink the blood of each party member (this counts towards the requirement of drinking the blood of each party member at least once a month). If even one participant changes their mind or becomes unwilling to let you drink their blood, the ritual fails. If you fail to drink the blood of even one party member within a one month period, this ability is suppressed, but it immediately resumes once you drink the blood of said party member(s). If you meet all the requirements, you gain the following abilities: +1 to your Str for each participant (max 5 + your AV) and a +1 Insight bonus to your AC for each participant (max 5 + your AV), Damage Reduction equal to 5 + the number of participants/- (max 10/–), profane bonus to your regenerative ability and saving throws equal to the number of participants within 60ft of you, +10ft bonus to your speed. You are aware of the condition of all participants as though by a Status spell. You retain all benefits regardless of distance (except for the Fast Healing) or even if you are on a different plane than your party.
Special: At least 2 other creatures must participate in the ritual for it to work. Only those who participated in the ritual contribute to this ability. If you wish to include party members that did not participate (such as those that refused or that joined later on), you must again perform the ritual, and even those that participated in the previous ritual must participate in this one as well. You can be the Champion of only one group of creatures at a time. No creature can contribute to the power of more than one Champion at any given time. A creature that participates in the champion ritual of one vampire, and then participates in the champion ritual of another no longer contributes to the power of the previous vampire. Any participant that becomes hostile towards you no longer counts towards this ability, even if they later cease to be hostile.

Change Shape (Object) You can assume the form of objects.

Prerequisites: Improved Flesh Craft
Benefit: You may assume the form of any object you have come into physical contact with. This functions as your Change Shape ability, but works with objects instead of creatures, and instead of sucking blood, physical contact is required. The time frame for when you last touched the object is the same as for when you last sucked the blood of a creature (see your Change Shape ability for details, as this time frame varies depending on your Vampire Category). You may store the form of objects in the same way you can store the form of creature’s whose blood you have sucked. The object you mimic can have moving or linked parts, but these parts do not actually function in your new form. If the object you mimic does have moving or linked parts, an observer can make a Craft check upon close inspection of your form to notice that there is something wrong. The type of Craft check is the type required to make the object whose form you have taken, and the DC is the DC required to make the object in question.
The size range of objects whose form you can assume is Tiny to Huge (or Tiny up to your Size Type, whichever is larger).
Your form has hardness equal to your Natural Armor Bonus, and any damage dealt to it is deducted from your hitpoints. Damaging your form does not reveal that you are not what you appear to be, as there will be no evidence of flesh and blood even when, say, a “wooden frame” is splintered; however, if a “piece” of the object is moved more than 10ft away from you, it reverts into a mass of dead flesh and rapidly decays into nothing over the course of 1 round. Even if the damage to your hitpoints heal, repairing the appearance of the “object” requires another use of your Change Shape ability.
If you assume the form of a weapon, it functions as a weapon of its type and size, but has no other properties normal to the weapon, such as enchantments. The effects of special materials are not mimicked, even if the appearance of said materials is.
Special: Purebloods can use its Enhancer ability on weapons it changes into. It may also animate objects it changes into. See the Gelgoran Bloodline and Possess Object Vitae Feat for details.

Chill of Death You can focus your draining powers with but a touch.

Prerequisites: Improved Energy Drain, Mature
Benefit: You are no longer required to make a successful natural attack to use your Energy Drain ability, although you still can if you want to. You may consciously choose to cause your energy draining powers to activate upon physical contact. You must take a standard action to activate this ability, and once active, you may take a standard action to deliver your Energy Drain as a melee touch attack. Any living creature that comes into physical contact with you, such as when using a natural melee weapon or even merely reaching out and touching you, is subject to your Energy Drain ability. Living creatures are subject to your Energy Drain ability for each round physical contact is maintained, such as when grappling.
This ability remains active for as long as you desire and you may end it as a free action at will. While active, you can make a melee touch attack to deliver your Energy Drain ability.
While this ability is active, the air about you will be chilled with necromancy.
Special: If you have any of the Sap (Ability Modifier) Vitae Feats, such as Sap Strength, you may deliver them in a like manner.

Clearsight You have an uncanny insight into the future.

Prerequisites: 11th Generation or lower, Aundae, Mature
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to all die rolls made to determine the strength of visions you receive from your Psychotic Insight ability.

Cold Fury By focusing your Vitae you make your attacks with a preternatural speed.

Prerequisites: Black Rage, Invernus, Young
Benefit: When you enter a Black Rage you may spend an additional Vitae Point to gain an extra attack per round. This attack is made at your full attack bonus. Cold Fury ends when your Black Rage ends. You do not spend this Vitea point for each attack you make or each round you make an extra attack. You merely spend an extra point of Vitae at the time you enter a Black Rage to take advantage of this ability.

Communion Using the dark magic of your blood, you can enhance your allies for a time.

Prerequisites: Charisma 16, Vitae Score 16

Complex Flesh Craft You can switch between your transformations.

Prerequisites: Flesh Craft
Benefit: So long as one of your transformations from a Flesh Craft feat is active, you may switch between the transformations without paying a Vitae cost, although you must take the normal amount of time it takes to make the change.
Special: This does not benefit the Flesh Craft skill, only the Flesh Craft feats. This is an extraordinary ability.

Conditioning You can turn your minions into permanent slaves given enough time.

Prerequisites: Advanced Control, Far Domination, Improved Command, Raelu
Benefit: You may only use this ability on a creature that you have Dominated for at least 1 month. You may create the effects of a permanent Dominate Person. To do this, you must converse with your victim each day, subtlety rewriting their minds to obey you and you alone. You must successfully use your Domination ability on your victim each time you do this. Your victim is not actually Dominated when you do this, and is not aware of the attempt if they failed their save. You must do this once per day for a number of days equal to the creature’s Intelligence score. A single failed attempt results in you having to start over and in your victim immediately becoming aware of what you are trying to do, which very well may provoke a hostile reaction. If you succeed on all attempts, your victim becomes permanently Dominated as the Monstrous Thrall spell; however, the damage to their minds causes them to permanently lose 2 points of Intelligence (to a minimum of reducing their Intelligence to 1).
Any vampire attempting to override your control over your victim automatically fails. There are advantages and disadvantages for this ability. A permanently Dominated creature is unlikely to ever disobey you, but they are little more than automatons that lack initiative of their own. They will follow orders literally, so orders should be very clearly detailed. There is also the problem that Dominated creatures tend to stick out, and they are easy to identify. If your victim successfully resists a command after they have been Dominated (see True Domination for more details), they regain control for a number of rounds equal to their Wisdom Modifier (minimum of 1). During this time, your victim will probably attack you on sight; some may even commit suicide to escape your control. An antimagic field suppresses the domination for as long as your victim is within it, which can lead to similar results as described above.
You may dismiss this Domination at will, but your victim does not regain their lost Intelligence, and will probably want to kill you in any case. A Greater Restoration or Dispel Evil spell can break this Domination, but the caster must succeed a caster level check (DC 10 + your AV + your GV + your Charisma Modifier), the Greater Restoration will also restore the lost Intelligence, but not the Dispel Evil. A Miracle, Wish, or Reality Revision spell can be used to break this Domination without making a caster level check, this will also restore the lost Intelligence is properly worded. This permanent Domination is otherwise impossible to break without the direct intervention of a deity.
You may use this ability while using Mask of Mortality.
Special: Because a Pureblood’s Domination abilities create the effects of a Dominate Monster spell, Purebloods (and vampires that used Pure Vitae to use Dominate on the creature being conditioned) may use this ability on non-humanoids.

Convincing Voice Your words are hard to resist.

Prerequisites: Cha 16, Haarvenu, Hypnotic Voice
Benefit: As a standard action, you may expend 2 Vitae to make a Suggestion, as the spell, to one creature.
Special: A Pureblood’s voice carries the charge of dominance, and thus, Purebloods do not expend Vitae when using this ability; furthermore, they may deliver a Suggestion in their normal speech, so they may use this ability as a free action at will (although it must still speak to use it and that limits how many times it can use this ability per round). A Pureblood may deliver this ability telepathically if it wants to.

Create Beast Spawn You can command beasts through your blood.

Prerequisites: 15th Generation or lower
Benefit: You gain the ability to create Beast Spawn (see Beast Spawn in the Chapter 7 – New Monsters for details). When you feed an animal or vermin 1 point of your Vitae, you may choose to turn it into a Beast Spawn at the time of the feeding. You may also turn a swarm into a Beast Spawn, but doing so requires you to allow the swarm to engulf you and feed from your blood, draining you of a number of Vitae points equal to twice the swarm’s HD. The beast must be alive at the time of feeding, and you cannot use this ability on an animal or vermin with more HD than your HD + your AV + GV. You can only control a number of Beast Spawn equal to 2 x (your HD + your AV + your GV). This is in total number of spawn, NOT total HD of spawn. If you are at your limit of spawn you can control, any new Beast Spawn you create is free willed unless you release other Beast Spawn. You can voluntarily release any Beast Spawn under your control at will.
Special: Beast Spawn under control of this ability do not count towards your maximum HD of undead you may control. There is no limit to the number of Beast Spawn a Pureblood may control. Familiars and Animal Companions may be turned into Beast Spawn. They will continue to function as a Familiar/Animal Companion, and they do not count towards the max number of Beast Spawn you may control.

Create Domain You can designate an area as your “domain”, an area that you can manipulate to your advantage.

Prerequisites: 11th Generation or lower
Benefit: You can create a Domain that you can affect with your vampiric powers. You may have up to 1 + your AV + your GV + your Charisma Modifier (if positive) in Domains at any given time. To create a domain, you must focus your will upon the surrounding area by meditating for 8 uninterrupted hours every day for a full month. If your meditation is interrupted, you must start over for that day. During this time, you cannot travel further than the maximum area that your Domain can be from where you began your first meditation. If you cannot or fail to complete your meditation during even one day, you must start the entire process over again from day one. The area of your domain is a cylinder with a radius of your 1 + your AV + your GV + your Charisma Modifier (if positive) in miles (to a minimum of 1 mile) centered the spot you completed your first meditation; its maximum height equals the same amount and extends up to this length both up and down. You may make it smaller than its maximum area if you wish. Your Domain does not have to be perfect in shape, it can have any dimensions that you desire, but its borders cannot exceed the maximum distance specified above. You can choose to create holes in your Domains borders, perhaps to allow a vampire in your service to create their own Domain within the hole. After the completion of your Domain, you may change the dimensions of your Domain by meditating for 8hrs. You may expand a Domain you have created if your Age Category, Generation, or Charisma Modifier ever increases. If you die the true death, all your Domains disappear (not the actual land but the power of the Domain), allowing other vampires to set up their own Domains. Your Domain cannot affect holy ground (and you gain no benefits from your Domain while on such ground), but it still covers it. Anti-Magic fields do not prevent the creation of a Domain within the area of the field, but they still interrupt the effects.
If you create two Domains with overlapping borders, they combine into one Domain. You can also increase the maximum radius of one of your Domains by creating a new one inside it (allowing you to double, triple, etc… the radius). Very old and/or low Generation vampires are capable of establishing a truly massive Domain if they combine several or all of their Domains (729 mile radius for a 1st Generation Antediluvian vampire with a Charisma Score of 30). It still counts as two Domains for the purposes of determining how many Domains you can have at any given time, but otherwise counts as one Domain for all intents and purposes. You can use this ability to expand your territory. Any change applied to one of the two combined Domains affects the other. For example, you could create a Desecrate effect throughout both Domains at the same time and at no extra cost. You can combine as many Domains as you can create, so long as they are all connected. Example: Domain 1 overlaps with an area of Domain 3, and Domain 3 overlaps with an area of Domain 2, all three Domains are connected to each other.
You may dismiss the existence of any of your Domains as a standard action once per round.You are always aware of the general direction and distance to any of your Domains thare are on the same plane as you.
You gain more power over your Domains as your Age Category increases. By default, all affects cover your entire Domain, but you may designate specific areas that are not affected, or simply designate that only specific areas are affected. These areas can be of any dimensions you desire. To affect a Domain you have created, you must be within it. You can only change your Domain in one way at a time. Unless otherwise noted, the effects of all changes are permanent and require a full-round action to perform. Dismissing any effect is a free action, but does not take into effect until the next round. All the effects listed below do not extend beyond your Domain. You may affect your Domain in the following ways:
Neonate: You gain a +2 bonus on all Charisma based checks while within your Domain
Young: Create or dismiss the effects of a Desecrate spell. Creating the effect costs 1 point of Vitae, but dismissing it does not. You may dismiss this effect in only specific areas if you desire. If your Domain is within or near a village or city, you might attract attention to yourself if your desecration becomes noticeable, so be careful of what areas you desecrate.
Mature: Create or dismiss the effects of a Control Weather spell. You may choose that specific individuals are affected by the Bless or Bane spell so long as they are within your Domain. You could specify that all allies and/or friendly creatures gain the effects of a Bless, while Hostile or enemy creatures are affected by a Bane spell. This is just a couple of examples of how you could set the parameters for who is affected and who is not. There is no saving throw against the Bless/Bane effects, although Spell Resistance still applies. You may duplicate the effects of an Animate Dead spell as a standard action while within your Domain. You may only animate up to your HD of undead per day with this effect, and the corpse being animated must be within your Domain at the time of casting, although it may leave afterwards.
Aged: Your Domain counts as the shrine of an evil god for the purposes of your Desecrate effect. You may see and hear in any area of your Domain as though by a Scrying spell. All effects that can work through the Scrying spell automatically succeed assuming you have them active on your person. If you have the Sense Vitae Feat, its range covers your entire Domain (so long as you are within its borders) and you automatically make a Sense Motive check to detect the presence of a vampire that enters your Domain. This check is made only once when another vampire enters your Domain. If the vampire leaves and then reenters your Domain, this check is made again. If you succeed, you do not gain any insight beyond what the Sense Vitae Feat grants you, although you could focus your powers (see the Sense Vitae Feat for more details) to gain a more accurate awareness of its location and then use your Scrying ability on that location. By expending 3 Vitae, you may create the effects of a Blight spell across your Domain, although you may only affect mundane plant life, not plant-like creatures.
Elder: Create or dismiss the effects of an Unhallow spell. Creating the effect requires 1hr of meditation and costs 3 points of Vitae, but dismissing it does not. The Unhallow effect will cancel out any current and future Hallow effects, but the Unhallow effect within the area affected by the Hallow spell will also be canceled until the Hallow effect is dispelled or dissipates on its own; this still cannot affect Hallow effects within grounds that are holy even within the Hallow effect. Example: If a cleric casts a Hallow spell, or a Hallow spell was already present, it would be canceled by the Unhallow effect; however, a Hallow effect within a temple to a good aligned deity would not be affected, because the temple grounds are holy regardless of whether or not the Hallow effect remains. This can be used to profane grounds that are holy only because of the presence of a Hallow effect, allowing you to freely enter the grounds without penalty. You may change which spell is tied to it by meditating for 10 minutes. You may dismiss this effect in only specific areas if you desire. If your Domain is within or near a village or city, you might attract attention to yourself if your unhallowing becomes noticeable, so be careful of what areas you unhallow; although at this point you are old enough that you are no one to be trifled with. You may have both the Unhallow and Desecrate effects active at the same time; however, they cannot overlap. You may create a Miasma within your Domain by meditating for 1hr and expending 6 Vitae. This Miasma is similar to a Fog Cloud, except the gas has a purple hue and it can only be created on a solid surface (it cannot be created in the air, under water, and cannot penetrate liquids). The Miasma is stationary and is 20ft high, although it is similar to a Cloudkill in that it is heavier than air (see Cloudkill for more details), and may be dispersed in the same way as a Fog Cloud, although dispersed Miasma reforms in 1hr. Miasma that flows downhill (or down anything) moves at a rate of 10ft per round and disperses after 10 minutes (traveling a maximum distance of 1,000ft). The Miasma continuously reforms at its starting point, so strategically placed Miasma can create winding trails of toxic vapor travelling down hills, mountains, battlements, etc… The Miasma is very toxic, and just like a Cloudkill, holding your breathe does not prevent being poisoned, although creatures immune to poison are immune to this Miasma. This Miasma instantly slays living creatures with 5 or fewer HD (no save). Living creatures with more than 5 HD must make a DC 17 Fortitude save for each hour of exposure or suffer 1d4 Constitution Damage. This Miasma kills plant life. Consider carefully where you place Miasma, if any. Spreading a Miasma across your entire domain is even more prolific than unhallowing your entire domain, and though it can be used to purge all weak life from your domain, it is sure to attract unwanted attention. Miasma is very useful when used defensively. Your Control Weather effect is no longer limited by which season it is (this is especially useful for Volkihar vampires, because they can create a permanent winter within their domain); however, the phenomena of unchanging weather, especially if that weather is dangerous, is not exactly covert, and might attract the wrong kind of attention. You may learn information from what your Domain has witnessed. This ability functions as the Commune with Nature spell, except that it functions regardless of whether or not you are in a natural setting. You may learn up to three facts from the list in the Commune with Nature spell (see its spell description for more details) in addition to the following: General humanoid and monstrous humanoid population, presence or absence of divine spellcasters, general layout of a community (such as the layout of villages, towns, or cities), the names of creatures of influence within communities within your Domain (such as aristocracy or high ranking priests/officials (assuming said creature is within your Domain at the time you use this ability)), and the presence of creatures devoted to hunting vampires or the undead. Use of this ability requires 10 minutes of meditation and the expenditure of 1 point of Vitae and you may only use this ability once per day in any given Domain you created (combined Domains allow multiple uses of this ability, one per each Domain combined to create the larger one). This ability is a Divination effect and is subject to being resisted by spells such as Nondetection. This ability cannot tell you anything about things beyond the borders of your Domain.
Ancient: Apply an Enhanced Magic Trait to your Domain. The Enhanced Magic trait allows the application of one metamagic feat to a particular Domain, School, or Sub-School of spells and spell-like abilities without requiring a higher-level spell slot or casting time. You must specify which Domain, School, or Sub-School (such as War, Divination, or Mind-Affecting effects) is affected and what Metamagic Feat is applied. All creatures benefit from this ability and you cannot deny the use of it. Natives and travelers of the area of your Domain are not immediately aware of this effect, and must discover it on their own or be told by someone who knows (like yourself or someone who has figured it out). Setting the area and effect of the Enhanced Magic Trait ability requires 24hrs of meditation and the expenditure of 3 Vitae, as does changing the area or the effect. Once per day per Domain you have, you may create the effects of a Mass Suggestion spell that affects every living creature or undead creature, but not both, within your Domain, although you may choose to exempt specific individuals from the effects of the suggestion or choose only specific individuals to be affected by the effects of the suggestion). The suggestion effect works on undead despite the fact that most are normally immune to Mind-Affecting effects. Once per year, you may create the effects of a Despoil spell across your entire Domain. Doing so requires you to meditate for 6hrs and expend 8 Vitae.
Ancestor: Apply the Impeded Magic Trait to your Domain. This allows you to specify a particular Domain, School, or Sub-School of spells and spell-like abilities that requires a Spellcraft check (DC 20 + the spell’s level) to cast. A failed check means that the spell or spell-like ability failed to cast, although it is still used up. You are not affected by the Impeded Magic Trait in your own Domain, but everyone else is. Natives and travelers of the area of your Domain are not immediately aware of this effect, and must discover it on their own or be told by someone who knows (like yourself or someone who has figured it out). Setting the area and effect of the Impeded Trait ability requires 24hrs of meditation and the expenditure of 3 Vitae, as does changing the area or the effect. You may erect a permanent interplanar gate within your Domain by meditating for 24hrs and expending 6 Vitae. This ability duplicates the effects of a Gate spell, but only the Planar Travel version of the spell can be duplicated. Upon its creation, the Gate is keyed to a specific Plane, and cannot be changed. If you want the Gate to go to a different Plane than what it is keyed to, you must dismiss it and create a new one keyed to the Plane you want to go to. This ability creates an identical and permanent Gate at the location the first one takes you, allowing you, and anything else that passes through, to travel back to your Domain. You can open or close the Gate for as long as you want by meditating for 1 minute without dismissing it. If the Gate is closed, nothing can travel through it. You may key a specific word, phrase, or action that opens the Gate for a specified amount of time by meditating for 1hr. Examples: You could set the Gate so that it always closed, but opens for 1 minute if a creature says “By the power of Orcus, I command the planes to grant me passage.” in a language you specify, or any language at all, within 10ft of the Gate. You could set the Gate so that a specific kind of magic item or alchemical ingredient be within 20ft of the Gate to open it, and it remains open for as long as the item is present, or that only creatures of a specific type or alignment can use the Gate (on both ends). Both the Gate in your Domain and its corresponding twin always have the same command or action to open or close it, and both must be open or closed at the same time, one gate cannot be open while the other is closed or vice-versa. You may only have one such Gate in any given Domain at a time, although more Gates can be created with other means; however, if the Gate takes you to one of your Domains on a different plane, its twin Gate located in that Domain does not count towards this limit, so you can potentially create a network of Domains using this ability, and since the Domain the first one opens up to is on a different plane, you could choose to create a Gate on that Domain to lead back to the plane you started on, but in a different location.
Antediluvian: Apply the Limited Magic Trait to your Domain. This ability functions exactly like the Impeded Magic Trait ability described above, except that all spells and spell-like abilities of the specified Domain, School, or Sub-School automatically fail with no saving throw or check. You are unaffected by the Limited Magic Trait in your own Domain. You may have the Impeded Magic and Limited Magic Traits active at the same time, and what type of magic they affect can be different from each other. Once per day, you may affect every living creature in your Domain that you are currently in with a Slay Living spell. You may choose specific individuals that are immune to this effect.
Noble Class and Pureblood vampires have a stronger connection to their Domains. The following adjustments only apply to vampires of the given Category. These adjustments cannot be duplicated by a vampire that merely absorbed the appropriate Vitae.
Noble: The maximum area of a Category B Vampire’s Domain is twice as big (cylinder with a radius of 2 x (it AV + + its GV + its Charisma Modifier) in miles and an up and down height up to the same). It only takes 2 weeks for the vampire to create a Domain. It may affect its Domain as if it were 1 Age Category higher than it actually is. Example: an Aged Noble Vampire can affect its Domain as if it were an Elder Vampire.
Pure: The maximum area of a Category A Vampire’s Domain is 3 times as big (cylinder with a radius of 3 x (its AV + GV + its Charisma Modifier) in miles and an up and down height up to the same). It only takes 1 week for the vampire to create a Domain. It may affect its Domain as if it were 3 Age Categories higher than it actually is. Example: a Mature Pureblood can affect its Domain as if it were an Ancient Vampire.
Special: No two Domains can overlap each other, and any attempt to create a Domain that overlaps with another Domain automatically fails. You are immediately aware if your Domain could potentially overlap with another vampire’s Domain upon the completion of your first meditation. You could continue to create your own Domain in the area regardless of this fact, but you will be forced to either exclude the area of the other Domain so that it does not overlap with it, or negotiate with (or kill) the vampire that created the other Domain. Your Domain can overlap with (take over) the Domain of vampires of a lower Category than yourself. When you do this, the area where your Domain overlaps with the other falls under your control, as if the other vampire’s Domain had never been in that area, the other vampire’s Domain is otherwise unaffected, although they are immediately aware of this shift in territory. Example: A Category B Vampire can “push aside” the Domain of Category C or D Vampires, while a Category A Vampire can do the same to any Category B or lower vampires. Category B Vampires are not in the habit of invading another vampire’s territory unprovoked, although there are exceptions, especially if they do not know how powerful the other lesser vampire is, or if said vampire could become a potential ally. Negotiations are typically how these territory disputes are resovled, unless one of the vampires is much older and more powerful. Purebloods are unlikely to be challenged except by another Pureblood, and even then, Purebloods have a strong tendency to avoid conflict with each other. Perhaps a lesser vampire could amuse, placate, or perform a service for the Pureblood in exchange for an expansion of territory.

Create Spawn You have learned to harness the dark forces within you, allowing you to create weaker, but completely obedient vampires.

Prerequisites: 15th Generation or lower, Young
Benefit: You gain the ability to create Vampire Spawn (see Vampire Spawn section for details). When you kill a humanoid or monstrous humanoid with your Energy Drain or Blood Drain abilities, you may choose to cause it to rise as a Vampire Spawn, rather than a true vampire. Humanoids and monstrous humanoids with at least 5HD cannot become Vampire Spawn. Instead, they will rise as a true vampire, but they will still be under your control. True vampires under your control can create Vampire Spawn of their own (provided they have selected the Create Spawn feat). This can allow you to control a number of lesser vampires through them, although you cannot exercise direct control over spawn and true vampires created by true vampires under your control. You can only control a number of spawn (including true vampires) equal to 2 x (your HD + your AV + your GV). This is in total number of spawn, NOT total HD of spawn. If you are at your limit of spawn you can control, any vampire you create rises as a free willed true vampire. You can voluntarily release any vampire or vampire spawn under your control, although you must feed them a small amount of your blood to do this. The vampire or vampire spawn you wish to release must drink directly from you, and you must be willing.
Special: Vampires and vampire spawn you control do not count towards your limit of HD of undead you may control. Though Purebloods can create vampire and vampire spawn under their control in this manner, they typically don’t since they can create as many true vampires under their complete control as they wish (see Vampire Familiar section for details). Unlike lesser vampires, Purebloods have no limit to the amount of vampires and vampire spawn they may control with this ability. 16th Generation vampires cannot select this feat.

Dancing Shadow Your connection to the Plane of Shadow has empowered your own shadow.

Prerequisites: Send the Shadow, Young
Benefit: When you detach your shadow, it gains all the statistics of a Shadow (as described in the Monster Manual). It is a Shadow with HD equal to 3 + your Charisma Modifier (to a maximum of 9). It has maximum hitpoints per HD and is fully healed it reattaches with you. It cannot create spawn. It is immune to turning and rebuking attempts. It is otherwise identical to a normal Shadow. Your shadow no longer has a chance to be shattered by spells with the Light descriptor, but it can now be damaged normally. If it is destroyed, you have no shadow for 1d4 days. You may detach your shadow as described in Send the Shadow if you so desire. You cannot use this ability (or Send the Shadow) again until your shadow reforms. This ability otherwise follows the rules for Send the Shadow.
Special: Your shadow now moves out of sync with you much more often, and is prone to making threatening gestures at nearby creatures, although it cannot actually hurt anyone unless you direct it to do so. If your Shadow hides in another creature or object’s shadow, it cannot be harmed, but can be driven out in the same way described in Send the Shadow.

Dark Drain Your draining powers are very powerful.

Prerequisites: Elder, Greater Energy Drain
Benefit: You may expend 4 Vitae to focus all of your draining powers into a single burst of necromantic energy. In place of your normal Energy Drain attack, you drain a single permanent level (or HD if your target has no class levels) from your target as if they had failed their save to remove a negative level. Doing so temporarily weakens you; you suffer a -8 penalty to Str and Dex and cannot use your Energy Drain attack. These penalties persist for 2d4 rounds. Protection from Negative Energy, or similar spells, do not protect the target from this ability, but a Protection from Evil with a caster level of at least 15 does protect against this effect. This ability only affects living creatures. There is no saving throw to resist this ability. You may not use this ability on holy ground.
Noble: The target must make a DC 15 Fortitude save or be Sickened for 1 round.
Pure: The spells that protect against this ability must have a caster level of at least 20 to be effective. The target loses 2 levels instead of 1, is Sickened for 1 round (no save), and must immediately make a DC 20 Fortitude save or die instantly.
Special: The level drained by this ability can only be restored by a Miracle, Wish, or Reality Revision spell while the target is on holy ground.

Dark Mantle You can get by with almost no rest.

Prerequisites: Brave the Day, Elder
Benefit: Once you take this feat, you only need 8 – your AV in hours of rest each day. This counts as a full 8hrs of rest for the purposes of healing your wounds (if you rested in your Grave) and recovering from weariness. You are still required to take a full 8hrs of rest or meditation to regain any used spell slots. You no longer suffer the -2 penalty to all rolls when you are considered Blocked from sunlight (see the Sunlight section in Chapter 2 Vampire Rules for more details) or any penalties you would otherwise suffer for being awake during the day (see the Weaknesses section in Chapter 2 Vampire Rules for details). If you are exposed to bright or overcast/cloudy degrees of sunlight, you may expend 1 Vitae as a free action to negate the staggered effect, allowing you to take the full normal amount of actions that round; you must expend 1 Vitae each round to sustain this effect.
Special: An Antediluvian vampire with the Ascendant Potency Perfection that takes this Vitae Feat is not required to sleep, but must still rest for 1hr in a Grave in order to heal their wounds as though they rested a full 8hrs.

Deceptive Nature Deception is the natural inclination of vampires, but you have learned to draw this nature out to your advantage.

Benefit: Vampires are masters of deception, so it is no surprise that their nature makes them adept liars. You are considered to always be Taking 10 on all Bluff checks, unless you choose not to. This ability is automatic and requires no special effort or extra time to use.
Special: This is an extraordinary ability.

Deepvision Your gaze pierces even stone and flesh.

Prerequisites: Aundae, Hyper Acute Sight, Mature
Benefit: This ability is similar to the ability granted by a Ring of X-Ray Vision, except it is more powerful. You may see into and through solid matter, seeing things as though it were in normal light even if there is no illumination. The range of this vision is 100ft + 20ft x (your AV + your GV) (minimum of 100ft), and penetrates all substances. Nonsolid substances, such as acid or gas, do not block this vision at all regardless of how thick they are. Flesh and bone do not block this vision. Lead, and other substances that block x-ray radiation, do not block Deepvision, as Deepvision is a supernatural power that does not rely on actual radiation.
You may choose what to see through and what not to see through. If you choose to not see through anything, this ability is suppressed.

Denounce the Living You can channel necromantic and negative energies against the living as a cleric does the undead.

Prerequisites: Garlythi, Young
Benefit: By expending 1 Vitae and one of your Rebuke attempts, you can turn living creatures as a cleric that turns undead. This ability functions as a Turn attempt. Living creatures that would be slain are instead put into a deep sleep for 1d4 + AV + GV in hours (minimum of 1hr). Creatures normally immune to sleep effects are not immune to this sleep. This sleep can be negated only by a Lesser Restoration, Greater Restoration, Heal, Miracle, Wish, or Reality Revision spell. Damage to the creature automatically wakes them. This ability otherwise follows the rules of Turning undead.
Noble: Creatures that you successfully turn must make a Will save or be affected as though a Crushing Despair spell. Creatures that would be slain are put to sleep for an additional 1d4hrs and must make a Will save or suffer 1d6 Wis Drain.
Pure: Creatures you target must make a Will save or be affected as though a Crushing Despair spell regardless whether or not you successfully turned them. Creatures that would be slain are put to sleep for an additional 2d4hrs and must make a Will save or suffer 2d6 Wis Drain.

Dire Charm You can give a single mental command to anyone who meets your gaze.

Prerequisites: Domination, Young
Benefit: As a Gaze Attack that requires a standard action and the expenditure of 1 Vitae, you can implant a hypnotic command in your target’s mind. You do not verbally or telepathically deliver the command, you simply implant the command, and the target is not aware of what the command is or that it is even there. Your target makes a Will save. Failure means the dire charm lies dormant until activated. The target may not know they have been affected at all and may continue for weeks or even months with this charm lying waiting to be activated. You can activate the charm at will, or establish a stimulus that will trigger it later (such as a specific phrase or the sight of a specific individual). Dire Charm allows for anything from simple directions (attacking a creature) to complex directions (taking notes of someone's habits and relaying that information to an appointed person at an appointed place at an appointed time). You can only Dire Charm up to a number of creatures equal your AV + your GV (minimum of 1) at any given time. If you reach this limit, and then use Dire Charm on a new target, the Dire Charm on the creature that has been charmed the longest immediately dissipates. No single creature can be affected by more than one Dire Charm at any given time. If you attempt to Dire Charm a creature that another vampire has Dire Charmed, you must make a control check. Dire Charm counts as a Domination attempt for the purposes of determining the DC of the control check. The dire charm dissipates after a year and a day.
Special: You may use this ability while using Mask of Mortality.

Distortion You can cause your form to become stretched and distorted, making it difficult to strike you.

Prerequisites: Gelgoran, Young
Benefit: As a standard action, you may expend 1 Vitae to cause yourself to be affected as though by a Blur effect. The Blur effect lasts for a number of minutes equal to 1 + AV + GV. You cannot use this power again until the effects wear off.
Special: You cannot use this ability unless you are Incorporeal or Ethereal.

Disturbing Presence Your predatory nature brings out the fear in your prey.

Prerequisites: Invernus
Benefit: Your unnatural presence strikes fear into the hearts of the living. You gain a +4 bonus on Intimidate checks made against living creatures; however, your unsettling presence does not help you make friends. You suffer a -4 penalty to Diplomacy checks made to raise the attitude of living creatures.
Special: This is an extraordinary ability.

Domain Hop You can travel between your Domains.

Prerequisites: Aged, Create Domain
Benefit: As a full-round action that expends 1 point of Vitae, you may instantly travel from one of your Domains to another one as though by a Greater Teleport spell. You appear exactly where you intended to, but you can only take yourself and up to your maximum load (which cannot include other creatures). You must have at least 2 Domains, and be within the borders of one of them, to use this ability. You may teleport to any Domain of your choice that you created. You cannot teleport to a Domain on a different plane.

Domination You can utterly crush the will of the living.

Benefit: By expending 1 Vitae, you can crush a living humanoid’s will by looking into their eyes. This is similar to a gaze attack, except that you must take a standard action, and those merely looking at you are not affected (unless you manage to meet their gaze). Any living humanoid you target must succeed at a Will save with a penalty to its saving throw equal to AV or fall instantly under your influence as though affected by a Dominate Person spell, except that it also affects Monstrous Humanoids and vampires that you have sired.
Pure: The ability produces the effects of a Dominate Monster spell, and thus may be used to dominate nonhumanoids.
Special: You may use this ability while using Mask of Mortality. You do not have to expend Vitae to use Domination on a creature you have fed from within the last 24hrs.

Duplicate Spell Using the mystical energy of your Vitae, you can cast spells without losing them.

Prerequisites: Mystic Vitae, Young
Benefit: As a standard action, you can cast any spell you have prepared, or can cast spontaneously, by expending a number of Vitae equal to the level of the spell. The spell acts as though you had actually cast it, but you do not lose the prepared spell or spell slot. You cannot duplicate spells that have metamagic feats applied to them. You cannot duplicate spells whose casting time is greater than a full-round action.

Earth Sight You can sense subtle vibrations in the ground.

Prerequisites: Bonds of the Earth
Benefit: You gain Tremorsense out to a range of 60ft + 10ft x (your AV + your GV) (minimum of 60ft).

Earth Walk You can pass through the earth like water.

Prerequisites: Mature, Earth Sight
Benefit: You gain a Burrow speed of 30ft + 10ft x (your AV + your GV) (minimum of 10ft). Your burrowing does not create any kind of ripple or other signs of your presence, nor does it leave behind any trail or tunnel. You may only burrow through dirt, sand, gravel, mud, or other loose or soft natural materials; thus, this ability does not enable you to burrow through materials such as stone or metal.
You may pull creatures or unattended objects into the ground with you, so long as they are no larger than you, for unattended objects, or of equal or less Size Type than you, if a creature. To use this ability on an unwilling creature, you must take a standard action to make a melee touch attack, followed by an opposed Strength check. Unlike dead bodies, you can only pull a non-dead creature into the ground to the point that it remains adjacent to the surface (as if it were incorporeal), although you do not have to bury them completely if you do not want to. Creatures stuck in the ground cannot burrow out on their own unless they also have some means of burrowing. Such creatures are considered Immobile until they are freed. Creatures that must hold their breath or begin to suffocate. Each round, the creature is allowed a Strength check to break free to the surface. The DC is 10 for soft materials, such as mud, 15 for loose materials, such as sand, and 20 for packed materials, such as dirt. You cannot use Earth Walk to attack creatures you have buried in the ground.
You can use this ability to fight from the cover of the ground in much the same way an incorporeal creature uses a wall or floor for cover. If you attack a creature outside the ground in which you are hiding, you gain the benefit of Cover.
You may use your Phasic Grave ability even if it does not bring you all the way to an open space, but only if you would appear in materials that you can burrow through.
Some wild vampires use this power to stalk armies at war, pulling down freshly made corpses with which to feed upon.
Special: This is an extraordinary ability.

Efficient Vitae You are old and powerful. During the hundreds of years of your existence, you have learned to channel your Vitae with great efficiency.

Prerequisites: Elder
Benefit: Each point of Vitae you spend counts as two points. Any extra points not spent are wasted.
Special: This ability does not apply to Vitae you absorbed from other vampires, only to the Vitae that you produce, and only if you are the one to use it. This is an extraordinary ability.

Empower Shadow You may channel your Vitae to make your Shadow stronger.

Prerequisites: Dancing Shadow
Benefit: You may expend 3 Vitae to temporarily improve the power of your Shadow. Your Shadow must be within 60ft of you for you to use this ability, although afterwards it may move beyond this range without loses the benefits of this ability. When you use Empower Shadow, your Shadow gains the following adjustments, depending on whether it is a Shadow or a Shadow Elemental (gained by using the Greater Dancing Shadow feat).
If it is a Shadow, it deals 1 extra point of Strength Damage on successful touch attacks and gains the ability to create spawn. Spawn created fall under your control. They do not count against your total limit of HD of undead that you may control; however, you may only control a total number of spawn (not HD of spawn but actual number) equal to your HD in this manner. These spawn benefit from the Augment Shadow feat if you have it, but they do not benefit from any other of your feats based on your shadow (such as Empower Shadow). If you have reached your limit of shadows you may control with this ability, your Shadow cannot create spawn. Shadows created in this manner cannot create their own spawn.
If it is a Shadow Elemental, it gains Spell Resistance 25, it deals and extra 1d6 cold damage and 1d6 unholy damage on successful touch attacks, and its touch attacks count as magic and evil aligned weapons for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction.
Regardless of whether it is a Shadow or Shadow Elemental, it gains GV or +4, whichever is higher, as a profane bonus to its Dex and Cha scores and saving throws. It gains AV extra hitpoints per HD and its fly speed increases by +20ft. You may also deliver touch spells through your empowered shadow.
This ability lasts a number of minutes equal to AV + GV.

Energetic Vitae The mystical energies of your Vitae can affect your spells on a fundamental level.

Prerequisites: Arcane Vitae, Aundae, Mature
Benefit: You may expend 1 Vitae when casting a spell to change the damage type done by that spell. For example, at the cost of 1 Vitae, you can change the damage done by a Fireball spell to Electricity. The type of energy released by the spell, and the spell’s appearance (if applicable) will change to match the energy you have changed it to; this increases the Spellcraft DC to identify the spell by 2.

Enervating Gaze As you focus your mind on the necromancy that fuels you, your gaze takes on the weight of the negative energy plane.

Prerequisites: Improved Energy Drain
Benefit: You may deliver your Energy Drain attack at a distance. This ability is similar to a Gaze Attack, except that you must take a standard action to use it, and those merely looking at you are not affected. Your target is entitled to a Will save to resist this effect. Failure results in the target suffering negative levels as though it were struck by your Energy Drain attack, except that it only suffers half the normal amount, rounded down (to a minimum of 1). You gain the normal benefits of delivering your Energy Drain attack, such as temporary hitpoints. This ability has a range of 30ft + 5ft per (your AV + your GV). When you use this power, your eyes become dead in appearance and the flesh around your eyes is drained of color.
Special: If you have a Sap the (ability) feat, you may deliver it through this attack in the same manner.

Enhanced Agility The dark forces that animate you have become so much a part of you that your body has grown more agile.

Prerequisites: Vampiric Agility, Young
Benefit: You gain a permanent +2 bonus to Dexterity.

Enhanced Character Unlife has given you a force of character you never knew you had.

Prerequisites: Young
Benefit: You gain a permanent +2 bonus to Charisma.

Enhanced Clarity You have never felt more aware, more alert, than since your last sunset.

Prerequisites: Young
Benefit: You gain a permanent +2 bonus to Wisdom.

Enhanced Mind Unlife has done wonders for your mind. You are sharper, more focused than you ever were before.

Prerequisites: Young
Benefit: You gain a permanent +2 bonus to Intelligence.

Enhanced Sense Your Sense ability has improved.

Prerequisites: Sense, Special (see below)
Benefit: Select one of the enhancements listed below when you select this Vitae Feat. Each enhancement will improve your Sense ability in some way.
Far Sight: At the cost of 2 Vitae, you may see and hear at any location within range of your Sense ability, as the Clairvoyant Sense Power. You must be at least an Elder to select this enhancement. Aundae only need to be Aged, and Purebloods only need to be Mature.
Range: Increase the radius by 1 mile.
Sense Emotions: You may discern the emotional state (happy, angry, sad, etc…) and intent (hostile, indifferent, selfless, etc…) of any target you concentrate on, as the Empathy Power. If your target is within a group of creatures, you detect the strongest emotion/intent present amongst the whole group, as the others are drown out; you may attempt to sense all the emotions and intents of each creature within a group, but it is difficult, the Sense Motive DC is 20 +1 for each creature present. A line of effect between you and the target is not required, you need only know the target is there, but it must be within range of your Sense ability. Hostile intentions directed at you are automatically detected without you needing to concentrate, but the creature with the hostile intentions must be within 1,000ft of you (+1,000ft for each time you have selected the Range enhancement). If the creature with hostile intentions directed at you is within a group of creatures, than you automatically make a Sense Motive check with the same DC as described above, you are allowed only 1 check per minute in such a case. Of course, if most or all of the creatures in the group have hostile intentions directed at you, you will probably automatically detect it.
Sense Lies: You may sense when a creature knowingly tells a lie, as the Discern Lies spell. This effect is constant.
Sense Living: You may sense living creatures. The DC for the Sense Motive check is 10. You may attempt to Sense a specific living creature, to do so, you must concentrate for 1 full-round and make a Sense Motive check with a DC equal to 10 + the HD of the living creature + its Charisma Modifier (if positive). If you succeed the check, you learn the exact location of the specific living creature in question, provided they are within range of your Sense ability. To attempt to sense a specific living creature, you must have had physical contact with or some connection (see the description under the spell Scrying for details on connection) to the individual in question. This ability otherwise functions as a Greater Scrying spell.
Sense Spell School*. Select one spell School (Necromancy, Evocation, Divination, etc…) other than Enchantment or one spell Sub-School (Cold, Evil, Mind-Affecting, etc…). You may sense effects of the selected school in the same manner you sense Enchantments. You can tell the difference between spell schools, so if effects from multiple spell schools are present, you may distinguish between them (example: a Dominate Animal and a Silent Image effect are present, you automatically know that you are sensing an Enchantment effect and an Illusion effect). If you select Illusion, you may attempt to see through the Illusion by making a Sense Motive check, DC is equal to the spell’s DC. You must be an Aundae or Selenu vampire to select this enhancement.
Sense Thoughts: You may read the thoughts of any target with an Intelligence score of at least 1 as Read Thoughts. A line of effect between you and the target is not required, you need only know the target is there, but it must be within range of your Sense ability. The target is entitled to a will save to resist this effect. You must be at least Mature to select this enhancementsrd .
Sense Undead: You may sense undead creatures. The DC for the Sense Motive check is 10. The DC to sense another vampire does not change. You may attempt to Sense a specific undead, to do so, you must concentrate for 1 full-round and make a Sense Motive check with a DC equal to 10 + the HD of the undead + its Charisma Modifier (if positive). If you succeed the check, you learn the exact location of the specific undead in question, provided they are within range of your Sense ability. To attempt to sense a specific undead, you must have had physical contact with or some connection (see the description under the spell Scrying for details on connection) to the individual in question. This ability otherwise functions as a Greater Scrying spell.
Superior Sense: You no longer need an unbroken Line of Effect to sense Enchantments (and any effect from spell schools you have selected with the Sense Spell School enhancement). Nondetection is no longer effective against your Sense abilities. Nothing short of a Mind Blank or a Wish can fool your Sense ability. If you have the Far Sight enhancement, False Vision, and similar effects, do not fool your Clairvoyance/Clairaudience, but a Miracle, Mind Blank, Wish, or Reality Revision still can. You must be at least an Ancient to select this enhancement.
Special: This feat may be selected multiple times, its effects do not stack. Each time it is taken, you must select a different enhancement. Range and Sense Emotions may be selected multiple times, but may only be taken once per Age Category + your GV. The Range enchancement’s effect stack. Each time Sense Emotions is selected after the first time, you gain your AV as a bonus on your Sense Motive check to sense the individual emotions and intents of each creature within a group of creatures. Sense Spell School may be selected multiple times, each time it is selected, you may select a different spell school.
  • Note: Purebloods are so awash in necromantic and unholy energy that the Sense Spell School ability registers them as a Necromantic effect and an Evil effect, even if there is no such effect actively affecting them. Sense Spell School (Evil) and Sense Spell School (Necromancy) are required to sense both of them.

Enhanced Strength The dark forces that animate you have become so much a part of you that your body has grown stronger.

Prerequisites: Vampiric Strength, Young
Benefit: You gain a permanent +2 bonus to Strength.

Erratic Movement Your movements are erratic and hard to predict.

Benefit: A vampire’s body is not built like a member of its base race. Weight distribution, muscle movement, even reflexes are subtly different. This accounts for the “wrongness” that the living can sometimes feel about the vampire’s appearance, even when its true nature is hidden. Vampires with this feat have learned how to move in ways that are normally strange or even impossible for members of its base race.
You may change direction during a bull rush, charge, or run action without interfering with its effectiveness or speed. You may change up to 90 degrees at a time, and may do so a number of times equal to 1 + your AV. Category B Vampires gain a +2 bonus to the number of times, and Purebloods gain a +4 bonus to the number of times; Category A and B Vampires gain this bonus because their bodies are even more alien compared to their base race, in fact, Purebloods are a race of their own. You do not lose any speed for changing direction in this manner. You may spend a change in direction to move through a square that would normally cancel a charge or run action, such as difficult terrain or an obstacle, but you must spend a change in direction for each such square you move through to do this.
Special: This is an extraordinary ability.

Evasion You are quick and evasive.

Prerequisites: Unliving Instinct
Benefit: You gain the Evasion ability.
Special: This is an extraordinary ability. If you already have the Evasion ability from another class feature, feat, or other effect, you instead gain the benefits of Improved Evasion. You do not benefit from this ability while in Heavy Armor.

Expanded Distortion You can break your form into multiple images to confuse your enemies.

Prerequisites: Distortion
Benefit: As a standard action, you may expend 1 Vitae to duplicate the effects of a Mirror Image spell. The Mirror Image effect lasts for a number of minutes equal to 1 + AV + GV. You cannot use this power again until the effects wear off. You may use this ability in conjunction with Distortion to cause a Blur effect on both you and the illusionary copies.
Special: You cannot use this ability unless you are Incorporeal or Ethereal.

Extended Phasic Strike You can strike targets from an even greater distance.

Prerequisites: Phasic Strike
Benefit: Whenever you make an attack using your Phasic Strike ability, you may expend 1 Vitae to increase the range of your attack. The range is doubled for Category C Vampires, tripled for Category B Vampires, and quintupled for Category A Vampires. Use of this ability is part of the attack, thus, it requires no action to use. You may use this ability as many times per round you desire; however, the cost in Vitae must be paid for each use of this ability.

Eyes of the Lifeless Undead you control share their senses with you.

Prerequisites: Garlythi
Benefit: You may see and hear through the eyes and ears of any undead that you control (either with magic or rebuking), including any ghouls you create with your Ghoul Spawn ability and any vampires under the control of your Create Spawn Vitae Feat (if you have it). You may switch between your senses and the senses of undead under your control as a free action, but you may only see through the senses of one undead under your control at a time.

Face of Horror True fear is instilled in the hearts of those who gaze upon your terrible countenance.

Prerequisites: Gelgoran, Young
Benefit: You may expend 1 Vitae when you use your Frightful Moan ability to enhance its effects. When you use this ability, your face twists into a horrible and terrifying form. When you do this, any living creature that can see your face and are within range of your Frightful Moan suffer a penalty to their saving throw to resist your Frightful Moan equal to AV. If they fail their save, the fear effect lasts twice as long and at double penalty. A creature that succeeds its saving throw against your Frightful Moan is also immune to this effect for 24hrs. This ability is handled as a Gaze Attack, except that it affects all living creatures that can see your face and are within range of your Frightful Moan, and they do not have to be looking at your eyes. Creatures that cannot see your face are immune to this ability, but not to your normal Frightul Moan.
Special: Creatures affected by this ability suffer an additional point of Wisdom Damage from your Feed ability so long as they remain affected.

Fangs of Stone The dark forces that enervate your fangs can now petrify your prey.

Prerequisites: Aged
Benefit: When you deal Constitution Damage with your Blood Drain attack, you may choose to petrify your prey at the cost of 2 Vitae. When you do this, the creature you bit must make a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + the amount of Constitution Damage you dealt + AV + GV) or be petrified. You gain the benefits of Blood Drain as normal, but once your prey has been petrified, neither you nor any other vampire can drain that creature’s blood again until it is no longer petrified. This effect is permanent and complete, but may otherwise be restored by spells such as Stone to Flesh. This only affects living corporeal creatures, but otherwise functions as a Flesh to Stone spell. A creature that succeeds its saving throw is immune to this ability for 24hrs. Even if a creature succeeds its saving throw against this effect, it is still not immune to this ability when used by vampires other than you (the creature must make each saving throw separately).
Special: The petrification is a Supernatural Transmutation effect, not a disease or a poison, thus, resistance/immunity to disease and/or poison does not offer protection against this effect, although normal resistance or immunity to pretrification or form altering attacks still apply.

Far Domination You can dominate at a distance those you have fed from.

Prerequisites: Improved Domination
Benefit: As Domination, but you may only use this ability on a living humanoid you have fed from (dealt at least 1 Constitution Damage to using your Blood Drain ability) within a number of days equal to 1 + AV + GV. This is not a gaze attack, so you do not have to make eye contact with your target to use this ability. Distance between you and your target is irrelevant.
Noble: Target suffers a -2 penalty to its saving throw. You may use Far Domination on a creature you have fed from within a number of weeks equal to 1 + AV + GV.
Pure: Target suffers a -4 penalty to its saving throw and the ability produces the effects of a Dominate Monster spell, and thus may be used to dominate nonhumanoids. You may use Far Domination on a creature you have fed from within a number of months equal to 1 + AV + GV.

Final Frost You may sacrifice yourself to unleash a terrible icy destruction upon the world.

Prerequisites: Antediluvian, Frosty Demise, Volkihar
Benefit: As a full-round action, you may unleash your frozen fury upon everything for miles and miles. By using this ability you create an area of unending winter as a Land of Eternal Ice as described in Frostbrun pg 6, including the supernatural hazards of frostfell regions. The area is at least a 2,000 mile radius centered on you, but could easily reach across an entire hemisphere, and the most ancient and powerful of Antediluvian vampires might even affect an entire planet. There is a permanent Dire Winter effect with a 10 mile radius centered on you. The center 1 mile radius within the Dire Winter effect deals double damage and possesses the Minor Negative Dominant Trait. Resistance and Immunity to cold are ineffective against protecting against the Dire Winter effect, but creatures with the Cold Subtype are still immune to its effects. Only the repeated use of extremely powerful epic level magic can reverse the effects. Even non-greater deities will have trouble undoing the damage. When you use this ability, you die the true death.
Pureblood: When a Pureblood uses this ability the effect always covers the entire planet. The Dire Winter effect has a 100 mile radius, deals double and maximum damage. The outer 80 miles of the Dire Winter effect have the Minor Negative Dominant Trait, while the inner 20 miles have the Major Negative Dominant Trait. Supernatural hazards of frostfell regions are even more prevalent than normal. Even greater deities will have to go to great lengths to undo the damage.
Special: You can only be restored to life (or unlife) within the center most 1 mile radius within the Dire Winter effect. If you are ever brought back to life (or unlife), the Dire Winter effect is dispelled and the Lands of Eternal Ice effect becomes a normal Ice Age that lasts for 100 years as the global temperatures return to normal.

Flesh Craft You can weave flesh, warp bone, and bind sinew until it strains tight in desire to lash out.

Prerequisites: Telboth
Benefit: Flesh Craft is one of the most powerful abilities Telboth vampires have access to. The strongest of Telboth can shift their flesh and bones in fantastical ways. When you select this feat, you gain the ability to take ranks in the Flesh Craft skill. In addition, you may expend Vitae to perform temporary changes to your body. Making such a change is a standard action that expends 1 Vitae. When you use this ability, you may select one of the following bonuses. Each bonus lasts a number of minutes equal to 1 + your AV + your GV (to a minimum of 1). You may only have one such ability active at a time. You may end the effects of Flesh Craft as a standard action.
You grow a dense layer of bone beneath your skin. This effect is not visible to observers and grants you a +4 Natural Armor bonus. This bonus stacks with other NAC.
Your fingers elongate and your hands double in size. They are incased in very hard, smooth black bones that increase your Claw Attack damage as though by an Improved Natural Weapon feat. This stacks with the Improved Natural Weapon feat if you have it.
Dozens of tiny eyes grow all around your body, granting you the same effects as a Ubiquitous Vision Power. You may deliver gaze attacks through these eyes, and creatures cannot use the Avert Eyes action to avoid your gaze attacks. You cannot be Blinded via damage to your eyes while this ability is active, since if an eye is damaged to the point it can’t see, it disappears and a new one opens in its place.
Your arms, legs, or neck elongate, doubling the range for attacks made with the limb you choose to elongate. If you have other kinds of limbs (such as tentacles), you may elect to elongate a set of them instead.
Your hands and feet become web-like fins. This grants you a swim speed equal to your base land speed. This does not interfere with your claw attacks.
Your form becomes amorphous as you gain the power to distribute your body mass as you see fit and disconnect and reconnect your bones, tendons, and other body tissue. You may twist and bend your body in ways it normally cannot, such as spinning your head or bending your arms the wrong way. You gain a +8 circumstance bonus on Escape Artist checks and may move through an area as small as one-quarter your size without squeezing or one-eighth your size while squeezing. In addition, bludgeoning damage only deals half damage to you.

Noble: This ability lasts twice as long.

Pure: This ability lasts 5 times as long.

Special: This is an extraordinary ability.

Flight You can grow wings and fly.

Benefit: As a move-equivalent action, you may grow 2 large leathery bat-like wings from your back (Purebloods grow 4 wings). The wings will grow directly into and through any obstructing equipment, such as armor or clothing, but this does not damage the equipment, or its functionality, in any way. So long as these wings are out, you gain a fly speed equal to your base land speed and have an average maneuverability. You may use the run action while flying with these wings. You may un-grow these wings as a move-equivalent action.
If you gain the Unaided Flight feat, your fly speed while your wings are out doubles (quadruples in the case of Purebloods). You retain this bonus to your speed even if Unaided Flight is somehow suppressed, such as by an anti-magic field.
Special: This is an extraordinary ability.

Focus the Mind You can focus your dark powers by expending Vitae.

Benefit: When you use one of your vampiric abilities that requires a Will save or Vitae feats that requires a Will save, you can force your target to reroll a successful Will save by expending a number of Vitae equal to how much they beat the DC (example if the DC is 20 and your target rolls a 24, you can force a reroll by expending 4 Vitae). In the case of Mass Domination, you must pay Vitae for each target you wish to force a reroll on. You can continue to force rerolls until they fail their save, you cannot pay the Vitae cost, or you are unwilling to expend further Vitae. You can only force a number of rerolls equal to 1 + your AV on any individual target per day. Forcing a reroll is a free action that can be performed a number of times per round equal to 1 + your AV.

Frostborn You can manipulate ice and snow in ways no other vampire can.

Prerequisites: Volkihar, Young
Benefit: You gain a Cold Score, which is similar to a Vitae Score in many ways, in that it is a special value used to power your supernatural abilities, but it is derived from your icy powers rather than stolen life. Your Cold Score is equal to your AV + your GV + your HD + your Charisma Modifier (if positive). You may expend any number of Cold Points per round as you wish, up to your current Cold Points. You regain or lose a number of Cold Points per round depending on the temperature of your surroundings.
Cold: +1/round
Severe Cold: +2/round
Extreme Cold: +3/round
Unearthly Cold: +5/round
Frigid Cold*: Current Cold Points restored to full after 1 round of exposure.
  • Note: Frigid Cold is temperature ranges of -120 Fahrenheit or colder. It functions exactly as Burning Heat, except that it deals cold damage. I made this temperature band to balance the hot and cold ranges.
Hot: -1/round
Severe Heat: -2/round
Extreme Heat: -3/round
Unearthly Heat: -5/round
Burning Heat: Current Cold Points reduced to 0 after 1 round of exposure and you cannot use any ability that relies on Cold Points.
If you are protected from a particular heat band, such as when using an Endure Elements spell, you do not lose cold points while exposed to heat of that/those level(s).
You also regain Cold Points whenever you are subjected to a spell that does cold damage, such as Polar Ray. You regain a number of Cold Points equal to the spell level of the effect. You also lose Cold Points whenever you are subjected to a spell that deals fire damage, such as Fireball. You lose a number of Cold Points equal to the spell level of the effect.
You gain the following special attacks:
Cold of the Grave (Su): As a standard action, you may expend up to 1 + your AV + your GV (minimum of 1) in Cold Points to make a ranged touch attack with a range of Close. This attack wraps your target with the terrible chill of the grave, dealing 1d4 cold damage for each Cold Point you spent on the attack. There is no visible aspect to this attack other than the sudden and dramatic drop in your target’s body temperature.
Embrace of the Grave (Su): As a standard action, you may expend 4 Cold Points and 1 Vitae to make a melee touch attack against one creature. If your attack is successful, the creature suffers 2d6 + AV + GV points of cold damage and must make a Will save be afflicted with terrible visions of death and decay, particularly that of their own rotting corpse. If the creature fails its saving throw, it suffers 1d4 Wisdom Drain and is Stunned for 1 round.
Silence of the Grave (Su): As a standard action, you may expend 4 Cold Points and 1 Vitae to make a ranged touch attack with a range of Close. This attack afflicts your target with the cold stillness of death, dealing 2d6 + AV + GV points of cold damage. Your target must also make a Will save or be rendered unable to communicate, verbally or telepathically, for a number of rounds equal to AV + GV; this renders the afflicted creature incapable of casting spells with a Verbal component.

Frostfell’s Embrace The frigid cold of the world strengthens you.

Prerequisites: Frostborn
Benefit: You gain a bonus to your regenerative abilities depending on the temperature of your surroundings. You gain a +2 bonus in areas of Cold temperature, a +4 bonus in areas of Severe Cold temperature, a +6 bonus in areas of Extreme Cold temperature, a +8 bonus in areas of Unearthly Cold temperature, and a +10 bonus in areas of Frigid Cold* temperature.
  • Note: Frigid Cold is temperature ranges of -120 Fahrenheit or colder. It functions exactly as Burning Heat, except that it deals cold damage. I made this temperature band to balance the hot and cold ranges.

Frosty Defilement Your presence corrupts both ice and snow.

Prerequisites: Mature, Volkihar
Benefit: All nonmagical ice and snow within a radius of 60ft + 10ft x (your AV + your GV) is affected as though by a Defile Ice and Snow spell. Only ice and snow within this radius gain this effect, and once you are no longer close enough, corrupted ice and snow go back to normal. This ability only affects ice and/or snow; squares without either of these are unaffected.

Frosty Demise Your destruction may yet punish your destroyers.

Prerequisites: Volkihar, Young
Benefit: When you die the true death you release a horrid burst of icy death. All creatures within a spread of 10ft per your AV + your GV of you (minimum of 10ft) suffer 1d6 per your HD in cold damage (max 10d6), Reflex save for half damage. This cold is so intense that cold resistance is ineffective against it, and creatures immune to cold suffer half damage, but creatures with the Cold Subtype are still immune to it. Creatures that are immune to cold, do not have the Cold Subtype, and succeed their saving throw suffer ¼ damage. All non-magical liquid within the radius of effect instantly freeze.

Gelgoran Grasp You can interact with physical matter to a limited degree.

Prerequisites: Gelgoran, Solid Image, Young
Benefit: You can wear, wield, and otherwise use corporeal objects as though you were not incorporeal. You may only interact with inanimate objects with this ability. For example, you could operate a wheelbarrow or shoot a bow, but you could not push a creature or construct down a staircase. This ability does not make you vulnerable to corporeal attacks (you retain the 50% miss chance for corporeal attacks and non-magic items still cannot affect you), nor does it allow you to move corporeal objects through other corporeal objects. You may choose which objects to interact with and which to not interact with. For example, you can still move through a table while swinging a corporeal mace at an opponent, even though you could choose to kick the table over instead.
Special: This ability only functions while you are Incorporeal.

Glamour Your mere presence cows the affection and adoration of those that look upon you.

Prerequisites: Haarvenu, Presence, Young
Benefit: As a standard action, you may expend 2 Vitae to invoke a powerful charm on yourself called Glamour. The Glamour effect lasts for a number of minutes equal to AV + GV (if positive) + your Charisma Modifier (if positive). While the Glamour is in effect, any Humanoid or Monstrous Humanoid that looks upon you with their own eyes (not merely through a scrying spell or similar effects) must make a Will save or immediately be affected by a Charm Person effect. Creatures that fail their first Will save must make an additional Will save or be affected as though by an Enthrall spell. The Enthrall effect works exactly like the spell of the same name, except that only creatures with more HD than 3 + AV + GV (if positive) and a Wisdom Score of more than 16 + AV + GV (if positive) remain aware of their surroundings, remain indifferent, and gain a new saving throw upon witnessing actions it opposes (see the Enthrall spell for details). Creatures of the same gender as you gain a +4 bonus on their saving throws to resist any and all effects of the Glamour.
You may choose specific individuals that are not affected by your Glamour. This allows you to take control of a crowd without messing with your companion’s minds.
Special: If you combine Glamour with Presence and Hypnotic Voice, you can make a Suggestion to creatures affected by your Glamour as a standard action; however, no individual creature can be affected by the Suggestion effect more than once per Glamour. As a standard action, you may choose to make a Mass Suggestion that only affects creatures under the influence of your Glamour. The Mass Suggestion counts towards the limit of how many times an individual creature may be influenced by a Suggestion via your Glamour.

Great Leaping The necromancy that animates you has strengthened your legs, allowing you to jump great distances with little effort.

Benefit: Vampires are sometimes known for their ability to jump great distances, seemingly with little effort. This Vitae Feat is the reason for these rumors. You are treated as constantly being under the effects of a Jump spell. In addition, you no longer require a running start of any length to avoid doubling the DC of Jump checks.
Special: This is an extraordinary ability.

Greater Energy Drain Your draining powers have become powerful.

Prerequisites: Aged, Improved Energy Drain
Benefit: Your Energy Drain deals an additional 2 negative levels and the DC to remove negative levels bestowed by your Energy Drain attack increases by 4. Negative levels bestowed by your Energy Drain can only be removed by succeeding the save to remove them, by a Restoration spell of at least 15th caster level, or by a Greater Restoration spell.
Special: This ability overlaps, does not stack with, Improved Energy Drain.

Greater Flesh Craft You have extraordinary control over your transformations.

Prerequisites: Aged, Improved Flesh Craft
Benefit: When you select this feat, you gain a +2 bonus on all Flesh Craft checks. This stacks with the bonus from Improved Flesh Craft. In addition, you may have one transformation listed under Greater Flesh Craft active, or you may have up to two transformations listed under the Improved Flesh Craft feat active at the same time. You may exchange one of the Improved Flesh Craft transformations for 2 transformations from Flesh Craft, or exchange 2 of the Improved Flesh Craft transformations for 4 transformations from Flesh Craft. Activating this ability expends 4 Vitae. This ability otherwise follows all the rules detailed in the Flesh Craft feat. You gain the following abilities as possible choices for when you use this ability.
Porous holes form across your body. These holes constantly exude a colorless and odorless gas that is dangerous to living creatures. Like a Cloudkill spell, contact is sufficient to induce the effects of the gas, so holding one’s breath does protect a creature from the effects. This gas rapidly loses its potency once in the air, so it only affects creatures within 10ft of you. Creatures within 10ft of you must make a Fortitude save every round or suffer 1d6 Strength and Dexterity Damage as the gas constricts their muscles, until they become stiff and immobile.
You grow 2 extra arms, each growing just under your armpits. This grants you 2 more claw attacks. You may also use these extra arms in the same way you would use your normal arms (wielding weapons, casting spells, etc…).
Four writhing fleshly tentacles grow out of your back. These tentacles function as the Black Tentacles spell, except they have a slam attack instead of a constrict attack and they have a Strength score of 22 or your Strength score (whichever is higher). These tentacles have a reach of twice your natural reach and may attack in any direction. They attack any hostile creatures within reach as you direct (directing them is a free action); each of them attacking on their own once per round. If you do not specify which creatures to attack, or if the creature they were attacking is now either dead or out or reach, they attack a random target if given no new direction. These tentacles attack the same creature each round unless otherwise directed. Each tentacle can attack a separate target, but you may divide their attacks amongst hostile creatures however you choose. These tentacles do not grant you any special knowledge of your surroundings (for example, they do not notice creatures sneaking up behind you if you yourself do not notice). These tentacles deal bludgeoning damage as your claw attack, except the damage is one die higher (1d8 damage for medium vampires). If your claw damage has been permanently increased, such as if you were to take the Improved Natural Weapon (claw) feat, the damage these tentacles do also increases. The slam attack these tentacles use is considered to be their primary natural weapon, thus they 1-1/2 its Strength Modifier in damage, instead of just their Strength Modifier. You may use these tentacles to augment your grapples. If you use these tentacles to grapple a creature, you gain a +10 bonus to your grapple checks. Grappling a creature in such a manner only takes a swift action and both your hands remain free, so you may still perform a full-round attack on the grappled creature (though you are still restricted to unarmed strikes, natural weapons, and light weapons), though you still cannot move without moving the grapple. You may choose take a full-round action to grapple up four creatures at once with these tentacles, but you do not gain the +10 bonus to the grapple checks and you may only perform single attack options against creatures grappled in this manner. You may choose not to use these tentacles to aid your grapples. If you choose to do this, you grapple normally, but the tentacles may continue to attack nearby enemies (but not the creature you are grappling). You may switch between using your tentacles to attack or grapple as a free action once per round.
One of your arms transforms into six, bladed, bat-like wings twice the length of your arms. This becomes your primary natural weapon and replaces one of your claw attacks. This attack deals six times your claw damage in slashing damage (or 6d6 slashing damage for medium vampires). These wings benefit from the Hardened Claws Vitae Feat if you have it.
Special: The +2 bonus on Flesh Craft checks stacks with the +2 bonus for having Improved Flesh Craft.

Greater Frostborn Your power over ice and snow are supreme.

Prerequisites: Aged, Cold Score 18, Improved Frostborn
Benefit: Your Cold Score increases by 3. This stacks with the increase granted by Improved Frostborn. In addition, you gain the following special abilities:
Encase (Su): You may use your Icy Manifestation ability to encase creatures and objects in solid ice. To do so, you must use your Icy Manifestation ability and make a successful melee touch attack against the creature or object you are attempting to encase, and you must expend an additional 2 Cold Points to do so (these 2 Cold Points do not count towards the amount of ice created). The creature/object must be smaller in volume than the volume of ice you created. Creatures are allowed a Reflex save to resist this effect even if you succeed the touch attack. Trapping creatures/objects ice does not harm them, and they cannot be harmed until they are set free. They are left in a state of suspended animation. You may instead use this ability to create ice as your Icy Manifestation ability, again spending an extra 2 Cold Points that do not count towards the volume of ice created. Ice created by either use of this ability is magical in nature, will not melt without the aid of magical fire, and cannot be passed through with the aid of magical or supernatural powers (such as a Pass through Ice spell or your Ice Walk ability). The ice has hardness 8 + the number of Cold Points spent to create it and hitpoints equal to 18 + the number of Cold Points spent to create it + your AV + your GV.
Frostfell Magicka (Su): You may duplicate the effects of any spell with the Cold descriptor. The maximum spell level you can duplicate is 1/3 your HD, to a maximum spell level of 9 at 27 HD (Purebloods may duplicate up to 9th level spells regardless of their HD). You must expend a number of Cold Points equal to the spell level of the effect you are duplicating; in addition, you must also expend 1 Vitae. If the spell has an XP cost, you must pay it.
Frozen Beam (Su): As a standard action, you may expend 6 Cold Points to release a concentrated beam of extreme cold. This attack is released as a Line with a range of 70ft + 10ft x (your AV + your GV) (minimum of 90ft). Everything within this Line suffers 4d8 + your GV in cold damage, Reflex save for half damage.
Frozen Burst (Su): As a standard action, you may expend 6 Cold Points to release a sudden burst of extreme cold. Everything within a 20ft radius of you suffers 4d8 + your GV in cold damage, Reflex save for half damage.

Greater Legerdemain You can cast some minor spells even if you are not a spellcaster.

Prerequisites: Cha 16, Improved Legerdemain
Benefit: You can cast Hypnotic Patter, Locate Object, Magic Mouth, and Minor Image without preparation as a sorcerer of a level equal to your HD. You gain a number of 2nd level spell slots equal to your AV + your GV + your Charisma Modifier. You may continue to use these spells after you have used up all your spell slots, but you must expend 1 Vitae per casting.
Special: These spell slots may not be used to cast any other spells.

Greater Inner Flame Your inner flame burns as hot as the dreaded sun.

Prerequisites: Ancient, Fekkir, Improved Inner Flame
Benefit: As Inner Flame, but now you add the Fiery Blast quality to your Natural Weapons and weapons you wield.

Greater Dancing Shadow As you grow in power, so too does your shadow.

Prerequisites: Aged, Dancing Shadow
Benefit: Whenever you detach your shadow, it is released as a Shadow Elemental instead of a regular Shadow. Your shadow has all the statistics of a Shadow Elemental (see Tome of Magic for details on Shadow Elementals) with HD equal to your own + your Charisma Modifier + your AV + your GV (if positive) (to a maximum of 48HD). Unlike your regular Shadow, this Shadow Elemental does not have a chance to be destroyed by spells with the Light descriptor. If it is destroyed, you have no shadow for 1d3 days. You cannot use this ability (or Dancing Shadow or Send the Shadow), until your shadow has reformed. You may release your shadow with less than its maximum HD if you so desire. You retain the ability to release your shadow as described in the Dancing Shadow Vitae Feat if you so desire. This ability otherwise follows the rules for Dancing Shadow.
Special: Your shadow does not change in size while it is still attached to you, even if its normal HD would mean that it is bigger than you. It only takes on its normal size while it is released. Your shadow suddenly rising up and growing substantially in size (depending on its HD), may disturb creatures that were not expecting it.

Halt the Decay You can temporarily suppress the decay that follows in your wake.

Prerequisites: Egnana
Benefit: As a standard action, you may spend 1 Vitae to suppress your Aura of Decay for a number of minutes equal to 10 x (AV + GV) (minimum of 1 minute). You may only use this ability a number of times equal to 1 + your AV + your GV (minimum of 1) each day.
Special: This ability has no use for a Pureblood, who can naturally suppress their Aura of Decay.

Hand of the Undead As you grow older, your power over death strengthens.

Prerequisites: Mature
Benefits: As a standard action, you may expend 2 Vitae to duplicate the effects of a Desecration effect.

Hardened Claws The necromancy that animates you has made your claws as hard as adamantine.

Benefit: Your claw attacks ignore the first 20 + your AV + your GV points of hardness of any object you strike, such as when sundering a weapon.
Special: This is an extraordinary ability.

Heartless You do not need your heart to exist.

Prerequisists: Mature
Benefit: Your heart has withered to dust, but you no longer need it. You are immune to staking or anything that would otherwise target your heart; however, you are heartless, and must immediately move one step closer to Evil (Good becomes Neutral, Neutral becomes Evil, Evil is unchanged).
Special: Purebloods do NOT automatically gain this feat; this is a choice that must be made consciously. You do not have to take this feat even if you do not qualify for any other Vitae Feats. So long as you have this feat, you cannot be Good aligned. A Miracle, Wish, or Reality Revision can restore your heart, but you must be willing.

Hidden Agenda You can hide your control from your victims.

Prerequisites: Domination or Raelu
Benefit: When you use your Dire Charm, Dominate, Command, or Possession abilities, you can expend 1 Vitae to hide your influence. Expending the Vitae is part of the action required to use the Dire Charm, Dominate, Command, or Possession ability, and thus takes no time to use. Targets that you successfully Dire Charm, Dominate, Command, or Possess must succeed an additional Will save. Failure means that they believe that any actions they took while under your control where in fact their own actions. They will not be aware of the fact that an outside force took control of them. If you exerted your control with a verbal command (such as with the Raelu Bloodline’s Command ability), your target will not make the connection. Someone may attempt to explain to your victim that they were taken control of by an outside force, but your victim will have great difficulty believing it, to the point that they might outright refuse to believe otherwise.
Special: The DC of Sense Motive Checks made to detect the fact that your target is being influenced by a magical effect increases by 5. Your target is treated as being affected by a Nondetection spell (caster level equal to 10 + AV + GV) for the purposes of determining whether or not your influence can be magically detected, such as when someone uses a Detect Magic spell to detect your Domination or when a vampire uses the Sense Vitae Feat to detect your Domination.

Hidden Step You may supernaturally slip behind another creature.

Benefit: You may take a Move Action to move to a square adjacent to a creature. Your target must be within your base land speed, within your line of sight, and you must have unbroken line of effect relative to the target. If there is no room adjacent your target, you may not use this ability on them. This ability otherwise functions as the Dimension Door spell.

Holiness Profaned You are rife with profane and unholy energies. These energies are lethal to holy power and weaken good creatures.

Prerequisites: 8th Generation or lower, Elder or Pureblood, Profane Touch
Benefits: All effects listed below have a 20ft radius centered on you. In addition to the effects described below, the DC to resist your Profane Touch increases by your GV, you may use Dispel Good as a supernatural ability a number of times per day equal to your Charisma Modifier (minimum of 1), and any square you occupy gains a Faint Evil aura that lasts for 1d4 minutes (making it easier to track you with a Detect Evil spell).
Water is automatically subjected to the Curse Water spell (Holy water is immune to this effect).
Good aligned creatures are Sickened for as long as they are within 20ft of you and for 2d4 rounds afterwards (no save); you may choose specific creatures that do not suffer from the Sickened effect.
Good aligned creatures must make a Will save or be affected by a Bane spell; you may choose specific creatures that do not suffer from the Bane effect.
Good aligned creatures with less than your AV + your GV in HD (to a maximum of ½ your HD) are Shaken for as long as they are within 20ft of you and for 2d4 rounds afterwards (no save); if you attack a creature that is Shaken because of this ability, they must make a Will save or become Panicked for as long as they are within 20ft of you and for 1d4 rounds afterwards (creatures that succeed their save are immune to the panic effect, but not the shaken effect, for 24hrs); you may choose specific creatures that do not suffer from this effect.
Good spells cast within 20ft of you suffer your AV + your GV as a penalty to their caster level. If this would reduce the caster level to less than what would normally be necessary to cast the spell, the caster must make a Spellcraft check (DC 10 + your AV + your GV) or the spell fizzles. If the caster level would be reduced to 0, the spell automatically fizzles (no save).
If you are on Holy Ground for at least 1 minute, that location is profaned, becoming Unholy Ground for 1 year. Areas blessed by a Hallow spell are immune to this effect, and a Hallow spell may reverse this effect.
Evil aligned creatures or creatures with the Evil Subtype, including yourself if you qualify, within 20ft of you are affected by a Bless spell; you may choose specific creatures (such as hostile evil aligned creatures) that do not benefit from the blessing.
Evil spells cast within 20ft of you gain a bonus to their caster level equal to your AV + your GV (this does not stack with the bonus to the caster level of Evil spells you cast while within the unholy state described in Profane Touch).
You continuously emit a Magical Circle against Good; it can be dispelled, but it automatically resumes the next round; you do not have a choice in the matter.
Consecration effects are suppressed.
The adjustments listed below are for Category B and A vampires.
The radius of all effects is 40ft.
Good aligned spells suffer an additional -2 penalty to their caster level.
Squares the vampire occupies gain a Faint Evil aura that lasts for 2d4 minutes.
The radius of all effects is 60ft.
Good aligned spells suffer an additional -4 penalty to their caster level.
Good creatures that are Shaken are also Staggered for as long as they are within range.
Squares the vampire occupies gain a Faint Evil aura that lasts for 1hr.
An Unhallow effect follows and is centered on the vampire. The vampire may change which spell is tied to the Unhallow effect as a standard action once per round. The vampire may choose to have no spell effect tied to the Unhallow effect. The vampire chooses which creatures are affected by the spell tied to the Unhallow effect and which are not. It is not restricted to the parameters given in the spell, such as creatures of the same alignment as the vampire, it may choose specific creatures to affect or not affect, although certain effects that affect everything, such as Deeper Darkness, cannot be created so as to exclude specific creatures. This Unhallow effect does not function on Holy Ground (because these effects do not apply while on Holy Ground, the vampire cannot use this ability to bypass the damage they suffer while on Holy Ground).
Melee and Ranged weapons wielded by evil aligned creatures gain the Unholy enchantment.
Outsiders with the Good subtype that are within 10ft of the vampire suffer 1d6 unholy damage per round and suffer a -2 profane penalty to all ability scores (no save), if an Outsider with the Good subtype touches the vampire (such as when striking with a natural weapon or making a melee touch attack against the vampire, but not when using a melee weapon to strike the vampire) or if the vampire touchs them (ditto) they suffer the vampire’s AV + its GV in unholy damage and must make a Will save or have one Enchantment dispelled as though by a Dispel Good effect.
Outsiders with the Evil subtype that are within 10ft of the vampire gain a +2 profane bonus to all ability scores and are affected by a Heroism spell.
Special: The Bane, Bless, and Heroism effects do not automatically end when the appropriate creature is no longer within range; they are subjected to the actual spell of the same name (although it counts as a supernatural ability), and thus the effect lasts for an appropriate duration (see the individual spell descriptions for further details). ALL the effects of this ability do not affect anything within Holy Ground (that is, until your presence profanes the Holy Ground). This ability is suppressed while using Mask of Mortality. Purebloods gain this ability regardless of their Age Category because even the youngest of Purebloods is an awesomely powerful malignant force in its own right.

Horrid Decay Your powers of decay are strong and terrible.

Prerequisites: Advanced Decay, Egnana, Young
Benefit: Your Aura of Decay deals your AV + your GV in damage per round to living creatures, Will save for half damage (minimum of 1).
Special: Taking this feat makes it difficult to interact directly with living creatures unless you take the Halt the Decay feat. Consider carefully before taking it.

Horrific Appearance You can assume a form so terrifying that it harms living creatures.

Prerequisites: Face of Horror
Benefit: Any living creature within 60 feet that sees you must succeed on a Fortitude save or immediately take 1d4 points of Strength Damage, 1d4 points of Dexterity Damage, and 1d4 points of Constitution Damage. Regardless of whether or not the creature succeeds its saving throw, it is immune to your Horrific Appearance for 24hrs.
Special: You may resume or suppress this ability at will. While this ability is active, your form becomes extremely horrifying, but does not deviate too far from your true form (you may appear to be horrific, but you still appear to be a humanoid being of the same size as your normal size). You cannot use this ability unless you are Incorporeal or Ethereal.

Hyper Acute Hearing There are few things quiet enough to escape the notice of your hearing.

Benefit: Vampires have naturally acute hearing, your hearing however, is even more acute than the average vampire. You gain Blindsense out to a range of 30ft. The area within your Blindsense does not contribute to the +1 DC modifier per 10ft for Listen checks you make. This Blindsense relies on hearing, so deafening attacks thwart it. Your racial bonus to Listen checks increases by +4.
Your hearing is as acute as a bats, if it wasn’t already, allowing you to hear things normally outside of the normal hearing range of most humanoids/monstrous humanoids, such as a dog whistle or a bat’s sonar. You are never harmed by this ability due to loud noise. In scientific terms, this means that your hearing range is on approximately 20Hz to 120,000Hz, 5x the average hearing range for humans. This part of the Hyper Acute Hearing Vitae Feat will likely have little to no use, but it is just one other unnatural aspect of vampirism that may come into play. If the DM was previously relying on communication between certain monsters going unnoticed by the PCs because it was too loud to normally be heard, this ability will likely thwart it (although, if you have the Alerntate Form ability, you can already turn into a bat, gaining its sensitivity to sound). In any case, science can be scary, and should only have a small, if any, role in a fantasy role-playing game.
You are considered to always be Taking 10 on all Listen checks, unless you choose not to, and you automatically make a Listen check once per round as a free action so long as you continue to choose to Take 10 on your Listen checks. This ability is automatic and requires no special effort or extra time to use.
Special: This is an extraordinary ability. This feat may be taken multiple times, its effects do not stack. Each time it is taken, the range of your Blindsense increases by 30ft. You may only take this ability once per Age Category + your GV.

Hyper Acute Sight The necromancy that animates you has bestowed an acuteness of sight that most vampires do not enjoy.

Benefit: Your racial bonus to Spot checks increases by +4. The first 100ft of distance (300ft for Category B Vampires and 1,000ft for Category A Vampires) do not contribute to the +1 DC modifier per 10ft for Spot checks you make, as you can see things of that distance as easily as if you were standing right next to it. The range of your Darkvision doubles. You may make a Spot check once per round as a free action. You are considered to always be Taking 10 on all Spot checks, unless you choose not to. This ability is automatic and requires no special effort or extra time to use.
Special: This is an extraordinary ability.

Hypnotic Vapor While in Gaseous Form, you may force the vapor that makes you to change color and swirl in hypnotic patterns.

Prerequisites: Keerilth
Benefit: You may use your Charm Gaze and Domination abilities (if you have any) while in Gaseous Form.

Hypnotic Voice Your voice can hypnotize others.

Prerequisites: Cha 11
Benefit: As a free action once per round, you may produce the effects of a Hypnotism spell, except that the total number of HD of creatures affected is equal to your Charisma Modifier + your AV + your GV or 2d4, whichever is higher. You cannot affect any individual creature with more HD than you with this ability. You must speak in order to use this ability, thus, it has a Verbal component.
Special: Haarvenu and Raelu vampires gain a +4 bonus to the total number of HD of creatures they affect (Purebloods gain a +8 bonus instead). You may use this ability while using Mask of Mortality.

Icy Tomb Magical ice forms around you while you rest.

Prerequisites: Volkihar
Benefit: When you go to sleep, you may choose to encase yourself in a hard magical ice that extends for up to 1ft beyond your body. This ice isn’t perfect in shape and smoothness, but if you are in a coffin it will fill the entire coffin, shaping itself to the coffin’s dimensions. You cannot be harmed while encased in this ice, but it does not protect you against the effects of holy ground or natural sunlight, although it does protect you from true sunlight spells, such as Sunburst. The ice has Hardness 10 + your AV + your GV + your Charisma Modifier and twice as many hitpoints. It is immune to nonmagic fire, cold damage, slashing damage, and piercing damage, and it has Fire Resistance 20 + 5 x (your AV + your GV). Cold damage repairs the ice by a number of points equal to the cold damage dealt. You automatically wake up if the ice is destroyed. This ice cannot be passed through by spells or effects that allow movement through ice without breaking it, such as a Volkihar vampire’s Ice Walk ability. When you wake up, this ice shatters into mundane shards of ice.
Clever Volkihar vampires use magic to create constant supernatural cold that causes cold damage each round around their Grave. This makes it much harder to break through their Icy Tomb.

Impact You can deliver especially powerful blows.

Prerequisites: Aged, Quarra or Yekef
Benefit: You may expend 1 Vitae as a free action to empower a single melee attack of your choice. This attack gains a bonus to its attack roll equal to AV + GV (if positive) and a bonus to its damage roll equal to 1d6 + AV + GV (if positive). You must apply this bonus to a melee attack you make during the round you activate this ability or the bonus is wasted. You may use this ability a number of times per round equal to your AV.

Improved Beastform Your fluidic form is unnaturally adept at shapeshifting.

Prerequisites: Beastform, Mature, Telboth
Benefit: This feat has three effects. The first is that you may now assume forms as small as Diminitive (or Fine if your Generation is 3 or lower) and as large as Huge (or Gargantuan if your Generation is 7 or lower; or Colossal if your Generation is 3 or lower) with your Beastform feat. The second is that you add your AV to your HD (or CR, DM’s discretion) for the purposes of determining which forms you may shapeshift into with your Beastform feat. The third is that you select a number of animal and/or dire animal forms equal to 1 + your AV. You may now assume those forms using your Beastform ability. Each time your Age Category increases after you have selected this ability, you may select an additional form.
Normal: Without this feat, vampires with the Beastform feat may only assume the form of Tiny, Small, Medium, and Large animals/dire animals, and the new form’s HD cannot exceed the vampire’s.

Improved Black Rage Few can withstand your terrible fury.

Prerequisites: Black Rage, Invernus
Benefit: The bonus you receive for your Black Rage improves to +4 Str and 4 Temporary Hitpoints per level in the Barbarian Class.

Improved Change Shape You have great control over your form.

Prerequisites: Telboth, Young
Benefit: You can assume the form of any creature you’ve sucked blood from, regardless of its type. You may assume the form of creatures of up to one size category larger than you or smaller. You can store twice as many forms.

Improved Command Your powers of control are stronger than normal.

Prerequisites: Domination, Raelu, Young
Benefit: When you use Command, you may issue longer commands to living creatures. The command can have up to a number of words equal to 5 + your AV + your GV + your Charisma Modifier; you may increase the total number of words the command may contain by spending 1 Vitae for each additional word. This ability functions like the Dominate Monster spell, but you do not exert direct control over your target; your target need only obey the command you gave them. The effect ends after the target successfully completes the command, unless it is an open ended task, in which case it lasts as long as a Domination spell would. You may command your target to perform actions against its nature, but it receives a +2 bonus to its save to resist the command. Unlike regular dominations, it is not readily obvious that creatures under the influence of this ability are being controlled; the influenced creature will do its best to carry out the command, but will otherwise act as it always does. No single creature can be under the influence of more than one of your commands at any given time. If you issue a command to a creature already under one of your commands, the one already in effect immediately ends, even if the creature succeeds its save against your new command. This effect lasts for a number of days equal to your AV + your GV + your Charisma Modifier (to a minimum of 1), or until the creature successfully carries out your command (if the command is not an open ended command), whichever comes first. Examples of commands might be “You will attack anyone who enters this room except me” (could easily end up violating the target’s code of conduct, depending on alignment), “Open this door”, “Give me the key”.
Noble: Each point of Vitae spent gives 2 extra words, rather than 1.
Pure: Each point of Vitae spent gives 4 extra words, rather than 1.
“I don’t think so. Why should I?” – Istburd, human servant of Charles
“Because they are my direct orders, and because I generously offered you a reward for your efforts, but if that isn’t good enough for you, I can give you another reason.” – Charles, Realu vampire
“No, I refuse to do as you say any longer.” – Istburd
“You...will steal...Hector’s staff.” – Charles
“I will steal Hector’s staff.” – Istburd
“Good. So long as we are in agreement.” – Charles

Improved Domination Your powerful will is harder to resist.

Prerequisites: Domination
Benefit: The DC to resist your Domination attempts increases by 2. Your Domination ability is no longer a gaze attack (you no longer need to make eye contact), although you may still deliver it as a gaze attack. All you need is an unbroken line of effect to use this ability.

Improved Energy Drain Your draining powers are stronger than normal.

Prerequisites: Young
Benefit: Your Energy Drain ability deals one extra negative level and the DC to remove negative levels bestowed by your Energy Drain attack increases by 2. Negative levels bestowed by your Energy Drain can only be removed by succeeding the save to remove them, by a Restoration spell of at least 10th caster level, or by a Greater Restoration spell.

Improved Evasion You are quick and evasive.

Prerequisites: Evasion
Benefit: You gain the Improved Evasion ability.
Special: This is an extraordinary ability. You do not benefit from this ability while in Heavy Armor.

Improved Flesh Craft You have greater control over your transformations.

Prerequisites: Mature, Telboth
Benefit: When you select this feat, you gain a +2 bonus on all Flesh Craft checks. In addition, you may have up to two transformations listed under the Flesh Craft feat at the same time, or one ability listed under the Improve Flesh Craft feat active. Activating this ability costs 2 Vitae. This ability otherwise follows all the rules detailed in the Flesh Craft feat. You gain the following abilities as possible choices for when you use this ability.
Your fingers meld together and your whole hand and the upper quarter of your arm turns into bone, extending to the length and rough shape of a single handed melee weapon of your choice appropriate for your size. The weapon cannot have moving parts, but is otherwise determined by you. You may do this to one or both of your hands (or all if you have more). This boney extension functions as a weapon of its type for all intents and purposes, except that it is considered a natural weapon and you are automatically proficient with it. This ability benefits from the Hardened Claws feat, if you have it. You cannot be disarmed of this weapon. This weapon has hardness equal to your Natural Armor Bonus and any damage dealt to it is deducted from your hitpoints. This ability benefits from any appropriate weapon feats, such as Weapon Focus, that you might have.
You grow two acidic scorpion-like stingers from your back (Pure Vitae produces 4 stingers). This stingers are natural weapons and each may make one attack per round (as always, using more than one natural weapon in the same round requires a full-round action). These stingers deal twice as much damage as your Bite attack, half of which is acid damage, the other half is piercing damage. These stingers do not interfere with the Flight Vitae Feat.
Your skin becomes hyper-sensitive to vibrations. This grants you Blindsight out to 30ft + 5ft x (your AV + your GV), or twice that when underwater. Creatures cannot hide from this sight even if they cease all movement, as even the slightest motion, by your or another, will alert this sight to your surroundings. This Blindsight perfectly detects your surroundings, even objects and structures.
Your tongue is infused with copious amounts of necromancy, increasing its length by a great deal and granting it great strength and sharp prongs at the end. This grants you a Tongue attack as a natural weapon. This tongue attack deals damage as your bite attack. When you successfully strike an opponent with your tongue attack, you may attempt to Trip that opponent as a free action and the Trip attempt functions as though you had the Improved Trip feat (even if you don’t actually have it). If you fail the trip attempt, your target may not attempt to trip you. You may extend or retract your tongue as a free action at will, allowing you to hide it as well as retain both your bite attack and ability to speak.
Pureblood: A Pureblood’s tongue is already tough and expandable, and the tip can open up to reveal several sharp prongs that deliver a paralytic venom. When a Pureblood uses this Improved Flesh Craft ability to increase the length of its tongue, it acts a bit differently. First, its tongue is able to reach twice the Pureblood’s natural reach. Second, the damage dealt is as the Pureblood’s claw attack, not its bite attack, and may deal slashing or bludgeoning damage (Pureblood’s choice). Third, its tongue attack delivers the paralytic venom described in the Yekef bloodline on successful attacks. Fourth, in addition to being able to trip opponents, it may choose to attempt to grapple opponents, by wrapping its tongue around them, on a successful tongue attack in place of tripping them. While a creature is grappled in this manner, the prongs on the tip of the Pureblood’s tongue dig into its flesh, forcing it to make a save against the paralytic venom every round the grapple is maintained (restarting the duration of the paralysis each time the grapple creature fails its save). The Pureblood may only grapple opponents of up to one size category larger than itself or smaller with its tongue. The Pureblood can take other actions, even move actions, while grappling in this manner (though it cannot use its tongue attack); however, it cannot move beyond twice its natural reach of its grapple creature without succeeding an opposed Strength check against its grapple creature (Purebloods typically win this check). If the grappled creature is paralyzed, or denied its Strength modifier in some other fashion, the Pureblood automatically wins the check. If it wins the check, it can move up to its base speed during that round and it drags the grappled creature with it; even lifting the creature up with its tongue when necessary (though the Pureblood cannot raise the creature more than its natural reach off the ground in this manner). The Pureblood may also choose to throw the creature in any direction up to four times its natural reach. This immediately ends the grapple and if the creature is thrown against a hard surface, it suffers 1d6 damage per 10ft it was thrown. The Pureblood must be strong enough to carry the creature in order to move it (although this is typically not a problem due to the fact that Purebloods are very strong). If a Pureblood retracts its tongue while grappling a creature with this tongue attack, the creature is pulled towards the Pureblood until the Pureblood either chooses to end the grapple or the Pureblood’s tongue full retracts. In the latter case, the creature is pulled into the Pureblood’s space and the grapple immediately ends. The creature provokes an attack of opportunity from the Pureblood when this happens. It otherwise functions as described when a Telboth vampire uses this version of Improved Flesh Craft.
Sharp chitinous protrusions poke out of your skin all over your body. This ability functions as Armor Spikes appropriate to your size, and they have an enchantment bonus equal to your AV. You are considered to be proficient with these armor spikes. You may launch these spikes from your body as a standard action. When you do this, everything within a 80ft radius of you suffers damage as though by a Light Crossbow appropriate to your size, except that it has an enchantment bonus equal to your AV, and they are allowed a Reflex save for half damage. The spikes regrow in 1d3 rounds, and until then, you do not have the armor spikes and cannot attempt another spike volley.
Special: This is an extraordinary ability. If you have the amorphous and elongation abilities described in the Flesh Craft feat active at the same time, you gain the ability to Constrict enemies by wrapping your body around them and tightening your hold, something you can only do upon a successful grapple check. You deal bludgeoning damage equal to you claw damage each round you constrict an enemy. If you have a feat or special ability that increases the damage of your claw attack (such as the Improved Natural Weapon feat), your Constrict ability likewise improves. If you use the armor spikes transformation in conjunction with this Constrict ability (you would need Greater Flesh Craft to do this however), the creature you are constricting suffers additional damage each round equal to the damage your armor spikes would deal if you were in a grapple. You cannot Constrict an enemy more than one size category larger than you. Your arms are free while constricting, enabling you to attack the creature you are constricting or adjacent enemies.

Improved Frostborn Your power over ice and snow grows stronger.

Prerequisites: Cold Score 12, Mature
Benefit: Your Cold Score increases by 3 and you gain the following special abilities:
Create Ice (Su): As a standard action, you may expend as many Cold Points as you desire in order to create up to a number of cubic feet of ice equal to (your AV + your GV (if positive)) x the number of Cold Points spent. You may shape this ice in any way you see fit as though by an Ice Shape spell. The newly created ice is real, mundane, and permanent. It will melt in temperatures above 32 degrees F like regular ice.
Frostfell Weapon (Su): As a swift action, you may expend 4 Cold Points to create a weapon of out of ice and pure cold. The weapon can be of any design, but can have no moving or linked parts; thus, a mace or staff could be created, but not a ball and chain. This weapon is appropriate to your size and functions exactly as a weapon of its type, but it is a +1 Frost weapon. The weapon lasts for 1hr or until it leaves your grasp (such as if you are Disarmed), after which it instantly evaporates.
Frozen Blast (Su): As a standard action, you may expend 3 Cold Points to unleash a small freezing ball of ice. This attack has a range of Long and deals 10d6 cold damage to everything within a 20ft radius upon impact, Reflex save for half damage.
Shatter (Su): As a standard action, you may expend 2 Cold Points to deliver a melee touch attack that shatters mundane ice to pieces. You may shatter a number of cubic feet of ice equal to (your AV + your GV (if positive)) x your Charisma Modifier (if positive). If corporeal creatures/objects are magically stored within the ice, or are frozen within it, they must make a DC 14 Fortitude save or suffer 6d6 damage. Creatures and objects within 5ft of the destroyed ice must make a DC 14 Reflex save or suffer 1d6 slashing and 1d6 cold damage from the flying shards.

Improved Frostfell Weapon You can create more powerful weapons out of ice and snow.

Prerequisites: Improved Frostborn
Benefit: When you use your Frostfell Weapon ability, you may choose to expend 1 Vitae to create a +2 Icy Burst weapon.
Normal: When you use Frostfell Weapon to create a weapon of ice, it is a +1 Frost weapon.

Improved Ghoul Your ghouls are stronger than normal.

Prerequisites: Garlythi, Young
Benefit: Ghouls and Ghasts you create with your Ghoul Spawn ability gain a +2 bonus to Str and Dex, a +2 bonus to Turn Resistance, and have 2 extra hitpoints per HD.
Special: Ghouls/Ghasts you created with your Ghoul Spawn ability that you no longer control lose all benefits of this ability.

Improved Hypnosis Only the truly foolish dare meet your gaze.

Prerequisites: Aundae, Young
Benefit: Add the following effects to the list of effects you may choose from when using Aundae Hypnosis: Confusion, Hold Person, become frightened (as Scare). The DC to resist your hypnosis increases by 2 and you add your AV + your GV (minimum of 1) to your HD for the purposes of determining the highest HD creature you can affect and to the number of times per day you may use your Aundae Hypnosis ability.

Improved Inner Flame The firey power within you has only grown more wild with age.

Prerequisites: Aged, Fekkir, Inner Flame
Benefit: As Inner Flame, but now you add the Flaming Burst quality to your Natural Weapons and weapons you wield.

Improved Legerdemain You can cast some minor spells even if you are not a spellcaster.

Prerequisites: Cha 14, Legerdemain
Benefit: You can cast Magic Aura, Message, Silent Image, and Ventriloquism without preparation as a sorcerer of a level equal to your HD. You gain a number of 1st level spell slots equal to your AV + your GV + your Charisma Modifier (minimum of 1). You may continue to use these spells after you have used up all your spell slots, but you must expend 1 Vitae per casting.
Special: These spell slots may not be used to cast any other spells.

Improved Necromantic Strike The necromantic energies that power your attacks are strong.

Prerequisites: Mature, Yekef
Benefit: The enchantment bonus from your Necromantic Strike ability increases by +1.

Improved Regeneration The necromancy that animates you has strengthened your ability to heal injury.

Prerequisites: Vampiric Healing
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to your regenerative ability.
Special: This feat may be taken multiple times, its effects stack. You may only take this feat once per Age Category + your GV. A Category C Vampire that takes this feat may regrow lost limbs and body parts in 2d4 months.

Indestructible Form Your body is so tough that it can break weapons on contact.

Prerequisites: Body of Iron, Elder
Benefit: Contrary to the name of this ability, you are not indestructible. When you take this feat, you gain Damage Reduction 15/– (20/– at Ancient, 25/– at Ancestor, and 30/– at Antediluvian). If you are struck with a weapon, and the weapon deals less damage than the Damage Reduction you gained from this ability (dealing no damage in the process), it must make a Fortitude save (DC equal to the DR) or shatter to pieces, becoming utterly useless. Even magic weapons are subject to this effect, although epic weapons and artifacts are immune to it. Attended weapons use the wielder’s saving throw, or its own, whichever is higher. Thrown weapons and other projectiles (such as an arrow) use their own saving throw. Natural weapons do not break, but if the creature that struck you with said natural weapon fails its saving throw, it suffers 2d6 nonlethal damage.
This ability comes into effect each and every time a weapon is used to strike you.
Special: This is an extraordinary ability.

Inner Flame A great fire burns within you. One that you can release to punish your foes.

Prerequisites: Fekkir, Young
Benefit: Your Natural Weapons and any weapon you wield gain the Flaming quality. If the weapon leaves your hand, it loses this ability. You may renew or suppress this ability as a standard action.

Inner Peace Through constant meditation, you have developed an inner calm that sooths The Beast.

Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus on all Frenzy Checks.
Special: This is an extraordinary ability. Purebloods and Invernus vampires cannot select this Vitae Feat.

Insightful Trance You can enter a trance in order to focus your mind on the future.

Prerequisites: Aundae, Mature
Benefit: At the cost of 3 Vitae, when you enter a trance as described in your Psychotic Insights ability, you gain a +2 bonus on the check.

Invasion You can cause other vampires to frenzy, though not without some danger.

Prerequisites: Aged, Haarvenu or Invernus
Benefit: At the cost of 3 Vitae, you may send your Beast into the depths of another vampire. Your target’s Beast is enraged by this invasion of its territory, forcing your target to make a Frenzy Check vs Extreme Negative Emotion. The emotion felt is anger, but you are not readily identified as the source of this anger and as such, your target will attack any and all creatures nearby (including you if you are not careful). This frenzy ends in 2d4 rounds +/- the difference in your Age Category and Generation (+1 round for every Age Category higher you are than your target or -1 for every Age Category lower you are than your target, the same applies to Generation, except that you gain a bonus for your Generation being lower and a penalty for your Generation being higher). It is possible to get a die result of 0, in which case your target’s Beast considered your Beast as too weak to bother with, meaning your target does not make a Frenzy Check at all. If the final result is -8 or less, you must make a frenzy check (your target’s beast not only fends off your attack, but sends your beast running back home in terror) vs Extreme Danger.
Use of this ability is a standard action. You can only use this ability on a vampire that is within 60ft of you, and only one vampire at a time.
If your target succeeds their Frenzy Check, they are allowed a Sense Motive check vs your Bluff check. If they beat your check, they know that another vampire just tried to force them to frenzy. If they fail, they only know that they almost frenzied, but they do not know why.
If you are not a Pureblood, and you use this ability on a Pureblood, you suffer 2d6 damage as your Beast is pummeled and chased out by the Pureblood’s Beast. You are then Shaken for 2d4hrs as your Beast returns with the fear it felt in the presence of the Pureblood’s Beast. There is no saving throw for this effect. The Pureblood automatically knows that another vampire just tried to make them frenzy and where that vampire is.
Regardless of the results, you cannot target the same vampire with this ability more than once within 24hrs.
Special: When a Pureblood uses this ability on a lesser vampire, the target’s Beast flees in terror, rather than face an obviously overwhelmingly superior opponent. In such a case, the target must make a Frenzy Check vs Extreme Danger instead, and if they succeed their save, they are instead Shaken for the duration of the effect; however, the Pureblood can always use this ability again if they failed to cause a Frenzy the first time (or second, third, etc…). It does not cost a Pureblood Vitae to use this ability. A Pureblood cannot be forced to Frenzy with this ability, even when used by another Pureblood.

Learned Turn Immunity Once someone fails to turn you, you learn their soul and they may never turn you again.

Prerequisites: Mature, Turn Resistance
Benefit: Once a creature fails to turn you, or you resist their turning attempt, you become immune to all future turning attempts from that particular creature.

Legerdemain You can cast some minor spells even if you are not a spellcaster.

Prerequisites: Cha 12
Benefit: You can cast Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound, Light, Open/Close, and Prestidigitation without preparation, as a sorcerer of a level equal to your HD. You gain a number of 0 level spell slots equal to your AV + your GV + your Charisma Modifier (minimum of 1). You may continue to use these spells after you have used up all your spell slots, but you must expend 1 Vitae per casting.
Special: These spell slots may not be used to cast any other spells.

Limitless Intellect Your madness has unlocked your mind’s potential.

Prerequisites: Aundae, Enhanced Mind
Benefit: You gain a permanent +2 bonus to Intelligence.

Mask of Mortality You can hide your true nature.

Benefits: As a free action, you may expend 1 Vitae to conceal your vampiric nature. While this ability is active, you appear as you did in life; your eyes are not reptilian with a blood red glow, your teeth are normal (your fangs do not even appear to be longer than they should be), your nails are normal, you skin is not pale or cold (or warm if you are a Fekkir vampire) to the touch, and you otherwise appear to be a normal member of your base race; you even smell alive. While this ability is active, your eye lids reflexively blink on their own and you appear to breath by mimicking the rhythmic movement of diaphragm and chest, although you do not actually breathe. This does not render you vulnerable to drowning, suffocation, or gaseous attacks. While this ability is active, you gain a +6 bonus to your Will saves to keep liquids and solid foods down, you do not have to make a save until 5 minutes have passed after you consume them, and you only have to make a save once every 5 minutes. You may end this ability as a free action at will. This power lasts as long as you will it and no special effort or concentration is required to maintain it. This is an Illusion (Glamer) effect.
Other than making you appear as a living creature, this ability does not have any special effect of altering your appearance.
Other vampires of a greater Category than you automatically see through this disguise. Divination attempts made to penetrate this ability must succeed a caster level check as though you had cast a Nondetection spell on yourself. It does not negate the ability, it only fools it into thinking that you are alive, rather than undead, and that your appearance is what it seems to be (that is to say, as you appeared in life). If Ancient Vitae is used, this ability also
This power automatically ends if you suffer holy damage, anti-vampire damage, damage from natural sunlight or a true sunlight spell (such as Sunburst), you lose consciousness, you are successfully repelled by a mirror (only Purebloods and Montalion vampires can be repelled by mirrors), or if you are successfully repelled by a good aligned holy symbol.
Special: Yekef vampires cannot select this Vitae Feat. A Pureblood can use this ability to appear living as well as appear to be a Category B or C Vampire of any bloodline.
While you are using Mask of Mortality, you cannot use any special ability you gained from the vampire template unless otherwise noted. If you have an active ability you gained from the vampire template when you enter Mask of Mortality, that ability automatically ends. Abilities that can be used while you are using Mask of Mortality will say so in their individual descriptions. Special Qualities and Abilities that are always active that you gained from the vampire template are still active even when you are using Mask of Mortality unless otherwise noted. Special Qualities and Abilities that are always active that are suppressed while using Mask of Mortalities will say so in their individual descriptions.

Magicka Reserve You have greater spellcasting potential.

Prerequisites: Aundae, Young
Benefit: You gain 1 extra spell slot in any spell level that you have access to. The spell slot must be from an arcane spellcaster class. You cannot gain an extra spell slot in a spell level you cannot cast. If you have more than one arcane spellcaster class, you must choose which class will gain the new spell slot.
Special: This feat may be selected multiple times. Its effects stack. You can only increase the number of spell slots of each spell level for each arcane spellcaster class you have a number of times equal to your AV + your GV. Since Purebloods automatically gain all Vitae Feats they qualify for, they automatically gain their AV + GV as additional spell slots for each spell level in each arcane spellcaster class they have starting at the Young Age Category.

Mask of Nobility While you disguise yourself as a mortal, you have an air of authority about you that suggests you just might be an aristocrat.

Prerequisites: Category B Vampire, Young
Benefits: You gain a +4 bonus on Diplomacy and Intimidate checks against living creatures while you are using Mask of Nobility.
Special: Purebloods cannot select this ability.

Mask of Royalty While you disguise yourself as a mortal, you have an air of authority about you that suggests you just might be royalty.

Prerequisites: Category A Vampire, Young
Benefits: You gain a +8 bonus on Diplomacy and Intimidate checks against living creatures while you are using Mask of Nobility.

Mass Bequeathment By unleashing a tangible surge of coiling unholy energy, you can bequeath multiple targets.

Prerequisites: 11th Generation or lower, Bequeathment, Charisma 16, Mature
Benefits: As Bequeathment, but it affects all willing targets within a 30ft radius burst of you and you must expend 4 Vitae to use this ability. You may include yourself in the Mass Bequeathment, but you must expend 2 additional points of Vitae to do so and you are only affected for ½ as long as normal.
Noble: Radius increases by 10ft.
Pure: Radius increases by 30ft.

Mass Command Your powers of control are stronger than normal.

Prerequisites: 11th Generation or lower, Charisma 16, Domination, Improved Command, Young
Benefit: As Improved Command, but you must expend 1 Vitae and the effect has a 30ft radius centered on you. You may choose to not affect certain creatures. You can only affect a number of creatures whose total HD is no greater than 2 x (your HD + AV + GV). You must be able to see or otherwise detect your targets (such as being able to smell them or with the Sense Vitae Feat) for this power to work on them. Creatures you are unaware of (such as a creature that has successfully hidden itself from you) are unaffected by this power (although those that exit your senses after they have been affected are still influenced by the mass command). You may use this ability multiple times to affect more than one group of targets. New targets that fail their saves also fall under your Command and those already under your Command stay that way. You cannot exceed your limit of total HD even if you use this ability multiple times. You could still use other Command powers, such as your Command ability, to exceed this limit.
Noble: Radius is 60ft, affected creatures suffer a -2 penalty to saving throws, and you can affect a total HD of creatures up to 3 x (your HD + AV + GV).
Pure: Radius is 1,000ft, affected creatures suffer a -4 penalty to saving throws, and you can affect a total HD of creatures up to 5 x (your HD + AV + GV).
Special: You may use this ability while using Mask of Mortality.

Mass Domination You can bend the minds of multiple creatures at the same time.

Prerequisites: 11th Generation or lower, Charisma 16, Domination, Far Domination, Young
Benefit: As Domination, but you must expend 3 Vitae and the effect has a 30ft radius centered on you. You may choose to not affect certain creatures. You can only affect a number of creatures whose total HD is no greater than 2 x (your HD + AV + GV). Creatures affected do not have to be looking into your eyes (this is NOT a gaze attack), nor do you have to target a single individual. You can affect a crowd, or a single victim. You must be able to see or otherwise detect (such as being able to smell them or with the Sense Vitae Feat) your targets for this power to work on them. Creatures you are unaware of (such as a creature that has successfully hidden itself from you) are unaffected by this power (although those that exit your senses after they have been affected are still influenced by the mass domination). You may use this ability multiple times to affect more than one group of targets. New targets that fail their saves also fall under your domination and those already under your domination stay that way. You cannot exceed your limit of total HD even if you use this ability multiple times. You could still use other dominating powers, such as your Domination ability, to exceed this limit.
Noble: Radius is 60ft, affected creatures suffer a -2 penalty to saving throws, and you can affect a total HD of creatures up to 3 x (your HD + AV + GV).
Pure: Radius is 1,000ft, affected creatures suffer a -4 penalty to saving throws, you can affect a total HD of creatures up to 5 x (your HD + AV + GV), and the ability produces the effects of Dominate Monster, thus, nonhumanoids can be affected.
Special: You may use this ability while using Mask of Mortality.

Mass Possession You can possess multiple creatures at the same time.

Prerequisites: 11th Generation or lower, Charisma 16, Domination, Far Domination, Gelgoran, Young
Benefit: As Possession, but you must expend 3 Vitae and the effect has a 30ft radius centered on you. You may choose to not affect certain creatures. You can possess a number of creatures up to your Charisma Modifier + your AV + your GV. You can affect a crowd, or a single victim. You must be able to see or otherwise detect (such as being able to smell them or with the Sense Vitae Feat) your targets for this power to work on them. Creatures you are unaware of (such as a creature that has successfully hidden itself from you) are unaffected by this power (although those that exit your senses after they have been affected are still influenced by the mass possession). You may use this ability multiple times to affect more than one group of targets. New targets that fail their saves also fall under your possession and those already under your possession stay that way. You cannot exceed your limit of total possessions even if you use this ability multiple times.
Noble: Radius increases by 30ft, affected creatures suffer a -2 penalty to saving throws, and you can affect an additional 4 creatures.
Pure: Radius increase by 70ft, affected creatures suffer a -4 penalty to saving throws, and you can affect an additional 10 creatures.
Special: While possessing multiple creatures, you cannot be forced to manifest unless ALL possessed creatures are freed from your control. Once possessed, distance is not a factor, but all of the possessed creatures must stay on the same plane. If one or more possessed creatures moves to a different plane, you must leave possessed creatures until all of the remaining possessed creatures are on the same plane; you decide which creatures to leave. You can use Mass Possession through any creature you are currently Controlling, allowing you to possess more creatures. You have access to the thoughts and senses of all creatures you are possessing, and can affect them individually as you desire. Successfully Controlling more than one creature at a time effectively makes you more than one creature. If you have the Possess Corpse or Possess Objects Vitae Feat, you can possess multiple corpses or objects at the same time.

Mass Psychic Vampirism You can drain mental energy from multiple creatures at a distance.

Prerequisites: 11th Generation or lower, Psychic Vampirism, Young
Benefit: As Psychic Parasite, but you must expend 3 Vitae and the ability affects everything within a radius equal to the maximum distance of your Psychic Parasite ability. Creatures you are not aware of are still affected. Cover does not protect against this ability. You may choose not to affect specific individuals.

Mass Suggestion When you speak, everyone pays attention.

Prerequisites: 11th Generation or lower, Charisma 20, Convincing Voice
Benefit: As Convincing Voice, but you must expend 3 Vitae and the effect has a 30ft radius centered on you (similar to Mass Suggestion). You may choose to not affect certain creatures. You can only affect a number of creatures whose total HD is no greater than 2 x (your HD + AV + GV). You can affect a crowd, or a single victim. You must be able to see or otherwise detect (such as being able to smell them or with the Sense Vitae Feat) your targets for this power to work on them. Creatures you are unaware of (such as a creature that has successfully hidden itself from you) are unaffected by this power (although those that exit your senses after they have been affected are still influenced by the mass suggestion). You may use this ability multiple times to affect more than one group of targets. New targets that fail their saves also fall under your suggestions and those already under your domination stay that way. You cannot exceed your limit of total HD even if you use this ability multiple times. You could still use other suggestion powers, such as your Convincing Voice ability, to exceed this limit.
Special: Just like Convincing Voice, a Pureblood does not expend Vitae to use this ability, although they may only use this ability once per round as a free action. A Pureblood may deliver this ability telepathically if it wants to, such as when attempting to hide the suggestion for those it is choosing to not affect.

Master’s Voice You may use some of your supernatural powers through your Thralls.

Benefit: You can overwhelm the will of any of your Thralls that you have a Telepathic Link with and that have the Eyes of the Master ability and speak through them. There is no saving throw to resist this effect, but the Thrall remains aware of what they are saying (being forced to say) and who is forcing them to say it (their master). You may use any of your Charm, Command, or Domination abilities through this Thrall. In addition, you may designate one Thrall, who must have the Eyes of the Master ability, to be your Voice. This requires a standard action and physical contact with the designated Thrall upon granting the bonus. Your Voice carries a measure of your authority and power, granting them a +4 competence bonus on all Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, and Intimidate checks, and an additional use of their Vitae Feats (if applicable) per day without suffering Constitution Damage. You may establish or severe a Telepathic Link with your Voice regardless of distance. You may remove this bonus from your designated Voice as a free action at will.
Special: The following abilities may also be used through your Thrall: Convincing Voice, Hypnotic Voice, Mesmerize, Voice of Dread, Voice of Rapture

Mastery of Death Vampires are lords of the dead. You are no different.

Prerequisites: Mature or Pureblood
Benefit: Your limit for controlling undead animated with spells increases to 3 times your caster level, instead of the normal 2 times your caster level. Also, increase the total HD of undead you may control through Rebuke Undead to 2 x your effective rebuking level. This stacks with other abilities that increase this multiplier, such as the Deathbound Domain.
Special: Purebloods gain this ability automatically because they possess an innate mastery of death.

Mesmerize You can project your thoughts into someone else’s mind.

Prerequisites: Dire Charm, Passing Thought
Benefit: As a Gaze Attack, you can make your target see whatever you desire. You can influence their emotions, implant an entire scene, or make a memory appear contrary to how real events actually occurred. The victim is entitled to a Will save to resist the effects, but once failed, you can influence them in any way your desire. Targets you are currently in combat with automatically succeed their save. You can alter memories, adding or removing thoughts and feelings. You can implant powerful desires, or remove urges. Memories lost are typically gone forever, although a Lesser Restoration spell has a 50% chance of restoring altered memories, while a Greater Restoration, Miracle, Wish, Reality Revision spell have a 100% chance of restoring altered memories. You could even make the victim forget how to use their spellcasting abilities, but deep ingrained memories have a 10% chance of returning on their own (although this is unpredictable and has no certainty of working). Careful vampires only alter insignificant memories, or those not deeply seated in their victim’s mind. This is a mind-affecting telepathy effect. The exact time it takes to do this varies depending on how many memories are being altered and how old the memories are. Altering a creature’s memories of the past 24hrs should not take any longer than 1 minute; however, altering several old memories could take an hour or more. You do NOT gain any special insight into your target’s memories, that is, you have no knowledge of what their memories/feelings actually are by virtue of this ability alone, so extensive use of this power could easily go awry if proper research is not done and proper caution is not taken. Smart vampires will use Blood Memories on their target before using this ability, unless doing so would be dangerous. Regardless, you can always erase the memories of your target’s entire night and come up with new ones. The more detailed and believable the memories implanted, the more likely they will remain.
You can also use this ability to convey your own emotions and memories to your target, allowing them to see memories of your choice as you experienced them. This is useful for conveying large amounts of your past in just in instant of time.
Special: When a creature fails their Will save against this ability, they are Dazed until you finish altering their memories. Attacking the creature breaks the daze effect, but any memories altered before than remain altered, so the creature might be disoriented and confused when it snaps out of it.

Metallic Skin Your shapeshifting grants you even stronger defenses.

Prerequisites: Boneskin, Mature
Benefit: While your Boneskin is active, you may spend a move-equivalent action to expend 3 Vitae to change your skin to a smooth dark grey metal instead of chitinous bone. This metal is flexible and does not hinder your movements in anyway. When you do this, you gain an a +2 bonus to your natural armor (this stacks with the bonus granted by Boneskin), Damage Reduction 10/–, and Fire Resistance 20. This effect lasts for a number of minutes equal to AV + GV (minimum of 1 minute), after which your skin reverts to the normal chitinous bone granted by Boneskin. You cannot active this ability again until then.
If you have Bonehammer and Metallic Skin active at the same time, the layer of bone beneath your skin also changes to metal. This increases the damage bonus granted by Bonehammer by 2 and grants you a +6 bonus on Strength checks made to break or crush things.
Special: A Pureblood cannot have Metallic Skin and Body of Iron active at the same time.

Mind Fortress You can project your mental defenses to protect others from mental attacks.

Prerequisites: Anthotis, Young
Benefit: Creatures within 10ft x (your AV + your GV) of you gain Power Resistance equal to half of your own Power Resistance. The Power Resistance creatures gain from this ability is only effective against Mind-Affecting Powers. Only creatures you choose to protect gain this resistance. If you choose not to protect any creature, this ability is suppressed.

Malevolent Symbios With great effort, you may forcibly enter a symbiotic relationship with the weak.

Prerequisites: 8th Generation or lower, Symbiotic Spirit
Benefit: You may use your Symbiotic Spirit ability on unwilling targets as a full-round action. The target must have no more than ½ your HD and is entitled to a Will save to resist. Targets that succeed their save are immune to further attempts for 24hrs. If you enter a symbiotic relationship this way, you must still do everything you can to keep your host alive. You may still use your Controller ability, but instead of automatically failing their save, the target suffers your Charisma Modifier (if positive) as a penalty to their saving throw.
Special: Molevolant Symbios works the same for Purebloods as it does for regular Gelgoran vampires, with the following exceptions. Purebloods may attempt to force multiple relationships at a time, or a single relationship. If the Pureblood attempts to force multiple relationships, no two of the targets can be more than 30ft apart, and the combined total HD of the hosts cannot exceed ½ of the Pureblood’s HD.

Monstrous Form of the Bat You can assume the form of a humanoid bat monster.

Prerequisites: Beastform, Mature
Benefit: As a standard action, you may expend 3 Vitae to change your form into a monstrous human-like similar to a Werebat. You grow taller and more muscular, although the increased size is not sufficient enough to increase your size type (medium sized vampires only get about 1ft taller). Your skin (and wings) becomes leathery and sleek and its color becomes dark grey. Your claws (your toe nails also become longer and tougher, but not to the point that they can be used as a natural weapon) and fangs thicken and elongate. This ability is similar to the Alternate Form Vitae Feat, except that you may only use it to assume this new form. This ability lasts for as long as you will it.
While in this werebat form, you gain the following adjustments:
4 + your GV (if positive) as bonus to Str and Dex
You retain your Claw and Bite attacks
You gain a +4 bonus to all Intimidate checks
Blindsense (Ex): While in this form, you may use echolocation to pinpoint creatures within 30ft x (AV + GV) (minimum of 30ft) of you. Opponents gain no benefit with concealment while within 30ft of you. This stacks with the Hyper Acute Hearing Vitae Feat.
This form has two large leathery wings (Purebloods have four wings in this form). You gain the ability to fly if you couldn’t already. The flight speed is equal to your Base Movement Speed with Poor maneuverability. If you have the Unaided Flight Vitae Feat, your maneuverability is Average and your flight speed increases by 30ft. Your wings are attached to your back, not your arms, so you can still use your hands while flying, such as for casting spells with a somatic component
You retain the ability to cast spells. You may speak while in this form, so you may still cast spells with verbal components.

More Ghouls You can control more ghouls than normal.

Prerequisites: Garlythi
Benefit: This ability increases the multiplier for the formula to determining the maximum number of ghouls/ghasts you can control by 1. When you first take this ability, you may control a number of ghouls/ghasts equal to 3 x (your HD + your AV + your GV).
Special: This feat can be taken multiple times, its effects stack; so a second gain of this feat would increase the multiplier to 4. You can only select this feat once per Age Category. This ability is useless to Purebloods, who have no limit to their ghoul spawn ability.

More Spawn You can control more spawn than normal.

Prerequisites: Create Beast Spawn or Create Spawn
Benefit: This ability increases the multiplier for the formula to determining the maximum number of spawn you can control via your Create Beast Spawn and Create Spawn abilities by 1. When you first take this ability, you may control a number of spawn equal to 3 x (your HD + your AV + your GV). This is applied to both the Create Beast Spawn and Create Spawn abilities
Normal: A vampire with the Create Beast Spawn or Create Spawn Vitae Feats can normally only control up to 2 x (its HD + its AV + its GV) in spawn.
Special: This feat can be taken multiple times, its effects stack; so a second gain of this feat would increase the multiplier to 4. You can only select this feat once per Age Category + GV.

Mortis Shield I By flooding your flesh with necromantic energy, you can harden your muscles to deflect damage

Benefit: As an immediate action, you may expend 1 Vitae to increase your Damage Reduction by 3+AV+GV/+1 for a number of rounds equal to 1 + AV + GV. This increase in Damage Reduction applies only to the Damage Reduction you gain from the vampire template.
Special: The increase in enchantment bonus required to penetrate the Damage Reduction applies to all forms of damage that normally penetrate your Damage Reduction. Example: A Neonate 11th Generation Category C Vampire normally has Damage Reduction 5/(+1, holy, anti-vampire). When that same vampire uses Mortis Shield I, his Damage Reduction temporarily changes to Damage Reduction 8/(+2, +1 and holy, +1 and anti-vampire).

Mortis Shield II You can further harden your muscles, making you harder to hurt.

Prerequisites: Mortis Shield I, Young
Benefit: As an immediate action, you may expend 1 Vitae to increase your Damage Reduction by 6+AV+GV/+2 for a number of rounds equal to 1 + AV + GV. This increase in Damage Reduction applies only to the Damage Reduction you gain from the vampire template.
Special: This ability overlaps, does not stack with, Mortis Shield I. The same rule for increase in enchantment bonus of all forms of damage that normally penetrate your Damage Reduction described in Mortis Shield I applies to Mortis Shield II.

Mortis Shield III You can make your muscles tougher than iron.

Prerequisites: Mortis Shield II, Mature
Benefit: As an immediate action, you may expend 1 Vitae to increase your Damage Reduction by 12+AV+GV/+3 for a number of rounds equal to 1 + AV + GV. This increase in Damage Reduction applies only to the Damage Reduction you gain from the vampire template.
Special: This ability overlaps, does not stack with, Mortis Shield II. The same rule for increase in enchantment bonus of all forms of damage that normally penetrate your Damage Reduction described in Mortis Shield I applies to Mortis Shield III.

Mystic Vitae Your Vitae is drenched in mystical energy.

Prerequisites: Aundae
Benefit: You may expend Vitae in place of XP when such a cost is required. 1 Vitae is worth 10 + AV + GV in experience.
Noble: Vitae worth an additional 5 points of XP.
Pure: Vitae worth an additional 10 points of XP.

Necromantic Channeling The necromantic energies within you act as a focus for your powers.

Prerequisites: Necromantic Focus
Benefit: You may cas Necromancy spells, spells with the Death or Evil descriptors, and Rebuke Undead, without using a Focus of any kind. If you do not use a Focus, you do not gain the benefits of Necromantic Focus.

Necromantic Focus Undeath has given you greater power over the forces of necromancy.

Prerequisites: Young
Benefit: Whenever you cast a Necromancy spell, or a spell with the Death or Evil descriptors, that requires a Focus, you gain your AV + your GV as a bonus to the caster level of that spell. You also gain your AV + your GV as a bonus to the damage roll of all Rebuking attempts you make.

Nightwalker Your powers grow stronger at night, but weaker during the day.

Benefit: During the night (from sunset to sunrise), the DC to resist all your spells and special abilities increases by 2. During the day (from sunrise to sunset), the DC to resist all of your spells and special abilities decreases by 2. Finally, you gain the ability to sense when it is day and when it is night. You are aware of this fact even if you are deep underground or asleep. This ability functions regardless of whether or not you are outside, and functions even if you underground.
Special: This ability functions as if it were night in a world that does not have a sun, in worlds of eternal night, or if you are at least 1 mile underground.

Nightstalker Shadow wraps around your form during the night, but flees from you during the day.

Prerequisites: Nightwalker
Benefit: During the night (from sunset to sunrise), you gain a bonus to your Hide and Move Silently checks equal to 1 + your AV + your GV (to a minimum of 1) and you may Hide in Plain Sight so long as there is some sort of shadow within 10ft of you, but you cannot hide in your own shadow. A number of times per night equal to your AV + your GV (if positive), you may slip into and out of shadows. This ability functions as a Dimension Door spell, except that your point of original and destination must both contain shadows (the squares you start on and the squares you end on must have dim illumination or darker); you may only use this teleportation ability during the night. During the day (from sunrise to sunset), you suffer a penalty to your Hide and Move Silently checks equal to 1 + your AV + your GV (to a minimum of 1). This ability functions regardless of whether or not you are outside, and functions even if you are underground.
Special: This ability functions as if it were night in a world that does not have a sun, in worlds of eternal night, or if you are at least 1 mile underground.

Night Tyrant With the departure of the sun comes power; with the arrival of the sun comes weakness. This could not be truer for you.

Prerequisites: Aged, Nocturnal Embrace
Benefit: During the night (from sunset to sunrise), you gain a bonus to your Str and Dex equal to 1 + your AV, and the cost in Vitae for all your abilities decreases by 1 (for abilities whose effects are proportional to the amount of Vitae used (such as Vampiric Healing), each 1 point of Vitae you use counts as 2 points of Vitae) (this decrease in Vitae cost stacks with Efficient Vitae, Ascended Vitae, or Perfect Vitae if you have them). In addition, you gain 1 + your AV as a bonus to all skill checks (this stacks with the bonus to Hide and Move Silently checks granted by the Nightstalker feat). During the day (from sunrise to sunset), you suffer a penalty to your Str and Dex equal to 1 + your AV, and the cost in Vitae for all your abilities increases by 1 (for abilities whose effects are proportional to the amount of Vitae used, such as Vampiric Healing, each 2 points of Vitae you spend only counts as 1 point of Vitae) (if you have Perfect, Ascended, or Efficient Vitae, you do not pay the extra amount of Vitae, instead, this increase in Vitae cost causes Perfect Vitae to act as Ascended Vitae, Ascended Vitae to act as Efficient Vitae, and Efficient Vitae to cease function). In addition, you suffer a penalty to all skill checks equal to 1 + your AV (this penalty stacks with the penalty to Hide and Move Silently checks incurred by the Nightstalker feat).
Special: This ability functions as if it were night in a world that does not have a sun, in worlds of eternal night, or if you are at least 1 mile underground.

Nocturnal Embrace The darkness of night gently wraps you in its cold embrace.

Prerequisites: Mature, Nightstalker
Benefit: During the night (from sunset to sunrise), you gain a bonus to your regenerative abilities equal to 1 + your AV + your GV (to a minimum of 1) and your Cold and Electricity Resistance for being a vampire increases by 10 + your AV + your GV. During the day (from sunrise to sunset), you suffer a penalty to your regenerative abilities equal to 1 + your AV + your GV (to a minimum of 1). This ability functions regardless of whether or not you are outside, and functions even if you are underground.
Special: This ability functions as if it were night in a world that does not have a sun, in worlds of eternal night, or if you are at least 1 mile underground.

Passing Thought You can slip through the cracks of memory.

Benefits: You can erase any new memories of your presence from a single creature's (living or undead) mind by attempting a Bluff check, opposed by the target's Spot check (if simply observing you) or Sense Motive check (if speaking with you). If the target is a guard, sentry, or otherwise tasked with defending the area you are in, it can make a Will save to resist this effect. You must have an unbroken line of effect on your target to use this ability.
Creatures who forget your presence are still able to see and hear you, and if they see or speak with you again, they gain new memories of you. This ability has no effect on memories more than 5 minutes old. A Greater Restoration spell of at least 15th caster level is required to bring back lost memories.
Special: This feat can be used in conjunction with a Modify Memory spell or effect, during the 5 minute period when you are creating new memories, or with the Mesmerize Vitae Feat, to erase all memories of you regardless of their age or origin. This requires a full-round action to do. A Greater Restoration spell of at least a caster level of 15 + your AV + your GV (if positive), or a Miracle, Wish, or Reality Revision spell of any caster/manifester level, can still restore these memories.

Phasic Step You may slip through solid matter.

Prerequisites: Mature, Montalion
Benefit: You may pass right through physical matter as if it were not there. This ability functions as a Phase Door spell, except it does not actually create an ethereal passage and functions only for you and any items you are carrying; this ability functions because you can simply leave the physical world for a short time. You decide what to pass through and what not to pass through, preventing you from falling straight through the floor, although you may do so if you wish. This ability does not grant you the ability to fly or swim through physical matter, so you cannot simply step into a wall and “pass” up to the next floor; however, you can do just that if you can fly via other means (such as the Unaided Flight Vitae Feat). If your maximum distance you can travel in this manner reaches its limit before you have found an open space that can fit you, you are instantly shunted back to the position you started in before passing through physical matter; this does not harm you in any way.
You may travel up to 30ft + 10ft x (your GV + your Charisma Modifier (if positive) (minimum of 30ft) of physical matter. Category B Vampires gain a +30ft bonus to their maximum distance. Category A Vampires gain a +100ft bonus to their maximum distance.
What kind of materials you can pass through are dependent on your Age Category. You may pass through materials listed regardless of whether or not they are worked or unworked materials, so an Aged vampire using this ability could travel through naturally occurring stone as well as the stone wall of a structure. No matter what your Age Category, non-physical matter and effects, such as Incorporeal creatures or spells, affect you normally. You cannot pass through magically protected materials or materials that were created by a magical effect with a duration of Permanent (not merely Instantaneous). The effects listed below stack.
Mature: You may pass through loose natural materials, such as dirt or gravel, as well as soft natural materials, such as mud. You may also pass through cloth, wood, and clay (wet or hard).
Aged: You may pass through glass, plaster, plastic, and stone. Increase max distance by 20ft.
Elder: You may pass through metal, ores, and other minerals, such as lead. Increase max distance by 20ft.
Ancient: You may pass through corporeal creatures. Creatures you are allowing yourself to pass through cannot deal physical damage to you (even when using magical weapons), nor can they physically manipulate you in any way; the same thing applies to you as well (you cannot physically affect them in any way either). You cannot pass through a creature in the same round you physically affect them, or vice-versa. You can still indirectly physically affect creatures you are passing through, such as when toppling a statue in such a way that it falls on said creature. Unless the creature you are passing through is much larger than you, passing through them does not affect your max distance. An Ancient vampire with this ability can cancel its effects by allowing themselves to pass through you as well, in the event that this does happen, you can physically affect each other.
Ancestor: You may pass through any kind of physical matter. You may pass through Force effects, such as a Wall of Force. Increase max distance by 60ft.
Antediluvian: Your Phasic Step ability no longer has a maximum distance.
Special: You may choose to pass through weapons made of materials you are capable of passing through. If you choose to do so, weapons made of such materials pass harmlessly through you unless they have an enchantment bonus of at least your AV.

Phasic Strike By slipping your attacks into the cracks in reality, you can strike from a distance.

Prerequisites: Elder, Phasic Step
Benefit: You can reach between the cracks in reality to strike at distant targets. This ability allows you to make ranged attacks with your natural weapons and unarmed strikes. You can make these attacks at a range of 60ft + 20ft x your GV, they are otherwise a normal version of your attack. You can mix your attacks between melee and ranged melee as you desire, and you do not provoke attacks of opportunity when using Phasic Strike. There is no indication as to how you were able to strike at a distance, so if no one saw you make the attack, they are likely to be very confused. You must have an unbroken line of effect to your target in order to use this ability.

Possess Corpse You can possess a corpse like you can possess living creatures.

Prerequisites: Gelgoran
Benefit: As a Standard-Action, you may expend 1 Vitae to animate a relatively intact corpse (sufficient to make a zombie). You cannot possess undead creatures with this ability. You use the physical ability scores of the corpse when it was still alive but with the following modifiers: -2 Str, -4 Dex, Con – (it lacks a constitution score). If the corpse was freshly slain (within the past 24hrs), you do not suffer a penalty to its Str and Dex score. Even if you possess a freshly slain corpse, you must apply the penalty to Str and Dex after it has been dead for 24hrs. The corpse is not allowed a saving throw to resist your possession. You gain no knowledge of who the corpse used to be, what it is, or any of its memories, although you do gain a general understanding of its physical capabilities. Possessing a corpse allows you to use its natural abilities, but not any other abilities it had in life that required special knowledge or skill, including feats, skills, spells, or extraordinary, spell-like, or supernatural abilities. The body gains no benefit from any of its character levels. You use the corpse's racial HD (so possessing a human corpse results in a body with 1 HD). It has hitpoints equal to the average for a creature of its type, not including any constitution modifier it may have had when alive. You give the body a semblance of life, but it is not truly alive and continues to decay at a normal rate. The body is not undead, does not use undead HD, and is not subject to effects that affect undead. For all intents and purposes, it is a corpse, albeit, one that is being manipulated like a puppet.
Noble: The necromantic energy from the Vitae is strong enough that you do not suffer a penalty to the corpse’s Str and Dex score regardless of how long it has been dead, and the corpse gains 2 extra hitpoints per HD.
Pure: The necromantic energy from the Vitae is powerful, you do not suffer a penalty to the corpse’s Str and Dex score regardless of how long it has been dead, the corpse instead gains a +4 enchantment bonus to Str and a +2 enchantment bonus to Dex. The corpse has maximum hitpoints and gains 4 extra hitpoints per HD.

Possess Object You can possess objects like a fiend can.

Prerequisites: Gelgoran, Young
Benefit: You can possess and animate objects like a fiend can, and may affect the possessed object in the same way a fiend can.
Normal: Category C Gelgoran Vampires cannot possess objects.
Special: Category B Gelgoran Vampires and Purebloods cannot select this feat, since they already can possess objects; however, they still count has having this feat for the purposes of determining prerequisites for Mass Possess Object.

Presence Using your dark powers, you can supernaturally enhance your influence over others for a short time.

Benefit: As a standard action, you may expend Vitae up to 1 + your AV + your GV to gain a +1 bonus to Cha for each point spent (to a maximum of 1 + AV + GV). This bonus to Cha lasts for a number of minutes equal to 1 + AV + GV, after which they fall at a rate of 1 point per round until they are gone. You cannot use this power again until the effects wear off.

Preternatural Speed You move at inhumane speeds.

Benefit: Your base speed increases by 100% (i.e x2). This stacks with the bonus to base speed you get for being a vampire.
Special: This feat applies to all movement modes.

Profane Avatar You have learned to tap into the black fury known as the “Beast” deep inside you. By drawing it forth, you take on hideous power and form.

Prerequisites: Elder, Invernus
Benefit: By expending 10 Vitae, you may assume the form of a massive, muscular, demon-like creature with barbed horns, gnarled shadow draped skin, and two bat-like wings. The exact shape is hidden behind the waves of shadow that pour from your skin. You receive various benefits while in this form. You retain access to all other abilities, such as spellcasting, while in this form. This ability ends when you choose to assume your original form, which requires a standard action, or when exposed to natural sunlight (or a spell that emulates natural sunlight, such as Sunburst). When this power ends, you immediately lose 10 – your AV in Vitae (use your own AV to determine how much is lost, not the AV of the Vitae that was used to assume this form). You are still subject to Frenzy Checks while in this form. You may still use Induce Frenzy while in this form; however, if you do, you must make a frenzy check after Induce Frenzy ends or go berserk as per frenzying. A Pureblood may use this power in conjunction with their Aetherial Shadow ability; however, they suffer an additional -4 penalty to all the weaknesses described in the Aetherial Shadow ability, and they must make a frenzy check after they end Aetherial Shadow or go berserk as per frenzying (assuming they don’t lose consciousness).
While in this form, make the following adjustments to your character:
Size Category increases by one step
Bonus to Str equal to 4 + AV
Bonus to Regeneration and Natural Armor equal to 4 + AV + GV
Gain Damage Reduction 10/(+3 and good, anti-vampire)
Gain Fly speed (average) equal to base land speed
Immune to polymorph, petrification, and other form altering attacks
Gain a slam attack that deals the same damage as their claw attack, but it deals an extra +4 damage and it becomes your primary natural weapon.
Energy Drain ability drains extra levels equal to AV.
Aura of Darkness (Su): You emit darkness in a 10ft radius. The darkness functions as the Darkness spell. This effect cannot be dispelled, but magical light can negate it. You may see through your own aura of darkness.
Dark Protection (Su): You are constantly under the effects of the spells Protection from Good, and Sharp Shadows (see Tome of Magic pg 151), both at a caster level of 6. If you force the barrier created by the Protection from Good effect onto a creature that cannot pass it, the barrier shatters and the effect ends, but you may resume it as a free action the next round. These effects can be dispelled, but you may resume them as a free action the next round.
Darkness and Dread (Su): As a free action, you may create a weapon out of the darkness you are emitting. Doing so suppresses both the darkness aura and the sharp shadows ability, and your terrible visage becomes clear to all who look upon it. When this happens, you emit a fear aura in a 10ft radius. The fear aura acts as a Cause Fear spell (caster level 6) and is a supernatural ability. The DC to resist the fear effect is 11 + AV + GV + the your Charisma modifier. The weapon created takes the shape of a bastard sword. You are considered to be proficient with the bastard sword and may wield it with one hand without penalty. The weapon acts as a +2 Cold Iron Bastard Sword with the Unholy and Shadow Striking enchantments. The weapon strikes as a melee touch attack and creatures struck by it must make a Will save or be slowed for 1d4 rounds. The DC to resist the slow effect is 10 + your Charisma modifier. On a critical strike, the weapon deals an additional 1d4 unholy damage, and the slow effect lasts for 2d4 rounds and the DC to resist it increases by 5. The weapon ignores inanimate, nonliving matter; thus, while it can still be used to harm animated nonliving matter, such as animated objects, undead, and constructs, it cannot be used to harm inanimate objects, such as a wall or rope (as it passes right through them), or to sunder enemy weapons. You may dismiss the weapon as a free action. If the weapon is dismissed, your fear aura is suppressed and your darkness aura and sharp shadows ability immediately resume.
May use the following as Spell-Like Abilities at will:
Darkness, Blur, Hold Person, Lesser Confusion, Lesser Shadow Conjuration, Lesser Shadow Evocation, Inflict Light Wounds, Pyrotechnics, Scorching Ray, Shatter
May use the following as Spell-Like Abilities 3 times/transformation:
Dispel Magic, Haste, Mass Inflict Light Wounds, See Invisibility
May use the following as Spell-Like Abilities 1 time/transformation:
Power Word Stun, Spell Resistance
Noble: Bonus to Str, Regeneration, and Natural Armor increases to 6 + AV + GV. Gain Damage Reduction 15/(+5 and good, anti-vampire), Slam Attack deals additional +2 damage, increase the radius of Aura of Darkness by 10ft. Dark Protection produces the effects of the spells Lesser Globe of Invulnerability, Magical Circle against Good, and Sharp Shadows, increase the caster level of these effects by 6. Increase the DC of the fear aura generated by Darkness and Dread by 6 and the radius by 10ft. The weapon produced by the Darkness and Dread effect acts as a +3 Cold Iron Bastard Sword with the Unholy, Shadow Striking, and Frost enchantments. The weapon strikes as a melee touch attack and creatures struck by it must make a Will save or be slowed for 1d6+2 rounds. The DC to resist the slow effect is 10 + the your Charisma modifier. On a critical strike, the weapon deals an additional 1d6 unholy damage, and the slow effect lasts for 2d6+4 rounds and the DC to resist it increases by 5. Use the following list of Spell-Like Abilities in place of those listed above:
May use the following as Spell-Like Abilities at will:
Deeper Darkness, Dispel Magic, Displacement, Ethereal Jaunt, Haste, Hold Monster, Confusion, Mass Inflict Light Wounds, Pyrotechnics, Scorching Ray, See Invisibility, Shadow Conjuration, Shadow Evocation, Shout
May use the following as Spell-Like Abilities 3 times/transformation:
Blade Barrier, Blasphemy, Firestorm, Greater Dispel Magic, Mass Inflict Moderate Wounds, Power Word Stun, Shadow Storm (see Tome of Magic pg 150), True Seeing
May use the following as Spell-Like Abilities 1 time/transformation:
Destruction, Dimensional Lock, Mordenkainen’s Disjunction, Earthquake, Ephemeral Storm (see Tome of Magic pg 146), Power Word Kill, Prismatic Sphere, Reverse Gravity, Spell Turning, Shadow Plague (see Tome of Magic pg 142)
Pure: Profane bonus to Str, Regeneration, and Natural Armor increases to 11 + AV + GV. Gain Damage Reduction 40/(epic and holy, anti-vampire), Slam Attack deals additional +6 damage, increase the radius of Aura of Darkness by 20ft. Dark Protection produces the effects of the spells Globe of Invulnerability, Magical Circle against Good, Sharp Shadows, and Unholy Aura, increase the caster level of these effects by 14. Increase the DC of the fear aura generated by Darkness and Dread by 10 and the radius by 10ft. The weapon produced by the Darkness and Dread effect acts as a +5 Cold Iron Bastard Sword with the Unholy, Shadow Striking, and Icy Burst enchantments. The weapon strikes as a melee touch attack and creatures struck by it must make a Will save or be slowed for 2d6+4 rounds. The DC to resist the slow effect is 10 + the your Charisma modifier. On a critical strike, the weapon deals an additional 2d6 unholy damage, and the slow effect lasts for 4d6+8 rounds and the DC to resist it increases by 10. Use the following list of Spell-Like Abilities in place of those listed above:
May use the following as Spell-Like Abilities at will:
Displacement, Ethereal Jaunt, Greater Shadow Conjuration, Greater Shadow Evocation, Greater Shout, Haste, Hold Monster, Mass Confusion, Mass Inflict Moderate Wounds, Power Word Stun, Shadow Storm (see Tome of Magic pg 150)
May use the following as Spell-Like Abilities 3 times/transformation:
Blade Barrier, Blasphemy, Destruction, Dimensional Lock, Earthquake, Ephemeral Storm (see Tome of Magic pg 146), Firestorm, Mass Inflict Critical Wounds, Power Word Kill, Reverse Gravity, Shades, Shadow Plague (see Tome of Magic pg 142), Spell Turning
May use the following as Spell-Like Abilities 1 time/transformation:
Mordenkainen’s Disjunction, Prismatic Sphere, Time Stop

Profane Presence Your very presence brings strength to the undead.

Prerequisites: Garlyithi or Khulari
Benefits: You emit an aura of desecration out to a radius of 20ft. If you already have a permanent aura of desecration from some other ability, you act as the shrine to an evil deity, thus doubling the effects of your desecration aura. If you already act as the shrine to an evil deity, the radius of your desecration aura increases by 20ft + 10ft x (your AV + your GV). This ability otherwise functions as the Desecration spell. You benefit from your desecration aura.
Special: This ability is suppressed on holy ground or while you are using Mask of Mortality.

Profane Touch Your very touch disrupts good aligned objects.

Prerequisites: Profane Presence
Benefits: If you touch a good aligned object, or it touches you, that object must make a Will save or lose all magical properties, becoming nothing more than a mundane object deprived of its power. Casting Dispel Evil upon the item reverses the effect, provided this occurs within a number of days after the attack equal to the caster’s level and the caster succeeds on a caster level check with the same DC as the Will save; otherwise, the effect is permanent, not even a Miracle, Wish, or Reality Revision can reverse it. Artifacts are immune to this effect, but not relics.
As a free action, you may enter an unholy state that causes harm to good aligned creatures that you touch. In this state, you may deliver a melee touch attack that deals 1d4 + your AV + your GV in unholy damage to good aligned creatures; neutral and evil creatures are immune to this effect. This damage is also delivered on your natural weapons, unarmed strikes, and other melee touch attacks. In this state, good aligned creatures that strike you with a natural weapon, unarmed strike, melee touch attack, or otherwise touch you suffer this damage; they also suffer this damage when they strike you with a melee weapon unless it is a reach weapon. Finally, while in this state, you gain your AV as a bonus to the caster level of any Evil spell you cast. You may resume or suppress this unholy state as a free action once per round.
Noble: If you are a Category B Vampire, the DC increases by 2.
Pure: If you are a Category A Vampire, the DC increases by 5.
Special: You may not enter your unholy state while on holy ground. A Pureblood must expend 1 Vitae to use its Profane Touch on a weapon with the Holy or Holy Power enchantment. A Pureblood cannot use this power on an antivampire weapon capable of piercing its damage reduction. This ability is active even while you are using Mask of Mortality.

Project Psychokinetic Barrier You may protect others from physical harm using nothing but your mind.

Prerequisites: Psychokinetic Barrier
Benefit: As a Move-Equivolent Action, you may project your Psychokinetic Barrier onto one creature. This creature must remain within 30ft + 10ft x (your AV + your GV) of you to benefit from this ability. This ability lasts for as long as you choose, and you may end it as a free action. If the creature moves out of your range, this ability immediately ends. So long as this ability is active, the creature you are targeting gains the benefit of your Psychokinetic Barrier, in addition, you lose the benefit of your Psychokinetic Barrier.

Psychic Parasite You can drain mental energy from your victims.

Prerequisites: Anthotis, Sap Intelligence
Benefit: Whenever you deal Intelligence Drain with your Sap Intelligence ability, you gain an equal amount of Power Points. If you use your Blood Drain attack on a creature that has Power Points, the creature loses 2 Power Points for each point of Constitution Damage you deal and you gain the same amount of Power Points.
Special: You cannot exceed your total number of Power Points using this ability.

Psychic Vampirism You can drain mental energy from creatures at a distance.

Prerequisites: Psychic Parasite
Benefit: Creatures without Power Points or Psi-Like abilities are immune to this ability. If you use this ability on a creature that is immune to it, the Vitae is wasted, but you become aware of their immunity. You may expend 1 Vitae to drain mental energy from a creature that is within 25ft +5ft x (your HD + your AV + your GV) of you. You must have an unbroken line of effect to use this ability. Creatures may make a Will saving throw to resist this effect; if your manifester level exceeds either the creature’s manifester level or its HD, that creature suffers a penalty to its saving throw equal to the difference between your manifester level and its manifester level or HD (whichever is lower).
When you successfully use this ability on a creature with Power Points, they lose 1d4 + AV in Power Points and you gain an equal amount. If the creature has one or more Psi-Like abilities, it loses one use of its highest level Psi-Like ability. If the creature has 2 or more Psi-Like abilities that are its highest level, it decides which one to lose a use of. If the creature’s highest Psi-Like ability is an at-will ability, it loses one of its next highest level Psi-Like ability. If the creature only has at-will Psi-Like abilities, it cannot use its highest level Psi-Like ability for 1 round; if it is always active, it is suppressed for 1 round. When you drain a use of a creature’s Psi-Like ability, you gain an extra use of any one of your Psi-Like abilities of your choice. This extra use lasts for 24hrs.
Special: You cannot exceed your total number of Power Points using this ability, but you can exceed your total number of uses per day of your Psi-Like abilities using this ability.

Psychokinetic Barrier A shield of invisible psionic energy resonates from the depths of your mind, protecting you from harm.

Prerequisites: Anthotis, Psychokinesis Discipline
Benefit: Your mind has grown so powerful that it generates a protective barrier of psychokinetic energy around you. You gain Damage Reduction 3/psibane.
You may renew or suppress this ability at will.
Special: This is a Psi-Like ability. This feat may be taken multiple times, its effects do not stack. Each time it is taken, the Damage Reduction increases by 3 and the enchantment bonus the Psibane weapon must have to penetrate your DR increases by 1, starting at “+1 and psibane” the second time you take this feat. You may only take this ability once per Age Category + your GV.

Psycrystal: Beast You can manifest The Beast in the form of a psycrystal.

Prerequisites: Ability to create a Psicrystal, Anthotis
Benefit: You can create a psicrystal with a splinter personality unique to vampires. This personality manifests as the primal instincts of the vampire, otherwise known as The Beast. This psicrystal’s form is more bestial in appearance, and seems slightly disturbing to living creature’s, although they will not recognize the significance. It is persistant in its quest to remind the owner of their true nature, and must feed, lie, steal, and murder to survive. It often points out potential victims for its owner to feed from, particularly when the owner is hungry. It cares for nothing but for its owner to meet the primal needs of a vampire; although it will always deny (lie about) its owner's true nature to any third party. This personality bolsters its owner by making them a little better at everything they do, but the influence of The Beast comes at a price.
The Beast psicrystal grants you a +1 bonus on all attack rolls, damage rolls, saving throws, and skill checks, but a -1 penalty to all Frenzy checks.

Quell the Beast You can soothe the Beasts of other vampires.

Prerequisites: Haarvenu or Raelu, Mature
Benefit: At the cost of 1 Vitae, you may project an inner calm onto the beast of a Frenzied vampire, soothing its woes. This allows you to make a Frenzy Check at the same DC of the Frenzy Check that set your target off, although you gain a +4 bonus to the check. If you succeed, your target’s Frenzy automatically ends. There are no consequences for failing the check. You may make a new attempt the next round if you failed the previous one, but you must expend another point of Vitae to do so.
Use of this ability is a standard action. You can only use this ability on a vampire that is within 60ft of you, and only one vampire at a time.
Special: When a Pureblood uses this ability on a lesser vampire, the target’s Frenzy automatically ends as the target’s Beast submits to the authority of the Pureblood. A Pureblood does not have to expend Vitae to use this ability. Only another Pureblood can use Quell the Beast on a Frenzied Pureblood, but this ability costs a point of Vitae to do so. A lesser vampire attempting to use Quell the Beast on a Frenzied Pureblood automatically fails their check.

Rapid Blood Drain Your fangs can drain blood at extraordinary speeds.

Benefit: You no longer have to grapple an opponent to use your Blood Drain attack. You can use your Blood Drain attack on an enemy through a successful Bite Attack; however, you only deal 1 Constitution Damage this way.
Special: This is an extraordinary ability.

Rapid Shape Change Your flesh may reconstruct itself with greater speed.

Prerequisites: Telboth
Benefit: You may use the Alternate Form, Beastform, Beast of Magic, Beast of Legend, Bonekey, Flesh Craft, Improved Flesh Craft, Greater Flesh Craft, and Monstrous Form of the Bat Vitae Feats, as well as your Mass Redistribution (if you have it) and Change Shape abilities, as a move-equivalent action instead of a standard action. You may also use Bonehammer, Boneskin, and Flight as a swift action instead of a move-equivalent action.
Special: This is an extraordinary ability. You may select this feat up to 3 times time. If you do, the second time you take it you may use the abilities listed above as a swift action (or a free action in the case of Bonehammer, Boneskin, and Flight) instead of a move-equivalent action. The third time you may use them as a free action.

Reflexive Biochemistry You are no longer harmed by acidic attacks.

Prerequisites: Flesh Craft, Rapid Shape Change
Benefit: Your body instantly and reflexively alters its biochemistry in response to acidic attacks, altering its chemical makeup to something that is not affected by the acid. When you select this ability, you gain Immunity to Acid.
Special: This is an extraordinary ability.

Regrown Flesh You can heal even the most serious of wounds with ease.

Prerequisites: Aged, Improved Regeneration
Benefit: Whenever you use your Vampiric Healing ability to heal damage that was not dealt by holy damage, sunlight damage, or anti-vampire damage you heal an additional amount of hitpoints equal to your AV + your GV for each point of Vitae you expended. You heal 2 extra hitpoints per Vitae expended when you use your Vampiric Healing ability to heal damage caused by holy damage or sunlight damage. You heal 1 extra hitpoint per Vitae expended when you use your Vampiric Healing ability to heal damage caused by anti-vampire damage.

Savvy Insight Few can match your instinctive understanding of social situations.

Prerequisites: Raelu
Benefit: Raelu vampires are widely known for their keen business, political, and social savvy. They see things others do not in such situations. While all Raelu vampires are adept in the social arena, only Raelu vampires with this ability can see the best solution to social situations virtually instantly. You automatically make a Sense Motive check as a free action once per round. Your racial bonus to Sense Motive checks increases by +4. You are considered to always be Taking 10 on all Sense Motive checks, unless you choose not to. This ability is automatic and requires no special effort or extra time to use.
Special: This is an extraordinary ability.

Sap Charisma You can drain charisma from the living.

Benefit: If you deal negative levels with your Energy Drain special ability, you can instead deal 1 point of Charisma Drain for each negative level you would normally inflict. In addition, the target suffers a -1 penalty to all rolls for 1d4 rounds.

Sap Constitution You can drain constitution from the living.

Benefit: If you deal negative levels with your Energy Drain special ability, you can instead deal 1 point of Constitution Drain for each negative level you would normally inflict. In addition, the target suffers a -2 penalty to all Fortitude saves for 2d4 minutes.

Sap Dexterity You can drain dexterity from the living.

Benefit: If you deal negative levels with your Energy Drain special ability, you can instead deal 1 point of Dexterity Drain for each negative level you would normally inflict. In addition, the target suffers a -2 penalty to all Reflex saves for 2d4 minutes.

Sap Intelligence You can drain intelligence from the living.

Benefit: If you deal negative levels with your Energy Drain special ability, you can instead deal 1 point of Intelligence Drain for each negative level you would normally inflict. In addition, the target is Confused as per the spell for 1d4 rounds.

Sap Strength You can drain strength from the living.

Benefit: If you deal negative levels with your Energy Drain special ability, you can instead deal 1 point of Strength Drain for each negative level you would normally inflict. In addition, the target suffers a -2 penalty to all attack rolls for 2d4 rounds.

Sap Wisdom You can drain wisdom from the living.

Benefit: If you deal negative levels with your Energy Drain special ability, you can instead deal 1 point of Wisdom Drain for each negative level you would normally inflict. In addition, the target suffers a -2 penalty to all Will saves for 2d4 minutes.

Seal Wounds You can close tears in your flesh and breaks in your bones.

Prerequisites: Flesh Craft
Benefit: You can heal up to a number of hitpoints per day equal to 2 x (your HD + your AV + your GV(if positive)), and may spread this healing out over multiple uses.
Special: This is an extraordinary ability.

See the Flow Your eyes are sensitive to the flows of negative energy.

Prerequisites: Caress of Entropy
Benefit: You can naturally “see” the flows of negative energy. You see negative energy as streams of misty, crackling darkness. This ability never interferes with your ability to see normally. You may see negative energy even if you are Blind, so this ability allows you to see Undead creatures as hazy apparitions if you are Blind or otherwise can’t see. Negative energy on the Prime Material Plane does not simply flow all around the world en mass; instead, the flows are extremely minute, and can’t be detected even by use of this ability. You can, however, see larger flows where negative energy naturally gathers. Negative energy naturally gathers in places of death or otherwise of morbid significance. Places such as battlefieds, graveyards, the site of a grisly murder, or where many undead where animated at the same time are the kinds of places negative energy might gather. As you draw closer to such places, you will begin to see negative energy moving towards them. At first the flows will be like small trickles, but eventually become streams, or whole rivers if the location is especially rife with death.
To find these flows of negative energy, you must make a Survival Check of the appropriate DC. You gain your AV as bonus to this check. You must make this check every hour. If you are close to the location, you do not need to make a Survival Check, as you will be able to easily follow the flow of negative energy. How close you must be to not have to make a check is relative to how strong the locations connection to the negative energy plane is. For example, you might have to be within a few thousand feet to easily see the flows of negative energy around the site of a suicide, but you would easily see the flows of negative energy around the site of a large battlefield from miles away. You gain no special insight as to the nature of what it is that the negative energy is flowing towards, only that there is something that is attracting negative energy. You can speculate what it is, and seeing that large amounts of negative energy are moving towards it can help (such as when following the flow of negative energy to a large graveyard).
The table below assumes you are on the Prime Material Plane, and DCs may increase or decrease depending on which plane you are on. This table provides examples of locations that would require such a DC to find, but the examples are by no means an exhaustive list. The DM should use the examples listed as a basis to determine the DC required to find types of places not listed.
Table: See Negative Energy Flow Table
DC Examples
5 Area with the Minor or Major Negative Energy trait, portal to the Negative Energy Plane
10 Altar where living sacrifices are made, ancient crypt, large battlefield or graveyard, place where many undead were simultaneously animated, site of multiple grisly murders, temple devoted to a deity whose portfolio or domains include Death or Repose
15 A creature with an active negative energy aura, site of a murder or suicide, site where a one or a few undead were animated, small battlefied or graveyard, lair of an undead with more than 8 HD
20 Lair of an undead with 8 or less HD, native of the Negative Energy Plane
25 A place where multiple undead were destroyed, a creature that has recently been to the Negative Energy Plane but is not native to it
30 A lone grave, place where a single undead was destroyed, place where a living creature died of natural causes*
40 A lone dug-up grave*
  • Note: Must be Recent. Any older than this and it will be impossible to find the negative energy flows.
The table below lists modifiers to the DC of the Survival Checks and the conditions of the modifier. As time goes on, the flows of negative energy eventually dissipate or move on to other locations, this can take many years, decades, or even centuries. Mundane things, such as a living creature dieing of natural causes, don’t take long to dissipate, while things like the location where a serial killing animated as a Mohrg or the site of a battlefield could take a very long time to dissipate. In the most morbid of locations, such as an alter where hundres of human sacrifices were made or a permanent Gate to the Negative Energy Plane, the negative energies will never dissipate without the use of powerful magic. Once the negative energy dissipates, the location becomes impossible to locate with this ability. Negative energy does not dissipate all at once, but happens slowly over time. If the negative enegy is in the mid to late stages of dissipation, the DM might want to increase the DC of the Survival Check anywhere from 3 to 6 to account for this.
The modifiers for Time and Distance stack with each other, so if there was a Recent muder that took place within 1 mile of your location, the DC to locate it would decrease by 10, -5 for being Recent and -5 for being within 1 mile of your location. Time describes how old the location is or how long it has been since the creature was present. Distance describes the distance between yourself and the location or creature.
Table: DC Modifiers
Modifier Time* Distance*
-10 Fresh (no more than a day old) Within 1,000ft
-5 Recent (no more than a month old) Within 1 mile
+5 Old (at least a year old) Within 10 miles
+10 Very Old (at least a century old) Within 25 miles
  • Note: As time passes, graves develop an even stronger connection to the negative energy plane, as opposed to growing weaker. Reverse the DC Modifier involving Time for graveyards.
  • Note: As stated above, the DC Modifier for distance is difficult to calculate, as some sites are more or less morbid than others. The DM should use the above table as a guideline and make adjustments when he feels that the flow of negative energy is more prevalent or less prevalent in a specific location.
When you are on the Negative Energy Plane your ability to see negative energy is completely overwhelmed and shuts down; therefore, See the Flow does not function on the Negative Energy Plane. When you enter the Negative Energy Plane you are Blinded for 1 round. There is no saving throw against this effect.
You gain a +4 bonus on Survival Checks made to track an undead creatures and creatures native to the Negative Energy Plane.
Special: Negative energy may or may not be present on a particular plane, and you should consult your DM before taking this feat, depending on which plane your campaign takes place. Places such as the Seven Shining Heavens of Celestia might be devoid of negative energy, while the Abyss may very well have negative energy, especially in realms controlled by fiends such as Orcus. Negative energy should always be present on a material plane.

Selective Feeder You are attuned to the blood of a particular race of humanoids.

Benefit: Choose one type of Humanoid or Monstrous Humanoid. You may pick any kind of Monstrous Humanoid, such as Bugbear or Ogre, but in the case of Humanoids, you must be specific. For example, you could not choose Elf, but you could choose High Elf, Wood Elf, or Drow; for Dwarfs you could pick something like Hill Dwarf or Duergar. If you pick Human, you must select a subset of the human species. For example, you could pick men, woman, children, citizens of a particular city, members of a particular family, or members of a specific social class, gang, or organization.
The examples listed above are by no means an exhaustive list.
When you feed from a member of the chosen type, you gain an additional 2 Temporary :Hitpoints, and heal an additional 5 points of damage, per Constitution Damage dealt with your :Blood Drain attack and an additional 1 Vitae for each successful Blood Drain attack.
Yekef vampires may choose to select one species of Animal instead of a Humanoid or Monstrous Humanoid, gaining the same benefits.
Special: This feat may be selected multiple times, its effects do not stack. Each time it is taken, you may select an additional type of Humanoid or Monstrous Humanoid as your chosen type. Purebloods benefit from this ability for all Humanoids and Monstrous Humanoids, as well as Animals.

Send the Shadow You may cast forth your shadow, which can journey forth at your command.

Prerequisites: Lyrezi
Benefit: As a standard action, you may detach yourself from your shadow. It is silent and nearly invisible, although it is not incorporeal. It has a fly speed of 40ft (good) and Darkvision out to 60ft. It gains a +8 bonus to Hide checks, a + 7 bonus to Listen checks, a +4 bonus to Search checks, and a +7 bonus to Spot checks. It gains a +4 racial bonus to Hide checks when hiding in shadowy illumination, but suffers a -4 racial penalty when hiding in brightly lit areas. No amount of magic can allow an outside force to take control of your Shadow. It cannot attack and has no ability to manipulate objects. It may move any distance away from you, but cannot move to a different plane than you. So long as it remains detached, you have no shadow, and mysteries that rely on the presence of your shadow, such as Step Into Shadow, do not function.
As a standard action, it may enter another creature or object’s space and enter its shadow. During this time, it rides with the creature/object’s shadow, moving at the same speed, and is completely invisible. A See Invisiblity spell, or similar effect, can reveal the shadow’s presence, but only if the caster beats the shadow’s Hide check. While it remains in the refuge of another shadow, it cannot be shattered by light based spells (see below), although if it would be shattered it is driven out of its refuge instead. It retains its ability to see and hear while hidden in another shadow, so this ability is useful for tracking foes without them ever knowing. It cannot enter shadows more than one size category smaller than itself.
You may switch between your senses, and your shadow’s sense as a free action at will. It cannot be destroyed, although spells with the Light descriptors aimed directly at it have a 10% chance per spell level of shattering it. If it is shattered, you have no shadow for 2d4 days. You cannot use this ability again until your shadow reforms. You may recall your shadow at any time as a standard action.

Sense You have supernatural senses that alert you of your surroundings.

Benefit: The older you get, the more powerful your ability to discern the presence of other Vampires, Clerics, Paladins, and Outsiders. You can make a Sense Motive check when something is magically concealed, or a Vampire, Cleric, Paladin, or Outsider is nearby. You can also sense when you are being scryed upon or when enchantments are being used against you or other creatures. This is a supernatural Divination ability. The caster level of this ability is equal to 10 + your AV + your GV + your Charisma Modifier. Category B Vampires gain a +2 bonus to the caster level and Category A Vampires gain a +5 bonus to the caster level. Use this caster level for the times when the target is resistant to detection, such as when the target is affected by a Nondetection spell. While you may detect the presence of something with this ability, you gain no additional information about what it is you sensed (except for what it is, example: you succeed a DC 10 Sense Motive check to detect the presence of a Paladin, you know you sensed a Paladin, you do not know anything else, like how strong it is, its direction, or how far away it is). While this ability is always active, you may take a full-round action to focus your mind, giving you a +4 bonus to the check. If you take a full-round action to focus this ability, and you succeed the Sense Motive Check, you learn its direction relative to you.
Table: Sense Ability Table
Sense DC
Vampire 15
Invisible Creature 15
Cleric/Paladin 10
Enchantments 20
Scrying 20
Outsider 25
Table: Modifiers to Sense Motive Check
Modifier DC Modifier
Target within 1,000ft -1
Target within 100ft -2
Target within 10ft -4
Age Category Difference +/- 2 per Age Category
Generation Difference +/- 2 per Generation
Vampire Category Difference +/- 2 per Vampire Category
Sense and Age/Generation/Category: Older vampires have a better chance to sense the presence of younger vampires. They gain a reduction in the Sense DC equal to twice the difference between their ages when sensing younger vampires, while younger vampires suffer an equal penalty to their checks when sensing older vampires. The same thing applies to the difference in Generation and Category for sensing vampires, so a Category B Vampire would have a better chance to sense the presence of Category C or D vampires, but would have a harder time sensing the presence of a Category A Vampire, and a low Generation vampire would have a better chance to sense the presence of a high Generation vampire, but a high Generation vampire would have more trouble sensing the presence of a low Generation vampire.
Sense and Enchantments/Invisibility: You must have an unbroken line of effect between yourself and the Enchantment or Invisible creature to sense it. If you sense an Enchantment, you do not automatically know what the effect is, you merely detect the presence of the enchantment.
"Normal Vampires:" The range of this ability for normal vampires is 1 mile per "Age" (minimum of 1 mile).
"Noble:" The range of this ability for Noble Vampires is 2 miles per "Age" (minimum of 2 miles) and they gain a +2 bonus on their Sense Motive checks made to use this ability.
"Pure:" The range of this ability for Purebloods is 6 miles per "Age" (minimum of 6 miles) and they gain a +6 bonus to their Sense Motive checks made to use this ability.
"Aundae:" Aundae vampires gain a +2 bonus to their Sense Motive checks made to use this ability and the range of this ability increases by 50%. Purebloods do not gain these benefits, as the enhanced awareness of the Aundae aspect of vampirism has already been accounted for in the above adjustments unique to Purebloods.
Special: Sense is a supernatural ability that is always active. It requires no active use on the part of the vampire (the DM should make the Sense Motive checks in secret so the player doesn’t know about it). Creatures aware that the vampire is sensing for them may attempt a Bluff check vs the vampire’s Sense Motive check to hide their presence (success hides the creature from the vampire’s Sense ability completely for that round, including from enhancements that the vampire might have from the Enhanced Sense Vitae Feat, such as Sense Emotions). This opposed check must be made each round if the creature wishes to maintain its secrecy.

Shadow Puppetry You can manipulate creatures with your shadow, like a puppeteer controlling a marionette.

Prerequisites: Aged, Shadowy Disruption
Benefit: At the cost of 3 Vitae, you may attempt to take control of a creature whose shadow your own shadow is hiding in. The creature is allowed a Will save to resist this ability. If the creature fails its save, it falls under your control. This ability functions as the True Domination spell, except you may control any creature type (even other vampires) and the effect is permanent so long as your shadow remains in the creature’s shadow. You may end this effect as a standard action. If your shadow is ever destroyed or leaves the dominated creature’s shadow, this effect automatically ends.
As a standard action, you may take direct control over a creature under the effects of your Shadow Puppetry ability. This is similar to possession, but you automatically have access to all of the creature’s abilities and senses, but not their knowledge and memories, and you use your Int, Wis, and Cha scores and their related Skills in place of the creature’s. The creature is also unable to resist actions that go against its nature. While you are exerting direct control, the creature remains fully aware of what it is doing, but it is helpless to stop itself, nor can it even speak (although you may speak through the creature is you so desire). While you are exerting direct control over the creature, your body remains in a trance like state, immobile and helpless. You do not even sense what is going on around your body, although you are automatically aware of when your body suffers damage. You may end this direct control as a standard action, although it does not end the domination over the creature. If the creature dies (or is destroyed in the case of undead or constructs) while you are exerting direct control over it, this ability automatically ends and you suffer 1d4 Wis damage and 1d4 Int damage as your mind is violently thrust back into your body, but you are otherwise unharmed.
Because you only have one shadow, you cannot use this ability on more than one creature at a time. You are also at a mild disadvantage while using this ability, because your shadow cannot fight or scout for you while it is being used to control a creature.
Special: Effects that block mental control, such as Protection from Evil, block this ability, but they do not exercise your shadow. Creatures lacking a shadow, such as incorporeal creatures or Lyrezi vampires that are currently separated from their shadow, are immune to this ability.

Shadowy Disruption Your shadow can interfere with the movements of other creatures.

Prerequisites: Send the Shadow
Benefit: If your shadow hides in the shadow of a creature, you may direct it to interfere with that creature’s movements. The creature is allowed a Will save to initially resist this effect. If it succeeds its save, your shadow is expelled from the creature’s shadow and it cannot attempt to re-enter it for 24hrs. Creatures that fail their saving throw are subject to intermittent and violent muscle spasms caused by your shadow manipulating the creature’s shadow in disruptive ways. This results in the affected creature suffering a -2 penalty to all attack rolls, damage rolls, ability checks, and skill checks until you direct your shadow to stop. The creature’s shadow is out of sync with its own movements during this time, which reveals the presence of your shadow, although not necessarily how to stop it. Creatures are allowed a new saving throw every number of minutes equal to 1 + your AV + your GV (to a minimum of 1 minute) until they have either succeeded their save or you have directed your shadow to stop. Your shadow does not have to leave the creature’s shadow to stop using Shadowy Disruption, and the creature does not gain any new saving throws to expel your shadow after it has stopped using Shadowy Disruption.
Special: If you have Dancing Shadow, increase the penalty to -4. If you have Greater Dancing Shadow, increase the penalty to -6. Creatures lacking a shadow, such as incorporeal creatures or Lyrezi vampires that are currently separated from their shadow, are immune to this ability.

Shadowdash I Using your vampiric powers, you can move at blinding speeds.

Prerequisites: Dex 16, Preternatural Speed, Vampiric Agility
Benefit: As a free action, you may expend 1 Vitae to increase your base movement rate by x (5 + AV). While using Shadowdash I, you gain an additional standard action per round, and can dodge and defend yourself, gaining a Dodge bonus to your Armor Class equal to 8 + AV. This ability lasts for a number of hours equal to 1 + AV + GV. If you enter melee, or otherwise make an attack, this ability immediately ends.

Example: An Aged vampire with a standard run of 45ft uses Shadowdash I to follow its prey. It takes a full-round action moving at x5 its normal speed (225ft per round). Using Shadowdash I, its speed would be multiplied by 8 (5 + 3 for the AV of the Vitae it used) x 225ft. It would run at 1800ft per round, or about 205 miles per hour. The vampire is completely at ease moving at these speeds; the dark powers allow it to speed up and slow down supernaturally. It can move from standing to full speed in an instant. It cannot move and attack in the same round, although it can make three move-equivalent actions in the same round, moving from place to place in the blink of an eye.

Noble: Increase the multiplier to the vampire’s speed by 1 and the time the ability lasts by 1hr.
Pure: Increase the multiplier to the vampire’s speed by 3 and the time the ability lasts by 3hrs.
Special: When a Berne vampire or a Pureblood uses this ability, the multiplier to the vampire’s speed is increased by 1 and the time the ability lasts increases by 1hr (this has not been factored into the bonus for using Pure Vitae).

Shadowdash II You can move at even greater speeds.

Prerequisites: Dex 18, Mature, Shadowdash I
Benefit: As a free action, you may expend 3 Vitae to increase your base movement rate by x (10 + (AVx2)). While using Shadowdash II, you gain an additional standard action per round, and can dodge and defend yourself, gaining a Dodge bonus to your Armor Class equal to 14 + AV. This ability lasts for a number of hours equal to 1 + AV + GV. If you enter melee, or otherwise make an attack, this ability immediately ends.

Example: An Aged vampire with a standard run of 45ft uses Shadowdash II to follow its prey. It takes a full-round action moving at x5 its normal speed (225ft per round). Using Shadowdash II, its speed would be multiplied by 16 (10 + 6 (3x2 for the AV of the Vitae it used)) x 225ft. It would run at 3600ft per round, or about 410 miles per hour. The vampire is completely at ease moving at these speeds; the dark powers allow it to speed up and slow down supernaturally. It can move from standing to full speed in an instant. It cannot move and attack in the same round, although it can make two move-equivalent actions in the same round, moving from place to place in the blink of an eye.

Noble: Increase the multiplier to the vampire’s speed by 1 and the time the ability lasts by 1hr.
Pure: Increase the multiplier to the vampire’s speed by 3 and the time the ability lasts by 3hrs.
Special: Shadowdash II does not stack with Shadowdash I, so there is no point in having more than one active at the same time. When a Berne vampire or a Pureblood uses this ability, the multiplier to the vampire’s speed is increased by 1 and the time the ability lasts increases by 1hr (this has not been factored into the bonus for using Pure Vitae).

Shadowdash III Your speed is beyond inhuman, it is almost god-like.

Prerequisites: Aged, Dex 20, Shadowdash II
Benefit: As a free action, you may expend 6 Vitae to increase your base movement rate by x(20 + (AVx4)). While using Shadowdash III, you gain an additional standard action per round, and can dodge and defend yourself, gaining a Dodge bonus to your Armor Class equal to 20 + AV. This ability lasts for a number of hours equal to 1 + AV + GV. If you enter melee, or otherwise make an attack, this ability immediately ends.

Example: An Aged vampire with a standard run of 45ft uses Shadowdash III to follow its prey. It takes a full-round action moving at x5 its normal speed (225ft per round). Using Shadowdash III, its speed would be multiplied by 32 (20 + 12 (3x4 for the AV of the Vitae it used)) x 225ft. It would run at 7200ft per round, or about 820 miles per hour. The vampire is completely at ease moving at these speeds; the dark powers allow it to speed up and slow down supernaturally. It can move from standing to full speed in an instant. It cannot move and attack in the same round, although it can make two move-equivalent actions in the same round, moving from place to place in the blink of an eye.

Noble: Increase the multiplier to the vampire’s speed by 1 and the time the ability lasts by 1hr.
Pure: Increase the multiplier to the vampire’s speed by 3 and the time the ability lasts by 3hrs.
Special: Shadowdash III does not stack with Shadowdash I or II, so there is no point in having more than one active at the same time. When a Berne vampire or a Pureblood uses this ability, the multiplier to the vampire’s speed is increased by 1 and the time the ability lasts increases by 1hr (this has not been factored into the bonus for using Pure Vitae).

Shadow Door You may cover vast distances using the shadows.

Prerequisites: Shadow Step, Young
Benefit: This ability is similar to Shadow Step, except much more powerful. As a Move-Equivolent Action, you may expend 1 point of Vitae to teleport to any shadow as large or larger than you (and any objects you bring, which cannot exceed your weight limit). You do not need to pass through a shadow as appropriate size, as Shadow Step. You must be able to see your destination; however, you need not see it physically or with your own eyes. You could scry for it, or be looking through the eyes of your simulacrum, undead minion, or other forms of detection. When you use this ability, you simply disappear and rise up out of the shadow you teleported to. This ability otherwise functions as Greater Teleport, but you may only transport yourself.
Special: This ability is not dependent on the Astral Plane. It is instead dependent on the Plane of Shadow.

Shadow Step The shadows readily aid your movement.

Prerequisites: Lyrezi
Benefit: You can step into a shadow and out of another as a move-equivalent action. There must be shadow at both the point of entrance and destination. The shadows you enter and leave must be as big as you (and any objects you bring) or larger for this ability to work. You must be able to see your destination with your own eyes. This ability otherwise functions as the Dimension Door spell, but you may make an action before your next turn, can only transport yourself and anything you are carrying (so long as it does not exceed your maximum weight), and there is no limit to distance so long as you can physically see your destination with your own eyes.
Special: This ability is not dependent on the Astral Plane. It is instead dependent on the Plane of Shadow.

Shadow Strike I You can strike at inhuman speeds

Prerequisites: Shadowdash I, Young
Benefit: You may perform 1 attack per round while using Shadowdash I without ending the ability. (This ability is incredibly useful when combined with Spring Attack). In addition, you may make one additional standard action per round, although you must expend 1 Vitae each time you do so, and you may only do so while Shadowdash I is active.
Special: If you attack while using Shadowdash I, you forfeit the Dodge bonus you gained from using Shadowdash I for that round.

Shadow Strike II Your body and senses have gotten used to high-speed combat.

Prerequisites: Shadowdash II, Shadow Strike
Benefit: You may perform 1 attack per round while using Shadowdash II without ending the ability. Your number of attacks are no longer restricted while using Shadowdash I (you may perform as many attacks as you are able per round without breaking Shadowdash I). In addition, you may make up to two additional standard actions (or one additional full-round action) per round, although you must expend 1 Vitae for each additional standard action you take (2 Vitae for a full-round action) when you make them, and you may only do so while Shadowdash II is active.
Special: If you attack while using Shadowdash I or II, you forfeit the Dodge bonus you gained from using Shadowdash I or II for that round.

Shadow Strike III You are completely used to high-speed combat.

Prerequisites: Shadowdash III, Shadow Strike II
Benefit: You may perform 1 attack per round while using Shadowdash III without ending the ability. Your number of attacks are no longer restricted while using Shadowdash II (you may perform as many attacks as you are able per round without breaking Shadowdash II). In addition, you may make up to four additional standard actions (or two additional full-round actions) per round, although you must expend 1 Vitae for each additional standard action you take (2 Vitae for a full-round action) when you make them, and you may only do so while Shadowdash III is active.
Special: If you attack while using Shadowdash I, II, or III, you forfeit the Dodge bonus you gained from using Shadowdash I, II, or III for that round.

Shape of Darkness You can transmogrify your body into the essence of the Plane of Shadow

Prerequisites: Shadow Step
Benefit: As a standard action, you may expend 2 Vitae to transform yourself into to animated shadow. You are Incorporeal while in this form, but you may deliver your Energy Drain as an incorporeal touch attack, you have a Fly speed of 40ft (perfect), and a Deflection bonus to your Armor Class equal to your AV. You are utterly silent and cannot be detected by Listen checks, although you retain your ability to speak, so you can still be heard so long as you choose to talk. You appear to be a Shadow (as the monster) while in this form, and might be mistaken as one by observers. This ability lasts as long as you wish or until you lose consciousness.

Silent Approach The powers of death have made you a master stalker.

Prerequisites: Berne
Benefit: The ability to approach unseen and unheard is the trademark ability of Berne vampires, and you are no exception. Your Move Silently checks are no longer penalized by how fast you are moving and your movements are so preternaturally silent that you automatically make a Move Silently check when you move, unless you choose not to. Your racial bonus to Hide and move Silently checks increases by +4. You are considered to always be Taking 10 on all Hide and Move Silently checks, unless you choose not to. This ability is automatic and requires no special effort or extra time to use.
Special: This is an extraordinary ability.

Slumbering Stone You can become as stone while you sleep.

Prerequisites: Bonds of the Earth
Benefit: When you sleep, you may choose to turn yourself to stone, becoming statue-like until you wake. This has a few advantages and disadvantages. First, you are immune to the effects of sunlight (including true sunlight spells, such as Sunburst). Second, you are unaware of your surroundings until you wake. Third, you do not restore any damage while sleeping and will awaken in whatever state you were in when you turned to stone. Third, you cannot rouse yourself from sleeping until the sunsets and are powerless to protect yourself should enemies find you. While in this state, your statue has Hardness 10 + your AV + your GV (if positive) + your Charisma Modifier and has the same hitpoints as your current hitpoints. If you have a Rejuvenation, reducing the statue's hitpoitns to 0 does not destroy you; your statue's heart must be ground to dust to cause true destruction, otherwise, you assume your Rejuvenation at sunset.
Special: Grinding to dust the statue heart of a Pureblood has no effect on the Pureblood, and in fact, a Pureblood cannot be harmed while in this state, even by anti-vampire damage.

Solid Image You appear to be corporeal even though you are not.

Prerequisites: Gelgoran
Benefit: Your Incorporeal form appears to be corporeal and fully solid. It is not readily obvious that you are incorporeal even when the observer is close up. A Spot check cannot reveal that you are incorporeal. A True Seeing spell will reveal that you are incorporeal. This ability does not actually make you solid. If a creature interacts with your form it will become apparent that you are incorporeal. You may renew or suppress this ability as a free action once per round.

Song of Agony You have discovered that the powers of necromancy and darkness have their own song.

Prerequisites: Haarvenu, Perform (singing) 12 Ranks
Benefit: You can sing a screeching note that causes agony to all living creatures within a 30ft radius. The song inflicts 1d8 + AV + GV in points of damage per round so long as you continue to sing. Affected creatures may make a Will save for half damage. The use of this ability expends 1 Vitae Point (this cost is not per round but for each use of the ability, that is to say, you may use this ability for as many rounds as you want and only pay 1 Vitae to do so, provided all rounds you sing are consecutive). This is a Sonic-based Necromancy effect.
Noble: Radius increases to 40ft and damage dealt is 2d6 + AV + GV per round.
Pure: Radius increases to 60ft and damage dealt is 2d8 + AV + GV per round. Affected creatures must make a save each round for half damage, a single failed save means the creature is no longer entitled to a save. Creatures within the 60ft radius are Sickened, regardless of saves, so long as you continue to sing and for 1d4 minutes afterwards. During the first round you sing, all living creatures within the 60ft radius must make a separate Will save or be affected by a Symbol of Pain so long as you continue to sing and for 2d4 rounds afterwards.

Solidify Form You can temporarily solidify your form.

Prerequisites: Gelgoran Grasp, Mature
Benefit: By expending 3 Vitae, you can become fully solid for a number of minutes equal to 3 + AV + GV. While in this state, you are not incorporeal, but fully solid and on the material plane (or whatever corporeal plane you are on). You can use this ability to do things like pass through an anti-magic field or interact with physical matter.
You may use this ability to feed on blood the same way other vampires do. While in this form, you gain the Blood Drain attack that other vampires have. You lose your fly speed and gain a base movement speed normal to your base race. Your Malefic Touch also becomes a normal Claw attack while in this form. Your Strength score is taken into account for physical actions, such as your attack and damage bonus for melee attacks.
Special: Purebloods have no use for this feat, since they can become solid for as long as they want at will.

Split Form You can split your power and flesh into multiple forms. With this, you can literally be in two places at once, or more if you possess the power.

Prerequisites: 11th Generation or lower, Character level 2, Improved Flesh Craft, Telboth
Benefits: By expending 3 Vitae, you can split yourself into two bodies. The new bodies are identical to the original. Neither form is as powerful as the original. The process to split your form takes 10 minutes, and it can be gruesome to behold (both splitting and recombining); however, they can recombine as a free action with just a touch. The process that splits your form does not duplicate anything but your body and your clothes (but not magical clothes); it does not duplicate anything else, such as weapons, armor, components, and other equipment. You are in complete control of both forms, and are aware of everything both forms are aware of. You are effectively two people simultaneously, or if you prefer, the same person spread out over two bodies.
Each form has half your normal level (and the appropriate feats, skill ranks, spells, class features, and special abilities for your reduced level), as well as half your normal Vitae pool (both the current Vitae and total Vitae are split), half your normal Power Points (if applicable, rounded down), half your normal Spirit Points (if applicable, rounded down), and half your normal hitpoints (make no other adjustment to the hitpoints of each form regardless of HD and other modifiers, unless your forms no longer qualify for a class feature that modifiers hitpoints due to the level loss). The new forms retain your normal Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores, but the Strength and Dexterity scores are 4 points lower than your normal scores; make no other adjustment to ability scores unless the new forms no longer qualify for a class feature that alters one or more ability score due to the loss of level/HD. The new forms otherwise retain all of your abilities, feats, skills (adjusted for new Str and Dex scores) and statistics, with the exception of levels (this is described below).
You divide your levels between your two forms however you desire, but both forms must have at least 1 level (adjusting and/or removing class abilities, such as a Rouge’s Sneak Attack or a Wizard’s spellcasting power, where appropriate). Your forms retain all your feats regardless of whether or not they qualify for them due to their new level. Example: Tony the vampire is a 6th level Ranger and 3rd level Fighter. Tony could opt to have one form be a 6th level Ranger and the other be a 3rd level Fighter, or he could have one form be a 4th level Ranger and the other be a 2nd level Ranger and 3rd level Fighter. There are other combinations Tony could choose from, as he can distribute his levels whichever way he wishes.
You can split yourself into more than 2 forms, but you must spend an additional 3 Vitae for each extra form and each form suffers an additional -2 penalty to Strength and Dexterity for each additional form you choose to split into. You must spend an additional 10 minutes to split your form for each additional form. You do not need to split into additional forms at the time of the first split. You can split yourself into 2 forms and then decide to split into a 3rd form a few days later; however, this does not affect the time limit for this ability.
You can maintain multiple forms for a number of days equal to your total level + your Charisma Modifier + AV + GV; if you have not recombined your forms when this time expires, all but one form of your choice are immediately destroyed (as the Destruction spell) with no saving throw, and you suffer the effects of unintentional ending of this ability (see below). If one of your new forms is destroyed, you suffer the effects of unintentional ending of this ability (see below). You can only have a total number of forms at any given time equal to 1 + your AV + your GV + your Charisma Modifier, and you cannot split more times than you have character levels (Jan the vampire is a 4th level Rouge, he cannot split into more than 4 forms, because this would bring each form’s level to less than 1).
Recombine: When you recombine your multiple forms, the Vitae pool of each form are combined to form your new current Vitae pool and the levels/HD are also combined to form the new current level/HD (and any other abilities regained because of this). You need not recombine all the forms at once, but levels/HD are immediately redistributed amongst the remaining forms and the penalty to Strength and Dexterity is recalculated to reflect the new number of forms.
Unintentional Ending: If you do not end this ability by having all your forms recombine by touching each other (they need not all combine at the same time), you are greatly weakened for a time. You suffer a -4 penalty to your Strength and Dexterity (and an additional -2 penalty for each additional form that was not recombined), lose 3 Vitae for each form that was not recombined, and gain 1 Negative Level for each form that was not recombined. These penalties persist for 1 day for each form that was not recombined. The Negative Levels never result in actual level loss. The lost Vitae can be regained as normal, you do not have to wait for X number of days to restore it.
Noble: Each split only takes 5 minutes.
Pure: Each split only take 1 minute. Your forms share your Vitae pool instead of dividing up your Vitae pool amongst each form, you do not lose 3 Vitae when one of your forms is not recombined.
Special: If all of your forms are destroyed (down to the very last, I mean you have 0 forms left, not just the extra ones), you are destroyed as well (example: Kirk the vampire splits into 2 forms, both forms are destroyed, he is destroyed, since he no longer has a body, at all). Templates are not divided amongst your forms, if you have a template (for example: Vampire, big surprise I know, or Half-Fiend), each form has the template(s).

Strain the Chains Stakes cannot bind you for long.

Prerequisites: Young
Benefit: You can move while staked, but you do so very slowly. Your movements are almost imperceptible, but they are there nonetheless. You are still Helpless while staked, as this ability does not allow nearly enough mobility to protect yourself or effectively get anything done.
It is not recommended that you use this ability to do anything but remove any object staking your heart. It could very well take a full 24hrs just to move 10ft.
What this ability does allow you to do is pull a stake from your heart over the course of approximately 1hr, assuming you are not destroyed outright by those that staked you or have not been restrained somehow. Would-be adventurers that think you gone from the world after having been staked are in for an unpleasant surprise.
Special: This is an extraordinary ability.

Strength of One You exude an aura of strength that bolsters your allies.

Prerequisites: Champion
Benefits: Allied creatures within 30ft + 10ft/your AV gain a profane bonus to their Str equal to your AV and a Deflection bonus to their AC equal to your Charisma Modifier. In addition, allied creatures within range gain Damage Reduction 10/magic and good, and a +2 profane bonus to all saving throws.
Special: Only creatures that participated in the ritual that made you their Champion benefit from this aura.

Sublime Artist The powers vampirisms have unlocked latent talents within you.

Prerequisites: Haarvenu
Benefit: Haarvenu vampires are highly creative individuals, and some truly are masters at what they do best. Your racial bonus to Perform and Craft checks increases by +4. You are considered to always be Taking 10 on any Perform or Craft skill that you have ranks in, unless you choose not to. This ability is automatic and requires no special effort or extra time to use.
Special: This is an extraordinary ability.

Supreme Legerdemain You can cast some minor spells even if you are not a spellcaster.

Prerequisites: Cha 18, Greater Legerdemain
Benefit: You can cast Arcane Sight, Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Illusory Script, and Major Image without preparation as a sorcerer of a level equal to your HD. You gain a number of 3rd level spell slots equal to your AV + your GV + your Charisma Modifier (minimum of 1). You may continue to use these spells after you have used up all your spell slots, but you must expend 1 Vitae per casting.
Special: These spell slots may not be used to cast any other spells.

Swarm Shifter You have learned to take on a swarm form.

Prerequisites: Beastform (Small, Tiny, or Diminutive creature)
Benefit: You gain one Swarm-Shifter template (detailed in Libris Mortis - The Book of Undead) of your choice.
You may select Swarm of Undead Bats even if you do not have the Beastform feat, but you must have the Alternate Form feat. You may select this version of Swarm Shifter even if you are a Neonate vampire.
Instead of gaining the Swarm Shifter template, you may instead selected one Small, Tiny, or Diminutive creature whose form you can take via Beastform. You may now choose to become the swarm version of that creature by using your Beastform power.
Special: This feat may be taken multiple times, its effects do not stack. Each time it is taken, you gain a new Swarm-Shifter template or swarm form of an appropriately sized creature you can change into via Beastform. Purebloods automatically gain all forms once they attain this ability. If you damage a living creature with your distraction attack while in Bat or Leech swarm form, you automatically deal 1 Constitution Damage as though by your Blood Drain attack, gaining the appropriate benefits for a successfully Blood Drain.

Switch Slip You can slip yourself and another creature through the cracks in reality, changing locations with them.

Prerequisites: Mature, Montalion
Benefit: As a swift action, you may expend 1 Vitae to switch locations with another creature. This ability functions as Dimension Door, except you teleport to the location of the targeted creature and vice versa and you can only teleport yourself and the creature whose place you are switching with. You do not have to physically see the creature in order to use this ability, but you may be able to sense them in some way, such as with a Status spell, Clairvoyant spell, Telepathy, or through the eyes of a servant. If the creature is unwilling, it is entitled to a Will save to resist the effect. Unlike the Dimension Door spell, both you and the creature are able to take other actions during the round you use this ability.

Symbiotic Spirit You may form a symbonic relationship with a living creature, provided the creature in question is willing.

Prerequisites: Gelgoran
Benefit: You may only use this ability on living corporeal humanoids and monstrous humanoids. You can only have a Symbiotic relationship with one creature at any given time. You can work out a deal with a creature whereby you form a Symbiotic relationship with eachother. The creature cannot be magically influenced to make this deal; however, they can be coerced. Harm to the creature to be possessed does not count, but the creature could be coereced under the threat of harm of another, such as a loved one. The exact nature of the deal struck depends on you and the creature. After the deal is made, the creature must willingly be possessed by you. This form of possession goes far beyond normal possession. When you normally possess a creature, you are merely sliping fragments of your power into the creature’s soul in order to affect it. When you form a Symbiotic relationship with the creature, you are exposing all of your power to the creature, whom you are granting free access to. It is not in your best intresest to actively harm/hinder the creature, since this ability relies on the willings of the creature to cooperate.
You do not have the normal set of abilities you have when you normally possess a creature, such as Ally/Enemy. You retain the Controller ability, but the creature does not receive a saving throw to resist it; however, you cannot lead the creature to its death while controlling it (such as committing suicide or charging into impossible odds). While in control, you must do your best to preserve the creature’s life. If you even attempt to lead the creature to its death, your control automatically ends. You may still communicate with the creature telepathically. You may see the creature’s memeories, but you do not know the creature’s thoughts. The creature is likewise unaware of your own thoughts and cannot see your memories. You still see through the creatures senses.
The creature may use your skills or its own skills, whichever are higher. Use the creature’s new ability scores to determine its skills (see below).
The creature may magically grow fangs or remove them at will. This allows the creature to use the Blood Drain ability, but does not grant them a bite attack. The creature may use this to replenish your Vitae. You may use your Feed ability on any creature adjacent to the creature you are possessing. This is not delivered as a touch attack. Instead, the creature you are targeting must make a Will save to resist its effects. The creature you are targeting must still be under some sort of fear in order for you to Feed from them (such as when you or the creature you are possessing uses your Frightfull moan ability).
May use any of your spell-like and supernatural abilities. May use any of your Vitae Feats that it could conceivably use. Example, the creature could not use Possess Corpse or Mask of Mortality, but could use your Dominate, Hypnotic Voice, or Sense Vitae Feats. May cast any spells you might know, provided it meets the prerequisite ability score. When the creature uses one of your spell-like or supernatural abilities, it uses up one of the uses for that day for both of you, provided it is not an at will ability. Example, if the creature uses your Bestow Curse supernatural ability, neither you nor the creature can use it again until it has recharged (1 week for Category C Gelgoran, 3 days for Category B Gelgoran). Like-wise, when the creature casts a spell you know it uses up that prepared spell, or spell slot if applicable. The creature cannot use your Haunt, Manifestation, or Possession abilities. You must pay any Vitae cost for when the creature uses one of your abilities that costs Vitae. You may choose not to allow the creature to use one of your abilities, although you might have to explain yourself, depending on the creature.
The creature’s Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores become 5 points lower than yours or its own, whichever is higher. The increased ability scores affect things like bonus spells, DCs of spells and special abilities, skills, saves, and other things.
The creature gains the following adjustments, according to your vampiric category, as written below. Category A Vampire’s follow different rules when using this ability, and have been moved to a different section (See the sub-section Pureblood: Symbiotic Spirit, found under the section General Changes)
Category C
+4 bonus to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution.
Deflection bonus to AC equal to 1 + your AV + your GV
Damage Reduction 10/good
Fast Healing 2 + your AV + your GV
Category B
+6 bonus to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution.
Deflection bonus to AC equal to 3 + your AV + your GV
Damage Reduction 15/good
Fast Healing 4 + your AV + your GV
You still have to feed regularly while in this Symbiotic relationship, but you may feed through the creature (see above). The creature will probably be aware of this fact, but not necessarily. The creature does not have to know your true nature, and many Gelgoran vampires with this ability keep their true nature’s hidden from the creature in question. This can be difficult to do if the creature discovers some of your more necromantic or unholy abilities, but you can restrict which abilities the creature has access to. Evil aligned creatures tend not to care, while forming such a relationship with good aligned creatures is considerably difficult if they know you are a vampire or if they suspect that you are a malevolent spirit.
Either you or the creature may end this Symbiotic relationship as a free action at will. If this happens, you are cast back into the Ethereal Plane.

Symphony of the Damned ???.


Tapped Potential Undeath has tapped into some of your potential, making you slightly better at just about everything you do.

Prerequisites: Young
Benefit: Select a skill you have at least 1 rank in. You gain your AV + your GV (minimum of 1) as a bonus to all checks involving that skill.
Special: This is an extraordinary ability. This feat can be taken multiple times, its effects do not stack. Each time it is taken, it can be applied to a different skill. For Purebloods, this feat is applied to all skills in which they have ranks in.

Telepathic Might The reach of your mind is long.

Prerequisites: Anthotis, Telepathy Discipline
Benefit: You may use any Telepathy Power on any creature within range of your Telepathy ability that you are aware of, even if this would exceed the normal range of the Power. You may use Telepathy Powers on creatures outside of the range of both the Power being manifested and your Telepathy ability, but only if you have a telepathic bond with the creature being targeted.
Special: This is a psi-like ability that is always active.

Touch of Entropy Entropy and Death flows from your fingers into the dead.

Prerequisites: Caress of Entropy, Garlythi, Mature or Pureblood
Benefit: You may affect any corpse you touch with an Animate Dead effect. The corpse must be relatively intact to animate. The newly created undead counts against your total HD of undead that you may control. Undead created in this manner crumble to dust in a number of days equal to your AV + your GV (minimum of 1). The duration is twice as long when used by Category B Vampires and permanent when used by a Pureblood.
Special: Purebloods gain this ability regardless of their Age Category because they possess an innate mastery over the dead.

Touch of the Dark Master Your power over the dead has grown to great heights.

Prerequisites: Elder or Pureblood, Touch of the Undead Lord
Benefit: You may affect any corpse you touch with a Create Greater Undead effect. The corpse must be relatively intact to animate. The newly created undead counts against your total HD of undead that you may control. Undead created in this manner crumble to dust in a number of days equal to your AV + your GV (minimum of 1). The duration is twice as long when used by Category B Vampires and permanent when used by a Pureblood.
Undead you create with your Touch of Entropy ability no longer crumble to dust on their own, that is to say, they are permanent.
Undead you create with your Touch of the Undead Lord ability last twice as long before they crumble to dust (4x as long for Category B Vampires, this accounts for their already increased duration).
Special: You may create any kind of undead that Create Undead can make with this ability, even if the caster level of this ability (equal to your HD + your AV + your GV) is not normally high enough to create it. Purebloods gain this ability regardless of their Age Category because they possess an innate mastery over the dead.

Touch of the Undead Lord More powerful undead can rise from your touch.

Prerequisites: Aged or Pureblood, Touch of Entropy
Benefit: You may affect any corpse you touch with a Create Undead effect. The corpse must be relatively intact to animate. The newly created undead counts against your total HD of undead that you may control. Undead created in this manner crumble to dust in a number of days equal to your AV + your GV (minimum of 1). The duration is twice as long when used by Category B Vampires and permanent when used by a Pureblood.
Undead you create with your Touch of Entropy ability last twice as long before they crumble to dust (4x as long for Category B Vampires, this accounts for their already increased duration).
Special: You may create any kind of undead that Create Undead can make with this ability, even if the caster level of this ability (equal to your HD + your AV + your GV) is not normally high enough to create it. Purebloods gain this ability regardless of their Age Category because they possess an innate mastery over the dead.

True Beastform You can truly become one with your varying forms.

Prerequisites: Mature, Improved Beastform
Benefit: You gain the Spell-Like and Supernatural abilities of the creatures you transform into using the Beastform, Beast of Magic, and Beast of Legend feats.

True Master The necromancy that powers you is truly awesome. You are a paragon of Master Vampires, and are widely feared by other vampires for your power, especially those you had previously enslaved.

Prerequisites: Aged, Domination, Must have taken at least 1 level in the Master Vampire Prestige Class
Benefit: Vampires you create with your Create Spawn ability rise as vampires in 1d4 rounds, rather than the normal 1d4 days it takes. This is especially useful when a Master vampire needs to quickly create many completely loyal shock troopers. In addition, you can regain control over vampires you previously controlled with your Create Spawn ability. To do this, you must successfully use your Domination Vitae Feat on the vampire in question. The vampire gains a +1 bonus to resist this Domination for each time it was released (starting at +1 for the first time). If the vampire fails to resist your Domination attempt, it does not suffer the normal effects of Domination, instead, it falls under the control of your Create Spawn ability again. The vampire remains a true vampire even if it was previously a vampire spawn. The vampire remains enslaved to you until you release it, again. If you have already reached your limit of spawn you can control, than you must release a vampire or vampire spawn you control via your Create Spawn ability to do this.
Purebloods may use this ability to re-enslave Vampire Familiars they have released. Such vampires again become that Pureblood’s Vampire Familiar.

True Mastery of Death Vampires are lords of the dead. You are no different.

Prerequisites: Elder or Pureblood, Garlythi
Benefit: As Mastery of Death, but increase the multiplier for the HD of undead you may control through spells and through rebuking by 1 + your AV + your GV (if positive)
Special: This effect overlaps, does not stack, with Mastery of Death. Purebloods gain this ability regardless of their Age Category because they possess an innate mastery over the dead.

Turn Resistance You are harder to turn than normal.

Prerequisites: Young
Benefit: You add your AV to your effective HD for the purposes of resisting turning attempts.

Twisting Thoughts Your physical form is not the only part of you that flows and changes.

Prerequisites: Blood Memories, Telboth, Must have successfully used Blood Memories at least once
Benefit: Your mind has developed a defense mechanism to confuse and repel invaders. Your mind is encased in a shell made up of all the memories you have ever absorbed. You gain your AV + your Charisma Modifier or +4 (whichever is higher) as a bonus to saving throws made to resist an effect that reads your mind, such as Detect Thoughts. This is effective against all effects that attempt to read your mind.
When someone attempts to read your mind, they must make a Will save or be bombarded by a tattered patch work of bits and pieces of all the memoires you’ve ever absorbed, instead of reading your own thoughts and memories, causing them to become Confused for 1 round. This counterattack does not convey meaning or words, only blurred images and indiscernible noises. Upon a failed save, the offending creature also fails to read your mind.
At your option, you may choose instead to encase the surface of your mind with the thoughts and memories of a specific individual (whom you must have successfully used Blood Memories on). If such is the case, your surface thoughts appear to be in sync with those of the creature whose thoughts they came from, adapting to the situation as necessary. If you do this, creatures that read your mind fail to read your real thoughts and instead read the thoughts of this false identity. Creatures familiar with the individual whose thoughts you have mimics receive a Will save to see through the ruse; however, they still fail to read your real thoughts. Telboth vampire vampires with this feat typically use this version of Twisting Thoughts in conjunction with their Change Shape ability, making it even harder to see through their charade. This defense is only effective against effects that read the surface of your mind. It does not prevent the use of effects that dig deeper into your mind, such as a Mind Probe.
You may renew or suppress this ability as a free action at will.

Unaided Flight You have the power to fly at will.

Prerequisites: Flight
Benefit: You can fly, levitate, or float at will. This power works as the Fly spell, with a maneuverability of good, and you use fly at the same rate as your base land speed.

Unbound You are no longer bound to your grave, although you may still benefit from resting in it.

Benefit: You no longer suffer from the negative effects of Grave Dependency or Grave Deprivation. You still gain the benefits for resting in any of your Graves, but are no longer required to rest there.
If you have a Rejuvenation, you may return to any place you desire in order to revive yourself; however, you are not reinvigorated by your Grave, and must bring your hitpoints above 0 under your own power. This is accomplished with the Vampiric Healing Vitae Feat. If you do not have this feat, you may expend up to 1 + your AV + your GV (if positive) in Vitae to regain a number of hitpoints equal to the number of Vitae points you spent. If you do not have enough Vitae to heal at least 1 hitpoint, you are forever destroyed when your Rejuvination’s time limit expires. You may still choose to return to one of your Graves (if any) while in your Rejuvenation, in which case you revive normally.
Special: A vampire automatically gains this feat as a Bonus Vitae Feat once it becomes Aged. Natural born vampires (even Purebloods) cannot select this feat, but still gain it once they become Aged. A non-natural born vampire that was not buried before it rose as a vampire automatically gains this feat as a Bonus Vitae Feat.

Unending Magicka You have an abundance of spells at the cost of Vitae.

Prerequisites: Aundae or Volkihar
Benefit: You may expend Vitae to regain a used spell slot for an arcane spellcasting class. You must expend a number of Vitae equal to the level of the spell slot to do this. This is a free action that can be performed once per round.

Unerring Instinct By focusing your vampiric power, you can heighten your awareness of the flow of battle to preternatural heights.

Prerequisites: Aged, Quarra, Unliving Instinct
Benefit: As a free action, you may expend 1 Vitae to gain the effects of a True Strike spell for one attack. The attack must be made during the round you use this ability; otherwise, the effect is wasted. You may use this ability any number of times per round at will, but each use only applies to one attack roll.

Unholy Fury You may harness the dark powers within you into an unholy wrath.

Benefit: Once per day, you may expend 3 Vitae to enter an Unholy Fury as a free action. In this state, you gain a bonus to Str, Dex, AC, and your regenerative abilities equal to 3 + AV + GV (minimum of 1). While using Unholy Fury, half of all damage you deal to good aligned targets is converted into unholy damage, and you may expend 1 Vitae to make a Smite Good attempt; however, you may only make a number of Smite Good attempts equal to + AV + GV (minimum of 1) during any given Unholy Fury. You burn 1 Vitae each round this ability is maintained, although you do not pay this cost during the first round.
You may end Unholy Fury as a standard action. Unholy Fury lasts until you dismiss it or can no longer pay the Vitae cost. If your Vitae is reduced to 0 while you are in an Unholy Fury, you automatically Frenzy vs Hunger with no chance for a saving throw. You suffer a -4 penalty to all Frenzy Checks while using Unholy Fury and for 1hr afterwards. You cannot use Mask of Mortality until the penalty to Frenzy Checks goes away.
Noble: You do not need to expend Vitae to make a Smite Good attempt.
Pure: You do not need to expend Vitae to make a Smite Good attempt. The unholy power of the Vitae is so potent that living creatures within 10ft of you suffer 1d6 unholy damage per round. The fury within you is not easily quieted, the -4 penalty to Frenzy Checks lasts 24hrs, rather than 1hr.
Special: While in an Unholy Fury, your fangs fully elongate, your claws lengthen, your eyes glow blood red, your voice gains a demonic tinge to it, and the very air about you is icy and menacing (if you are a Category B or A Vampire, your wings come out and cannot be retracted). This unmasked appearance makes your true nature undeniable and impossible to hide.

Unliving Instinct You have a sixth sense when it comes to danger.

Benefit: Your instincts warn you of immediate danger, allowing you to react more quickly and with greater clarity, in fact, your instincts are so keen that you may react to dangers that by all rights you should be completely unaware of. You gain an insight bonus to your AC and Reflex saves equal to 1 + your AV + your GV (minimum of 1). If a creature attempts to Flank you or catch you Flat-footed, even during a Surprise Round, they must make a Bluff check opposed by your Sense Motive check. If you win the opposed check, you are not caught Flat-footed or Flanked. You gain your AV + your GV (if positive) as an insight bonus to this check. A creature that fails this check against you cannot catch you Flat-footed or Flank you during that round. You are able to react to traps that grant a Reflex save even when you are normally denied one, such as when running recklessly over a pit. You are still denied a Reflex save if you are also denied your Dexterity bonus. If you are denied your Dexterity bonus, you can be Flanked and caught Flat-footed regardless of your instincts.
Special: This is an extraordinary ability. This feat does not mean you can automatically dodge any and all attacks, it simply means you are always aware of such attacks, allowing you a chance to dodge them.

Unquenchable Aura Your essence cannot easily be destroyed.

Prerequisites: Aged, Improved Energy Drain, Learned Turn Immunity
Benefit: You are powerful, the necromantic energies that surround you cannot easily be destroyed. If you would be destroyed in a turning attempt, you instead lose one Vitae for every two of the cleric’s turning levels. If you cannot pay the Vitae cost, you cannot use this ability. If you are a Category B or A Vampire, you do not suffer holy damage if you can pay the Vitae cost.

Vampiric Agility You may delve into the necromantic forces that power you to make yourself more agile for a time.

Benefit: As a standard action, you may expend Vitae up to 1 + your AV + your GV (minimum of 1) to gain a +1 bonus to Dex for each point spent. This bonus to Dex lasts for a number of minutes equal to 1 + AV + GV, after which they fall at a rate of 1 point per round until they are gone. You cannot use this power again until the effects wear off.

Vampiric Healing You can heal your wounds by expending Vitae.

Benefits: As a standard action, you may expend Vitae up to 1 + your AV + your GV (minimum of 1) to heal 1d12 + AV + GV in hitpoints for each point you spend. Once every 24hrs, you may expend up to 1 + your AV + your GV (minimum of 1) in Vitae to heal 1d4 + AV + GV points of sunlight and/or holy damage for each point you spend. Once every 24hrs, you may expend up to 1 + your AV + your GV (minimum of 1) in Vitae to heal 1 point of anti-vampire damage for each point you spend.
Noble: Heal an additional 3 points for each point of Vitae spent (does not apply to sunlight or holy damage).
Pure: Heal maximum hp and an additional 10 points for each point of Vitae spent (does not apply to sunlight, holy, or anti-vampire damage).

Vampiric Stamina You may delve into the necromantic forces that power you to make yourself tougher for a time.

Benefits: As a standard action, you may expend Vitae up to 1 + your AV + your GV (minimum of 1) to gain 1d12 temporary hitpoints per point spent. These hitpoints last for a number of minutes equal to 1 + AV + GV (minimum of 1). If you have not lost these temporary hitpoints by then, they fall at a rate of 5 points per round until they are gone. You cannot use this power again until the effects wear off.

Vampiric Strength You may delve into the necromantic forces that power you to make yourself stronger for a time.

Benefits: As a standard action, you may expend Vitae up to 1 + your AV + your GV (minimum of 1) to gain a +1 bonus to Str for each point spent. This bonus to Str lasts for a number of minutes equal to 1 + AV + GV (minimum of 1), after which they fall at a rate of 1 point per round until they are gone. You cannot use this power again until the effects wear off.

Vaporous Walk You can rapidly shift between your Gaseous form and normal form to make yourself harder to attack.

Prerequisites: Keerilth
Benefit: You may expend 1 point of Vitae as an immediate action to rapidly shift back and forth between your Gaseous form and your current form, which must be corporeal. This ability lasts for a number of rounds equal to 1 + AV + GV. You cannot use it again while it is still active, but you may use it immediately as it ends to continue its use. This ability is similar to the Blink spell, but it is controlled and does not use the Ethereal Plane. All physical attacks made against you have a 50% miss chance. Being able to see invisible or ethereal creatures does not lessen this chance. Spells affect you normally, unless the spell deals physical damage, such as a Telekenises spell being used to throw a physical object at you. You do not suffer any miss chance and may move about normally; however, you do not gain the movement of your Gaseous form, and so you cannot fly unless you have another means to do so, such as a Fly spell or the Unaided Flight Vitae Feat. You may end this ability as a free action.

Vast Magicka Reserves You have vast reserves of power.

Prerequisites: Duplicate Spell, Elder
Benefit: You may prepare, or spontaneously cast, double the amount of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd level arcane spells than you normally could. You may only apply this bonus to arcane spellcasting classes. Spell slots gained from an ability modifier, feats, or other bonuses do not count, only spell slots you gained from class levels are doubled. Spell slots you have yet to gain from class levels are doubled, but only after you have acquired them. If you have more than one arcane spellcasting class, you must choose which one will gain the benefits of this feat.
Special: This feat may be taken multiple times, its effects do not stack. Each time it is taken, you may choose a different arcane spellcasting class to apply the benefits to. Purebloods automatically apply this feat to all arcane spellcasting classes they have levels in. If the Pureblood gains a new arcane spellcasting class, this feat applies to that class as well.

Virulent Venom The neurotoxin your fangs produce is extremely potent.

Prerequisites: Mature, Yekef
Benefits: Creatures that succeed their saving throw against your Venom must make a second Fortitude save or still be Paralyzed for 1d4 rounds. Creatures that fail their saving throw must make a second Fortitude save; failure results in the creature being Paralyzed for twice as long and suffer 2d4 Dexterity Drain as the neurotoxin not only shuts down nerves used for movement, but corrodes them.

Vitae Well Your reserve of Vitae is overflowing.

Benefit: Your Vitae Score increases by 3. If you are a Volkihar or Pureblood vampire, this ability also increases your Cold Score by 3 points.
Special: This feat may be taken multiple times, its effects stack. You may only take this feat once per Age Category + your GV (minimum of 1). This is an extraordinary ability.

Voice of Blasphemy Your voice can bring ruin to goodness.

Prerequisites: Charisma 18, Elder or Pureblood, Voice of Dread
Benefits: By expending 3 Vitae you can duplicate the effects of a Blasphemy spell. Use of this ability requires a standard action. This ability has a Verbal Component, thus, if you are restrained from speaking you cannot use this ability.
Special: Purebloods get this ability regardless of their age because the evil energies within them are already extremely potent.

Voice of Dread Your voice can instill fear in the living.

Prerequisites: Charisma 14, Young
Benefits: As a free action once per round, you may expend 1 Vitae to can cause the sound of your voice to cause one living creature to become Panicked for a number of rounds equal to AV + GV + your Charisma Modifier (minimum of 1). Your target’s HD can be no greater than your own HD + AV + GV. Your target is allowed a Will saving throw to resist the effects. On a successful save, the target is Shaken instead. Use of this ability requires a standard action. This is a Mind-Affecting, Fear effect. This ability has a Verbal Component, thus, if you are restrained from speaking you cannot use this ability.
Noble: Duration increases by 2 rounds.
Pure: Duration is doubled, target’s suffer additional -2 penalty to all saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks regardless whether or not they succeeded their save. Target’s that fail their save suffer a -4 penalty to their Str and Dex so long as they are Panicked.

Voice of One You have become so integral to a particular community that you can deeply affect those who live there.

Prerequisites: Aged, Must have lived within the same community (village, town, city, etc…) for at least 10 years, Voice of Rapture
Benefit: As a standard action, and by expending 6 Vitae, you can affect the emotions of those who live in a particular community. The effect lasts a number of days equal to AV + GV (minimum of 1). You can make everyone in the community feel one emotion of your choice (irritation, love, trust, hate, etc...); however, you may only make them feel this emotion in a subtle manner. You cannot, for example, cause the residents of the community to turn upon one another in rage, unless of course they were already in a state of great anger. Travelers and other non-residents merely passing through the city are affected by this ability, but the effects are not nearly as strong. Those with a close tie to the city, but living elsewhere, will be almost as powerfully affected as current residents. This ability affects only living creatures. There is no saving throw for this ability. You must be within the borders of the community to be affected to use this ability. This ability is an Enchantment based Mind-Affecting effect.
Noble: Must have lived in the affected community for only 5 years.
Pure: Does not need to have lived in the affected community at all.
Special: To use this ability, you must first take up permanent residence in a community and live there for at least 10 years. You do not have to stay within the borders of the community during the entire 10 year period. You simply more or less have to make this community your home. You may use Voice of One to affect any community you have a link with. You can have a link to a number of communities equal to your AV.

Voice of Rapture Your voice can heighten any emotional state in the living.

Prerequisites: Haarvenu, Young
Benefits: By expending 1 Vitae, you can cause emotions in living creatures to spike unless they succeed on a Will save. Affection turns to obsession, irritation turns to hate, sadness turns to despair, all emotions are amplified tenfold. How this ability plays out is subject to the DM, but the DM should keep in mind that creatures overwhelmed by emotion are susceptible to being persuaded to doing things they wouldn’t normally do. For example, you might use this ability when speaking to a group of villagers that feel oppressed by the local baron; this group of villagers could be turned into an angry mob if you say the right words. When using this ability you should remember that people are most susceptible to doing things that you convince them, or that they think, are in their best interest. This ability affects all living creatures within 60ft + 10ft x (AV + GV) that can hear your voice; although you may choose to exclude specific creatures. You gain a +4 bonus on all Diplomacy checks made against creatures you have charmed that are also under the effects of this ability. This is a Sonic based Enchantment affect. This ability has a Verbal Component, thus, if you are restrained from speaking you cannot use this ability.
Special: Creatures merely need to hear your voice to be affected by this ability, thus, it can be used as a free action. This ability is most effective when used on a group of creatures that you have charmed and/or when combined with a Bardic Song.

Waltz of the Dead ???.


Watchful Sire Your childer can never truly escape your watchful eyes.

Prerequisites: Create Spawn, Wis 15
Benefit: As a standard action that costs 1 Vitae, you may Scry on any vampire you have sired as though by a Scrying spell. This scrying is automatic, lasts for as long as you concentrate on it, and moves with your child at the same speed the child is moving, so your childer can never move so fast the sensor can’t keep up. You may use this ability on vampires not under the control of your Create Spawn ability, so long as you personally sired the vampire, you may scry on them. There is no saving throw against this ability.

Wave of Death You can release the primeval necromantic energies within you as a spread that has deleterious effects on the living.

Prerequisites: Antediluvian
Benefit: You may expend up to 1 + your AV + your GV in Vitae to deal 2d8 points of damage per point of Vitae spent to all living creatures within 10ft x (1 per point of Vitae spent + AV + GV) of you. Affected Creatures are Sickened for 1hr (no save). Creatures are allowed a Will save for half damage and avoiding the sickness effect. Creatures that fail their saves are also Confused for 4d4 rounds. Creatures slain by this ability are Disintegrated. This is a Necromantic Death effect that releases as a Spread.

Will of the Ancients Your will is old and powerful. Only the strongest minds can resist you.

Prerequisites: Ancient, Improved Domination
Benefit: Creatures with less HD than your AV + your GV do not get a saving throw to resist any of your Charm, Command, and Domination attempts. All other creatures suffer a -4 penalty on their saves to resist those same attempts. Creatures normally immune to Mind-Affecting effects are still subject to your Charm, Command, and Domination attempts, but they do not suffer the -4 penalty and get a saving throw regardless of their HD.

Ascended Vitae Feats (Power Beyond Understanding)[edit]

Ascended Vitae Feats are special Vitae Feats that push a Vitae Feat to untold heights or combine two or more distinct Vitae Feats into a power that is greater than the sum of its parts. These feats strain the supernatural power of vampirism to its limit in order to perform spectacular displays of power.

Ascended Vitae Feats are usually much more powerful than regular Vitae Feats, but expend a great deal of Vitae, have stricter prerequisites, and leave the vampire in a weakened state; however, this is not always the case. Ascended Vitae Feats are gained in the same way as Vitae Feats.

Only vampires of 8th Generation or lower can take Ascended Vitae Feats. Higher Generation vampires simply lack the strength of Vitae necessary to perform such feats of power.

Ascended Vitae You must put forth little effort to use your powers.

Prerequisites: Ancestor, Efficient Vitae
Benefit: As Efficient Vitae, but each point spent counts as 3 points.
Special: This ability overlaps, does not stack with, Efficient Vitae. Same restrictions as Efficient Vitae. This is an extraordinary ability.

Aspect of the Fell One ???.

Prerequisites: Aura of Dread, Profane Avatar, Unholy Fury

Avatar of Flame Your wrath is like a great and unstoppable firestorm.

Prerequisites: Ancestor, Greater Inner Flame, Smoke and Flame
Benefit: As a standard action, you may expend 10 Vitae to assume the form of a Primal Fire Elemental. This ability functions as the Alternate Form Vitae Feat, except that you can only maintain this form for up to 1hr (6hrs if you used Pure Vitae to assume this form) and you use your new forms physical ability scores or your own physical ability scores, whichever are higher, determined individually. Using this ability takes a toll on your body, dealing 15d8 damage to you after this ability ends. This damage cannot be healed by any means except by resting in your Grave or by drinking blood (only there can your natural healing repair it). Until this damage is healed, you are considered to be Staggered.
Incinerating Touch (Su):

Beast of Legend Powerful magicks flow through your flesh and bones, allowing you to assume the form of a mighty dragon.

Prerequisites: Beast of Magic, Elder, Must have drunk blood of the type of dragon selected
Benefit: This ability functions as Beastform, except that you may select the form of one type of dragon, such as a Red Dragon, when you select this feat. This ability is not restricted by Size, and does not benefit from the Improved Beastform feat. You cannot assume the form of a Dragon with more HD than your own HD + your AV + your GV. When you assume dragon form, you may take the form of any age of the type of dragon you selected, up to whichever age does not exceed your HD limit.
You gain the dragon’s Breath Weapon even though it is a supernatural ability. You also gain any of the dragon’s Energy Resistances/Immunities.
Example: A 23HD Ancient Vampire takes the Beast of Legend (Black Dragon) Vitae Feat. The strongest type of Black Dragon it can change into is a Mature Adult Black Dragon, which has 22HD, and any type below it. It cannot assume the form of an Old Black Dragon, the next strongest type, because Old Black Dragons have 25HD. This same vampire could choose to assume the form of a Juvenile Black Dragon, which has 19HD, as well. When this Ancient Vampire has gained 2 more levels, and therefore gained a total of 25HD, it will then be able to assume the form of an Old Black Dragon if it wanted to.
You must expend 4 Vitae to use this ability.
Special: This feat may be taken multiple times, its effects stack. If Elder (or older) Pure Vitae is used to activate this ability, the form of any dragon can be taken, regardless of whether or not you have selected it; however, you still cannot exceed the HD limit, and even Purebloods must still drink the blood of the specified type before they can transform into one.

Cyclone of the Northern Wind With a great shout that rings like thunder and echoes like the wind, you can engulf your enemies in a terrible maelstrom.

Prerequisites: Elder, Fury of the North, Shadowdash II, Shadow Strike I, Whirlwind
Benefit: When you are in a Fury of the North, you may perform a special attack called Cyclone of the Northern Wind. Using this attack requires the expenditure of 10 Vitae and a full-round action. If you perform this attack, your rage immediately ends.
Cyclone of the Northern Wind (Su): You may make one melee attack using your highest base attack bonus against every creature within 100ft of yourself, even those that have cover relative to you. Immediately afterwards, a massive explosion of ice shards and freezing air engulfs everything within a 100ft radius spread of you. This explosion, in addition to forcing all creatures to make a DC 26 Str check to avoid being knocked Prone, deals 10d6 cold damage and 10d6 slashing damage to everything within that radius. All water within this radius instantly freezes, all unprotected mundane fires instantly go out, and the temperature within this radius drops to 0 degrees Fahrenheit if it was above it (if the temperature was below this already, there is no change in temperature). The temperature does not return to normal until 24hrs have past. After the attack, the air is filled with scattered gentle sparkles, the light reflecting off of floating ice fragments before they finally reach the ground, for 2d6 rounds.

Death Reave Your touch is the touch of death.

Prerequisites: Hand of the Undead, Profane Touch, Touch of the Undead Lord
Benefit: As a standard action, you may expend 6 Vitae to make a melee touch attack against one living creature. If your attack hits, the creature must make a Will save or die instantly. Success means the creature suffers 3d6 + AV + GV + your Charisma Modifier (if positive) in damage. This is a Necromantic (Death) effect. You suffer a -2 penalty to your saving throws for 2d4 minutes, as the necromantic energy you expended replenishes itself, and cannot use Death Reave again until then.

Fury of the North Your rage is like a great winter that knows neither mercy nor rest.

Prerequisites: Cha 18, Aged, Cold Fury, Shadowdash I, Unholy Fury
Benefit: When you choose to enter a Cold Fury, you may expend 8 Vitae to enter a state called Fury of the North. This state lasts for as long as your rage continues. While in this state, you gain the following benefits (these benefits replace those of Cold Fury):
Rage lasts twice as long
Immunity to Fire and Cold
+6 to Str (this stacks with other Str bonuses related to Rage)
+4 bonus to regenerative ability
You may make 2 extra melee attacks per round at your highest base attack bonus
Winter Brand (Su): All your melee attacks, including melee touch attacks and natural attacks, deal an additional 2d6 cold damage. Creatures within 5ft of you suffer 1d6 cold damage per round.
When your rage ends, you suffer a -6 penalty to Str, a -4 penalty to your regenerative ability (minimum of 0), and become Exhausted. These effects last for 1hr, and you cannot rage against until then.

Legendary Legerdemain You can cast some minor spells even if you are not a spellcaster.

Prerequisites: Cha 20, Supreme Legerdemain
Benefit: You can cast Arcane Eye, Dimension Door, Locate Creature, Hallucinatory Terrain, and Minor Creation without preparation as a sorcerer of a level equal to your HD. You gain a number of 4th level spell slots equal to your AV + your GV + your Charisma Modifier (minimum of 1). You may continue to use these spells after you have used up all your spell slots, but you must expend 1 Vitae per casting.
Special: These spell slots may not be used to cast any other spells.

Memory’s Fading Glimpse You can erase all knowledge of your existence.

Prerequisites: Ancient, Mesmerize, Perfect Mind, Vitae Score 20
Benefit: You must spend 24hrs in uninterrupted meditation to use this ability. After your meditation, your current Vitae score is reduced to 1. If you do not lose at least 19 points of Vitae, this ability automatically fails. When this ability does not fail, every creature on the entire planet you are on must make a Will save (DC 20 + your AV + your GV + your Charisma Modifier) or forever lose all their memories of you (such as your name) and memories relating to you (such as your exploits); however, creatures with less HD than 10 + your AV do not receive a saving throw. You may exclude specific creatures from the effects of Memory’s Fading Glimpse. You erase all traces of your existence, leaving no evidence that you ever existed, everyone simply forgets about you. The effect is automatic and complete, affecting every creature in the world. You do not become invisible, you are simply not recognized and not remembered. Written references and other documents about you do not vanish, all who read them or see the images will hypnotically overlook them. Affected creatures can gain new memories of you if they encounter you again or hear about you after you use this ability, and any references, pictures, documents, etc… about you created after you use this ability will not hypnotically be overlooked. Normal magic is ineffectual against restoring lost memories or even detecting that memories have been lost in the first place. Only a Miracle, Wish, or Reality Revision spell with a caster level of at least 20 has a chance to restore lost memories; the caster must make a caster level check versus the DC of this effect or the lost memories are not restored. Short of that, only divine intervention can restore the lost memories. Anti-Magic and Null-Psionics fields do not block this ability. Only other vampires with this ability are immune to this effect; thus, creatures normally immune to Mind-Affecting effects, including Purebloods that have not become Ancestors yet, must make a saving throw against this ability. This is a Mind-Affecting effect with an instantaneous duration.

Perfect Legerdemain You can cast some minor spells even if you are not a spellcaster.

Prerequisites: Cha 22, Legendary Legerdemain
Benefit: You can cast Dream, False Vision, Major Creation, Permanency, Persistent Image, Seeming, and Telekinesis without preparation, as a sorcerer of a level equal to your HD. You gain a number of 5th spell slots equal to your AV + your GV + your Charisma Modifier (minimum of 1). You may continue to use these spells after you have used up all your spell slots, but you must expend 1 Vitae per casting.
Special: These spell slots may not be used to cast any other spells. You must pay half the normal XP cost for using Permanency.

Perfect Mind You have achieved true mastery over your psionic Disciplines.

Prerequisites: Anthotis, Discipline Specialization, Manifester Level 20 or Pureblood
Benefit: Select one Psion Discipline you specialize in. You may use any of the Discipline Powers of that Discipline as a Psi-Like ability a number of times per day dependent on the manifester level. 1st through 3rd may be used 9 times per day, 4th through 6th may be used 6 times per day, 7th and 8th may be used 3 times per day, and 9th may be used 1 time per day. You may augment these Psi-Like abilities if you wish to, but you must pay any PP cost to do so.
Special: This feat may be taken multiple times, its effects do not stack. Each time it is taken, choose another Discipline you have specialized in. You gain the benefits of this feat for that Discipline. You cannot take this feat more times than you have Disciplines. As Purebloods automatically gain all Vitae Feats they qualify for, Purebloods have Perfect Mind for every Discipline.

Perfect Vitae Your Vitae has achieved perfection.

Prerequisites: Antediluvian, Ascended Vitae
Benefit: As Efficient Vitae, but each point spent counts as 4 points.
Special: This ability overlaps, does not stack with, Ascended Vitae. Same restrictions as Efficient Vitae. This is an extraordinary ability.

Psychic Bombardment ???.

Prerequisites: Psychic Assault, ???
Benefit: As a standard action, you may expend 8 Vitae to

Reign of Terror You can unleash a primal fear in the living that they won’t soon forget.

Prerequisites: Aged, Aura of Dread, Chill of Death
Benefit: As a standard action, you may expend 3 Vitae to emit a 60ft radius Burst of primal fear. Living creatures caught within this effect must make a Will save or suffer a morale penalty equal to AV + GV (minimum of 3) to all attack rolls, ability checks, caster level, saving throws, skill checks, and spell resistance for 1hr. Creatures with less HD than AV + GV are not entitled to a saving throw and are automatically Frightened for 1hr (no save).

Robes of the Death God Legions of the dead obey your dark will.

Prerequisites: Ancient or Pureblood, Garlythi, True Mastery of Death
Benefit: You may control an additional 300 HD of undead, or 5 x (your caster level + your effective Rebuking level) (between all your classes that can control undead with spells or rebuking), whichever is higher.
Special: Purebloods gain this ability regardless of their Age Category because they possess an innate mastery over the dead.

Smoke and Flame The fire of your anger can reduce your enemies to ash.

Prerequisites: Improved Inner Flame, Inferno
Benefit: At the cost of 4 Vitae, you may transform yourself into
Brimstone Touch (Su):

Sublime Presence Your presence is simultaneously wonderful and terrible.

Prerequisites: Cha 20, Aged, Aura of Dread, Aura of Grandeur, Presence
Benefit: You may expend 6 Vitae to emit a splendorous aura of perfect lovely horror. The effects of this aura extend out to a radius of 30ft of you. You may choose to exempt specific individuals (such as companions) from the effects of this aura, all others see you as both perfect in your existence and as the one to judge them. Creatures within this radius must make a Will save (same DC as your normal special abilities, but you include all of your HD in the DC, rather than just ½ your HD) or suffer the effects of Panicked, except that they do not attempt to flee, they only cower in fear and awe of you. You gain a +10 bonus to all Charisma based checks, such as Intimidate or Diplomacy, made against affected creatures, and affected creatures are treated as being under the influence of a Charm Monster spell as though you had cast it upon them. If you attack an affected creature, that creature, and that creature only, gains a new saving throw to overcome this ability, and may make a new saving throw each round thereafter. This aura lasts for 1 minute per AV.

Ward of the Deep ???.

Prerequisites: Elder, Indestructible Form, Mortis Shield III

Wrath of the Fell One ???.

Prerequisites: Ancient, ???