User:Leziad/The Cypherion of Infinite Words (3.5e Equipment)

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The Cypherion of Infinite Words[edit]

The Cypherion of Infinite Words uses the Functional Weapons of Legacy variant rule.

The Cypherion of Infinite Words
Price: 2,200 GP
Body Slot: Held
Caster Level: 20th
Aura: Strong Universal (DC 30)
Activation: See Text
Weight: 6 lb

This ancient grimoire written in a language meant to emulate truespeech, it is a powerful tool for a truenamer.

The Cypherion of Infinite Words is a strange occult text compiled by an unknown being, it text is said to contain many pointers and knowledge which can only be understood by a read capable of truespeak. The text itself is unreadable, even by powerful magic, only those who study the book eventually become capable of reading the text and tap into it power. The Cypherion of Infinite Words start as a +1 Battle Book which may be wielded as a one-handed weapon. As various rituals are made and power is gained, the Cypherion of Infinite Words starts taking on stronger powers. There are five rituals that are performed when unlocking this weapon's power. They must be performed in order (the 2nd ritual must be completed before you start the 3rd, even if you achieve the 3rd level prerequisites). Rituals cost gold (in the form of feeding the weapon raw materials) and xp, with an additional prerequisite. Once the 1st level ritual is unlocked, the book displays its omen effect. You can take time out and spend 8 hours bringing the weapon to the next level once you have the prerequisites.

The Cypherion of Infinite Words is a unique magic item, on its way to becoming an artifact. While it has a price, it cannot be completely destroyed. If reduced to 0 hp, it instead falls inert in a broken condition, and unable to be used until repaired, but is not destroyed as items usually are. It is treated as an artifact against the effects of mage's disjunction.

Omen: When held a faint hum and whispers in an unknown language can be heard coming from the book.

1st Ritual ()[edit]

Battle Study (Ex): In order to use any of the Cypherion of Infinite Words's special abilities one must be able to read it, even in combat. In effect this force a -2 penalty to the wielder's attack roll and AC unless she spend a move or swift action to pay attention to both for 1 round. As long as the book is held in one or both hand and is in readable condition (such as having a light source) she is able to benefits from all the abilities below which you can study. When she is able to study the Cypherion of Infinite Words, she add it enhancement bonus to the truenamer level of all of her utterance.

Extension Morpheme (Ex): If you are able to study the Cypherion of Infinite Words, you gain the benefit of the Metaword (Extend Spell) feat. If you already possessed that feat, choose another [Metamagic] feat you meet the prerequisites for. This is chosen when the ritual is attained and always the same.

Enhancement Bonus (Su): The Cypherion of Infinite Words gains an additional +1 enhancement bonus to its attacks. This stacks with any pre-existing bonus the weapon has, and does not count towards the price of +n weapon enhancements.

Expanded Learning, Minor (Su): Upon attaining this ritual you learn an additional 1dst level Utterance you could normally learn, which you may change for another Utterance whenever of the same level when you gain a level. You may only access this Utterance if you are able to study the Cypherion of Infinite Words.

Prerequisites: Truespeak 6 Ranks and able to use 1st level Utterances. The user must study the Cypherion of Infinite Words for 8 hours and make a successful DC 25 Truespeak to decipher the text of the first few chapter. Only one check may be attempted per 8 hours session of study.

Cost: 2,000 gp, 80 xp.

2nd Ritual ()[edit]

Detecting Eye (Su): While able to study the book, the user can use detect magic at-will. If she normally could cast this spell or an utterance which replicate it she gain all 3 rounds worth of information in one while able to study the book.

Expanded Learning, Lesser (Su): Upon attaining this ritual you learn an additional 2nd level Utterance you could normally learn, which you may change for another Utterance whenever of the same level when you gain a level. You may only access this Utterance if you are able to study the Cypherion of Infinite Words.

Illuminated Text (Ex): The text of the Cypherion of Infinite Words now glow with a faint blue light, allowing you to read it in all lightning conditions.

Source of Knowledge (Ex): The Cypherion of Infinite Words now behave as a Book of Knowledge for any knowledge chosen by the Truenamer's Knowledge Focus class feature. If she user does not possess that class feature it always default to Arcana.

Prerequisites: Truespeak 9 Ranks and able to use 2nd level Utterances. The user have a total of 12 skill ranks invested in Knowledge skills.

Cost: 8,000 gp, 320 xp.

3rd Ritual ()[edit]

Answerer (Ex): The Cypherion of Infinite Words gain the Answerer special enhancement for free.

Combat Student (Sp): After using the Cypherion of Infinite Words for so long, the user has learned how to deftly attack and get out of the way while reading. The user is now able to use her Battle Study ability without any penalty on attack roll and AC.

Expanded Learning (Su): Upon attaining this ritual you learn an additional 3rd level Utterance you could normally learn, which you may change for another Utterance whenever of the same level when you gain a level. You may only access this Utterance if you are able to study the Cypherion of Infinite Words.

Improved Enhancement Bonus (Su): The Cypherion of Infinite Words gains an additional +1 enhancement bonus to its attacks (total +2), as listed in Enhancement Bonus.

Empowerment Morpheme (Ex): If you are able to study the Cypherion of Infinite Words, you gain the benefit of the Metaword (Empower Spell) feat. If you already possessed that feat, choose another [Metamagic] feat you meet the prerequisites for. This is chosen when the ritual is attained and always the same.

Prerequisites: Truespeak 12 Ranks and able to use 3rd level Utterances.

Cost: 18,000 gp, 720 xp.

4th Ritual ()[edit]

Contingent Word (Ex): Once per day while studying the book, you may replicate the effect of contigency with one of your utterance instead of a spell with 10 minutes of concentration.

Expanded Learning, Greater (Su): Upon attaining this ritual you learn an additional 4th level Utterance you could normally learn, which you may change for another Utterance whenever of the same level when you gain a level. You may only access this Utterance if you are able to study the Cypherion of Infinite Words.

Maxzimize Morpheme (Ex): If you are able to study the Cypherion of Infinite Words, you gain the benefit of the Metaword (Maximize Spell) feat. If you already possessed that feat, choose another [Metamagic] feat you meet the prerequisites for. This is chosen when the ritual is attained and always the same.

Perfect Pronunciation (Su): If you are able to study the Cypherion of Infinite Words, you may take 10 on any Truespeak check even in situation where you could not be able to do so (such as combat).

Prerequisites: Truespeak 15 Ranks and able to use 4th level Utterances.

Cost: 32,000 gp, 1,280 xp.

5th Ritual ()[edit]

Expanded Learning, Superior (Su): Upon attaining this ritual you learn an additional 5th and 6th level Utterance you could normally learn, which you may change for another Utterance whenever of the same level when you gain a level. You may only access this Utterance if you are able to study the Cypherion of Infinite Words.

Infinite Word (Sp): Once per day while the user is able to study the book, the user may use the Primal Utterance of any utterance she know. If she possess the ability to use Primal Utterance she is able to use this ability to not 'burn' the utterance for the day.

Greater Enhancement Bonus (Su): The Cypherion of Infinite Words gains an additional +1 enhancement bonus to its attacks (total +3), as listed in Enhancement Bonus.

Prerequisites: Truespeak 18 Ranks and able to use 6th level Utterances.

Cost: 50,000 gp, 2,000 xp.

Prerequisites: N/A.
Cost to Create: Unique item, cannot be created.