User:Luigifan18/Suddenly Filth Train (3.5e Spell)

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Author: Luigifan18 (talk)
Date Created: October 7, 2015
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Suddenly Filth Train
Conjuration (Summoning)
Level: Blighter 6, Sorcerer/Wizard 6, Train 6
Components: V, S, M, F
Casting time: 1 full-round action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 caster levels)
Area: 120-foot line, 10 feet wide, until interrupted
Duration: 1 round or until interrupted, then up to 5 rounds; see text
Saving Throw: Reflex partial, Fortitude partial; see text
Spell Resistance: No

As you finish casting the spell, a gate opens, releasing a high-speed train made of poop which rushes forward upon grungy ethereal rails. The filth train carries a random contact-transmitted disease, which can be contracted by any creature making contact with it. (The DM should decide what disease the filth train carries through a random number generator or similar means; however, it is recommended that stronger diseases (e.g. higher save DC, greater damage, extra conditions and consequences, etc.) are less likely to be carried.) Creatures within the path of the filth train are slammed at high speed, taking 1d6 points of magic bludgeoning damage per 2 caster levels (maximum 10d6 at caster level 20) and are knocked prone, with a Reflex save to halve the damage and negate getting knocked prone, though they are forced to the left or right of the filth train. If they cannot move to the side (due to insufficient space or being outright immobile), they are rendered prone even on a successful save. The filth train, being made of poop, is rather soft and fragile, and its high speed doesn't help matters any; thus, the line ends as soon as it knocks a creature prone (see next paragraph for details).

The length of the filth train barrels through for 1 full round (unless the filth train collides with something), creating a 10-foot thick wall 15 feet high. All creatures within 10 feet of the wall (including you) must succeed on a Fortitude save or be sickened for 1 round. Despite its aforementioned softness, the wall cannot be reasonably damaged, as damaged sections of train are swept away by the eternally advancing wall of additional cars. The filth train travels in a straight line on disgusting ghostly rails (even through mid-air), unless it collides with a creature or object, in which case it collapses and covers whatever it collided with in its mass. The filth train is only considered to collide with a creature if it is unable to get out of its way (either due to failing its Reflex save, being immobilized, or having no valid space to move to).

If the filth train collapses on a creature, that creature is completely buried beneath the poop and must hold its breath (though the poop doesn't remain long enough to carry a risk of suffocation). (Incidentally, because the filth train buries the creature it knocks prone, Ukemi can't be used to stay upright.) A creature buried in the poop must succeed on a Fortitude saving throw or be nauseated for as long as it remains buried in the poop and for 3 rounds thereafter, as well as contracting the filth train's disease; if the Fortitude save succeeds, it will instead be sickened for that same length of time. If the disease's save DC is higher than this spell's, the creature contracts the disease unless it beats the disease's save DC. However, the inverse is not true; if the disease's save DC is lower than this spell's, a creature in contact with the poop from this spell must still beat this spell's save DC to avoid contracting the disease. (Subsequent saves against the disease use the disease's saving throw.) A buried creature can dig its way out as a full-round action with a DC 15 Strength check. A new Fortitude save versus nausea and disease is required each round that a creature remains buried in the poop.

The collapsed filth train continues to act as a wall, 15 feet high and 10 feet thick, from its starting point to the point of the collision; however, it is no longer moving, and is therefore susceptible to damage. Each 10-square-foot segment of the filth train has 1d6 hit points per caster level and hardness 0. Water-based attacks (including effects with the [Water] descriptor, aquan weapons, and natural weapons of creatures made of water, such as water elementals) do double damage to the filth train. The filth train can also be climbed; it is treated as a very slippery surface, so the Climb DC is 20. The collapsed filth train requires Fortitude saves versus sickness from any creature that moves to within 10 feet of it, just as it would while moving. Likewise, any creature that touches the filth train (such as by attacking it with unarmed strikes or natural weapons, or attempting to climb it) must make a Fortitude save or be nauseated for 1 round and contract the filth train's disease; success on the Fortitude save reduces the result to being sickened for 1 round, and potentially avoids contracting the disease. A creature can only be forced to make each of these saves against nausea or sickness once per filth train, no matter how many times they approach or touch it; however, a creature must save once per round it makes contact with the collapsed filth train to avoid contracting its disease. If the disease's save DC is higher than this spell's, the creature contracts the disease unless it beats the disease's save DC. However, the inverse is not true; if the disease's save DC is lower than this spell's, a creature in contact with the poop from this spell must still beat this spell's save DC to avoid contracting the disease. (Subsequent saves against the disease use the disease's saving throw.) The collapsed filth train loses one-fifth of its hit points each round, dissolving into formless goop on the fifth round. This automatically frees any creature that still happens to be buried under the filth train's remains.

Material Component: An ounce of dung and a chunk of flesh from a creature that died of disease.

Focus: A small cog.

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