User:MisterSinister/Work Bin 3
Spell and Spell-Like Ability Overview
A 'spell' is an ability used by a spellcaster with a one-time magical effect. Spells come in three types: arcane, which represents the caster imposing their individual will upon the cosmos; divine, which is granted to a character by a higher power or their own beliefs attracting such power; and natural, which a character acquires and understands through their close connection to the nature or essence of some plane. While almost all spellcasters cast one of these types of spells, some, such as the sorcerer, cast magic of no type, while others, like mystic theurges, can cast spells of more than one type.
Cutting across these are the eight schools of magic: abjuration, conjuration, divination, enchantment, evocation, illusion, necromancy and transmutation. Some spells and spell-like abilities can belong to multiple schools, and a few either belong to no school or all schools (depending on the scholar you ask) and are referred to as universal.
Spell-like abilities function in very similar ways, and are often simply listed as a reference to a particular spell. While there are some differences between the two ability types, as described in the Ability Overview section, the fact is that most spell-like abilities function a lot like regular spells that just require less effort to cast.
Despite all of the differences in the specific methods of spellcasting, spells all follow very similar rules and have similar entries. Their rules are described here.
[hide]Casters and Caster Level[edit]
A spell's user is referred to as its 'caster'. An individual's 'caster level' is always based on their 'character level' instead of any particular 'class level'. If a character has levels in more than one spellcasting class, the caster levels for each are independent, but still are still based upon their character level initially.
A spell or spell-like ability's power often depends on its caster level. This is equal to its user's character level under most normal conditions. It is also used for caster level checks, which are resolved by rolling 1d20 and adding the user's caster level.
Within spells and spell-like abilities, the [CL] notation refers to caster level, not character level by default.
Spell Failure[edit]
Some armours interfere with the motions required of spells, and occasionally, some conditions may arise that also make spellcasting difficult. When wearing such armour and casting a spell with a somatic component, or when those conditions arise, the spell automatically fails as soon as it becomes expended.
Spell failure does not apply to spell-like abilities.
Spell Resistance[edit]
Spells and spell-like abilities allow spell resistance by default (those that don't bear the [SR:Special] tag). This is a DC for a caster level check against the spell resistance of everything affected by the spell; if the caster fails this check, that creature is Immune.
A creature may allow its spell resistance to be defeated automatically if it wants.
Reading the New Spell Statblock[edit]
Each spell has its own entry in this volume, and they are presented in a standard format. Each section in this format, and their rules, are described here.
Name of Spell[edit]
This is what the spell is named. This gives the most common name the spell is known by, and the name by which it is referred to in the rules.
School [Tags][edit]
The spell's school is listed next, along with any tags that apply to it.
This is the level of the spell. When a spell is prepared or used spontaneously, it uses a slot of this level.
This shows which class has access to this spell.
This shows which spheres give access to the spell.
All of a spell's components are listed here.
Casting Time[edit]
The spell's action cost is listed here.
The range of the spell is given in this section.
Target or Area[edit]
This describes what kind of target the spell affects, or what manner of area it generates.
This indicates how long the spell lasts.
Saving Throw[edit]
This indicates what kind of save the spell allows, and what happens when the save is made.
Written in italics, this describes what the spell looks like, and may also give some information about it.
Spell Text[edit]
This is where the rules for the spell are noted.
If the spell has the [Positive] or [Negative] tag, its inverse effect is described here.
This describes what the spell does if it is enhanced. Note that the spell keeps any of its normal characteristics, apart from as noted.
This describes what the spell does if it is diminished. Note that the spell keeps any of its normal characteristics, apart from as noted.
In this section, the effects of the spell on any target that is immune to one or more of its tags is noted.
This section describes the augment the spell possesses, if any. In brackets, the level of the slot needed to use the spell higher than the norm is indicated. If augmented, a spell needs at least a slot of its normal level + any augment it has, and is treated as being of a level equal to its normal level + any augment. An augmented spell is otherwise identical to its normal version.
This section describes some items that can be made using the spell's energies, given the ability to make such an item.
Alternative Names[edit]
This section describes some alternative names that the spell may have.