User:ProphetPX/Xal'Anim (3.5e Campaign Setting)/Magic

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The mystical forces of Xal'Anim centers mostly around the ELEMENTAL and PRIMEVAL line of thinking, as well as totemic/shamanic systems of thought and practice. Psionics and standard (modified) wizardry and divine magic also exist.

Arcane Magic[edit]

Traditional wizardry and sorcery...
Standard 3.5e rules (for now). Also T.B.A.

Dimensional Disciplines[edit]

The sort of ideas I am hoping to incorporate here would be borrowed from the DnDWiki:Planescape setting, along the lines of inter-dimensional gateways and the magic associated with creating, destroying, manipulating, and tainting such portals. See the following resources:

Divine Magic[edit]

Technically, this topic should NEVER be referred to as a type of "Divine Magic" but is used so here initially for the sake of convenience. From now on, please refer to such spellcasting as "Prayers" or "Revelations" from a deity. Clerics, Paladins, Favored Souls, and sometimes Monks and Bards get these...
This happens when you request or communicate to a Deity.
This happens when a Deity requests or communicates to YOU.


(Combining the Magic of the Elements with ANY of the other "forms of Magic" on this page) - Examples:
Geomancers harness all the elements instead of focusing on just one. Their magic is perceived as "cruder" by elementalists, and geomancers look down on elementalists in return. Geomancers are often mercenaries, using their talents to alter the terrain of a battlefield to the detriment of the opposing armies.
Elementalists cast spells by attuning themselves to elemental energy. Most of the families within the clans specialize in one particular element.
Elemental sorcerers (of sorts). Standard 3.5e rules (for now) from Oriental Adventures (TM).
Elemental priests (of sorts). Standard 3.5e rules (for now) from Oriental Adventures (TM).

Mystic Theurgy[edit]

(Combining the Magic of the Arcane with Prayers of the Divine)
Standard 3.5e rules (for now) per the idea of the "Mystic Theurge" prestige class.

Natural Magic[edit]

Technically, this topic should NEVER be referred to as a type of "Natural Magic" but is classified here as "Natural Magic" here, initially for the sake of convenience. From now on, please refer to such spellcasting as "Springs" or "Paroxysms" from a deity or natural force. (Druids, Rangers, some Monks, Bards, and even Clerics get these)
This happens where you are able to access the powers of Nature.
This happens where the powers of Nature are able to access YOU.


Mental abilities (Monks and Psions, other classes, etc...)
Standard 3.5e rules (for now). Also T.B.A.

Sex Magic[edit]

Beyond ordinary mating functions, would be part of an alternative/variant rule where people could employ the OGL d20 Book of Erotic Fantasy... Certainly with there being animal-like races, mating heats will be a major factor in the lives of characters (some of which are monstrous or magical beasts).

Space Magic[edit]

Functions basically the same, except follows the differences outlined in the 3.5e update to the old 2e SpellJammer system. Please refer to:
-- and (mostly): --

Time Magic[edit]

Chronomancy - need I say more? ;) T.B.A.
Inspired by the old 2e Chronomancer rules (for now), for which there now seems to be an incomplete homebrew update, posted here: Chronomancer (3.5e Prestige Class). See also, the following resources: Publication:Chronomancer
Decent external resources can be found here:

Wild Magic[edit]

(the alien Arcane Magic of the Cosmos, sometimes controvertibly dependent on unreliable alien dimensions and unknown elemental aspects and properties)
Standard 3.5e rules (for now). Also T.B.A.