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Affability is a social skill. It allows you to influence how people feel about you, and use their fondness for you to push them a bit farther than they would go for others. Those with exceptional skill in Affability can talk others out of blinding rages or into potentially suicidal actions.

Key Attribute: Charisma

Minimum Rank 0 Uses[edit]

Push an Agreement[edit]

Sometimes you can present an agreement or offer that the other party is hesitant to accept. Maybe you have to talk people into going along with a crazy plan or otherwise helping you out when they don’t really want to, or maybe they’re just being indecisive. You can push them a bit and get people to agree when they otherwise might not, just because you’re a nice guy who knows how to talk to people.

Minimum Rank 2 Uses[edit]

Improve Rapport[edit]

You know how to win friends and influence people, and a smile or kind word from you can melt even the coldest heart. With a bit of time, you can get people to like you more than they otherwise would. This is a natural shift in rapport, one that is not magically enforced. If you mistreat or disappoint a person after changing their rapport with you, they are likely to respond more negatively than before. After all, no one likes false friends.

Minimum Rank 4 Uses[edit]

Delay Aggression[edit]

Sometimes people try to stab you before you can give them a reason not to. You can delay a hostile creature from attacking you and your allies with just a well-turned phrase. "Delay" is the key word here, as it does not last long and you may not hold an opponent back once the attack has begun.

Minimum Rank 6 Uses[edit]

Push a Group Agreement[edit]

You've mastered the technique of getting multiple people to go along with a plan at the same time. When you push an agreement, you can try to push it onto a group rather than an individual.

Minimum Rank 8 Uses[edit]


You don't need one-on-one interaction to convince people that you're a great person, you just need time. When you attempt to Improve Rapport, you can do so with an entire group rather than an individual.

Minimum Rank 10 Uses[edit]

Purge Aggression[edit]

When you successfully delay aggression, any creature you affect with a CR less than your CR − 4 cease to desire to fight you at all. They won't stand aside and let you do what you like if they have reason not to, but they will resist fighting with you and may stop others on their team from fighting as well. This is a [Compulsion] effect, and will not affect creatures immune to compulsions.

Push a Suicidal Agreement[edit]

Your tongue is so gilded you can make really terrible things sound acceptable sometimes. You may push agreements that would result in serious harm or death to a creature. These are still considered repugnant agreements. This is a [Compulsion] effect, and any save bonuses that a creature has against compulsions are added to the DC for them to accept the agreement. If they are a member of a group half that you are trying to push the agreement on, the bonus is added to their CR for the purposes of determining what the EL of their group would be.

Voice of Serenity[edit]

It really is hard to get or stay mad at you, and your voice can calm even the most chaotic of minds. When you turn on the charm, marshals find it hard to inspire either courage or ire against you and even berserkers find you difficult to hate. You can counter morale, emotion, and confusion effects just by talking.

Minimum Rank 12 Uses[edit]

Call of Serenity[edit]

You can direct your calming voice to desired targets, rather than letting it wash over those nearest you. When you use Voice of Serenity, you can affect all creatures in a cone out to 10' per rank in Affability, instead of the normal area.

Minimum Rank 14 Uses[edit]

Purge Enmity[edit]

You can build someone up and show them what a great person you are even in the middle of talking them out of the grievous bodily harm they would suffer by fighting you. Creatures with a CR less than your CR - 6 have their rapport shifted positively by one degree, to a maximum of friendly. They don’t necessarily become your ally, but they may try to convince any remaining hostile members of the group to just let you go about your business. This is a [Charm] effect, and will not affect creatures immune to charms.

Back to Main Page3.5e HomebrewSourcebooksTome of ProwessRevised Skills


The Bluff skill is a social skill involving the art of trickery. With it, you can convincingly lie, hurt the image of others, and take on the identity of another individual. Those with advanced training in Bluff can even lie to spells and effects that would determine their information without giving the target a chance to lie about it.

Key Attribute: Intelligence

Minimum Rank 0 Abilities[edit]


Words and glances can mean different things to different people. You know what to say and how to say it, and can use that to pass secret messages to others during public conversations.

Lie Convincingly[edit]

You generally want people to believe that you are telling them the truth, especially if it isn’t the truth. You know how to craft lies well, so that they are more likely to be believed by those you are telling them to.

Minimum Rank 4 Uses[edit]

Combat Distraction[edit]

If you just need to buy yourself a moment to escape, it’s hard to beat the old “Hey, what’s that behind you!” You can attempt a similar distraction, buying yourself a bit of time to start on your escape.

Minimum Rank 6 Uses[edit]

Mock and Deride[edit]

Anyone can heckle a speaker or slander a public figure, but you can do it with style. When others speak and attempt to garner favor for themselves, you can twist their words and otherwise cause them to err. This allows you to counter the Improve Rapport ability of the Affability skill, blunting the goodwill they would gain or even causing them to lose it entirely.

Minimum Rank 8 Abilities[edit]

False Nature[edit]

Most people answer inquiries truthfully when those inquiries don’t use words. So you've learned how to conceal your alignment, and even wear a more appropriate one. You don’t want evil cultists to block you at the door because you don’t pass an alignment check, after all.

Minimum Rank 10 Abilities[edit]

False Thoughts[edit]

As with alignment, so too with thoughts. You don’t want the thought police to know what you really think of them, and you don't want magic to give away a skillful lie. You've learned to conceal the aura changes that give away falsehoods, as well as how to conceal your thoughts from inspection. You can even craft new ones to wear around.

Minimum Rank 12 Abilities[edit]

False Self[edit]

As with alignment and thoughts, so too with location. Those who know who you are can simply locate you, which is often inconvenient while you’re working a job as someone else. You've learned how to hide from these magical tracking abilities, and even how to throw them off your scent entirely.


Concentration is a purely mental skill. Those trained in it can ignore distractions and focus on a complicated task and perfectly memorize complicated things. Those with a great deal of skill in concentration can even focus their way past spell effects that would paralyze or alter their minds.

Key Attribute: Wisdom

Rank 1 Uses[edit]

Split Focus[edit]

It’s tough to focus on two things at once, and if you're not careful, your lack of attention can cause you to perform poorly at a task. You know how to split your focus without either task suffering, and can better deal with or even ignore distractions while you work.

Rank 4 Uses[edit]

Get Out of my Head![edit]

When someone else gets a hold in your mind, it can be difficult to block their influence. You can focus your mind on the task of fighting them off, and push back or eliminate any lingering effects from a failed Will save.

Manage Interruption[edit]

It's tough to disarm a trap while you’re trying to not be molested by plants, or cast a spell while you’re being stabbed in the side. These sorts of interruptions can ruin your attempts, but if you focus hard enough, you can work around them or block them out entirely.

Photographic Memorization[edit]

Once you’ve seen something, you can pretty easily recall it. You can attempt to memorize a written string of numbers, a long passage of verse, a street scene, or some other particularly difficult piece of information.


Tome of Prowess (3.5e Sourcebook)/Disguise


The healing skill is an active skill that allows you restore the health of yourself and your allies. With it, you can bind wounds, treat poison, accelerate natural healing, and determine what effects a patient is suffering under. Those skilled in healing can heal others an amount near instantly, find hidden health concerns, treat temporary and permanent physiological conditions, and even bring the recently dead back to life.

Key Attribute: Charisma

Untrained Uses[edit]

Treat Wound[edit]

Most cases of bleeding out or caltrop damage can be remedied by pulling a bandage tight, and it doesn't require any specialized training to do so. You can reduce recurring hit point loss, like the 1 point/round suffered while at negative hit points or bleeding damage, or attempt to treat a debilitating injury, like those suffered from caltrops.

Rank 1 Uses[edit]

Care for Patients[edit]

Caring for the sick and injured requires a bit more knowledge than how to pull a bandage tight. You know the rudiments of healing, and can provide more care in excess of simple wound bindings.

Mitigate Poison[edit]

Poison is a bad way to go, and a treatable one if you get there in time. You can help victims survive beyond the initial effects of a nasty poison.

Rank 4 Uses[edit]

Triage Assessment[edit]

It’s useful to know who you can save with your healing knowledge, and who you’d be wasting your time on. You know how to tell what conditions a helpless or willing target is suffering under.

Rank 6 Uses[edit]

Immediate Healing[edit]

You can work wonders with bandages, leaches, and almost no time, healing substantial wounds and helping people to continue fighting.

Treat the Symptoms[edit]

Your knowledge of the body and its functions allows you to work around certain reactions and debilitating conditions. You can relieve the blinded, dazed, dazzled, deafened, exhausted, fatigued, nauseated, sickened, and stunned conditions from those you treat, though you can not treat permanent conditions with this ability.

Rank 8 Uses[edit]

Accelerated Care[edit]

A trained healer can cure more than simple injuries and diseases, they can speed recovery and heal more fantastic afflictions. Patients under your care, as defined in the Care for Patients ability, receive additional benefits.

Battlefield Surgery[edit]

Sometimes you can't wait for a full night of rest to start the healing, like when you're about to go fight another spider and your friend can't lose much more Constitution. You know how to quickly reduce an ability penalty, though some types of wound are harder to fix than others.

Detailed Assessment[edit]

Triage assessments are useful things, but detailed analyses often give more information. After completing a Triage Assessment on a patient, you can spend a bit more time with them to learn things about their health they might not know themselves.

Rank 10 Uses[edit]

Practiced Physician[edit]

You spend enough time putting arms back into sockets and setting limbs, and you get pretty good at it. The first use of immediate healing, or any ability that counts as a use of that ability, on a person after a full night's rest does not count against you for the purposes of determining your penalty for future uses of the ability or related ones.

Rank 12 Uses[edit]


Patients whose hearts recently gave out are only mostly dead. You can drag the recently dead back to the land of the living, kicking and screaming if necessary.


The intimidation skill is a social skill involving the threat of force, violence, and other unpleasantries. With it, you can scare people into helping or running from you. Those who practice intimidation intensely can scare off larger groups of people, demand obedience from others, and break fear’s grasp over people.

Key Attribute: Charisma

Rank 1 Uses[edit]

Coerce Assistance[edit]

Fear is a powerful tool in social interactions. If you have at least one minute to interact with someone, you may make someone temporarily more “helpful”.

Rank 4 Uses[edit]

Shake Resolve[edit]

With threats, gestures, and posture, you can make even the bravest foe cower. You may attempt to scare off an enemy rather than, or in addition to, trying to stab them in the face.

Rank 6 Uses[edit]

Shout Them Down[edit]

It's easy to project an air of confidence and menace when you know what you're doing. You can get multiple creatures to run from you instead of fighting.

Snap Out Of It[edit]

Intimidation is a skill all about making people afraid of you, and that fear can be used to break people free from the grip of inaction. Maybe you threaten them, maybe you just glare; the simple fact is that you can shake your friends (or your "friends", in some cases) free of [Fear] effects and the stun condition. You may only affect these conditions if their remaining duration is less than 1 hour.

Rank 8 Uses[edit]

New Orders[edit]

You’ve learned which tones of voice work best to get people to obey you without thought. Under most circumstances, you can make a target drop what they’re doing and follow your orders instead.

Rank 10 Uses[edit]

Cowards, All of You![edit]

You don’t just shake the resolve of your enemies with your actions and combat prowess, but with your very presence. You don't even have to know a creature is present to make it run from you instead of fighting.

Rank 12 Uses[edit]

Go Jump Off A Cliff[edit]

Some tones of voice can override a person's natural sense of self-preservation. You have practiced these tones, and may use them where you feel appropriate.


The psychology skill is a generally reactive skill that you use to learn things about those that you interact with. With it, you can spot lies and get a feel for a situation before it turns on you. Those who practice at it can tell when someone has been charmed, determine motivations of others, learn the secrets of others during casual conversation, and even predict the actions of others before they occur.

Key Attribute: Intelligence

Untrained Uses[edit]

Check For Deceit[edit]

People lie and act like other people, and it’s good to know when they’re doing that so you don’t get taken advantage of. You can attempt to determine if someone is lying to you, whether it's something as simple as a single lie or if they're actually attempting to pass themselves off as someone else.

Rank 1 Uses[edit]

Assess Situation[edit]

People have a really hard time hiding things, and you can learn all sorts of things if you know what to look for. You can read people or groups to get a feel for the situation, or learn that something is wrong before things fall apart.

Rank 4 Uses[edit]

Detect Influence[edit]

Magic can make people do weird things, and sometimes it’s obviously the cause. You can tell when people are acting under magical influence.

Rank 6 Uses[edit]

What’s Your Motivation?[edit]

People are pretty poor at disguising their motivations. You know that what people really like to talk about is themselves, and this gives you a window into their motives.

Rank 10 Uses[edit]

Would You Like To Talk About It?[edit]

It's incredibly difficult to not think about something once it's been brought to mind, and things brought to mind have an annoying tendency to slip off the tongue. You know the psychological tricks to coax out the inner secrets and workings of a mind.

Rank 12 Uses[edit]

Before They Know It Themselves[edit]

Most people fall back on old habits and patterns in a fight. This makes them predictable if you know how to read people, like you do.


The stealth skill is a movement skill involving cover, concealment, and blind spots. With it, you can walk past guards without their noticing, sneak up on a sentry, or slip unnoticed through a crowd. Those who specialize in stealth can help carry their friends when stealth matters and even tip toe past a creature that sees everything touching the earth nearby.

Key Attribute: Dexterity


You can hide behind a curtain, a well, or a hill and people on the other side of it can’t see you; they may not be able to hear or smell or otherwise sense you, either. This isn’t a skill or ability; it’s just what happens when something sits between people. While that’s useful, and not anything you should ever roll a stealth check for, sometimes you need to expose yourself and break cover to check out the people on the other side. That’s where the avoid notice or detection abilities of stealth are useful.

For the purposes of a stealth check, you are treated as being only as big as your exposed parts. If you are walking in the open casing a joint, the whole of you is exposed. If you are simply performing reconnaissance from cover, your exposed parts are generally three or more sizes smaller than your environment, and so you probably gain a substantial bonus on this check as indicated on the table above. You likely gain a similar bonus for traveling slowly with a very dense crowd, as only your head may be uncovered by the press of bodies. In general, the more you have to surround yourself with and the harder it is to pick you out of a crowd, the better the bonus you get to your stealth checks.

Untrained Uses[edit]

Avoid Notice[edit]

Anyone can keep their head down and their hood up when they have to. If someone is searching a crowd for you, or you are being generally observed but haven’t been specifically picked out, you may make a stealth check to continue to avoid notice.

Rank 4 Uses[edit]

Avoid Detection[edit]

You know enough about slipping away from attention to be pretty good at it when you need to be. There is no limit to your check result with the Avoid Notice ability.

Rank 6 Uses[edit]

Team Player[edit]

Sometimes you have to bring the team with you into the shadows, and they may not have any idea what they’re doing. You know how to help keep those who lack your knowledge of stealth from bringing the team down.

Rank 8 Uses[edit]

Foil Senses[edit]

When you hide, you can even mask your echo and vibrations. You show poorly against tremorsense and blindsense, and creatures must make a Perception check to locate you with these abilities.

Rank 10 Uses[edit]

Foil False Sight[edit]

Even the keenest of senses must work to find you if you don't want them to. In addition to tremorsense and blindsense, you also show poorly against blindsight. This otherwise functions as Foil Senses.

Rank 12 Uses[edit]

Fade Into the Background[edit]

People have a really hard time keeping an eye on you, even when they know you’re there. You can attempt a stealth check after someone has spotted you without first breaking line of sight or otherwise losing your pursuer, or while you are under any other sort of direct observation.