User:The 42nd Gecko
The first game I ever played of DnD, I was elected DM, and it's been so since... So yeah. I still have at best vague clues about half the rules and I'm DMing. :P
I've bought some Pathfinder products, and generally spend half my prep time surfing DnD Wiki for cool stuff to port over to Pathfinder.
I really like the flavor of the Tome Stuff, even if goes a bit overboard in my opinion (Perhaps because of how new all my players are, none of them have discovered the wonders of abilities like "grease" and "color spray", so, the strongest characters are usually Rogue Balance level.)
I really, really, like the flavor of a ton of Eiji-kun's stuff, especially Spellborg.
Material From this Wiki That's worked awesomely for me and the players of my campaigns..[edit]
Tenken by Thundergod Cid
Hybrid Elite Warrior by Jay Freedman
The idea of not calculating experience and just telling the party when they level up has been so nice...
Things I'd like to do.[edit]
1. Make (or find, if someone's already made one) a class that uses positive energy offensively. The fact that too much positive energy can cause "exploding in a riot of energy" is an amazingly cool concept.
2. Run some good campaigns for the people I DM for.