User:Zhenra-Khal/Eiji Challenge
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Here go all the articles I create for Eiji-Kun, our plushie overlord. Mainly these will be post-apocalyptic/wild-earth flora and fauna, and Mantle Of X spells, including Mantles of the aforementioned creatures.
- The Gardenialis plant is an offshoot of the assassin vine, bred to protect and tend other plants. They lash intruders with their vines and they passively heal other nearby plants.
- Few plants grow in darkness, and fewer still actively seek it out, but the Torchberry vine does just that. Its titular glowing berries can create a Faerie-Fire like effect when crushed, and after they ripen, they burst into seeds that drift on the breeze, attracted to darkness where they can grow and shed light. Beware, however, as a variety of this plant, known as the Blazeberry vine, sets everything its seeds touch alight.
- It is rare to find a material that actually creates concussive force, but such a thing is found within the grey-green wood of the Fusewood tree. Blunt weapons made from the wood hit a lot harder, as if they possessed the Impact quality, and the sap can be used to more easily make Oil of Impact. The wood can also function as an explosive when burned, so 'tis best not to mistakenly try it as firewood.
- Rare as it is, the Witchwood tree only grows near sources of magical power, and its purple wood and white leaves glow with potential when exposed to ambient energy such as is present where they grow. They can be used to enhance magical attacks, and likewise, they can turn any magical energy supplied into physical force added to blows made with a Witchwood weapon.
- Rusty bark and bloodlike sap gives these trees their name, and their hard wood is immune to the effects of fire, which is lucky since the things always grow near lava and other great sources of heat.
- Midnight-blue as the name suggests, Darkwood trees grow in dark areas and dim the light around them. They also produce chalky apple-like fruit that can aid the consumer in seeing in even magical darkness.
- Ghostwood trees are trees that grow in places of mass death or places where force magic has been used extensively. They are white of trunk and leaves - When they are visible. When completely still, the trees are invisible to the naked eye, unless one can see invisible or incorporeal beings. Things made from the wood also have the properties of interacting with incorporeal things as if it had the Ghost Touch enchantment.
- Growing in swamps and other moist places, the sweet Blightberry is toxic, numbing the muscles when eaten. However, they also accelerate the natural healing process, causing those who eat them to heal quite quickly, and many tribal communities use them for medicine.
- These bitter green berries, covered in spines, tend to grow on clustered, thorny, silver-leaved bushes in cold places. When eaten, they act as a magical steroid, enhancing the user's strength, but they do so at the cost of making one more susceptible to pain.
- Named just as much for their effect as for their azure coloration and tendency to grow in high places, Skyberries make those that eat them much lighter, allowing them to fall slower, drifting safely to the ground.
- These sour black berries, found on vines with vibrant pink leaves, tend to grow in dark places. When eaten, they give enhanced night vision, at the cost of making the consumer vulnerable to bright light.
- Tiny bronze-colored bees, the Anima bee is tied to the earth, burrowing into stone and eating the ferrous minerals they find. Their wax is likewise metallic, and while they cannot breed fast enough to maintain their numbers, they can and do build small golem-bees from their wax, animating their friends with their oily, flammable honey.
- Nearly invisible in the water due to their transparent coloration, the aquatic Tidewasp builds its nests underwater and eats small fish and waterplants. Their sting weakens the target until it can no longer move, but when a Tidewasp is crushed, their salty ichor can be eaten, allowing one to breathe water for a time.
- Mottled brown and grey in color the Depth Strider is an aquatic scorpionlike creature, and the only natural predator of the Tidewasps. Their sting paralyzes the target and prevents them from breathing water by magical or natural means, but makes their skin harden against physical attacks. Often a Depth Strider will string their prey and drag it to the bottom, waiting for it to drown.
- Covered in iridescent, inky scales and bearing batlike wings, the Ravenix is a toxic serpent known to live in jungles, swamps and other warm, moist places with lots of greenery. They attack in packs, breathing clouds of inky poison gas that blinds those within and makes it exceedingly difficult to breathe. The strong jaws of a Ravenix can bite through metal or bone, which is very annoying for the Bonepriests, which these serpents consider a delicacy.
- A form of dragonkin, the Platewhelp lacks wings, and has soft scales that do almost nothing to protect it. It solves this problem by collecting metal, be it swords and bits of armor or just coins, and welding them to itself as armor with its breath weapon. However, this makes them a prime target for Anima Bees, who quite enjoy ripping the metal painfully off the beast's sensitive hide.
- A specific kind of carrion beast, the Bonepriest resembles an oversized caterpillar or grub, bearing a hard, bone-like exoskeleton and antlers atop its head. They hunt undead creatures, feeding on the negative-energy-infused flesh, and are often mistaken for undead creatures themselves. This can be problematic, as the Bonepriest can absorb light, releasing it in blasts not unlike what a Cleric might use against undead creatures. When they mature, their antlers grow and can generate a more powerful blast.
- Very few people are scared of butterflies, but the Widowveil is likely responsible for those that are. Named for its deadly kiss and reconizable by its black color, magenta markings and tattered appearance, the butterfly feeds on the blood of dead things, like many other butterflies. Unfortunately, it also carries a venom that can topple an elephant in seconds, which makes it that much more horrifying when you see them flying in their yearly migration routes, in great clouds that block out the sun.
- The enchanted antler "crown" of a mature Bonepriest, this item allows the wearer to mimick the Bonepriest's ability of absorbing light and releasing it in deadly blasts.
- Taken from the fangs of a mature Bonepriest, this is one of the few substances toxic to the undead, causing an overload of positive energy that eats at their profane bones.
- A jelly-like mush made from crushed Tidewasps, this goo allows you to breathe underwater, but also subjects you to the Tidewasp's strength-sapping poison.
- The poison from a Depth Strider's stinger, this toxin hardens the skin of a victim, but paralyzes them and prevents them from breathing water at all.
- Glowing berries harvested from the vine of the same name, the Torchberry can be crushed to create a Faerie Fire-like glow, or used in a component of Sunrods and Light spells.
- Though oily and flammible, the honey of the Anima Bee can repair damage done to a construct, or aid in the animation of a new one.