Class Skills (2 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Primary Skills:
Concentration, Etiquette, Heal, Perception, Religion,
Secondary Skills:
Combat, Craftsmanship, Dungeoneering, History,
Persuasion, Planar Lore.
Class Features[edit]
All of the following are class features of the Cleric.
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: The Cleric is proficient with all simple weapons, and with light armor. They're also proficient with shields (Except Tower shields).
Spells: Clerics cast spells, granted by their deity. The Cleric learns one spell shape of their choice at first level, plus the Hand shape. They gain another spell shape at 2nd level and every 3 levels thereafter. At first level, the Cleric knows two spell effects of their choice, gaining another at 3rd level and every 2 levels thereafter. Finally, the Cleric learns one spell modifier at 3rd level, and another every 3 levels thereafter. Also, your choice in spell shape, effect and modifier is limited by your deity; Gods of death will never grant healing, nor will gods of ice grant you fire. The Cleric's magic is based off of their ability to channel the power of the Divine without being overwhelmed by it; Thus, the Cleric's Strain threshold for their Cleric levels is equal to their class level multiplied by their Willpower modifier; This is combined with Strain gained from other classes. As they are, in effect, begging greater creatures to grant them power, the save DC of the Cleric's spells are Guile-based, as are all Casting (Spellcraft) checks made to cast spells as a Cleric.
In addition to the spell shapes, effects and modifiers they learn, all Clerics gain bonus spells based on their deity. If you worship a deity, all of the deity's domain spells are available for you to cast at any time, regardless of whether or not you could normally research and learn these spells on your own. Demigods grant 2 domains, lesser deities grant 3, intermediate deities grant 4, and greater deities and pantheons both grant 6 domains. You can choose not to worship a deity - Venerating instead a concept, whether it simply be an idea, or something else, perhaps along the lines of a cult. If you don't worship a deity, you gain access to three domains of your choice.
Clerics are prepared casters, meaning they combine their shapes, effects and modifiers ahead of time. The Cleric can prepare a number of structured spells equal to his class level, plus his Memory or Willpower modifier (Whichever is higher). Preparing a spell takes 1 minute per spell level, and if interrupted partway, you must start over. Structured spells granted by a Cleric's domains are considered always prepared, and do not count toward the normal limit.
Clerics use Divine magic, and thus their magic generally uses Verbal and Focus components, using their deity's Symbol as the Focus. Clerics that don't worship a particular deity must create a symbol that represents their philosophy to use as a Focus.
The Cleric's spellcasting advancement is shown on the table below. Levels above 10 are shown for ease of reference when it comes to Prestige classes.
Table: Cleric Spell Progression
Level |
Spell Shapes Known |
Spell Effects Known |
Spell Modifiers Known |
Maximum Spell Level
1st |
11 |
2 |
— |
2nd |
2 |
2 |
— |
3rd |
2 |
3 |
1 |
4th |
2 |
3 |
1 |
5th |
3 |
4 |
1 |
6th |
3 |
4 |
2 |
7th |
3 |
5 |
2 |
8th |
4 |
5 |
2 |
9th |
4 |
6 |
3 |
10th |
4 |
6 |
3 |
11th |
5 |
7 |
3 |
12th |
5 |
7 |
4 |
13th |
5 |
8 |
4 |
14th |
6 |
8 |
4 |
15th |
6 |
9 |
5 |
16th |
6 |
9 |
5 |
17th |
7 |
10 |
5 |
18th |
7 |
10 |
6 |
19th |
7 |
11 |
6 |
20th |
8 |
11 |
6 |
Domains: Deities all grant access to Domains, which are areas of magic power related to the deity's purpose - A nature deity would grant access to Domains such as Plant, Animal, Weather or any of the elemental Domains. Each Domain grants special abilities to that Cleric, altering their talents drastically from the base class. Clerics who do not worship a particular deity chooses four domains that represent the philosophies they worship; These Clerics are granted power by the deities to which the aspects belong - So if you chose Fire, Earth, Craft and War, the gods of these respective domains would grant you your spells, because you venerating their cause is you worshiping them indirectly. Most Domains have Subdomains, which are alternate abilities (Such as Winter for the Cold domain).
Channel Divinity (Su): All Clerics can channel divine power directly, though their deity will only grant them so much power at once. This is a pool of daily uses that fuel your Divinity Powers. It contains a number of daily uses equal to your Guile modifier, plus one-half your class level (Rounded up). You can take the Extra Channel feat to gain more uses.
Divinity Powers (Su): Each Cleric is granted the ability to channel some of their deity's divine power, and this power manifests itself in the form of Divinity powers. These let the Cleric drive off or smite enemies of the faith, or to bolster or command allies of the faith, among other things. Divine feats grant you additional Divinity Powers, and most Domains also have special Divinity Powers that are granted to those who possess the domain.
- Turn Heretics: This ability lets you drive off enemies of your faith, making them flee or cower. Using this ability is a standard action that doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity, and it affects all such creatures within 60 feet of the Cleric. Such creatures may be of a certain type (Such as [Fire] creatures being turned away by a Cleric to the deity of Ice), or worshiper of the deity's enemies. When you attempt to Turn these foes, you roll 1d20 + your Command modifier (Known as a Turning Check), comparing the result to the table below. This number represents the strongest creature you can Turn. Once that has been determined, you roll 2d6 + your Cleric level + your Command modifier. This is a Turning Damage check, representing how many total hit dice you can Turn. So if you roll a total of 13 on the first roll and a total of 17 on the second roll, that means you can Turn any number of creatures whose combined hit dice does not exceed 17, and no individual creature can have more hit dice than your Cleric level +1.
- Turned creatures flee from you if they can, moving away from you by the fastest means possible. If they can't flee, they cower, granting a +2 bonus to attack rolls made against them. If you approach within 10 feet of them, they overcome being Turned, but you can otherwise act normally without breaking the Turning - You can attack them with ranged attacks or spells, your allies can approach and attack as they please, and so forth.
- If your Turning Check result is equal to or greater than any individual creature's hit dice x2, then that creature is instead destroyed utterly by your deity's power, unless they succeed a Will save (DC equal to the Turning check result); If they succeed, they are merely Turned instead.
Table: Turning Undead[edit]
Turning Check Result |
Most Powerful Creature Affected (Maximum Hit Dice)
0 or lower |
Cleric’s level – 4
1–3 |
Cleric’s level – 3
4–6 |
Cleric’s level – 2
7–9 |
Cleric’s level – 1
10–12 |
Cleric’s level
13–15 |
Cleric’s level + 1
16–18 |
Cleric’s level + 2
19–21 |
Cleric’s level + 3
22 or higher |
Cleric’s level + 4
- Command Allies: The opposite of Turning, this functions the same way - Using the same rolls and table - But rather than Turning a foe, you are calling out to an ally of the faith. Creatures that are indicated to be Turned on the table above instead have their attitude toward you improved by one step. If your Turning Check indicates that they would be destroyed, they are instead under your willing control, obeying your orders - Given via standard action - To the best of their ability. You can control a total number of hit dice worth of creatures not exceeding your Cleric level at any given time.
- Smite Heretic: Much like the Turn Heretic power, this ability only affects certain kinds of creature as determined by your faith. When you use this ability, you charge your weapon with divine power as a swift action. The weapon remains charged for a number of rounds equal to your Cleric level + your Guile modifier, until discharged, or until the weapon leaves your hand for more than 1 round for any reason. The next attack you make with the weapon adds your Guile modifier to the attack roll, and deals an additional +1[W] damage, where [W] is equal to the weapon's normal dice (So a Longsword would deal 2d8 instead of 1d8). This extra damage is not multiplied when landing a critical hit, and the damage increases by an additional +1[W] at each odd Cleric level. Only you can utilize the benefits of the Smite; You can't charge the weapon and then hand it to an ally.
- Lay On Hands: With this ability you can heal an ally via touch. Using this ability is a swift action. Once used, you can touch an ally (Or yourself) as a standard action to heal them. You can heal a total number of Hit Dice with each use of this ability equal to one-half your Cleric level. You can heal any number of Hit Dice worth of hit points with a single touch. Largest Hit Dice are affected first - So if you healed a Fighter 2/Wizard 3 for 3 Hit Dice of health, it would heal 10 damage for each of the first two hit dice (d10's), and then 4 points of health for the third Hit Dice (d4). You can, of course, split up the number of Hit Dice as you see fit, and multiple uses of Lay On Hands stack, though you cannot have more Hit Dice of healing available at any given time than you have Cleric levels - Any beyond that are lost.
- Condemn Heretics: With this ability, you call down divine disfavor upon the enemies of your faith. You can select a number of targets equal to your Cleric level + your Guile modifier, and all must be within line of sight and within Long range (100ft + 10ft per Cleric level). These targets must make a Will save (DC = 10 + 1/2 Cleric level + Command modifier) or suffer a penalty on skill checks (Including Combat checks) and Will saves versus Fear equal to one-half your Cleric level, plus one point of your Guile modifier per Cleric level. Their Hit Dice are also reduced by one-half your Cleric level for the purposes of determining how the Turn Heretic Divinity Power affects them. This lasts for a number of rounds equal to your Cleric level, plus your Guile modifier.
- Bolster Allies: With this ability, you call down divine favor upon you and your allies. Yourself and a number of allies equal to your Cleric level plus your Guile modifier are blessed in this fashion, each gaining a boost to all skill checks (Including Combat checks) and Will saving throws against Fear equal to one-half your Cleric level, plus one point of your Guile modifier per Cleric level. In addition, the affected allies have their effective Hit Dice increased by one-half your Cleric level for the purposes of determining how the Turn Heretic Divinity Power affects them. This lasts for a number of rounds equal to your Cleric level, plus your Guile modifier.
- Shatterspell: With this Divinity Power, you can Dispel magical effects. You can affect a number of spells, spell-like abilities or magic items within Long range equal to your Cleric level. To attempt the Dispel, you roll a Spellcraft check against a number equal to the spell's Caster Level + the spell level. If you are successful, the spell or spell-like ability's effect ends. Magic items are instead suppressed for 1d4 rounds.
- Spellward: With this ability, you grant yourself and a number of allies equal to your Cleric level a protection against magic. This manifests in the form of Spell Resistance, equal to your Cleric level + your Guile modifier. This lasts for a number of rounds equal to your Cleric level, plus your Guile modifier. In order to affect the targets with a spell, the caster must succeed on a Spellcraft check whose result is higher than the Spell Resistance value.
- Spellboon: With this ability, you can channel the power of the divine to lessen the strain of casting a spell. As a Swift action, you can affect either yourself, or an ally by touch. In doing so, the next spell the target casts will have its Strain cost (And casting DC) reduced by 1 per two Cleric levels. Additionally, you may instead touch a creature and lower its current Strain amount by 1 per two Cleric levels.
Gift of the Divine (Su): Where Divinity Powers are talents you can activate, these are constant benefits, tiny pieces of divinity instilled in the Cleric. You gain one Gift at each even-numbered level. Each Gift can be gained more than once; The benefits stack.
- Inspiration: You gain a +1 bonus on the skills associated with your deity's domains.
- Grace: You gain a +1 bonus on saving throws against spells containing the spell effects associated with your domains, and against the spells granted by your domains. In the case that both criteria apply, the bonus overlaps.
- Might: You gain a +1 bonus on damage rolls with your deity's Favored Weapon.
- Devotion: You gain +1 AC against the attacks of those designated as enemies of your faith, and a +1 bonus on saving throws against the spells and abilities of such creatures.
- Conviction: You gain a +1 bonus on Spellcraft checks made to cast a spell against a creature designated as an enemy of your faith, and on Spellcraft checks made to overcome the Spell Resistance of such creatures.
Divine Aura (Su): Beginning at 3rd level, you project an aura of power out to 5ft, plus 5ft per odd class level (10ft at 5th level, 15ft at 7th level, etc.) Creatures within this aura that you consider allies gain the benefits of your Gift of the Divine class feature as long as they remain within the aura.
Each Cleric follows a moral code set by their faith, or by their alignment and choice of Domains. Breaking this moral code results in the lose of all class features except base saves, hit dice, skills and proficiencies, until they receive the benefits of an Atonement ritual. Repeat offenders may lose these abilities permanently.
The Cleric has the following Archetypes available.