User:Zhenra-Khal/Realms Of Beyond/Classes/Fighter

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Fighters (Ftr; Martial) are the warriors - Knights, samurai, vikings, soldiers, and many other roles, can all be filled by the Fighter. Few others have the same prowess with weapon and armor as a Fighter.

Making a Fighter[edit]

Primary Role: Striker

Secondary Role: Defender

Fighters are warriors, but their role in combat - As in combat they will be found - Varies based on what skillsets they have chosen. Some will be living walls to protect their allies; Others will be found dancing in the fray, slender blades flashing and slinging blood; Still others will be found in the back, picking off targets with arrows. Their prowess with weaponry makes them a viable dealer of damage, and their high health pool allows them to take just as much punishment as they can dish out.

Abilities: Might is important for dealing damage, and Stamina helps you carry your equipment. Accuracy governs your attacks and Agility helps you avoid them. Vitality increases your hit points, and Endurance improves your Fortitude saves. If your Might, Accuracy and Endurance are all naturally 20 or higher, you gain a 10% bonus on all XP earned when Fighter is your highest base class level.

Races: Any race can be a Fighter, but Humans, Elves, Orc-kin and Dwarves are the most common.

Alignment: Any. It doesn't take a particular worldview to nock an arrow, swing a sword or hold a shield high.

Starting Gold: 5d6×10 gp (175 gp).

Starting Age: Moderate.

Table: The Fighter

Hit Die: d10

Level Saving Throws Special Maneuvers Known Maneuvers Readied Stances Known
Fort Ref Will
1st +2 +0 +0 Martial Training, Chosen Discipline, Focus Weapon 4 4 2
2nd +3 +0 +0 Martial Training, Veteran's Grace, Double Rush 5 4 2
3rd +3 +1 +1 Martial Training, Veteran's Glory, Archetype 6 5 3
4th +4 +1 +1 Martial Training, Dual Boost 7 5 3
5th +4 +1 +1 Martial Training, Veteran's Will 8 6 4
6th +5 +2 +2 Advanced Martial Training, Counter Stance 9 6 4
7th +5 +2 +2 Advanced Martial Training, Twin Strike 10 7 5
8th +6 +2 +2 Advanced Martial Training, Veteran's Prowess 11 7 5
9th +6 +3 +3 Advanced Martial Training, Mirror Stance 12 8 6
10th +7 +3 +3 Advanced Martial Training, Martial Mastery 13 8 6

Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)

Primary Skills: Acrobatics, Athletics, Combat, Dungeoneering, History, Perception.

Secondary Skills: Concentration, Craftsmanship, Deception, Etiquette, Handle Animal, Nature, Persuasion.

Class Features[edit]

All of the following are class features of the Fighter.

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Fighters have proficiency in Light, Medium and Heavy armor, all shields, all Simple and Martial weapons, plus one Exotic weapon of their choice.

Maneuvers Known: The Fighter uses martial Maneuvers. His initiator level is equal to his class level. You begin with 4 Disciplines of your choice available to learn from; The class skills of those Disciplines become class skills if they weren't already. At 1st level, you learn 4 maneuvers you qualify for, from any discipline you have available.

Maneuvers Readied: At first level, you may ready all four of your known maneuvers, but as you progress in power and learn more maneuvers, you must choose which ones to ready. You gain a new maneuver readied every 2 levels after 1st, as shown on the table. You can recover one expended maneuver by spending the same action used to initiate the maneuver and attempting a Combat check (DC 10 + Maneuver's level), or spend 1 minute meditating and attempt a Concentration check (DC 10 + Initiator level) to regain all of your readied maneuvers. Each time you attempt to regain the same maneuver in the same encounter, the DC increases by 2.

Stances Known: At first level, you know any two stances from the Disciplines you have available to you. You learn an additional Stance every two levels thereafter (3rd, 5th, 7th, etc).

Chosen Discipline (Ex): Each Fighter, at 1st level, chooses a Discipline to focus on. This choice, once made, can never be changed. You can convert any readied maneuver into a known (But not necessarily readied) maneuver from your Chosen Discipline. This allows you to prepare mostly maneuvers from disciplines other than your Chosen discipline, but always have your Chosen maneuvers available, even though they aren't readied.

Focus Weapon (Ex): At any time when you gain Weapon Training, you may choose a single weapon from one of your Weapon Training groups as your Focus weapon. This can be changed again any time you gain Weapon Training, but it must always be a weapon from your first Weapon Training group. All of your Advanced Weapon Training applies to this weapon, even if it's not from the weapon group you applied that Advanced Weapon Training ability to.

Martial Training (Ex): At each level, you gain Martial Training. This grants you one of: Weapon Training, or Armor Training, both shown below this entry. Additionally, you gain a bonus feat level for every Fighter level you possess, which can only be spent on feats with the Combat tag.

Weapon Training (Ex): When you gain this ability, you choose one group of weapons from the weapon groups below. You gain a +1 bonus on all Combat skill rolls made with weapons of the selected group. You can choose the same group; The bonus stacks. In addition to the groups shown, each Discipline's favored weapons are their own weapon group - Thus if you chose the Desert Wind as one of your disciplines, Desert Wind Weapons would be a valid weapon group - Containing the scimitar, light mace, light pick, spear and falchion. If a weapon fits into multiple groups, the bonuses do not stack (Which means only the highest bonus counts), unless it's your Focus weapon. Starting at 5th level, you can instead choose an Advanced Weapon Training option when you would gain Weapon Training (See below).

Axes: Battleaxe, Dwarven urgosh, Dwarven Waraxe, Greataxe, light pick, Handaxe, heavy pick, Orc Double Axe, and Throwing Axe.
Blades, Heavy: Bastard Sword, Elven Courtblade Falchion, Greatsword, Khopesh, Longsword, Scimitar, Scythe, and Two-Bladed Sword.
Blades, Light: Chakram, Dagger, Elven Lightblade, Elven Thinblade, Kama, Kukri, Rapier, Shortsword, and Sickle.
Blunt: Club, greatclub, heavy mace, light hammer, light mace, maul, meteor hammer, quarterstaff, warhammer.
Bows: Longbow, Shortbow, and Greatbow (Including composite versions, and the footbow variants).
Crossbows: Great Crossbow, Hand Crossbow, Heavy Crossbow, Light Crossbow, Heavy Repeating Crossbow, and Light Repeating Crossbow.
Double: Dire Flail, Double Chained Kama, Dwarven Urgosh, Meteor Hammer, monk’s spade, orc double axe, two-blade sword.
Firearms: All light, one-handed and two-handed firearms.
Flails: Dire Flail, Double Chained Kama, Flail, Heavy Flail, Meteor Hammer, Morningstar, Nunchaku, Spiked Chain, and Whip.
Monk Weapons: Double chained kama, kama, monk’s spade, nunchaku, quarterstaff, sai, shuriken, siangham, and unarmed strike, as well as any other weapons you treat as Monk weapons.
Close Combat: Dagger, gauntlet, heavy shield, light shield, punching dagger, sap, spiked armor, spiked gauntlet, spiked shield, and unarmed strike, as well as all natural weapons.
Shafted: Glaive, guisarme, halberd, javelin, lance, longspear, monk’s spade, ranseur, scythe, shortspear, spear, trident.
Thrown: Bolas, chakram, club, dagger, dart, javelin, light hammer, net, shortspear, shuriken, sling, spear, throwing axe, trident.

Armor Training (Ex): Armor Training grants you a +1 Maximum Agility Bonus with all armors you're proficient with, as well as reducing the Armor Check Penalty by 1. This stacks each time you gain Armor Training, to a maximum bonus and reduction of +4/-4. As a bonus, at 3rd level, you can move in Medium armor you're proficient in without it reducing your speed, and at 7th level, Heavy armor you're proficient in no longer reduces your speed. Furthermore, starting at 5th level, you can instead choose an Advanced Armor Training option instead of Armor Training.

Veteran's Grace (Ex): Beginning at 2nd level, while not denied your Dexterity bonus, you may now add your Veteran bonus to your Reflex saves.

Double Rush (Ex): Beginning at 2nd level, whenever you initiate a Rush maneuver, you can initiate a second Rush as a free action. Both maneuvers are expended as normal, and you are fatigued for 2 rounds afterwards. This can only be done a number of times per hour equal to your Veteran bonus, and cannot be done while Fatigued.

Veteran's Glory (Ex): Beginning at 3rd level, whenever you successfully land a Strike or use a Counter to prevent the harm it's designed to prevent, you heal a number of hit points equal to your Veteran bonus. This can only trigger once per maneuver, no matter how many attacks you Counter or how many attacks a single Strike gives you.

Dual Boost (Ex): Beginning at 4th level, whenever you initiate a Boost maneuver, you can initiate a second Boost as a free action. Both maneuvers are expended as normal, and you are fatigued for 4 rounds afterwards. This can only be done a number of times per hour equal to your Veteran bonus, and cannot be done while Fatigued.

Veteran's Will (Ex): Beginning at 5th level, while not denied your Dexterity bonus, you may now add your Veteran bonus to your Will saves.

Counter Stance (Ex): Beginning at 6th level, whenever you initiate a Counter maneuver, you may change your stance as part of the counter' action, even if it is not your turn.

Twin Strike (Ex): Beginning at 7th level, whenever you initiate a Strike maneuver, you can initiate a second Strike as a free action, so long as both Strikes have the same initiation time (Standard attack, full attack, or swift action). Both maneuvers are expended as normal, and you are fatigued for 6 rounds afterwards. This can only be done a number of times per hour equal to your Veteran bonus, and cannot be done while Fatigued.

Veteran's Prowess (Ex): Beginning at 8th level, while not denied your Dexterity bonus, you may now add your Veteran bonus to any Athletics, Acrobatics, Concentration, Craftsmanship, Dungeoneering, Deception, Handle Animal, Persuasion or Perception check you make. However, this can only occur a number of times in an hour equal to your Veteran bonus, so use it wisely.

Mirror Stance (Ex): Beginning at 9th level, you may use any two Stances you know at the same time. Whenever you use a Swift action to change one stance, you may change them both with the same action.

Martial Mastery (Ex): Upon reaching 10th level, you gain mastery over your Fighter skills. While wearing armor or using a shield, you gain DR X/-, where X is your Agility modifier. Furthermore, when wielding your focus weapon, you add your Accuracy modifier to all critical confirmation rolls made with the weapon, the weapon's critical damage multiplier increases by 1, and you can no longer be Disarmed of your Focus weapon.

Advanced Armor Training[edit]

Armor Specialization (Ex): The fighter selects one specific type of armor with which he is proficient, such as chain shirts or scale mail. While wearing the selected type of armor, the fighter adds one-half of his fighter level to the armor’s armor bonus, up to a maximum bonus of +3 for light armor, +4 for medium armor, or +5 for heavy armor. This increase to the armor bonus doesn’t increase the benefit that the fighter gains from feats, class abilities, or other effects that are determined by his armor’s base armor bonus, including other advanced armor training options. A fighter can choose this option multiple times. Each time he chooses it, he applies its benefit to a different type of armor.

Armored Confidence (Ex): While wearing armor, the fighter gains a bonus on Intimidate checks based upon the type of armor he is wearing: +1 for light armor, +2 for medium armor, or +3 for heavy armor. This bonus increases by 1 at 6th level and every 4 fighter levels thereafter, to a maximum of +3 at 10th level. In addition, the fighter adds half his armored confidence bonus to the DC of Intimidate checks to demoralize him.

Armored Juggernaut (Ex): When wearing heavy armor, the fighter gains DR 1/—. At 6th level, the fighter gains DR 1/— when wearing medium armor, and DR 2/— when wearing heavy armor. At 10th level, the fighter gains DR 1/— when wearing light armor, DR 2/— when wearing medium armor, and DR 3/— when wearing heavy armor. If the fighter is 10th level and has the martial mastery class feature, these DR values increase by 5. The DR from this ability stacks with that provided by adamantine armor, but not with other forms of damage reduction. This damage reduction does not apply if the fighter is helpless, stunned, or unconscious.

Armored Sprint (Ex): The fighter gains Run as a bonus feat. If the fighter is proficient with heavy armor, he treats heavy armor as if it were one category lighter for the purpose of determining how fast he can move while running in armor.

Critical Deflection (Ex): While wearing armor or using a shield, the fighter gains a +2 bonus to his AC against attack rolls made to confirm a critical hit. This bonus increases by 1 at 6th level and every 4 fighter levels thereafter, to a maximum of +4 at 10th level.

Quick Donning (Ex): The fighter can don armor in a hurry without reducing its effectiveness, and remove it quickly when it becomes a hindrance. When the fighter dons or removes his armor or dons it hastily, the amount of time needed to do so is reduced, as noted on the table below. Other characters can still help the fighter don his armor as normal

Table: Quick Donning

Armor Type Don Don Hastily Remove
Light armor 5 rounds 1 round 5 rounds
Medium armor 1 minute 5 rounds 1 minute
Heavy armor 2 minutes 1 minute 1d4 minutes

Additionally, when wearing hastily donned armor, the fighter can attempt a Strength or Dexterity check as a full-round action to remove the penalties associated with wearing hastily donned armor (DC = 10 + his armor’s unmodified armor bonus). If he succeeds at the check, he is treated as having properly donned his armor rather than having hastily donned it. The fighter can also remove his armor in the same amount of time that it takes him to don his armor hastily. He can even remove sections of armor to escape grapples and similar grasping hindrances. Whenever the fighter attempts a combat maneuver check, an Escape Artist check, or a Strength check to escape from an effect that reduces or restricts his ability to move or act, he can reduce the armor bonus of any armor that he is wearing by up to half his armor’s base armor bonus. If he does so, he gains a bonus on his check equal to the amount by which he reduced his armor’s armor bonus. Multiple uses of this ability cannot reduce the armor’s armor bonus below half its base armor bonus, and the reduction to the armor’s armor bonus lasts until the fighter recovers and dons the removed pieces of armor.

Steel Headbutt (Ex: While wearing medium or heavy armor, a fighter can deliver a headbutt with his helm as part of a full attack action. This headbutt is in addition to his normal attacks, and is made using the fighter’s base attack bonus – 5. A helmet headbutt deals 1d3 points of damage if the fighter is wearing medium armor, or 1d4 points of damage if he is wearing heavy armor (1d2 and 1d3, respectively, for Small creatures), plus an amount of damage equal to 1/2 the fighter’s Strength modifier. Treat this attack as a weapon attack made using the same special material (if any) as the armor. The armor’s enhancement bonus does not modify the headbutt attack, but the helm can be enchanted as a separate weapon.

Unmoving (Ex): Select one combat maneuver (except sunder). Whether using his armor as leverage against a grappling foe or using its weight to help him stop a bull rush, a fighter can use his armor to protect him from the chosen combat maneuver. While wearing armor or wielding a shield, the fighter gains a bonus to his CMD against the chosen combat maneuver. The bonus is +1 if he’s wearing light armor, +2 if he’s wearing medium armor, and +3 if he’s wearing heavy armor. This bonus increases by 1 at 6th level and every 4 fighter levels thereafter, to a maximum at 10th level of +3 for light armor, +4 for medium armor, and +5 for heavy armor. Mithral armor provides a bonus 1 lower than normal for armor of its type.

Advanced Weapon Training[edit]

Abundant Tactics (Ex): The fighter adds his highest weapon training bonus to the number of times per day he can use a combat feat he has that allows a limited number of daily uses, such as the Stunning Fist feat.

Combat Competence (Ex): For any weapon in the associated weapon group with which the fighter is not proficient, the penalty on attack rolls taken as a result of not being proficient is reduced by an amount equal to the fighter’s weapon training bonus with that weapon group. Once the penalty is reduced to 0, the fighter becomes proficient with such weapons.

Combat Maneuver Defense (Ex): When the fighter is wielding weapons from the associated weapon group, his weapon training bonus applies to his CMD against all combat maneuvers attempted against him, instead of just against disarm and sunder combat maneuvers.

Dazzling Intimidation (Ex): The fighter applies his weapon training bonus to Intimidate checks and can attempt an Intimidate check to demoralize an opponent as a move action instead of a standard action.

Defensive Weapon Training (Ex): The fighter gains a shield bonus to his Armor Class equal to his weapon training bonus for this weapon group. The fighter adds half his weapon’s enhancement bonus (if any) to this shield bonus. This shield bonus is lost if the fighter is immobilized or helpless.

Effortless Dual-Wielding (Ex): (Ex) The fighter treats all one-handed weapons that belong to the associated weapon group as though they were light weapons when determining his penalties on attack rolls for fighting with two weapons. When fighting with two weapons from the associated group, his mainhand and offhand attack penalties for fighting with two weapons are reduced by an additional 2.

Fighter’s Reflexes (Ex): The fighter applies his weapon training bonus to Reflex saving throws. He loses this bonus when he is flat-footed or denied his Dexterity bonus to AC.

Fighter’s Tactics (Ex): All of the fighter’s allies are treated as if they had the same teamwork feats as the fighter for the purpose of determining whether the fighter receives a bonus from his teamwork feats. His allies do not receive any bonuses from these feats unless they actually have the feats themselves. The allies’ positioning and actions must still meet the prerequisites listed in the teamwork feat for the fighter to receive the listed bonus.

Inspiring Confidence (Ex): A number of times per day equal to his highest weapon training bonus as a swift action, the fighter can allow one ally within 30 feet to attempt a new saving throw against an ongoing fear effect that causes the ally to cower or to become frightened, panicked, or shaken. If the ally succeeds at the save, the effect ends. A fighter can use this option even when not wielding a weapon from the associated weapon group.

Martial Throw (Ex): Choose a discipline from which you know a Strike which can normally only be executed with a melee weapon. When you initiate a Strike from that discipline, you may now do so with thrown weapons, so long as the Strike targets only a single creature.

Martial Shot (Ex): Choose a discipline from which you know a Strike which can normally only be executed with a melee weapon. When you initiate a Strike from that discipline, you may now do so with projectile weapons, so long as the Strike targets only a single creature.

Martial Blow (Ex): Choose a discipline from which you know a Strike which can normally only be executed with a ranged weapon. When you initiate a Strike from that discipline, you may now do so with melee weapons, so long as the Strike targets only a single creature.

Trained Initiative (Ex): As long as he is wielding a weapon from the associated weapon group or is able to draw such a weapon (even if he is not currently wielding it), the fighter applies his weapon training bonus to initiative checks. In addition, if he has the Quick Draw feat and has a weapon from the appropriate weapon group that isn’t hidden, he can draw that weapon as a free action as part of making an initiative check.

Trained Throw (Ex): When the fighter makes a ranged attack with a thrown weapon and applies his Dexterity modifier on attack rolls and his Strength modifier on damage rolls, he doubles his weapon training bonus on damage rolls. Unless he has the Throw Anything feat, the fighter can choose only the thrown fighter weapon group with this option. If he has Throw Anything, the fighter can choose any fighter weapon group with this option and apply this option’s benefits to any weapon from that group that he throws

Warrior Spirit (Su):The fighter can forge a spiritual bond with a weapon that belongs to the associated weapon group, allowing him to unlock the weapon’s potential. Each day, he designates one such weapon and gains a number of points of spiritual energy equal to 1 + his weapon training bonus. While wielding this weapon, he can spend 1 point of spiritual energy to grant the weapon an enhancement bonus equal to his weapon training bonus. Enhancement bonuses gained by this advanced weapon training option stack with those of the weapon, to a maximum of +5. The fighter can also imbue the weapon with any one weapon special ability with an equivalent enhancement bonus less than or equal to his maximum bonus by reducing the granted enhancement bonus by the amount of the equivalent enhancement bonus. The item must have an enhancement bonus of at least +1 (from the item itself or from warrior spirit) to gain a weapon special ability. In either case, these bonuses last for 1 minute.

Weapon Specialist (Ex): The fighter selects a number of combat feats that he knows equal to his weapon training bonus with the associated weapon group. The selected feats must be ones that require the fighter to choose a type of weapon (such as Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialization), and the fighter must have chosen weapons that belong to the associated fighter weapon group. The fighter is treated as having the selected feats for all the weapons in the associated weapon group that are legal choices for those feats. The fighter is also considered to have those feats with these weapons for the purpose of meeting prerequisites.


The Fighter has the following Archetypes available.