User:Zhenra-Khal/Spellbreaker (3.5e Class)/Talent Paths
[hide]Battlemage Paths and Talents[edit]
At each class level, the Spellbreaker gains a Talent Point. These are meant to be spent customizing your abilities, as shown here.
At the start of each day, a Spellbreaker chooses two Battlemage Paths, selected from those listed below. Once chosen, they can allocate their Talent Points into the abilities of these two Paths as they please; Once spent, they remain allocated until the Battlemage rests for 8 hours.
Ranks: 1
Description: If your Armor is more than 0, you generate 5 Armor every 2 rounds at the end of your turn.
Inner Peace I/II/III[edit]
Ranks: 3
Description: After taking damage, you heal 1 health point for every 4/3/2 points of the damage you have taken in the last round, but taking further damage stops the regeneration. This regeneration will not bring you back to life if said damage dropped you below -9 health.
Ranks: 3
Description: For every 10/6/2 points of damage that would dealt to your Health by an effect, 1 point of it is dealt to your Mana instead.
Transference I/II/III[edit]
Ranks: 3
Description: When dealing damage to a Shield of any sort, you gain 1 point of Arcane Armor for every 10/6/2 points of damage you dealt.
Lightning Fast[edit]
Ranks: 1
Description: Your pre-existing movement speeds are increased by 20ft; Taking damage removes this speed bonus for 1 round.
Arc Flash I/II/III[edit]
Ranks: 3
Description: Your Arc Bolt attacks have a 25%/50%/75% chance per cast to leave a ball of lightning that strikes all eligible targets within 20ft after 1 round, before dissipating. This ball deals damage as per a single Arc Bolt, and allows a Reflex save for half damage.
Charged Rune I/II/III[edit]
Ranks: 3
Description: Once per round, when you activate a Rune, you can choose to strike a target within Close range of you with a bolt of electricity that deals damage as per 1/2/3 Arc Bolts, with a Reflex save for half.
Lightning Rod I/II/III[edit]
Ranks: 3
Description: You become immune to Static Field and other Electrified effects that would Nauseate you. When struck by one, you regain 15/30/45 mana instead of being forced to make a Fort save.
Crack Shot[edit]
Ranks: 1
Description: Your first Warspell deals 50% more damage, applied before other Empowering effects. Once this Warspell is cast, it takes 2 rounds to Empower another spell.
Armor Piercer I/II/III[edit]
Ranks: 3
Description: For every 5/4/3 points of damage you deal with a Spell, Warspell or Sorcery, 1 point of it bypasses Shields, Damage Reduction and Temporary Health.
High Velocity I/II/III[edit]
Ranks: 3
Description: The Range Increment of your Warspells and Sorceries is increased by 5ft for every 20ft/15ft/10ft of length it already has (Rounded up); This is not cumulative with itself and applies before other range-increasing effects like Far Shot. Thus, your Ice Lance's range increment size would be increased from 40ft to 50ft/55ft/60ft.
Steady Aim I/II/III[edit]
Ranks: 3
Description: After taking no more than a 5ft step per round for 1 round, your Warspells and Sorceries have their damage increased by 1 for every 5/4/3 damage they deal.
Cold Snap[edit]
Ranks: 1
Description: Every 5 rounds, you gain an Overarmor effect. This functions like Arcane Armor, with a number of health points equal to 1/2/3 points per Spellbreaker level you possess, except that it takes damage before your Armor does, and it breaks the first time you take damage, no matter how much or how little damage you took. If you had Overarmor 12 and took 1 damage, the Overarmor would break and the attack would deal no damage to you. If the attack had dealt 25 damage, the Overarmor would've absorbed the first 12 points of that damage.
Chilling Effect I/II/III[edit]
Ranks: 3
Description: While on an Ice Slick, your Mana costs are reduced by 1/2/3 for every 4 points of Mana the Warspell costs (Rounded up).
Frozen Alacrity I/II/III[edit]
Ranks: 3
Description: You no longer slip while on Ice Slicks or ice of any other sort, similar to the Icewalking ability of a White Dragon. Additionally, every 10ft/15ft/20ft you travel on Ice Slicks only costs 5ft of movement.
Tundra I/II/III[edit]
Ranks: 3
Description: Increases the size and Freeze duration of your Flash Freeze by 50%/75%/100%.
Phoenix's Rebirth[edit]
Ranks: 1
Description: Once per day, when you would die, you are instead restored to 50% of your maximum health. For 1 round after this, you are immune to damage and all your pre-existing movement speeds are increased by half.
Born of Fire I/II/III[edit]
Ranks: 3
Description: You're immune to the explosion damage of your Firebursts, and standing in areas of fire, like your Flamewall, heals you for 2/4/6 points of health per round.
Ignite I/II/III[edit]
Ranks: 3
Description: Targets failing their saves against your Firebursts or Flamewall catch on fire, taking 1d4/1d6/1d8 points of damage each round while on fire. This fire lasts for 3 rounds or until extinguished via standard action on the burning target's part.
Lasting Burn I/II/III[edit]
Ranks: 3
Description: Your Fireburst attacks leave puddles of fire when they impact; These are identical to Flamewall except that they are a different size and shape, and only last 1/2/3 rounds.
Finders Keepers[edit]
Ranks: 1
Description: When obtaining randomly-generated loot, you find an additional item stashed away.
Appraise I/II/III[edit]
Ranks: 3
Description: You can sense the precise direction, but not distance, of the three most valuable objects within 50/100/150 feet of you.
Finest Wares I/II/III[edit]
Ranks: 3
Description: When wearing two Spell Gauntlets, a Girdle, Amulet, Greaves, a Rune, and at least two potions of any type, you gain 1/2/3 of the following effects:
- Your runes take 1 round less to cool down,
- Reduce the penalty of consecutive attacks with your Warspells by 1, allowing you to attack at every +4 instead of every +5 (Or at every +3 if using Windshear),
- Reduce all damage taken by 1 for every 10 you take.
Thirst Quencher I/II/III[edit]
Ranks: 3
Description: You can "sip" a potion, drinking half of it at a time, splitting it into two "doses" and thus doubling the effectiveness of each individual potion. Additionally, you can drink a potion as a move/swift/attack action.
Updated Translations[edit]
Ranks: 1
Description: Every Rune you equip has its cooldown reduced by 1 round, to a minimum of 1 round.
Careful Study I/II/III[edit]
Ranks: 3
Description: When you hit a target with a Warspell or Sorcery, they are Outlined for you for 2/4/6 rounds, allowing you to see them, but not their surroundings, through any obstacle that wouldn't block a Detect Magic spell.
Runic Inspiration I/II/III[edit]
Ranks: 3
Description: Activating a Rune reduces the cooldown time of your Rune by 1/2/3 rounds; You can also choose to extend this benefit to any number of targets within Close range who also have Runes equipped.
Intense Learning I/II/III[edit]
Ranks: 3
Description: Taking 6/4/2 points of damage in a single round instantly refills one Charge of your Rune.
Ranks: 1
Description: You cannot be flanked, surprised, or caught flat-footed.
Invigorate I/II/III[edit]
Ranks: 3
Description: Once per round, you can, as a Swift action, increase your pre-existing movement speeds by 5ft/10ft/15ft for 1 round; You can also choose to extend this benefit to any number of targets within Close range of you.
Shot Caller I/II/III[edit]
Ranks: 3
Description: The damage of your Warspells and Sorceries is reduced by half, but striking a target with a Warspell or Sorcery increases the damage that target takes from all sources by 25%/50%/75%.
Tracker I/II/III[edit]
Ranks: 3
Description: When you hit a target with a Warspell or Sorcery, they are Outlined for you for 1/2/3 rounds, allowing you to see them, but not their surroundings, through any obstacle that wouldn't block a Detect Magic spell. You can choose to extend this benefit to any number of targets within Close range of you.
Ranks: 1
Description: Your Warspells and Sorceries ignore hardness, and deal +2 damage per die against Shields.
Earth's Mantle I/II/III[edit]
Ranks: 3
Description: 1/2/3 time per day, if damage would kill you, you instead remain alive with 1 health instead.
Flesh To Stone I/II/III[edit]
Ranks: 3
Description: Your Health is reduced by 1/2/3 per class level, but your Armor and maximum Armor are increased by 2/4/6 per class level.
Rockslide I/II/III[edit]
Ranks: 3
Description: The range increment of your Shockwave is increased by 5ft/10ft/15ft, but its damage die size is reduced from d6 to d4, and when it strikes an obstacle it can't overcome (Like a 90* angle), it instead bounces off, at the same angle it collided with the obstacle. Thus if you used Shockwave directly against a wall, it would bounce back at you; If you hit the wall at a 45* diagonal angle, the Shockwave would also bounce off the wall at a 45* angle (A 90* angle from the original trajectory).
Ranks: 1
Description: You are immune to the pull and damage of Tornadoes, and entering a Tornado instead launches you 60ft into the air. You can also choose to Drift instead of falling normally, slowing your fall to 10ft/round, allowing you to move 5ft horizontally for every 10ft you fall, and negating fall damage entirely.
Slipstream I/II/III[edit]
Ranks: 3
Description: Your current Mana and maximum Mana increase by 10/20/30 each round you are in the air. Your current and maximum mana reset when you touch the ground.
Squall I/II/III[edit]
Ranks: 3
Description: Each Warspell you cast while in the air causes your next Warspell to deal +1/+2/+3 damage. This is cumulative, stacking up to 5 times, but resets when you touch the ground.
Sudden Gust I/II/III[edit]
Ranks: 3
Description: Being airborne for 1 round reduces the cooldown of your Sorceries by 1/2/3 rounds.
Ranks: 1
Description: Hitting a Shield of any sort with a Warspell causes that Shield to take 4 damage every round for 3 rounds.
Bubonic Bounce I/II/III[edit]
Ranks: 3
Description: Your Toxic Cloud projectile bounces 1/2/3 times, leaving behind additional clouds with each bounce; Determine direction and distance of each subsequent bounce as if it were a missed Splash Weapon, and the center of the previous Cloud were its intended target.
Spreading Sickness I/II/III[edit]
Ranks: 3
Description: Targets you damage with your Warspells take additional damage from subsequent Warspell attacks for the next 2 rounds. This damage is equal to 1 point for every 5/4/3 points of damage the Warspell would otherwise deal.
Vanishing Mists I/II/III[edit]
Ranks: 3
Description: You are immune to the damage from Toxic Clouds, and instead become Invisible for 1/2/3 rounds after entering one.
Ranks: 1
Description: When your current health is equal to or less than 2 HP per HD, your pre-existing movement speeds are increased by 5ft for every 20ft they already possess, and the damage of your Warspells and Sorceries is inceased by 1 for every 4 damage they would ordinarily deal.
Blood Armor I/II/III[edit]
Ranks: 3
Description: Each round, you can choose to trade health for Armor. In doing so, your current HP is reduced by 2/3/4, but you gain 3/5/7 Armor. This cannot be done if you Armor is at max capacity, or you have 2 HP per HD or fewer remaining.
Penitence I/II/III[edit]
Ranks: 3
Description: Taking damage equal to or greater than 1 HP per HD in a single round grants you Damage Resilience against all forms of damage, until the beginning of your next turn. The value of this Resilience is equal to 3/2/1 HP per HD you possess.
Vivisection I/II/III[edit]
Ranks: 3
Description: Dealing the final blow to an enemy whose CR is equal to your CR-1 or higher has a 80/90%/100% chance of dropping a temporary Talent Point. Temporary points gained in this way may be spent on Battlemage Path Talents, or "Burned" to heal you for a number of hit points equal to your Intelligence modifier, and vanish when you rest for 8 hours.