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Voidskin (3.5e Equipment)

Author: ErikOfWiki (talk)
Date Created: October 6, 2024
Status: Complete
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Price: 1,000 GP
Body Slot: Body
Caster Level: 3rd
Aura: Faint Abjuration
Activation: See text
Weight: 1 lbs

This is skintight liner made from an ultra fine material that is as strong and soft as silk but has incredible insulation and heat regulation properties, granting the effect of endure elements upon the wearer. It can be worn under or over clothing outfits, but is usually worn underneath for those who wish its protection in cases of emergency. The voidskin comes with a hood and self-sealing mask which can be pulled over one's head and face as a swift action in case of emergency. The mask provides a very limited alchemical air supply with 10 minutes of breathable air, but that hopefully is more than enough to get to a pod or more long term space suit. The suit and mask provide a perfect seal and protection against the vacuum of the void. Once the mask has been activated the alchemical air will be used up. A refill for the alchemical air will cost 100 gp. Sealed gloves and toe-socks are optional with no change in cost. A voidskin suit has 10 HP and 0 hardness and comes with 1 use of alchemical air preloaded. Replacing a unit of alchemical air is a full round action.

Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item or Virtuoso Tailor (High Balance version), endure elements, (Technologist or TechnologistPathfinder, or 10 ranks in Craft (Alchemy)); Cost to Create: 500 GP, 40 EXP, 1 day.

Craft (Tailor) DC 25. Market Price 1000 gp.

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