Weapon Powers (4e Power List)

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Weapon Powers[edit]

Powers with a Level[edit]


Name Level Type
Conquering Lunge 1 Bane Guard Attack Power
Life Steal 1 Bane Guard Attack Power
Holding Pattern 1 Bane Guard Attack Power
Murderous Rampage 1 Bane Guard Attack Power
Stifling Grasp 1 Bane Guard Attack Power
Hostile Diversion 1 Bane Guard Attack Power
Shadowy Assault 1 Bane Guard Attack Power
Undercut 1 Bane Guard Attack Power
Simple Trick 1 Bane Guard Attack Power
Mole's Grasp 1 Bane Guard Attack Power
Shadow Cut 1 Bane Guard Attack Power
Lion Strike 1 Black Lion Attack Power
Black Aim 1 Black Lion Attack Power
Blind Lance 1 Black Lion Attack Power
Jaws of the Lion 1 Black Lion Attack Power
Strike and Run 1 Black Lion Attack Power
Reckless Lion 1 Black Lion Attack Power
Two Claws 1 Black Lion Attack Power
Black Thrust 1 Black Lion Attack Power
Spring Attack 1 Dervish Attack Power
Fox's Claws 1 Dervish Attack Power
Blade Flurry 1 Dervish Attack Power
Get in the Ring 1 Dervish Attack Power
Coordinated Attack 1 Dervish Attack Power
Cocky Taunt 1 Dervish Attack Power
Steel Flurry 1 Dervish Attack Power
Sirocco Slash 1 Dervish Attack Power
Inspiring Strike 1 Dervish Attack Power
Overbalancing Strike 1 Dervish Attack Power
Haunting Strike 1 Dreamweaver Attack Power
Prophetic Strike 1 Dreamweaver Attack Power
Figment of Life 1 Dreamweaver Attack Power
Life or Death 1 Dreamweaver Attack Power
Chilling Touch 1 Dreamweaver Attack Power
Empowering Strike 1 Dreamweaver Attack Power
Weaving Dance 1 Songweaver Attack Power
Dance of Hope 1 Songweaver Attack Power
Hero's Dance 1 Songweaver Attack Power
Entangling Strike 1 Spider Rider Attack Power
Swift Charge 1 Spider Rider Attack Power
Agile Strike 1 Spider Rider Attack Power
Amalgamated Assault 1 Spider Rider Attack Power
Precise Attack 1 Spider Rider Attack Power
Brutal Strike 1 Spider Rider Attack Power
Mighty Charge 1 Spider Rider Attack Power
Weaving Attack 1 Spider Rider Attack Power
Darting Attack 1 Spider Rider Attack Power
Overrun Strike 1 Spider Rider Attack Power
Aggressive Charge 1 Spider Rider Attack Power
Piercing Attack 1 Spider Rider Attack Power
Wurl 1 Wordomancer Attack Power
Sord 1 Wordomancer Attack Power
Sudden Strike 3 Bane Guard Attack Power
Shadow Jump 3 Bane Guard Attack Power
Poison Shadow 3 Bane Guard Attack Power
Black Armor Break 3 Black Lion Attack Power
Double and Run 3 Black Lion Attack Power
Lion's Counterattack 3 Black Lion Attack Power
How It's Done 3 Dervish Attack Power
Whirling Dance 3 Dervish Attack Power
Followup Strike 3 Dervish Attack Power
Prophetic Smite 3 Dreamweaver Attack Power
Blade Dance 3 Songweaver Attack Power
Trample 3 Spider Rider Attack Power
Spiderwolf Bludgeoning 3 Spider Rider Attack Power
Weaving Onslaught 3 Spider Rider Attack Power
Death From Above 3 Spider Rider Attack Power
Valiant Charge 5 Bane Guard Attack Power
Kick 'em While they're Down 5 Bane Guard Attack Power
Death Ribbon Revolution 5 Bane Guard Attack Power
Impalement 5 Bane Guard Attack Power
End of Weakness 5 Bane Guard Attack Power
Doom of Giants 5 Bane Guard Attack Power
Torrent of Ill Will 5 Bane Guard Attack Power
Black Firestrike 5 Black Lion Attack Power
Triple Lion Strike 5 Black Lion Attack Power
Steel Raccoon Stance 5 Dervish Attack Power
Sundering Parry 5 Dervish Attack Power
Blood-Soaked Sands 5 Dervish Attack Power
Dancing Assault 5 Songweaver Attack Power
Greater Dance of Hope 5 Songweaver Attack Power
Poison Fang 5 Spider Rider Attack Power
Excruciating Strike 5 Spider Rider Attack Power
Twofang Pounce 5 Spider Rider Attack Power
Weaving Skirmish 5 Spider Rider Attack Power
Blade of the doomed fate 7 Avenger Attack Power
Deadly Dance 7 Bane Guard Attack Power
Pound for Pound 7 Bane Guard Attack Power
Tricky Maneuvers 7 Bane Guard Attack Power
Surprising Development 7 Bane Guard Attack Power
Lion's Barrage 7 Black Lion Attack Power
Lion's Whirlwind 7 Black Lion Attack Power
Shadow Lion 7 Black Lion Attack Power
Feigned Weakness 7 Dervish Attack Power
Pacing Lion Defense 7 Dervish Attack Power
Scrambling Tactics 7 Dervish Attack Power
Divine Soul 7 Dreamweaver Attack Power
Peaceful Smite 7 Dreamweaver Attack Power
Swift Dance of Blades 7 Songweaver Attack Power
Inspiring Dance 7 Songweaver Attack Power
Twofold Attack 7 Spider Rider Attack Power
United Attack 7 Spider Rider Attack Power
Accurate Strike 7 Spider Rider Attack Power
Staggering Pounce 7 Spider Rider Attack Power
Seeds of Terror 9 Bane Guard Attack Power
Grasp of the Iron Gauntlet 9 Bane Guard Attack Power
Silent Wall 9 Bane Guard Attack Power
Shadow Shredder 9 Bane Guard Attack Power
Soul Crusher 9 Bane Guard Attack Power
Finishing Blow 9 Bane Guard Attack Power
Blade Rush 9 Bane Guard Attack Power
No Retreat 9 Black Lion Attack Power
Pounce on the Run 9 Black Lion Attack Power
Furious Throw 9 Dervish Attack Power
Desert Moon Strike 9 Dervish Attack Power
Fangstrike 9 Spider Rider Attack Power
Venom 9 Spider Rider Attack Power
Throwdown Pounce 9 Spider Rider Attack Power
Ride-By Strike 9 Spider Rider Attack Power
Slash and Leap 11 Acrobatic Savant Attack Power
Energy Drain 11 Black Magician Attack Power
Underdark Strike 11 Cavestalker Attack Power
Death's Blade Dance 11 Death' Dance Attack Power
Shadow's Strike 11 Eye of the Spider Queen Attack Power
Rapid Throw 11 Joker Attack Power
Deathcharge 11 Spider Lancer Attack Power
Fast Reaction 12 Joker Utility Power
Lash of Darkness 13 Bane Guard Attack Power
Offer Terms 13 Bane Guard Attack Power
Driving Force 13 Bane Guard Attack Power
Pinning Claw 13 Black Lion Attack Power
Weakness Strike 13 Black Lion Attack Power
Tyrant's Smite 13 Dreamweaver Attack Power
Prophetic Charge 13 Dreamweaver Attack Power
Ride-By-Attack 13 Spider Rider Attack Power
Shattering Strike 13 Spider Rider Attack Power
Fellstrike 13 Spider Rider Attack Power
Overrun Pounce 13 Spider Rider Attack Power
Soul Cutter 15 Bane Guard Attack Power
Certain Strike 15 Bane Guard Attack Power
Sweeping Strike 15 Bane Guard Attack Power
End of Culture 15 Bane Guard Attack Power
Motionless Rampart 15 Bane Guard Attack Power
The Doom Song 15 Bane Guard Attack Power
Firebomb Arrow 15 Black Lion Attack Power
Lion's Volley 15 Black Lion Attack Power
Enraged Bobcat Stance 15 Dervish Attack Power
Retaliatory Strike 15 Dreamweaver Attack Power
Dance of Swords 15 Songweaver Attack Power
Deathstrike 15 Spider Rider Attack Power
As One 15 Spider Rider Attack Power
Theraphosid Charge 15 Spider Rider Attack Power
Toxic Fang 15 Spider Rider Attack Power
Lion's Respite 16 Black Lion Utility Power
Raise the Scabrous Banner 17 Bane Guard Attack Power
Frozen Vengeance 17 Bane Guard Attack Power
Darkflame Strike 17 Bane Guard Attack Power
Time Thief 17 Bane Guard Attack Power
Gutblow 17 Black Lion Attack Power
Three Claws 17 Black Lion Attack Power
Moonlight Prophecy 17 Dreamweaver Attack Power
Triple Strike 17 Spider Rider Attack Power
Two-Fanged Strike 17 Spider Rider Attack Power
Theraphosa Brutefang 17 Spider Rider Attack Power
Theraphosa Pounce 17 Spider Rider Attack Power
Kwiki 17 Wordomancer Attack Power
Gravitation 19 Bane Guard Attack Power
Black Petal Swirl 19 Bane Guard Attack Power
End of Meaning 19 Bane Guard Attack Power
Silence Pike Surprise 19 Bane Guard Attack Power
Cloud of Bewilderment 19 Bane Guard Attack Power
Blinding Strike 19 Bane Guard Attack Power
Black Poison Claws 19 Black Lion Attack Power
Bleeding Storm 19 Black Lion Attack Power
Raccoon Spirit Stance 19 Dervish Attack Power
Clairvoyant Flames 19 Dreamweaver Attack Power
Dance of the Water 19 Songweaver Attack Power
Hit-and-Run 19 Spider Rider Attack Power
Leaping Pounce 19 Spider Rider Attack Power
Beatdown Strike 19 Spider Rider Attack Power
Circling Strikes 19 Spider Rider Attack Power
Acrobatic Tempest 20 Acrobatic Savant Attack Power
Lion's Prey 20 Black Lion Lead Attack Power
Life Leech 20 Black Magician Attack Power
Cavestalker's Ambush 20 Cavestalker Attack Power
Skull Breaker 20 Death Knight Attack Power
Wardance of Death 20 Death's Dancer Attack Power
Shadow's Fangs 20 Eye of the Spider Queen Attack Power
Ace of Spade 20 Joker Attack Power
Fang of the Theraphosa 20 Spider Lancer Attack Power
Penance in Death 20 Wrathful Crusader Attack Power
Dragon Slayer 23 Bane Guard Attack Power
Disrupt Shadow 23 Bane Guard Attack Power
Bleeding Claws 23 Black Lion Attack Power
Gale Force Rush 23 Black Lion Attack Power
Pinning Fang 23 Spider Rider Attack Power
Goliath Deathspider Strike 23 Spider Rider Attack Power
Aspect of the Theraphosa 23 Spider Rider Attack Power
Three-Fanged Strike 23 Spider Rider Attack Power
Heart Seeker 25 Bane Guard Attack Power
The Harder they Fall 25 Bane Guard Attack Power
Amok 25 Bane Guard Attack Power
Doom Strike 25 Bane Guard Attack Power
End of Hope 25 Bane Guard Attack Power
Return of Order 25 Bane Guard Attack Power
Critical Strike 25 Bane Guard Attack Power
Chain of Brutality 25 Bane Guard Attack Power
World of Pain 25 Bane Guard Attack Power
Black Claws of Stun 25 Black Lion Attack Power
Lion Thrash 25 Black Lion Attack Power
Bastion of Dreams 25 Dreamweaver Attack Power
Dance of Steel 25 Songweaver Attack Power
Weaving Strike 25 Spider Rider Attack Power
Poisonous Strike 25 Spider Rider Attack Power
Leaping Strike 25 Spider Rider Attack Power
Stunning Fang 25 Spider Rider Attack Power
Dreadful Command 27 Bane Guard Attack Power
Mark for Death 27 Bane Guard Attack Power
Evil Brand 27 Bane Guard Attack Power
Burst of Time 27 Bane Guard Attack Power
Finish Him 27 Black Lion Attack Power
Lion's Rending 27 Black Lion Attack Power
Lion's Tornado 27 Black Lion Attack Power
Moonlight Wolf's Spirit 27 Dreamweaver Attack Power
Greater Dance of Blades 27 Songweaver Attack Power
Clear-Cut Strike 27 Spider Rider Attack Power
Darting Strike 27 Spider Rider Attack Power
Rending Fang 27 Spider Rider Attack Power
Bloodrend Fang 27 Spider Rider Attack Power
Killing Word 29 Bane Guard Attack Power
Poison Strike 29 Bane Guard Attack Power
End of Everything 29 Bane Guard Attack Power
Galactica Pike Surprise 29 Bane Guard Attack Power
Horizon Charge 29 Bane Guard Attack Power
Wicked Glare 29 Bane Guard Attack Power
Lionheart 29 Black Lion Attack Power
The Black Game 29 Black Lion Attack Power
Prophet of Vengeance 29 Dreamweaver Attack Power
Prophet of Fate 29 Dreamweaver Attack Power
Dance of Death 29 Songweaver Attack Power
Paralyzing Venom 29 Spider Rider Attack Power
Triple-Fang Strike 29 Spider Rider Attack Power
Astounding Dodge 29 Spider Rider Attack Power
Lycosid Strike 29 Spider Rider Attack Power

Powers without a Level[edit]


Name Type
Poisonous Bite Attack Feat Power
Spider Bite Ettercap Attack Racial Power

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