Wildbone (3.5e Equipment)

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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 8-25-16
Status: Complete
Editing: Mechanical changes on Talk
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There are many legends which tell tales of heroes besting a fell beast, a powerful dragon, a horrifying demon, or other such creature and then crafting the body parts of said creature into a weapon or armor of great renown. Though much of it is myth there is some truth to it. Creatures of unusual prowess leave a mark on their now dead bodies, and by transforming the bones of the creature into items one can coax out some of the once great power they once had. Thus, wildbone is not actually a single substance but rather any bone or bone-like substance that was once part of a great monster. Traditionally they come from powerful magical beasts, but can be from any source, even the bones of humanoid saints and other heroes.

Any weapon primarily composed of metal or wood can be made of wildbone. Wildbone is considered stone, and is unaffected by rust. Wildbone grants one or more properties of the table below. These properties generally are related to the powers the donor creature had in life. Likewise, armor and shields can also be made into wildbone using the chart below. Wildbone with no powers awakened from it is merely just durable bone, and costs the same as a normal iron item. Properties overlap, they do not stack, even from separate wildbone items.

Wildbone needs special preparation, so all weapons and armor made from it are always of masterwork quality; the masterwork cost is included in the prices given below. Thus, wildbone weapons and ammunition have a +1 enhancement bonus on attack rolls, and the armor check penalty of wildbone armor is lessened by 1 compared to ordinary armor of its type.

Table: Wildbone Effect
Name Effect Armor, Shield, or Weapon Extra Cost
Aligned Weapon counts as chaotic/evil/good/lawful aligned (choose one) Weapon +2000 gp
Catalyst Can be used as focus/divine focus for spells up to items value Armor, Shield, Weapon +500 gp
Durable +1 to any pre-existing DR (does not grant DR) Armor, Shield +2000 gp
Energized Resist 5 one energy type (acid, cold, electricity, fire, sonic, or force) Armor, Shield +3000 gp
Hardened +1 natural armor Armor, Shield +2000 gp
Hearty Constant endure elements and DR 1 against environmental damage Armor, Shield +1500 gp
Healthy +5 maximum hp when worn Armor +500 gp
Hunter +1 attack and damage against one creature Type of choice Weapon +1000 gp
Lucky 1/day gain +2 luck on any one attack roll (weapon) or AC or saving throw (shield and armor) as a non-action Armor, Shield, Weapon +3000 gp
Magic Resistant +1 bonus on saves vs spells and spell-like effects Armor, Shield +2000 gp
Possessed Take 1 damage each attack but +2 weapon damage Weapon +2000 gp
Purified +3 bonus on saves vs disease, poison, and curses Armor, Shield +2000 gp
Quick +10 ft land speed Armor +3000 gp
Regenerative +1 additional hp healed whenever hp is recovered Armor +750 gp
Ripping +1 bleedout damage Weapon +2500 gp
Skillful +5 competence bonus on one Skill Armor, Shield, Weapon +2500 gp
Spellcaster Gain at will 0th level spell (except cure minor wounds or inflict minor wounds) Armor, Shield, Weapon +1000 gp
Vampiric Heal 1 hp for every successful attack Weapon +3000 gp

Wildbone has 10 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 8.

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AuthorEiji-kun +
Identifier3.5e Equipment +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryCrafted out of the bones of powerful beasts, monsters, and legendary opponents, these bones retain a hint of their former power. +
TitleWildbone +