Wrath of Gaea (3.5e Invocation)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 18th March 2018
Status: Finished
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Wrath of Gaea
Verdant Channeler Green; 8th

As 1 round action, the Verdant Channeler gather an intense amount of green energy within herself. She replicate the effect of ascended form, glowing with a deep green aura. In this form any square she move in and all adjacent square are affected by both welcome to the jungle and plant growth.

If she dies in this form she is completely disintegrating, replicating the effect of welcome to the jungle and plant growth in a 500-ft radius spread. Her items and equipment scattered amount the overgrowth.

This invocation can only be used once per day.

Back to Main Page3.5e HomebrewClass Ability ComponentsInvocationsVerdant Channeler

Leziad's Homebrew (4452 Articles)
AuthorLeziad +
Identifier3.5e Invocation +
LevelVerdant Channeler Green +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryYou temporarily become supercharged with green energy. +
TitleWrath of Gaea +