Yuan-ti Pureblood Lineage (5e)

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Also see: Yuan-ti Pureblood Race (5e)

 5th edition (2014) Pointer  + 

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Yuan-ti Pureblood is a playable lineage in 5th edition.

Main article: Yuan-ti (5e)

Yuan-ti Pureblood Traits[edit]

Yuan-ti Pureblood[1]

Creature Type. Humanoid, Yuan-ti
Ability Score Increase. Increase one ability score by 2 and another one by 1, or increase three different ability scores by 1
Age. About a century
Size. Your size is Medium or Small.
Speed. Your base < !-- blank; or movement type if not walking --> speed is 30 feet.  
Darkvision: You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. 
Magic Resistance. 
Poison Resilience. 
Serpentine Spellcasting.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one language of your choice.

Height and Weight[edit]

Height & Weight [2]
Species Base Height Height Mod Base Weight Weight Mod Average
Yuan-ti 4' 8" +2d10 110 lbs. x (2d4) lbs. 5' 7" 165 lbs.

Sources and Notes[edit]

  1. Jeremy Crawford (17 May 2022). Monsters of the Multiverse. (5e 2014) Wizards of the Coast. ISBN 0786967870. p. 36. Licensed: © Wizards of the Coast (used under 'fair use' clause).
  2. et. al., Mike Mearls (November 2016). Volo's Guide to Monsters. (5e 2014) Wizards of the Coast. ISBN 978-0-7869-6601-1. p. 120.

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Ability ModsIncrease one ability score by 2 and another one by 1, or increase three different ability scores by 1 +
AuthorMonsters of the Multiverse +
Canontrue +
FeaturesAge +, Size +, Speed +, Darkvision 60 +, Magic Resistance +, Poison Resilience +, Serpentine Spellcasting + and Languages +
Is Lineagetrue +
Is Racetrue +
PublicationMonsters of the Multiverse +
Race NameYuan-ti Pureblood +
SizeMedium or Small +
SortTextYuan-ti Pureblood Lineage +
SubtypeHumanoid + and Yuan-ti +
SummaryYuan-ti Pureblood as playable race. +