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:It's one of the domains Havvy transferred from GitP, and the author is not an active wiki participant. So there's nothing technically stopping you from doing so, but it's not especially cool without going to GitP to get the author's approval. - [[User:Tarkisflux|Tarkisflux]] 22:04, 17 April 2011 (UTC)
:It's one of the domains Havvy transferred from GitP, and the author is not an active wiki participant. So there's nothing technically stopping you from doing so, but it's not especially cool without going to GitP to get the author's approval. - [[User:Tarkisflux|Tarkisflux]] 22:04, 17 April 2011 (UTC)
::I see. I'll ask Havvy to help me track him down. - [[User:MisterSinister|MisterSinister]] 22:11, 17 April 2011 (UTC)

Revision as of 22:11, 17 April 2011

Work Breakdown

To make it easier to figure out what we've done, I'm gonna write up a work breakdown here. Whenever something's been done, we can strikethrough it, with our name next to it, so we know who to chase up for corrections.

My work breakdown is as follows (although there's likely more than this):

  • Create a breadcrumb for Complete Sublime - done by MisterSinister
  • Create a category for Complete Sublime - done by MisterSinister
  • Apply Complete Sublime breadcrumb to all the pages and/or subpages
  • Apply Complete Sublime category to all necessary content
  • Finish writing the Introduction chapter
  • Link the Introduction chapter subheadings properly - done by MisterSinister
  • Create the Sublime Classes page and give it some content - done by MisterSinister
  • Finish the Sublime Classes chapter
  • Create the Expanded Character Options page and give it some content - done by MisterSinister
  • Finish the Expanded Character Options chapter
  • Create the Disciplines page and give it some content - done by MisterSinister
  • Finish the Disciplines chapter
  • Create the Sublime Adventures page and give it some content
  • Create an ACF section in Chapter 2
  • Create an item section in Chapter 2
  • Find some suitable art

Please add more to this breakdown as you discover it. If you make some change to the breakdown, or if you wanna mark a job as done, make the summary 'Work breakdown' to make it easier on everyone.

-MisterSinister 20:41, 17 April 2011 (UTC)

Copied verbatim from Eiji's user talk page:


Complete Sublime sounds better than Tome of Battle II. --Havvy 01:11, 5 April 2011 (UTC)

I agree with Havvy. Plus, I would like us to emphasise all the unusual fighting styles Reshar left out. I included the reason for why mine got left out by Reshar, and we should probably have a bunch of expansion options for the existing disciplines and classes too. - MisterSinister 10:45, 9 April 2011 (UTC)
That's two votes, that gives majority to Comp. Sublime as a name. All good.
Gotta work on it, but I wanna do a Tome of Magic and make a series of monsters based on the disciplines. Have a preview of what I was thinking...
  • Aerial Ace (Something with like a million wings)
  • Amaranth Eclipse (Some kinda berserkery monster)
  • Anima River (A ki elemental)
  • Army of One (Animated swarm of weapons)
  • Black Rain (Bulletcat, made of over 9000 bullets)
  • Blind Blade (Blind fighting grimlock things)
  • Broken Blade (Something that mimics your maneuvers maybe)
  • Chthonic Serpent (Snake with grappling whip tail)
  • Coin's Edge (Lucky fey thing)
  • Dancing Goddess (Shiva thing)
  • Desert Wind (Demon with scorching air breath and desert sandstorm shield)
  • Devoted Spirit (Forms your opposite alignment and attacks)
  • Diamond Mind (Alien creature able to move erratically/multiple times a round)
  • Domestic Tarrasque (A berserker minotaur thing)
  • Eloquent Speech (Non-fighting threat ala succubus, sows chaos and makes riots)
  • Essential Cut (Some kind of Incarnum monster with maneuvers)
  • Eternal Glacier (Ice based juggernaut)
  • Golem Heart (Golem Heart, er, Golem....)
  • Hero's Edge (Tiny sized martial fey which tear you apart with tiny blades, maybe a swarm)
  • Infinite Lotus (Living math formula monster)
  • Iron Heart (Hotblood fey)
  • Mental Grip (Monsterized Sith Lords)
  • Narrow Bridge (Maneuver-based skeleton warrior)
  • Pungeon Pendragon (Babbling monsters which mock and incite, seemingly for the hell of it. Trollers.)
  • Setting Sun (Choker like monster which throws you hellava far)
  • Shadow Hand (Shadowy assassin monster)
  • Stone Dragon (Earth elemental dragon)
  • Surreptitious Bandit (Sneakthief rogue fey)
  • Thunder Bolt (Living Sentry Guns)
  • Tiger Claw (Tiger Hecatoncheries, with over 9000 claws)
  • White Raven (Bird which boosts ally monsters and keeps alive by seeking strength in other groups, like reverse Gray Renders)
Thoughts? -- Eiji-kun 10:52, 9 April 2011 (UTC)
Nac Mac Feegle variant for Hero's Edge if you want that. Are there any disciplines here that aren't on the wiki or ToB yet? I did create this following sketch: User:Havvy/Complete_Sublime. I don't think I'll ever get to it, so feel free to use it, and tweak it. I wanted to limit how much was in it, but I don't think that is needed. We could technically have every new discipline in it that meets quality standards. I wanted to also focus on variants and expansions along with the history of Reshar, and why the limits of ToB are what they are (because they were written by a student of Reshar). That is a good list of monsters. You might also want to make sure they meet a nice range of challenge ratings, and I expect MLET will be followed. In my sketch, I included two new classes, but I can only remember what one of them is supposed to be. Other classes may of course be added. --Havvy 00:03, 10 April 2011 (UTC)
What Havvy said, basically. I'm quite willing to do a bit of history/fluff writing, but due to my level of busy-ness, I don't think I can contribute much mechanically beyond some basic content or clarity editing. - MisterSinister 10:37, 10 April 2011 (UTC)
I'm glad you like the monsters. Is MLET the thing where CR = HD? I try to do that by default, otherwise not sure what it stands for. For backstory, I had a ripped-from-Mortal-Kombat excuse why these seemingly random disciplines would know of each other, insofar that they have a tournment every 100 years or something to have a champion for the realm fight off an extradimensional invader (the menos subtype is related to this), so they battle it out to see what discipline will be the champion this century. I'd be happy to tie this into Reshar as well (and a few disciplines historical blurbs already do this). Any help, even just spellchecking, is totally appreciated.
I'm going slow on it, building up the monsters and all over the next week or two. When thats done, I'm totally cribbing that outline you made for me and opening up the sourcebook, unless someone else would like to open it up sooner. Thanks guys. -- Eiji-kun 23:56, 11 April 2011 (UTC)
Actually, I made the outline for myself...anyways, MLET is indeed HD=CR. --Havvy 00:02, 12 April 2011 (UTC)


Alright, I added a page for variant rules, and I listed all of the disciplines made by those whom I know won't object to being used. I also added Eiji's monsters, but otherwise haven't touched anything. Feel free to add/remove sections, or write one. --Havvy 04:03, 15 April 2011 (UTC)

If I may suggest something - instead of having stuff like the Destiny Warrior link to a subpage of the sourcebook, I think it would be better to have it link to its own wiki page, and then just create a link here. Look at Liber Demonica for how Cid and I did this. I'm gonna leave them there for now, since they're not mine, but the suggestion is there.
I also recommend using this section as a way to track active concerns with this piece of work. - MisterSinister 21:06, 17 April 2011 (UTC)
To give our first concern - I'm not sure having rushes and cross-discipline maneuvers as subpages of this work is really sensible. Is there some other place we can put them instead? Additionally, while we're on the subject - I think it would be better to have the monsters section listed more similarly to how Cid and I did it in Liber Demonica - fewer subpages make for easier navigation and also much less breadcrumbing pain. - MisterSinister 21:40, 17 April 2011 (UTC)

Black Rain

Is there a reason we can't include this discipline in Complete Sublime? I'd dearly love to, because I think it's cool. - MisterSinister 21:47, 17 April 2011 (UTC)

It's one of the domains Havvy transferred from GitP, and the author is not an active wiki participant. So there's nothing technically stopping you from doing so, but it's not especially cool without going to GitP to get the author's approval. - Tarkisflux 22:04, 17 April 2011 (UTC)
I see. I'll ask Havvy to help me track him down. - MisterSinister 22:11, 17 April 2011 (UTC)
FavoredLeziad + and Wildmage +
LikedThunderGod Cid + and Eromythic +