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Author: Techpriest88 (talk)
Date Created: 1/14/11
Status: In progress.
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Within the zerg swarm, overlords act as local relay nodes for the psionic contol exerted on them by the swarm's ultimate authority. They resemble nothing so much as enormous armour-plated ballons. An apt comparison, due to the many helium-filled bladders keeping them aloft. In addition to this, their natural psionic ability allows them to efforlessly levitate and provides the motive force for their flight.

Due to the psionic link they forge with zerg in close proximity, overlords greatly enhance their combat effectiveness. Like all zerg, overlords can evolge numerous adaptations, making them an unpredictable element on the battlefield. Rumors persist of derivative strains with augmented psionic powers.

Overlord Creeper

Overlord Creeper
Level 9 Controler
Gargantuan aberrant magical beast (psionic, zerg)
XP ?
Initiative +3 Senses Perception +14, darkvision
HP 97; Bloodied 48
AC 23; Fortitude 21, Reflex 19, Will 23
Speed 0, 4 fly
Aura.png Telepathic Commander ♦ Aura 10
Zerg allies within this aura are aware of any creature that the overlord can pinpoint. They do not automatically see the creature, if they otherwise could not, but make any Perception checks to spot it with a +2 bonus, as though being aided. In addition, they do not grant combat advantage from flanking, if that enemy is threatened by another zerg in this aura.
Standard Actions
BasicMelee.png Tentacle Strike ♦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +14 vs. AC
Hit: (low) damage.
Close.png Spawn Creep (Zone) ♦ Encounter
Close burst 3;
Special: This power cannot be used if the overlord is at an altitude greater than 5 squares. The burst is centered on the ground directly beneath the overlord.
Effect: The ground is covered in a writhing layer of creep. Any zerg beginning its turn on the creep may move 2 additional square the next time it moves.
Maintain: Move action. Each time the overlord maintains this zone, its area increases by 1 square to a maximum of 8 squares. When this effect ends, the creep persists, receding 1 square each round. Moving automatically ends this effect.
Alignment Unaligned Languages Telepathy 50 (zerg only)
Skills Dungeoneering +?, Endurance +12, Nature +?
Str 13 (+5) Dex 9 (+3) Wis 20 (+9)
Con 17 (+7) Int 13 (+5) Cha 13 (+5)

Creeper Tactics

The overlord uses its high vantage point to spot enemies from the relative safety of its arial position. A combat unit it accompanies will use more complex tactics, as the more intelligent overlord directs their attack. Zerg very near the overlord even share snatches of thier vision with each other across the psionic link, making flanking attacks all but ineffective, unless they are outnumbered.

In addition, overlord creepers aid their allies in a more tangible fashion: infesting the area with an organic carpet of creep, which undulates and flows in coordination with the movements of the zerg, propeling them with great speed across its surface. The creep spreads quickly while the overlord maintains it, but receeds with as much speed, being unable to nourish and maintain itself.

Overlord Carrier

Overlord Carrier
Level 13 Controler
Gargantuan aberrant magical beast (psionic, zerg)
XP ?
Initiative +6 Senses Perception +17, darkvision
HP 131; Bloodied 65
AC 27; Fortitude 25, Reflex 23, Will 27
Speed 0, 6 fly
Aura.png Telepathic Commander ♦ Aura 10
Zerg allies within this aura are aware of any creature that the overlord can pinpoint. They do not automatically see the creature, if they otherwise could not, but make any Perception checks to spot it with a +2 bonus, as though being aided. In addition, they do not grant combat advantage from flanking, if that enemy is threatened by another zerg in this aura.
Standard Actions
BasicMelee.png Tentacle Strike ♦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +18 vs. AC
Hit: (low) damage.
Close.png Spawn Creep (Zone) ♦ Encounter
Close burst 3;
Special: This power cannot be used if the overlord is at an altitude greater than 5 squares. The burst is centered on the ground directly beneath the overlord.
Effect: The ground is covered in a writhing layer of creep. Any zerg beginning its turn on the creep may move 2 additional square the next time it moves.
Maintain: Move action. Each time the overlord maintains this zone, its area increases by 1 square to a maximum of 8 squares. When this effect ends, the creep persists, receding 1 square each round. Moving automatically ends this effect.
Arial Transport ♦ At-Will
Effect: The overlord grabs one or more adjacent allies and may carry them with it as it moves. It may hold as many as 8 medium, 4 large, or 2 huge creatures at once in this way. Carried creatures do not need to make Endurance checks in response to the environment. The overlord may drop them as a move action.
Special: The overlord may not transport swarms, regardless of size.
Alignment Unaligned Languages Telepathy 50 (zerg only)
Skills Dungeoneering +?, Endurance +15, Nature +?
Str 15 (+8) Dex 11 (+6) Wis 22 (+12)
Con 19 (+10) Int 15 (+8) Cha 15 (+8)

Carrier Tactics

Many broods have adapted their overlords to the role of battlefield transport. They gain the ability to expel gas at high pressure from their bodies, propelling them quickly across the skies, while at the same time tucking earth-bound strains in pockets within their carapace.

These overlords continue to direct their charges in combat, but take an even more active role by dropping alies into more advantageous positions. The unsuspecing might consider it a less immediate threat, until it drops more dangerous strains into flanking positions.

Overlord Carrier

Level 15 Controler
Gargantuan aberrant magical beast (psionic, zerg)
XP ?
Initiative +11 Senses Insight +?, Perception +18, darkvision and truesight
HP 148; Bloodied 74
AC 29; Fortitude 27, Reflex 26, Will 29
Speed 0, 6 fly
Aura.png Telepathic Commander ♦ Aura 10
Zerg allies within this aura are aware of any creature that the overlord can pinpoint. They do not automatically see the creature, if they otherwise could not, but make any Perception checks to spot it with a +2 bonus, as though being aided. In addition, they do not grant combat advantage from flanking, if that enemy is threatened by another zerg in this aura.
Standard Actions
BasicMelee.png Tentacle Slam ♦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +? vs. AC
Hit: (medium) damage.
Area.png Contaminate (Zone) ♦ Recharge D6 (5).gif D6 (6).gif
Aattack: Area burst 1; +? vs. Reflex
Hit: (low) poison damage, and the target cannot use daily powers (save ends).
Alignment Unaligned Languages Telepathy 50 (zerg only)
Skills Dungeoneering +?, Endurance +17, Nature +?
Str 16 (+10) Dex 18 (+11) Wis 23 (+13)
Con 20 (+12) Int 16 (+10) Cha 16 (+10)

Overseer Tactics


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