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Strenght pumpin

My plan would be to make a gestalt character which could look like a little girl but pack a puch of an ogre...

Get as much streght as posible.

So the plan is to use any method to increase stats, get an alternate form an change into a harmles little sweet form and punch through a stone wall like through wet tissue paper. And posibly gain some immunities. A god bab progression would be welcome too. And it should be tough as hell.

This should be as high power as posible, tomes are ok, i can use nearly any suplement and book, this will simply be psychotic mad fun.

I would welcome race, clas and supportive feat suggestions.


Genasi, Elements Project (3.5e Race) air

Some posible classes:

Fiendish Brute (3.5e Class), Elemental Brute (3.5e Class), SRD:Dragon Disciple (Copper or Black), Dragon Devotee, Warshaper, Conduit of the Lower Planes (3.5e Class) (Baator, 2x Electricity sphere, or 1x Ele/1x Air sphere)

Some feats:

Fiendish Heritage (3.5e Feat), Infusion of Elemental Essence (3.5e Feat), Tough Guy (3.5e Feat), Living Weapon (3.5e Feat), Harmless Form (3.5e Feat), Large Size, Book of Elements (3.5e Feat) no dex pen, Huge Size, Book of Elements (3.5e Feat) no dex pen, Ability Training (3.5e Feat), Brutal Offense (3.5e Feat), Juggernaut (3.5e Feat), Wanderer (3.5e Feat), Diehard, Tome (3.5e Feat), Great Fortitude (3.5e Feat), Horde Breaker (3.5e Feat), Adept Flyer (3.5e Feat), Steadfast Determination

Sacred Vow, Vow of Poverty


UA:Shaky, UA:Poor Reflexes or UA:Inattentive


Hulking Brute (3.5e Trait), Unnatural Aura (3.5e Trait)

The immunities would come from conduit which could be Baator fire, and sphere lightning, Infusion Water cold imunity, DD of either Black or Copper. Baator couse devils are badass :P, Lightning sphere goes well with Air Genasi, Water infusion... well its more in line than earth heh, Black dragon has water subtype so it would do icely but they are not too nice, Copper looks nice and is fun but earth subtype is a bit counterproductive here.

I would like to make it chaotic neutral, with Shaundakul as hi deity, so make him a traveler explorer, seeker of his origin and whatnot.

He could be "made" as an experiment in some wizard's lab (the wizard did it!), the wiz discovered a genasi/demon test subject and checked what he could do with it befor it exploded from oweruse. So ele infusion, awekening of fiend and elemental powers, and later draconic experiments. Thus conduit of Baator (well yeah for fire immunity), f brute, e brute, electricity sphere, air sphere and dragon stuff. Black dragon would go nice with the infusion (he did it through the dragon blod n stuff), Copper dragon would go well with the owerall personality (and it looks nicer) but it is an earth subtype... maybe the wizard wanted to ad more and more to the mix and see what happens!


Starting Ability Scores (Before Racial Adjustments):

Race (Templates):

Air Genasi

ECL Class/HD/LA Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Feats Class
Fort Ref Will
1st Fiendish Brute 1 // Conduit 1 +0 +2 +2 +2 Fiendish Heritage (3.5e Feat), Infusion of Elemental Essence (3.5e Feat) Water, Tough Guy (3.5e Feat) Natural Weapons (2x Claw 1d6), Natural Armor (3+FBcl), Attribute Boost (+1Str, +1Con), Petitioner Immunities (Baator) Electricity (3.5e Sphere)
2nd Fiendish Brute 2 // Elemental Brute(Water) 1 +1 +3 +3 +3 Ability Training (3.5e Feat)(+1Str), Ability Training (3.5e Feat) (+1Str) Elemental Origin (Water), Natural Armor (EBcl), Natural Weapon (Slam 1d8), Combat Talent +1
3rd Fiendish Brute 3 // Conduit 2 +2 +3 +3 +3 Wanderer (3.5e Feat) Attribute Boost (+1Str, +1Con), Enhanced Sphere Access
4th Fiendish Brute 4 // Conduit 3 +3 +4 +4 +4 Harmless Form (3.5e Feat) Air (3.5e Sphere)
5th Fiendish Brute 5 // Elemental Brute(Water) 2 +3 +4 +4 +4 Attribute Boost (+1Str, +1Con), Attribute Boost (+1Str, +1Con)
6th Fiendish Brute 6 // Elemental Brute(Water) 3 +4 +5 +5 +5 Large Size, Book of Elements (3.5e Feat) (+6str, +4Con, +1NA), Ability Training (3.5e Feat) (+1Str) Elemental Mastery
7th Fiendish Brute 7 // Warshaper 1 +5 +5 +5 +5 Attribute Boost (+1Str, +1Con), Morphic immunities, Morphic weapons
8th Fiendish Brute 8 // Dragon Devotee 1 +6 +6 +6 +5 Ability Training (3.5e Feat) (+1Str) Ability Increase (+2Cha), Natural Armor (+1)
9th Fiendish Brute 9 // Dragon Devotee 2 +6 +6 +6 +6 Brutal Offense (3.5e Feat), Ability Training (3.5e Feat) (+1Str) Attribute Boost (+1Str, +1Con), Draconic Resistance
10th Fiendish Brute 10 // Dragon Devotee 3 +7 +7 +7 +6 Sacred Vow Ability Increase (+2Con), Ignore Spell Failure 1st lvl Sorc spells
11th Dragon Disciple(Copper) 1 // Dragon Devotee 4 +8 +7 +7 +7 Juggernaut (3.5e Feat) Natural armor increase (+1) +1 bonus spell
12th Dragon Disciple 2 // Dragon Devotee 5 +9 +8 +7 +7 Vow of Poverty, Sanctify Natural Weapon Ability Increase (+2Str), Draconic crature template, Ability boost (+2Str), Bite (1d6) +1 sorc cast, +1 bonus spell
13th Dragon Disciple 3 // Warshaper 2 +9 +8 +7 +8 Breath weapon (2d8), Morphic Body (+4Str, +4Con)
14th Dragon Disciple 4 // Elemental Brute(Water) 4 +10 +9 +8 +8 Touch of Golden Ice Ability boost (+2Str), natural armor increase (+2), Attribute Boost (+1Str, +1Con) +1 bonus spell
15th Dragon Disciple 5 // Elemental Brute(Water) 5 +11 +9 +8 +9 Huge Size, Book of Elements (3.5e Feat) (+6str, +4Con, +2NA), Diehard, Tome (3.5e Feat) Blindsense 30 ft., Combat Talent +2 +1 bonus spell
16th Dragon Disciple 6 // Elemental Brute(Water) 6 +12 +10 +8 +9 Nimbus of Light Ability boost (+2Con), Attribute Boost (+1Str, +1Con) +1 bonus spell
17th Dragon Disciple 7 // Elemental Brute(Water) 7 +12 +10 +9 +10 Horde Breaker (3.5e Feat) Breath weapon (4d8), natural armor increase (+3)
18th Dragon Disciple 8 // Elemental Brute(Water) 8 +13 +11 +9 +10 Steadfast Determination, Stigmata Ability boost (+2 Int), Attribute Boost (+1Str, +1Con) +1 bonus spell
19th Dragon Disciple 9 // Elemental Brute(Water) 9 +14 +11 +9 +11 Adept Flyer (3.5e Feat) Wings, Combat Talent +3 +1 bonus spell
20th Dragon Disciple 10 // Elemental Brute(Water) 10 +15 +12 +10 +11 Holy Radiance Blindsense 60 ft., Dragon Apotheosis, Attribute Boost (+1Str, +1Con)

36 Point buy

Air Genasi, Outsider (Native, Air, Dragonblood)

Str 18(20), Dex 10, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 12

Str 66(+8), Dex 10(+4), Con 40(+6), Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 16(+2)

AC 10 + 20 + 2 + 10 + 3 + 4 (Mage Armor) + 4 (Shield spell) + 1 (Haste) + 5 (Barkskin)

Immunities: Critical, Stun, Sleep, Paralysis, Fatigue, Poison, Disease, Fire, Cold, Electricity, Acid

does not need to eat, sleep, breathe, Endure Elements, Mind Blank, Freedom of movement, Regeneration (ring variant), True Seeing

Fast healing 31, DR 18/-,

Progression 2

Feat Purchasing (3.5e Variant Rule)

New Level-Dependent Benefits (3.5e Variant Rule)

Use Lesser Training (3.5e Feat)

Race (Templates):

Lizardfolk Variant +2 Str, - 2 Dex

ECL Class/HD/LA Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Feats Class
Fort Ref Will
1st Fiendish Brute 1 // True Fiend 1 +1 +2 +2 +2 Fiendish Heritage (3.5e Feat), Big Guy, Variant (3.5e Feat) Water, Tough Guy (3.5e Feat), Harmless Form (3.5e Feat) Natural Weapons (2x Claw 1d6), Natural Armor (3+FBcl), Attribute Boost (+1Str, +1Con), Fiendish Traits (Tanar'ri)
2nd Fiendish Brute 2 // True Fiend 2 +2 +3 +3 +3 Infallible (3.5e Feat) Telepathy
3rd Fiendish Brute 3 // Warrior 1 +3 +3 +3 +3 Infusion of Elemental Essence (3.5e Feat) Water, Diehard, Tome (3.5e Feat) Attribute Boost (+1Str, +1Con)
4th Fiendish Brute 4 // Warrior 2 +4 +4 +4 +4 Ability Training (3.5e Feat)(+1Str)
5th Fiendish Brute 5 // Drake 1 +4 +4 +4 +4 Attribute Boost (+1Str, +1Con), Attribute Boost (+1Str, +1Con), Dragon Catch-Up (Armor 4+Con, Claw 1d6), Combat Talent +1
6th Fiendish Brute 6 // Drake 2 +5 +5 +5 +5 Large Size, Book of Elements (3.5e Feat) (+6str, +4Con, +1NA), Horde Breaker (3.5e Feat) Elemental Mastery
7th Fiendish Brute 7 // Warshaper 1 +6 +5 +5 +5 Attribute Boost (+1Str, +1Con), Morphic immunities, Morphic weapons
8th Fiendish Brute 8 // Dragon Devotee 1 +6 +6 +6 +5 Blitz (3.5e Feat) Ability Increase (+2Cha), Natural Armor (+1)
9th Fiendish Brute 9 // Dragon Devotee 2 +7 +6 +6 +6 Brutal Offense (3.5e Feat), Sacred Vow Attribute Boost (+1Str, +1Con), Draconic Resistance
10th Fiendish Brute 10 // Dragon Devotee 3 +8 +7 +7 +6 Ability Training (3.5e Feat) (+1Str) Ability Increase (+2Con), Ignore Spell Failure Fiendish Heritage: Haste 1st lvl Sorc spells Shield, Mage Armor
11th Dragon Disciple(Gold) 1 // Dragon Devotee 4 +9 +7 +7 +7 Juggernaut (3.5e Feat) Natural armor increase (+1) +1 bonus spell
12th Dragon Disciple 2 // Dragon Devotee 5 +9 +8 +7 +7 Vow of Poverty, Sanctify Natural Weapon Ability Increase (+2Str), Draconic crature template, Ability boost (+2Str), Bite (1d6) +1 sorc cast, +1 bonus spell
13th Dragon Disciple 3 // Warshaper 2 +10 +8 +7 +8 Breath weapon (2d8), Morphic Body (+4Str, +4Con)
14th Dragon Disciple 4 // Drake 3 +11 +9 +8 +8 Touch of Golden Ice Ability boost (+2Str), natural armor increase (+2), Attribute Boost (+1Str, +1Con) +1 bonus spell
15th Dragon Disciple 5 // Drake 4 +12 +9 +8 +9 Huge Size, Book of Elements (3.5e Feat) (+6str, +4Con, +2NA), Ability Training (3.5e Feat) (+1Str) Blindsense 30 ft. +1 bonus spell
16th Dragon Disciple 6 // Drake 5 +12 +10 +8 +9 Nimbus of Light Ability boost (+2Con), Attribute Boost (+1Str, +1Con), Combat Talent +2 +1 bonus spell
17th Dragon Disciple 7 // Drake 6 +13 +10 +9 +10 Ability Training (3.5e Feat) (+1Str) Breath weapon (4d8), natural armor increase (+3)
18th Dragon Disciple 8 // Drake 7 +14 +11 +9 +10 Wanderer (3.5e Feat), Stigmata Ability boost (+2 Int), Attribute Boost (+1Str, +1Con) +1 bonus spell
19th Dragon Disciple 9 // Drake 8 +15 +11 +9 +11 Ability Training (3.5e Feat) (+1Str) Wings +1 bonus spell
20th Dragon Disciple 10 // Drake 9 +16 +12 +10 +11 Holy Radiance Blindsense 60 ft., Dragon Apotheosis, Attribute Boost (+1Str, +1Con), Combat Talent +3

36 Point buy

Air Genasi, Outsider (Native, Air, Dragonblood)

Str 18(20), Dex 12 (10), Con 16, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 8

Str 66(+8), Dex 10(+4), Con 42(+6), Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 12(+2)

AC 10 + 20 + 23 + 2 + 10 + 3 + 4 (Mage Armor) + 4 (Shield spell) + 1 (Haste) + 5 (Barkskin)

Immunities: Critical, Stun, Sleep, Paralysis, Fatigue, Poison, Disease, Fire, Cold, Electricity

does not need to eat, sleep, breathe, Endure Elements, Mind Blank, Freedom of movement, Regeneration (ring variant), True Seeing

Acid resistance

Fast healing 32, DR 19/-,