Dungeons and Dragons Wiki talk:Categorical Balance Ranges
Ditching the SGT
I've talked about it before, but I'm actually going to propose something that we can hack away at (or totally discard if we think it is stupid).
First off, I think it would be good to define the goals of a good balance system:
- Allows categories for homebrew to fit in that fit certain playstyles for how strong characters are expected to be and what kind of capabilities they have.
- Is capable of being applied to any sort of homebrew that introduces character options and preferably can even be applied to things DMs use (like monsters).
- Is easy to use and, generally, won't cause huge arguments over what category a particular article should fit in.
- Can categorize utility abilities as effectively as combat abilities, because, really, a +100 to spellcraft should not be in the same category as a +2.
Just to emphasize why I think the SGT falls short:
- It isn't applied to items (or at least the current version isn't).
- The challenges we compare against are pretty much a categorical pass/fail. "Can I fly? Nope. I fail that one. Can I use a strong ranged attack? Yep. Okay I pass that one".
- This can lead to a class (if we take it literally) where the class feature at 1st level is "flip a coin, if you get heads, you win the encounter, if you get tails, you lose". This would be considered rogue level. We have no base definition to say that this is a really stupid idea.
- The challenges are mostly combat oriented, but we try to throw in a few utility challenges to hopefully offset any classes with tons of utility but little combat.
My idea is to make a list of general traits that fit each balance level. A good article will be able to meet the traits for the balance level, but not have ANY in a higher balance level and try to have few in lower balance levels. Otherwise, we can call it poorly designed. Note: this means a lot of SRD classes would be considered poorly designed, which I think most people can agree on anyways.
I'm going to use our current naming conventions, but they are definitely not set in stone... The project page this talk page links to is basically the draft we can use to work away on this idea.
The main thing is that a class should fit for the most part into one category. It's okay for some overlap in definitions as well. I feel that once you cross a certain threshold upward, a class should be considered part of that balance level. And if it is generally monk-level, for instance, with a couple fighter level abilities, it probably should be either nerfed or beefed up.
Thoughts? --Aarnott 18:17, 17 April 2012 (UTC)
- One thing to note. Feel free to come up with better definitions. This is a very rough draft. The main illustration here is how it would be implemented. --Aarnott 18:46, 17 April 2012 (UTC)
- I think I like this better than what we have. With some clear guidelines, that can always be updated when edge cases show up and are argued, we could have a very solid way of defining classes without getting into the subjectivity of the SGT, items, etc. --Ghostwheel 23:29, 17 April 2012 (UTC)
- I got asked to take a look at this and chime in on text. I don't really care, do what you want. Surgo 15:15, 18 April 2012 (UTC)
- So are there any objections to moving away from the SGT and more towards a checklist system similar to what Aarnott put up? I like it a lot, and even if things don't fit perfectly, we can fit any specific material into the place where it mostly closely appears to fit. --Ghostwheel 23:32, 19 April 2012 (UTC)
- I like this, except one thing which I think should be changed. Absolute statements like "no spells" and "no save or dies" should be eliminated and replaced with something a little more lax. Otherwise, there will be those who take those particular criteria as gospel, and stupid arguments will arise. EDIT: GW changed them. But it's something to keep in mind if we add criteria in the future.
- Also, even with that change, arguments will arise. There should be a way of settling them. Maybe have some designated "experts" on balance. Balance would be determined by general consensus of users (including those experts), unless an expert feels that there is no informed consensus, in which case they make an official ruling. The distinction that the consensus must be informed is important, so that we can step in if a dozen people are commenting on a wizard clone and saying, "i tink dis is rogue;" sure, there's a consensus, but no justification is given. If experts disagree, the majority among them is what we go with. --—Preceding unsigned comment added by DanielDraco (talk • contribs) at
- "Let the experts decide" is a poor way to establish a more objective definition of balance than the SGT. Given that classes, feats, items, and spells can (and should, in my incredibly humble opinion) do all sorts of totally freaky things, coming up with definitive and specific limitations is always going to result in a fair number of holes. This is why I feel that the SGT's flexibility, which lets the tester use tactics that befit the abilities of their creation, is a more appropriate fit for balancing things in a game as broad as D&D. Unfortunately, the SGT doesn't define any real method for picking terrains or enemy tactics, doesn't define how the classed enemies are built, completely ignores equipment, and has no way of determining balance points for items, feats, spells, or monsters.
- As our balance points stand currently, the SGT is our last-ditch way to settle arguments, and every person has a slightly different set of "a little more lax" statements that they use to judge balance most of the time. --Foxwarrior 02:29, 20 April 2012 (UTC)
“ | Given that classes, feats, items, and spells can (and should, in my incredibly humble opinion) do all sorts of totally freaky things, coming up with definitive and specific limitations is always going to result in a fair number of holes. | ” |
- Yes, and that is precisely why absolute objectivity is an impossible and silly goal. And why attempting such an objective measure by using something like the SGT is just plain deluded. There HAS to be a judgement call. There is simply no other way to get a good measure. And if the community at large fails to generate a consensus through intelligent discourse, then some smaller group has to make a decision, and they should be people who have demonstrated themselves to have sound judgement. --DanielDraco 02:41, 20 April 2012 (UTC)
- We had a group of experts once, and it ended badly. Any proposal to recreate a privileged group along those lines seems similarly doomed to failure in a volunteer community, and I'd strongly consider vetoing it. Due to the flux of participants, any disagreements need to be capable of being resolved by fair community discussion and vote or we may as well just use admin/bureaucrat fiat and call it such.
- Also, and this is a totally selfish request, but can someone who cares about making this happen strip the proposal out and put it in a new page with some formatting? It's work to follow right now, and I really don't feel like giving it the read it might deserve. - Tarkisflux Talk 04:39, 20 April 2012 (UTC)
- This is not the same. The idea of my suggestion is to have decisions primarily made by the community. The idea of "experts" is only to moderate it when that doesn't work out. The experts are secondary. The driving force is community decisions. It's much the same as how anyone on the wiki can make an edit, but the small group of admins monitors those edits to make sure things are going the way they should.
- Really, the focus of my suggestion is to put this guidlines system in place, and have the categorization decided by community. I'm basically suggesting a decision-making process for these guidlines where it starts with the author setting it to what they think it is; if that fails, the community steps in and sets it to what they think it is; if that fails, we have a group of people to make a final decision.
- All that said, I don't want to draw too much focus away from the topic at hand. It's just a possible specific implementation of the guidelines suggested. --DanielDraco 04:54, 20 April 2012 (UTC)
- Ya know. If I could just add more than one Balance Point to an Article. It would really solve all of 'my' problems. IE: This item ranges in power from 'This Level' to 'This Level' depending on play style. I think the DM's who browse the page would appreciate that. Rather than hoping for a very specific level and having it misrepresented somehow. --Jay Freedman 11:11, 20 April 2012 (UTC)
- Jay - Adding more than one is certainly a possibility. The issue is, do we really want to make that a sort of "encouraged" thing? The problem is, most of the time, if something is falling in several balance ranges, it is probably poorly designed. I can go into detail if you want me to enumerate the reasons why, but I'll leave it as an unsubstantiated statement unless you want me to talk in more detail on it.
- That being said, it does handle a problem I've seen where people have two conflicting views of what a balance point should mean. On the one hand, there is the view that a DM should restrict anything of a higher balance point in order to avoid having players take options that totally dominate the game and make other players feel useless. On the other hand, there is the view that a DM should recommend players avoid anything of a lower balance point so that they can be sure the player's character will be able to contribute to the group at an adequate level. Having multiple balance points/ranges for an article could solve this problem in that both views can be satisfied. Restricting content to fall within a single balance point also solves this problem. I'm not sure which is better, but based on the design faults I usually see in articles that would fall in multiple ranges, I tend to prefer the latter.
- DD - "... attempting such an objective measure by using something like the SGT is just plain deluded." That's exactly my main issue with the SGT. I'm hoping this idea is a good step away from that. I should clarify the main goal here: balance points are a categorical determination that we try to find a best fit for. I realized in my above post where I said there should be nothing stronger than the balance range is probably not a good requirement. A good article will do its best to avoid having capabilities both above and below, but it really is a judgement call if it is a good fit for a balance range. There is no objective scale such as "7 of the abilities out of 10 match rogue level". Instead, the categories just try to enumerate defining traits that the balance range should have and a best fit is picked.
- This more open way of inclusion even goes a little against my own beliefs of good balance, but I think it works better to allow for the variety of beliefs that exist here. The fact is, my idea of rogue level is not necessarily the right way rogue level should be. I recognize that many people would feel that a UMD use of a staff of Irresistible Dance is rogue level. I don't believe this, but I'm cool having it show up with the same tag.
- So, the main point of this idea is "can we come up with a set of definitions for each balance range"? If we can, then let's try figuring out which ones are crucial to each range and get them listed. --Aarnott 15:33, 20 April 2012 (UTC)