User talk:FiddleSticks96/Libris Vampiricus (3.5e Sourcebook)

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Revision as of 16:45, 22 March 2013 by Dragonexx (talk | contribs)
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RatedNeutral.png Dragonexx is neutral on this article and rated it 2 of 4.
Meh, I don't hate this like everyone else. Then again, I don't get a lot of the references (nor do I care where whether it's original or not anyways). It's pretty flavorful, though the whole thing about being a vampire is that if you want it to be balanced it's going to have to be all the way. Meaning that either all the players are going to be vampires, or none of them are.

That being said, the Black Penance is still ridiculous. The bonuses are nice, but as I said on the page, they won't matter when someone is at level 300 (not that that is ever likely to happen).

One other problem I have with this is LOL WALLS OF TEXT! Tons of fluff, and I have to sift through it for the actual crunch. Not to mention, that several rules

I want to like this, and I'd love to use it in my campaign, but perhaps if things were toned down somewhat.

RatedOppose.png Eiji-kun opposes this article and rated it 0 of 4.
Hey look, it's The Complete Book of Elves for Vampires.

A pile of powerful nonsense for naught.

RatedOppose.png Undead Knave opposes this article and rated it 0 of 4.
What LD and Foxy said. Yipes.
RatedOppose.png Foxwarrior opposes this article and rated it 0 of 4.
I'm sorry for not pointing this out a year ago, but this sourcebook needs to be pruned and overhauled completely before I could recommend its use to anyone.

For example, you take 143 words to say "Vampires don't need to breathe, except when they talk."

+2 CR for being a category C vampire is underpowered for the first couple of levels, but overpowered after that. No, wait, they get special bloodline stuff immediately too, nevermind; they're overpowered immediately, but only if you make sure to get assaulted by the right person.

RatedOppose.png Leziad opposes this article and rated it 0 of 4.
I do appreciate the work in a such an expansive article. However this book is formatted oddly and suffer from several problems. First it has a serious with it source material, taking from many sources in popular culture and not even making the faintest effort to conceal it (the clan from Morrowing, many terms from WoD and etc). Secondly the rules are too bulky and frankly useless, most of it is more power to bloodusckers which I feel personally annoying.

Then you include things like a level 300 templates, huge amounts of abilities that barely share any signification or theme with DnD and a serious lack of flavor (most of this book are rules, even worse just abilities given to bloodsuckers) and the present flavor in the chapters is mostly generic, explaining some basic in overly long paragraphs. The flavor feel like the rules, too bulky and awkward, boring to read mostly.

I don't even hate vampires, but this book don't even attempt to be original, simplify the rules for vampire, make them more playable or deepen the mythos. It contain almost 0% original fluff, leeching for many sources from vastly different settings and just add a clutter of useless rules that were balanced on a dartboard.

That too many nails in this coffin sir.

Important Note

Please leave a message for me if you make any alterations to this sourcebook. I keep a copy of the whole thing in a folder on my computer and update this wiki sourcebook by copy and pasting from my computer. If I am unaware of any changes made by someone other than me those changes WILL be undone when I update the page they were made on.

Stuff that needs doing

This project is only 3/5 of the way done, so there's still a lot left to do. I've done everything on my own so far, but would be willing to accept help. I set out on this project never thinking it would come this far, but now that it has, know that everything that gets placed in this sourcebook MUST be approved by me. I am very open to 3rd, 4th, 20th opinions, and definitely more than open to another brain coming up with ideas, but I don’t want this book to deviate from how I envisioned it.

Chapters 1 and 2 are the core rules followed by this book. Not all of the rules have been committed to paper (chapter 2) yet. I will fix that problem as soon as I’m done with a major overhaul of chapter 3. Everything that goes into this project is subject to the rules listed in chapter 2, but new terminology can be added to chapter 1 as new ideas are implemented. I am willing to alter the rules in chapter 2, but not without good reason.

Chapters 3 and 4 are the meat of Libris Vampiricus. I’m focused on chapter 3 right now, so I don’t have much thought processing power left for any of the other chapters atm. I have a few ideas for classes, monsters, and spell at the fringes of my mind, but I haven’t given these chapters much thought or attention yet. I try to add things as ideas come to mind, so updates can be sporadic at times.

Chapter 8 is mostly for clarity and a place to put alternate rules. If you come up with any ideas about how to make this sourcebook runs even smoother or an alternate rule that could change things up, let me know.

I won’t be posting any specific tasks for now. I need more time to go over exactly what needs to be done before I do that. For now, a general overview of where I’m at should suffice. There are also some things that need to be done that I won't be listing, such as the Vampire Age Master Charts. I'll be handling those specific tasks on my own.

The tasks below are the primary things that need doing, at least at the top of my head.

  • Make more feats. There are a lot already, but many of the bloodlines lack any unique feats catered to their unique powers. There are no general feats at all.
  • Make spells. I’ve only made one spell, and have a few ideas for some more. I’ve also got the Sangromancer class, which I need to finish making, and a few spells to go with it. Other than that I don’t have much to show for spells and items. Any help with this would be much appreciated.
  • Monsters. I’ve added a couple templates and one new monster, but I’ve only just started giving thought new monsters. Not all monsters added to this section have to be undead or vampiric, but keep in mind that this sourcebook is centered on vampirism and anti-vampirism.

The tasks below are important, but secondary things that need doing, at least at the top of my head.

  • Grammar fixes. Oh boy. There are two kinds of articles within this sourcebook. Those that I wrote before I took a grammar class and those I wrote after I took a grammar class. I am not kidding. There is so much that I still need to add that I haven’t even bothered with going over everything to fix grammar mistakes. I do the best I can as I see them. Any help would be much appreciated.
  • Adding links. I haven’t added most of the links to things like Strength or Special Abilities. Things like +/-# bonus to (ability score) are listed all over the place, and only a few are actually linked. I didn’t know how to do this when I first started, which is why they aren’t linked.

Walls of Text

Add paragraphs/subheaders. --Ghostwheel 05:46, 18 April 2012 (UTC)

Seconded. One of your paragraphs completely takes up one of my monitor screens. No other paragraph I've witnessed has done this in years. --Havvy 01:10, 19 April 2012 (UTC)
A lot of the text does need to be cleaned up. Parts of it don't even need to be there. It is on my to do list. Unfortunately, I have had precious little time these past couple of months, and the rest of this month isn't looking good either. I should have a lot more free time once the semester ends. FiddleSticks96 04:24, 2 May 2012 (UTC)


This section will include any major or otherwise noticeable updates. This is so I can keep track of what I've recently done and so those that are using this sourcebook can see what has recently been added. Please do not post in this topic unless you are working on the sourcebook (currently only me). I have had a bad habit of not updating this topic in the past, but will endeavor to break that habit. With that said, here is the most recent update.

Several new Vitae Feats added. A new type of feat, Ascended Vitae Feat, has been added. General/Exalted/Vile Feats will be added in the future. I am currently working on making a feat table to make feats easier to find. FiddleSticks96 05:50, 21 June 2012 (UTC)
Added a section to Chapter 2 - Vampire Rules detailing how Frenzy works. In the same chapter, the Generation table has been slightly adjusted and special abilities that only vampires of a certain Generation have been added beneath said table. FiddleSticks96 17:14, 23 June 2012 (UTC)
Added a few sections to Chapter 8 - How to use this Book. Advice on handling different kinds of encounters with a vampire has been included. More will be added to this chapter in the future, and the sections already present will be expounded upon. FiddleSticks96 05:48, 1 July 2012 (UTC)

Tight schedule

I'll be in a specialized training program for the next year that will greatly reduce my free time. I probably won't be doing much work on this sourcebook until half-way through next year. I'll be taking a break, but that doesn't mean I've abandoned this project. FiddleSticks96 02:13, 26 July 2012 (UTC)

This is just a reminder that I have not abandoned this project. I still won't be making any edits until at least mid May, but I have manged to make some progress in the scant free time I have had lately. FiddleSticks96 (talk) 21:38, 1 January 2013 (UTC)