User talk:Franken Kesey/Lab6

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RatedOppose.png TK-Squared opposes this article and rated it 0 of 4.
Now, I can't say that 3.5e is my forté or wheelhouse anymore, but there seems to be a hot button issue with certain aspects around here and that often leads us to unfortunately being attracted to those beacons.

So, I've been following this Psyblade thing and it really feels like there is a distinct lack of class identity to the entire thing. It's just... there's nothing too cohesive, it adds so very little, and as others have mentioned - it just can't actualise what it's actually trying to do.

RatedOppose.png Surgo opposes this article and rated it 0 of 4.
Class doesn't really know what it wants to be and as a result fails at everything it tries to be.

It is a simple melding of psychic warrior and soul knife.--Franken Kesey 18:28, 30 June 2019 (MDT)

RatedOppose.png Ghostwheel opposes this article and rated it 0 of 4.
What Lez said, just basically gave soulknife power points. There are better ways to do this, I think Lez even made a feat that basically does this.
RatedDislike.png Leziad dislikes this article and rated it 1 of 4.
I shall refer to my comment on the flavor for the first point.

Secondly: Messy formatting. Like wtf is up with that power table, why are the + and the numbers glued together like that?

Thirdly: It just a soulknife with a weird power list. Uninspired mechanically.

There is the hint of a solid idea in someone who manipulate biology, but it just a hint in the flavor text and receive no mechanical or flavor follow up except for a few powers on it list.

EDIT 1: I am a firm believe that flavor text is essentially just packaging, and the only attempt to give the class any identity is the flavor text. It a PsyWar that can heal others and create Frankenstein's Monster with.... cellular manipulation. Why it can do cellular manipulation better than a PsyWar? Who know? Not me or the flavor text. If anything adding more flavor text made the identity issue even worse. What the hell is a Psyblade?

At least there something there and the formatting has been cleaned up a little. I changed my rating to a dislike for the moment. It can go up to a neutral if I see a budding class identity show up. Honestly the upgrade is mostly since it went back to uniform formatting, which count a lot for me.


So it a manifesting Soulknife.... except it a healer and has psionic necromancy. The only attempt to explain it status as a psionic healer is a single line of fluff. This class is in many worse than the wildknife, it has zero identity. It the class equivalent of half a liter of lemonade diluted in twelves liters of water and then served on ice. --Leziad (talk) 11:20, 28 June 2019 (MDT)