Magic Assistant (3.5e Spell)

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Author: Neostar (talk)
Date Created: August 2020
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Magic Assistant
Conjuration (Summoning)
Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 4
Components: V, S, F, XP
Casting time: 8 hours or 1 minute (see text)
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect: Creating a magic assistant OR Conjuring the created magic assistant once created
Duration: 24 hours (D) (see text)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

You conjure a magic assistant made of fine sand, dust, and pure magic, and you have infused to it a small part of your knowledges. This spell has two functions : Creating a magic assistant and Conjuring the created magic assistant once created. But what is really a magic assistant ? A magic assistant is a medium size creature which looks like a human (but you can create it with all the common appearances you want) who can help you or replace you for different tasks. He can craft objects, appraise value of some objects, buy/sold objects for you, and read/ write a text in all language you know.

Firstly, you must create a magic assistant before conjuring it. To create an assistant you must have a little cubic wood box (made with precious woods) which cost 250 gp, you must pay 800 XP and you must spend 8 hours (you must not do nothing else besides) to imbue a small part of your soul in the box. This box will become the "heart" of your magic assistant. As you modelized the "heart" of the magic assistant, you determine his physical traits, his facial look, his height, and all small details of his body. He can take the appearance of any humanoid you want but gains no abilities from that humanoid. Once created, the magic assistant has a value of 10 to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution. He retains your values to Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. He gains the Construct type, his HDs are equal to your caster level, and he has 5 HP/caster level. He has no bonus to saving throws. He gains a number of skill points equal to (2 + Intelligence modifier) x (your CL +3). For a magic assistant, Appraise, Craft, Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Forgery, Knowledge (All), Perform, Profession, and Search are all class skill for him. He cannot invest skill point to other skills (other than listed above). His skills can have a maximum rank equal to your caster level +3. A magic assistant gains one feat for each 3 HD he has but can only choose General or Skill feats and cannot choose high and very high balanced feats. In addition, he gains a synergy bonus in all skills shared with you and which you have 5 rank in or more. If you have 5 ranks or more in a skill, he gains a synergy bonus of +2 in the same skill. This bonus rises to +4 if you have 20 ranks, and to +6 if you have 35 ranks.

After 8 hours of creation, your magic assistant is ready, and for the first 24 hours which he is active, he learns to "live" and interact with you and other people he meets. When in its box, it takes 1 minute to summon the magical assistant with this spell. Once summoned, it stays by your side for 24 hours, and during the time he is "active" you can invoke him from his wood box (It takes 1 round) or revoke him freely to his box. Your magic assistant is always courteous and polite with all people he meets. He remain always lawful toward you, exept if you order him to injure/kill somebody or damage/destroy an object. You and he must remain within a range of 1200 ft + 120 ft/caster level each other. If you are too far each other, your assistant vanishes in his wood box and the wood box fall on the ground. A magic assistant is not good at fighting. He receives no training for fighting and has no proficiency to weapons, armors, or shields, even for the most common weapon. When he is in a fight, he is automatically panicked and vanish in his wood box after 1d10 rounds. If his HPs downs to 0 or less, he vanishes in his wood box, the box fall on the ground, and he cannot be conjured for 8 hours. If his HPs fall under -10, he is vanished definitively, the wood box explode in fine particles, and you must create a new magic assistant. While in his box, a magic assistant regains 5 HP/hour. He cannot be affected by healing spells or by the Heal skill but can be repaired with a Craft (Sculpting) with a DC 20. Each Craft skill check is available for 1 hour and repair 1 HP + 1 HP / 3 points above 20 on the result of the craft (sculpting) skill check. The wood box has 8 points of Hardness, +1 per caster level of the creator, and HPs equal to the HPs of the magic assistant. If the wood box is destroyed, the magic assistant vanishes definitively, and you must create a new magic assistant.

It is possible to create a second magic assistant by casting this spell as a level 6 spell (instead of a level 4 spell). You must again pay 250 gp for another wood box and spend 8 hours for the creation. But this second magic assistant costs you 1,600 XP. You must cast this spell as a level 6 for summoning the two magic assistants in a same time. As the same way you have conjure a second magic assistant, you can create a third magic assistant with same restriction as for the first or for the second, but you must pay 2,400 XP for the third. Then, you must cast this spell as a level 8 spell to summon the three magic assistants at the same time.

Focus: A little cubic wood box made with precious woods witch cost 250 gp or more

XP Cost: 800 XP (first), 1600 XP (second), 2400 XP (third)

Back to Main Page3.5e HomebrewClass Ability ComponentsSpellsSorcerer/Wizard

Article BalanceUnquantifiable +
AuthorNeostar +
ComponentV +, S +, F + and XP +
Identifier3.5e Spell +
LevelSorcerer/Wizard 4 +
RangeOther +
RatingUndiscussed +
SchoolConjuration +
SubschoolSummoning +
SummaryYou conjure a magic assistant made of fine sand, dust, and pure magic, and you have infused to it a small part of your knowledges. +
TitleMagic Assistant +