Seeker Demon (3.5e Monster)

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Author: PeachyFairyFox (talk)
Date Created: 10/01/2023
Status: Complete
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Seeker Demon
Size/Type: Tiny Outsider (Demon)
Hit Dice: 10 (10d8) (40 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 5 ft., fly 75 ft. (good)
Armor Class: 15 (+1 Dex, +2 Insight, +2 Size), touch 15, flat-footed Cannot become FF (These totals are unfortified. Apply an appropriate magical defence based upon its master’s resources)
Base Attack/Grapple: +2/+0
Attack: Slam +0 to hit, one target. Hit: 0 (1d2-2) bludgeoning; Its natural weapons are treated as magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
Full Attack: Slam +0 to hit, one target. Hit: 0 (1d2-2) bludgeoning
Space/Reach: 5 ft/5 ft
Special Attacks: Spell Like Abilities
Special Qualities: Damage Reduction 5/magic; Damage Resistances: cold 10, fire 10, electric 10; Condition Immunities: charmed/compulsions, exhausted, prone, sleep, unconscious; Damage Weaknesses: acid, disease, necrotic, poison, radiant; All Seeing, Foretell, Predict, True Sight (continuous)
Saves: Fort +0, Ref +5 (+2 base, +1 Dex, +2 Insight), Will +12 (+3 base, +5 Wis, +2 Iron Will, +2 Closed Mind)
Abilities: Str 6, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 20, Wis 20, Cha 10
Skills: Fly +17, Perception +20, Knowledge Arcana +10, Knowledge Planes +10, Search +15, Sense Motive +18, Hide +9 (+1 Dex, +8 Size)
Feats: Alertness, Skill Focus (Perception), Skill Focus (Sense Motive), Iron Will, Closed Mind
Environment: Abyss
Organization: With Master and Body Guards
Challenge Rating: 10
Treasure: None
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Advancement: None
Level Adjustment: Language: Abyssal (native); Telepathy 120ft (With an eternal Comprehend Languages spell-like ability)

As the muscular, heavily armoured demons drew nearer, the surrounding Abyssal denizens jeered and berated them irreverently, taunting and insulting them. That was, until one catch sight of what they were keeping between them. "Seeker!" A fiend shrieked in terror. The demons smiles vanished and they began to panic. You watched as these formidable monsters scattered chaotically, some rambling anxiously, "Better not be looking for me-" "No escape! It will know!" all worked into a distressed frenzy over what amounted to little more than a squishy eyeball, keeping afloat on paper thin wings. The creature's gaze shifted to your direction and lingered. Then its guards pointed directly at you.

Seekers are usually about 22-24 inches in circumference, with approximately 6 inches of trailing tendrils and a 2-foot wingspan. They weigh between 3 and 5 pounds. Seeker demons resemble bare, pulpy eyeballs the size of human heads; their delicate transparent skin keeping the ocular form of the jelly-like vitreous humour beneath it. On either side of the cornea are flimsy, opaque membranous wings, which rip easily like tissue paper, webbed with exposed vital veins between brittle bones. A lean muscle, so small it seems vestigial, is all that propels the wings, which aim the eye in new directions. A cluster of narrow tubes dangle on its underside like dead flapping worms. While their small frames are well padded by a layer of soft, spongy fat, they are mostly hairless, aside from eyelashes, and lack sufficient body mass to survive frigid temperatures for long. They fare no better in extreme heat, as they easily become dehydrated and are vulnerable to sunburn.

Despite their physical flaws, a Seeker can see the finest details regardless of distance while within their perception range, such as a diminutive vermin creeping through grass 120 ft away; and are uninhibited by fog, precipitation, ozone or heat shimmers. Due to their enhanced, magic-proof perception, along with their ability to predict the future and indispensable information gathering, translation and mind reading abilities, Seekers are used almost exclusively as valuable trackers and retrievers. Not only would other occupations be a waste of their rare combination of niche skills, but they are so fragile and frail that they are likely to perish swiftly if sent to do the normal tasks of demon slaves.

Despite their physical weakness, high ranking demons and Demon Lords keep their Seeker servants constantly well protected, with magical shields, wards and flanking bodyguards, whenever they bring out their Seeker for use in the open Abyss; for they are clever enough to see the benefit of predicting where their target will be next before they have even arrived, resulting in an easy capture or slaughter, or the advantage of quickly locating a magically or supernaturally hidden figure. What’s more, the majority of demons do not have the patience or the discipline to conduct thorough searches, or sift through the surface thoughts of everyone in a crowd, in order to find what they are looking for, making Seekers a rare commodity.

The first Seekers were selectively bred from Oculus Demons and domesticated Eyewings during Demon Lord experimentation and magical mutations similar to the art of fleshwarping. The same genes that granted them extraordinary traits and abnormal magic for demonic standards also made them weak and incapable of surviving the Abyss without constant physical protection. The practice by which Seekers are birthed has long been retired, causing Seekers to be especially rare and either highly sought by or stingily hoarded by powerful demons.

A Seeker’s master will usually keep it on a leash so that it is always nearby those who can defend it. Seekers are wise enough to realise that they cannot live without a master, and are generally well treated due to risks that come with harming their vulnerable forms, thus rebellion among Seeker kind is unheard of. Those who do not know the origins of Seeker demons may mistake them for immature Beholders, or byproducts of Beholders, when factually Seekers are not at all related, and are entirely incapable of firing eye beams. Although demons, these fiends are the biological offspring of other demons and therefore contain no mortal souls.


Seekers are aware of their powerless corporeal forms, with no feasible way to adequately defend themselves, and will always avoid melee combat, staying near its guards-or in the case of being alone: utilising full cover while hiding- while using its spell-like and special abilities at a safe range. If able to, it will use its swift flight to flee any danger that comes too close. Thankfully, any dangerous demons are far more interested in stealing a Seeker than destroying one, usually to either use or sell; although the same cannot be said for unintelligent creatures, wildlife, carnivorous flora, natural hazards, inclement cataclysmic weather, or stray hostile magic and poorly aimed, drifting projectile weapons.

All-Seeing (Ex): +10 racial bonus on perception skills involving sight.

Foretell (Ps): A Seeker has an innate supernatural ability that acts similar to a constant Foresight spell. Cannot be flat-footed, flanked, sneak attacked or surprised. +2 Insight bonus to AC and Reflex saves.

Predict (Ps): A Seeker may foretell future harm and substitute an attack of opportunity to take half damage from one attack. It may choose to do this until it has expended all of its attacks of opportunity.

True Sight, continuous (Ps): Able to see in normal and magical darkness, see invisible creatures and objects, automatically detect visual illusions and succeed on saving throws against them, see creatures warded by non-detection, and perceive the original form of a shapechanger or a creature that is physically disguised or transformed by magic. Furthermore, the monster can see into the Ethereal Plane within the same range.

Spell-like Abilities:
Seekers have innate spellcasting. They do not require concentration or components and are not required to study or prepare the spells that they know. Their spells cannot be swapped out.
At will- Augury (as a bonus action); Detect Thoughts; Seek Thoughts (All DC 16), Sift
3/day Level 1- Arcane Sight; Detect Secret Doors; Residual Tracking
3/day Level 2- Clairaudience-Clairvoyance (DC 17); Locate Animals or Plants; Locate Object
2/day Level 3- Analyse Aura; Retrocognition; Scrying (DC 18)
2/day Level 4- Divination (DC 19); Locate Creature; Thoughtsense; Trace Teleport; Unerring Tracker

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AlignmentChaotic Evil +
AuthorPeachyFairyFox +
Challenge Rating10 +
EnvironmentAbyss +
Identifier3.5e Monster +
Level AdjustmentLanguage: Abyssal (native); Telepathy 120ft (With an eternal Comprehend Languages spell-like ability) +
RatingUndiscussed +
SizeTiny +
SubtypeDemon +
TitleSeeker Demon +
TypeOutsider +