Artificer (5e24)

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Artificer exists in other D&D editions see:

Artificer (disambiguation).

 5th edition (2024) Pointer  + 

Unearthed Arcana

Artificer is a class in 5th edition (2024).

Core Artificer Traits[edit]

Core Artificer Traits  [1] 
Primary Ability Intelligence
Hit Point Die D8 per Artificer level
Saving Throw Proficiencies Constitution and Intelligence
Skill Proficiencies Choose any 2 Arcana, History, Investigaiton, Medicine, Nature, Perception, or Sleight of Hand
Weapon Proficiencies Simple Weapons
Tool Proficiencies Choose Thieves' Tools, Tinker's Tools, and one Type of Artisan's Tools
Armor Training Light and Medium Armor and Shields
Starting Equipment Choose A or B: (A) Studded Leather Armor, Dagger, Thieves' Tools, Tinker's Tools, Dungeoneer's Pack, and 16 GP; or (B) 150 GP

A Magical Crafter and an Inventor of Wonders

Unofficial Description: Artificers are the masters of magic item creation. Their magic flows through objects they make.

Becoming an Artificer[edit]

As a Level 1 Character[edit]

As a Multiclass Bard[edit]

  • Gain the following traits from the Core Artificer Traits table: Hit Point Die, proficiency with Tinker's Tools, proficiency in one skill of your choice from the Artificer's Skill list, and training with Light and Medium armor and Shields.
  • Gain the Artificer’s level 1 features, which are listed in the Artificer Features table. See the Multiclassing rules to determine your available Spell Slots, adding half your Artificer levels (round up).

Artificer Features[edit]

Artificer Features[1]
Level Proficiency
Features Plans Known Magic Items Cantrips Prepared Spells Spell Slots per Spell Level
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
1st +2 Magical Tinkering, Spellcasting 2 2 2
2nd +2 Replecate Magic Item 4 2 2 3 2
3rd +2 Artificer Subclass, Right Tool for the Job 4 2 2 4 3
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 4 2 2 5 3
5th +3 Subclass feature 4 2 2 6 4 2
6th +3 Magic Item Tinker 5 3 2 6 4 2
7th +3 Flash of Genius 5 3 2 7 4 3
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 5 3 2 7 4 3
9th +4 Subclass feature 5 3 2 9 4 3 2
10th +4 Magic Item Adept 6 4 3 9 4 3 2
11th +4 Spell-Storing Item 6 4 3 10 4 3 3
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 6 4 3 10 4 3 3
13th +5 6 4 3 11 4 3 3 1
14th +5 Magic Item Savant 7 5 4 11 4 3 3 1
15th +5 Subclass feature 7 5 4 12 4 3 3 2
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 7 5 4 12 4 3 3 2
17th +6 7 5 4 14 4 3 3 3 1
18th +6 Magic Item Master 8 6 4 14 4 3 3 3 1
19th +6 Epic Boon 8 6 4 15 4 3 3 3 2
20th +6 Soul of Artifice 8 6 4 15 4 3 3 3 2

Magical Tinkering[edit]

1st level [1] 
Unofficial Summary: A limited number of times per Template:5e24Long Rest use a Magic action using Tinker's Tools to create a nonmagic item:

Ball Bearings
Block and Tackle


1st level [1] 

Also see: Artificer Spells

Unofficial Summary: You channel your magic through objects (see Spellcasting and Artificer Spell list).

  • Tools Required. You use Tools (Thieves' Tools or Artisan's Tools) as your Spellcasting Focus.
  • Cantrips. You learn a number of Artificer cantrips that you can cast (see Artificer Features table for the number). After a Long Rest you can replace one cantrip for another.
  • Spell Slots. The Artificer Features table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your level 1+ spells after a Long Rest.
  • Prepared Spells of Level 1+. The Artificer Features table shows the number of spells you can prepare after a Long Rest. If an Artificer feature grants spells you always have prepared, they don't count against this number.
  • Changing Your Prepared Spells. You can replace the Artificer spells you prepare with an equal number of Artificer spells
  • Spellcasting Ability. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability.

Replicate Magic Item[edit]

2nd level [1] 
Unofficial Summary: You gain the ability to make Magic Items (see Magic Item Plans tables for the magic items you can make).

  • Plans Known. The Artificer Features table shows the number of plans that the Artificer knows. The Artificer can replace one of these plans with another when you gain an Artificer level.
  • Creating an Item. At the end of a Long Rest, you can create a number of magic items (as shown on Artificer Features table). If the item created requires Attunement, you are attuned to it at creation. If you create another magic item the oldest vanishes.

Duration. The magic item disappears after 1-4 days.

Magic Item Plans[edit]

Magic Item Plans (Artificer Level 2+)
Magic Item Plan Attunement
Alchemy Jug No
Bag of Holding No
Cap of Water Breathing No
Common magic item that isn’t a Potion, a Scroll, or cursed (you can learn this option multiple times and must select a different item each time; each item selected counts as a different plan) Varies
Goggles of Night No
Rope of Climbing No
Sending Stones No
Shield +1 No
Wand of Magic Detection No
Wand of Secrets No
Wand of the War Mage +1 Yes
Weapon +1 No
Magic Item Plans (Artificer Level 6+)
Magic Item Plan Attunement
Armor +1 No
Boots of Elvenkind No
Cloak of Elvenkind Yes
Cloak of the Manta Ray No
Eyes of Charming Yes
Gloves of Thievery No
Lantern of Revealing No
Pipes of Haunting No
Uncommon Armor, Wand, or Weapon that isn’t cursed (you can learn this option multiple times and must select a different item each time; each item selected counts as a different plan) Varies
Magic Item Plans (Artificer Level 10+)
Magic Item Plan Attunement
Uncommon Ring or Wondrous Item that isn’t cursed (you can learn this option multiple times and must select a different item each time; each item selected counts as a different plan) Varies
Magic Item Plans (Artificer Level 14+)
Magic Item Plan Attunement
Rare Armor, Ring, Wand, Weapon, or Wondrous Item that isn’t cursed (you can learn this option multiple times and must select a different item each time; each item selected counts as a different plan) Varies

Artificer Subclass[edit]

3rd level [1] 
Unofficial Summary: You choose a Artificer subclass.

List of Artificer Subclasses[edit]

(5 official and unofficial Artificer subclasses.)

Subclass Features Flags Source
Alchemist Tool Proficiency, Alchemist Spells, Experimental Elixir, Alchemical Savant, Restorative Reagents, Chemical Mastery Noncanon, Pointer UA2024 Artificer
Armorer Tools of the Trade, Armorer Spells, Arcane Armor, Armor Model, Extra Attack, Armor Replication, Perfected Armor Noncanon, Pointer UA2024 Artificer
Artillerist Tool Proficiency, Artillerist Spells, Eldritch Cannon, Arcane Firearm, Explosive Cannon, Fortified Position Noncanon, Pointer UA2024 Artificer
Battle Smith Steel Bond, Force-Empowered Rend, Repair, Tool Proficiency, Battle Smith Spells, Battle Ready, Steel Defender, Extra Attack, Arcane Jolt, Improved Defender Noncanon, Pointer UA2024 Artificer

Right Tool for the Job[edit]

3rd level [1] 
Unofficial Summary: You can create Artisan's Tools with Magical Tinkering.

Ability Score Improvement[edit]

4th, 8th, 12th, 16th level [1] 
Unofficial Summary: You gain a Feat, {5e24|Ability Score Improvement}} or another.

Magic Item Tinker[edit]

6th level [1] 
Replicate Magic Item gains the following features:

  • Drain Magic Item. You can destroy a magic item you made with Replicate Magic Item to gain a spell slot. The level of the spell slot is determined by the rarity of the magic item destroyed.
  • Expanded Replication. The list of magic items you can create expands (see Magic Item Plans tables.

Flash of Genius[edit]

7th level [1] 
Unofficial Summary: A limited number of times per Long Rest, you can use a Reaction when you or a creature fails an ability check or Save to boost the number rolled for the check or save.

Magic Item Adept[edit]

10th level [1] 
Unofficial Summary: Gain the following features:

  • Additional Attunement. Can attune to 4 magic items at a time.
  • Expanded Replication. You have access to more Magic Item Plans (see Magic Item Plans tables).

Spell-Storing Item[edit]

11th level [1] 
Unofficial Summary: A number of times per Long Rest you can store a 3 or lower Artificer spell in a weapon or item you use as a Spellcasting Focus. You can use an Action to release the stored spell.

Magic Item Savant[edit]

14th level [1] 
Unofficial Summary: You gain the following benefits:

  • Additional Attunement. You can attune to up to 5 magic items.
  • Expanded Replication. The list of magic item plans you can access increases (see Magic Item Plans table). Your Replicate Magic Item can create a maximum of 3 Rare items at a time.

Magic Item Master[edit]

18th level [1] 
You can attune to 6 magic items.

Epic Boon[edit]

19th level [1] 
Unofficial Summary: Gain a feat, Epic Boon or another.

Soul of Artifice[edit]

20th level [1] 
Unofficial Summary: Your magic items give the following benefits:

  • Cheat Death. An uncommon or rare magic item you created is destroyed and its magic grants you Hit Points when your hit points drop to 0 (no action required).
  • Magical Guidance. Once per turn while holding a magic item you have attuned to, buff ability checks.

Sources and Notes[edit]

  1. Jump up to: 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 Christopher Perkins, Jeremy Crawford (8 October 2021). UA2024 Artificer. (5e 2024) Wizards of the Coast. Licensed: © (Unearthed Arcana) Wizards of the Coast (used under 'fair use' clause).

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Facts about "Artificer (5e24)"
AbilityIntelligence +
Armor TypeLight and Medium Armor and Shields +
AuthorUA2024 Artificer +
EquipmentChoose A or B: (A) [[Studded Leather A
Choose A or B: (A) Studded Leather Armor, Dagger, Thieves' Tools, Tinker's Tools, Dungeoneer's Pack, and 16 GP; or (B) 150 GP
]], and 16 GP; or (B) 150 GP +
FeaturesMagical Tinkering +, Spellcasting +, Replicate Magic Item +, Artificer Subclass +, Right Tool for the Job +, Ability Score Improvement +, Magic Item Tinker +, Flash of Genius +, Magic Item Adept +, Spell-Storing Item +, Magic Item Savant +, Magic Item Master +, Epic Boon + and Soul of Artifice +
Hit Died8 +
Length20 +
NameArtificer +
Pointertrue +
PublicationUA2024 Artificer +
SaveConstitution and Intelligence +
SkillsArcana +, History +, Investigaiton +, Medicine +, Nature +, Perception + and or Sleight of Hand +
SortTextArtificer (5e24) 5e24 +
Summary<-- --> +
ToolsThieves' Tools, Tinker's Tools, and one Type of Artisan's Tools +
Unearthed Arcanatrue +
WeaponSimple Weapons +