Access Divine Power, Access Divine Spells, Accomplished, Accurate Opportunist, Adaptable Technique, Adjusted Accuracy, Arcane Champion, Assassinate, Augmented Thaumaturge, Barreling Charge, Bladeblast, Blood of Stone, Bolster Technique, Careful Movement, Charismatic Prodigy, Cleave, Grimoire, Close Miss, Combat Reflexes, Greater, Combat Reflexes, Grimoire, Combat Reflexes, Improved, Compensate for Size, Copy Technique, Cross-Style Training, Dabbler, Danger Intuition, Dash, Death From Afar, Defensive Roll, Defensive Strike, Deft Opportunist, Diehard, Grimoire, Distracting Barrage, Divine Stalker, Dragoon Charge, Euphoric Blade, Expose Weakness, Extended Psychic Strike, Focused Energy, Furious Blow, Gatling Spell, Goad, Greater Spellthief, Greater Spring Attack, Gripping Vise, Heavy Build, Heedful Charge, Hidden Manifestation, Hostile Mind, Improved Charge, Improved Mage Knight, Improved On Your Knees, Improved Wild Talent, Incredible Focus, Intervene, Intimidating Brute, Iron Tide, Last to Fall, Living Weapon, Mage Knight, Mana Engine, Master Blaster, Master Creature Killer, Master of Concoctions, Metamana Fuel, Mobile Wall, Mystic Arts Synthesis, Mystic Theurge, On Your Knees, Overwhelming Blow, Penetrating Strike, Phantom Health, Pounce, Power Attack, Grimoire, Power Charge, Precise Marksman, Primal Enchanter, Psyblade, Quick Reconnoiter, Ranged Feint, Ranged Flanking, Ranged Threat, Renewed Zealousness, Shadow Pounce, Sharpshooter, Shielded in Life, Short Haft, Skill Trick Mastery, Spell Cascade, Spell Parry, Spell Reflection, Spellcutting Strike, Spellthief, Spiritual Weapon, Stand Still, Grimoire, Startling Opportunist, Steadfast Prodigy, Steadfast Zealousness, Still Teleport, Stilled Charge, Stone Power, Grimoire, Stone Power, Pathfinder, Strike of the Believer, Strong Grip, Suppress Chi, Supreme Dilettante, Surging Inspiration, Swift Spell, Toughness, Grimoire, Turtle Monk, Unconventional, Versatile, Way of the Hare, Weapon Training, Wielder of Legacy, Witch Slayer, Wrong Place, Right Time, Zen Exaltation