3.5e Magical Food and Drink

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Magical Food and Drink

Name Cost Summary
Covfefe 5 gp This Limbo inspired drink is a hot beverage which intoxicates the user into behaving recklessly and irrationally.
Eggrolls of Consideration 10 gp Eat these eggrolls, and you will be sensitive to the thoughts of others.
Elsewhale Surprise 500 gp The cooked remains of an elsewhale, the surprise comes when you plane shift after eating.
Eye-Catching Toast This slice of toast looks especially delicious. Why, it smells especially delicious. I bet it would taste wonde- OH GOD MY EYES MY EYES IT HAS MY EYES!!!!
Goop 200 gp This magical goop, when eaten, causes the consumer to gain 2 pounds in weight for every 1 pound of goop that he consumed.
Grilled Achaierai 150 gp The cooked remains of an achaierai is rich in iron and more than a little tough. Properly prepared it gifts the eater with a one-time use of the achaierai's black cloud ability.
Hamburder 1 cp Not to be confused with hamburgers, this magical and technically living "food" will multiply rapidly if not eaten.
Heat Root 64 gp A spicy root with a variety of uses and effects ranging from keeping vampires at bay, to facilitating ease in pregnancy.
Idiot Stick 2,000 gp Anyone touching the wrong end of that stick become an idiot.
Loam 200 gp This magical food, resembling a clod of dirt, bestows several random magical effects.
LozoPozo Juice 10 gp A sweet, alcoholic brew that soothes the stomach.
Mote Bead A small bead that heals you if eaten; boost the power of CW spells
Power Potato 50 gp Provides a day's worth of nourishment and resistance to fatigue.
Psicrystal Popsi 150 gp A clear soft drink, it has sparkling psionic flavor crystals, and grants you temporary power points.
Salamander Bread 10 gp (pack of 5) Its the food that never gets cold! (Warning: May burn mouth.)
Softsugar Tea 750 gp Made from softsugar straight from Eijilund, softsugar tea gives you the energy burst you need to go fast, because bullets are too slow!
Sylvan Tea 65 gp A fine exotic tea that has strange magical effects on non-fey creatures.
Thunk Puff 150 gp Thus eijilundian pastry gives brief, but very vague, insight into the future.

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