Pathos! (3.5e Feat)

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Author: Spanambula (talk)
Date Created: 12 September 2016
Status: done
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PATHOS! [General] The party was fighting desperately, but despite their best efforts they weren't going to take down the dragon before it's breath weapon recharged. The bard, already singing for all she was worth, took a deep breath and sang out in a voice that rocked the very heavens, "YOU GOT THE TOUCH! YOU GOT THE POWEEEEEEEEEER! YEAH!!!" Prerequisites: Charisma 15, Inspire Courage +2, any bardic music feat (such as Lingering SongCAdv, Melodic CastingCM, or Song of the HeartECS)Benefit: As an immediate action, the bard expends an additional use of their bardic music to amplify the effects of their music, doubling all competence and morale bonuses for one round. This can be used at any point during the performance, but cannot be used more than once for any given performance of bardic music. Projecting this much power through their performance is extremely draining, dealing 1 point of Charisma burn for each use of this ability.

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Facts about "Pathos! (3.5e Feat)"
Article BalanceVery High +
AuthorSpanambula +
Identifier3.5e Feat +
PrerequisiteCharisma 15 +, Inspire Courage +2 +, any bardic music feat (such as Lingering SongCAdv +, Melodic CastingCM + and or Song of the HeartECS) +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryBy putting a fraction of their own magical essence into their performance, a bard can inspire his allies to incredible heights. +
TitlePathos! +
TypeGeneral +