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Elastic Wonder (3.5e Prestige Class)

1,036 bytes added, 05:30, 21 November 2014
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|classname=Elastic Wonder
|specialhead1= rowspan="2" {{!}} Class Progression|special1=[[#Body of Plastic|Body of Plastic]], [[#Elastic|Elastic]], [[#Stretch|Stretch]], [[#Variable Form|Variable Form]]{{!!}} +1 class level|special2=[[#Elastic Reach|Elastic Reach]] (5'), [[#Variable Size|Variable Size]]{{!!}} +1 class level|special3=[[#Tangle|Tangle]], [[#Variable Form|Variable Form]] (Less Restricted){{!!}} +1 class level|special4=[[#Variable Size|Improved Variable Size]], [[#Stretch|Stretch]] (Everything){{!!}} +1 class level|special5=[[#Blunt Trauma Resistant|Blunt Trauma Resistant]], [[#Elastic Reach|Elastic Reach]] (10'), [[#Seal Over Plastic|Seal Over Plastic]], [[#Variable Form|Variable Form]] (Object){{!!}} +1 class level
|skills=Appraise, Balance, Bluff, Climb, Control Shape, Craft, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Disguise, Escape Artist, Forgery, Gather Information, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Listen,Move Silently, Perform, Profession, Ride, Search, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Speak Language, Spot, Survival, Swim, Tumble}}
All of the following are class features of the Elastic Wonder.
'''{{Anchor|Class Progression}}:''' The elastic wonder is a special case, less a class and more a universal alternate class feature. You gain the BAB, saves, skill points, and class skills of a previous class you leveled in, and may improve your previous class abilities as if you took a level in your chosen previous class. Only things which scale with level are advanced, new class features are not gained. For example, a barbarian would continue to gain more rages per day and more trap sense, but not a new feature such as tireless rage or mighty rage. A wizard would gain caster level and spells known, but not receive any bonus feats. The one exception to this rule is the [[fighter]] class, who obtains an extra fighter bonus feat at 3rd, 6th, and 9th. If you have more than one class before entering elastic adept you may choose what class to advance each level.
'''{{Anchor|Body of Plastic}} {{Ex}}:''' A 1st level elastic wonder's body become very plastic like, her skin do not tear easily, her bone bone flexible and lightweight and her muscles harden considerably upon impact. A elastic wonder always count as wearing heavy [[Dilatantoplastic (3.5e Equipment)|dilatantoplastic]] heavy armor when beneficial (so their movement speed is not negatively impacted, nor do they receive arcane spell failure or armor check penalties) and their unarmed attack and natural attack always count as being made of [[Dilatantoplastic (3.5e Equipment)|dilatantoplastic]].

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