Talk:Variant Combat Maneuver Checks (3.5e Variant Rule)

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RatedLike.png Undead Knave likes this article and rated it 3 of 4.
I'd make the attack part of Tripping Str or Dex, but other than that it looks fine.
RatedFavor.png Fluffykittens favors this article and rated it 4 of 4!
Obvious rule fix is obvious.
RatedFavor.png Ghostwheel favors this article and rated it 4 of 4!
Streamlining helps. The only thing you should note is that bonuses from misc things are halved, as they have twice the power if only one side is rolling (which causes the RNG to be reduced by around 1/2, iirc).
FavoredFluffykittens + and Ghostwheel +
LikedUndead Knave +