Blade of Phys (3.5e Equipment)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: Unknown, found notes in My Documents.
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Blade of Phys[edit]

The Blade of Phys uses the Functional Weapons of Legacy variant rule.

Blade of Phys
Price: 4285
Body Slot: Held
Caster Level: 20th
Aura: Strong Universal (DC 30)
Activation: See Text
Weight: 1 lbs

If you have any type of fluff, such as lore or an example usage, place it here.

The Blade of Phys is a large sword made of extremely light translucent crystal, it guard resemble a large stylized star or a snowflake. The Blade was said to have belonged to the Order of Phys, cosmic knights who wandered the multiverse, however the blade is now all that left of them. The Blade of Phys start as a +1 crystalforged prismlight bastard sword, it crystal composition has a special molecular structure, making the sword extremely light (1/6th of it weight). Thanks to it minimal weight, the Blade of Phys is wielded as a short sword. (In other words, the weapon appears to all viewers to be a bastard sword, and deals bastard sword damage, but the wielder feels and reacts as if the weapon were a short sword.) Any individual able to use either a bastard sword or a short sword with proficiency is proficient in the use of the Blade of Phys. Likewise, Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialization in short sword and bastard sword apply equally, but the benefits of those feats do not stack. Rituals cost gold (in the form of feeding the blade raw materials) and xp, with an additional pre-requisite. Once the 1st level ritual is unlocked, the sword displays its omen effect. You can take time out and spend 8 hours bringing the weapon to the next level once you have the pre-requisites.

Omen: The Blade of Phys shed light as the light spell.

1st Ritual (Hailing Sunlight)[edit]

Quasar Defender Stance: As a swift action the wielder of the Blade of Phys can enter a unique defensive stance, granting her a +2 dodge bonus to AC and a +1 luck bonus to all saving throws. The wielder also gain a +4 bonus when attempting to absorb light effect with the Blade of Phys (see prismlight). This stance count as a martial stance (see tome of battle) and cannot be used in conjunction with other stances.

Natural Light Absorption: The Blade of Phys absorb sunlight and artificial source of light naturally, although slowly. If left unattended under a strong source of light (such as a bonfire or under the sun) for 10 minute it become charged with the equivalent of a 1st level [light] spell. If the blade is carried but not used in battle and is under a sufficient light source for an hour it become charged as described above.

Nova Knight Stance: As a swift action the wielder of the Blade of Phys can enter a unique offensive stance, while in this stance she deal an additional d6 damage on each attack, this bonus damage increase to 2d6 if the weapon is wielded in two-hands. The wielder also gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls when discharging the light power of the blade (see prismlight). This stance count as a martial stance (see tome of battle) and cannot be used in conjunction with other stances.

Pre-Requisites: BAB +3, the wielder must absorb any [light] effect with her Blade of Phys.

Cost: 3000 gp, 160 xp

2nd Ritual (Rise of Knight of the Stars)[edit]

Solar Discharge: As an immediate action the wielder of the Blade of Phys may discharge the light held within it in the form of a solar flare. The DC against this effect is DC 10 + level of the light effect held within the Blade of Phys + wielder's highest mental ability score modifier. Using solar discharge use up the light effect within the blade, emptying it.

Shining Focus: The Blade of Phys gain the focus enhancement for free, additionally all [light] spells or spell-like ability cast through the Blade of Phys gain a +4 bonus on caster level.

Starlit Recharge: The light of distant stars can now recharge the blade's inner light. The blade is now recharged by starlight sky as if it was under the sun, however it is still unable to recharged in total darkness or if say a cloud cover would block the starlight.

Enhancement Bonus: The weapon gains a +2 enhancement bonus.

Pre-Requisites: BAB +6, the wielder must slay a two creatures of equal CR or higher, one in the Nova Knight Stance and the other in the Quasar Defender Stance.

Cost: 10,000 gp, 640 xp

3rd Ritual (Oath of the Cosmic Protector)[edit]

Enhanced Natural Light Absorption: The Blade of phys now charge twice as fast when left under natural light, additionally for each extra hour it is left to charge the level of the [light] effect within the blade increase by one (to a maximum of 9th level).

Nova Charge: The Blade of Phys now allow it wielder to move at near lightspeed when charging as long as the blade itself is properly powered. When making a charge attack with the Blade of Phys and it has a [light] effect of at least 5th level within the blade, the charged creature is flat-footed against the charge attack (only the first attack if it made as part of a pounce)

Starlight Greatsword: As the wielder of the Blade of Physs strike a large blade of energy extend from the blade, capable of striking farther away and in great arc. As long as the Blade of Phys has a [light] effect of at least 3rd level within it can strike targets as if it had reach, unlike a normal weapon with reach you can still attack and threaten creatures adjacent to you. Additionally as an attack action, the starlight greatsword can be swung in a wide arc to strike multiple creatures. All creatures in a (your reach + 5) foot cone must make a Reflex save DC 10 + 1/2 BAB + wielder's highest mental ability score or take damage as if struck by your weapon, save negates. Feats and ability which alter a weapon's attack modifier cannot be applied to this attack option.

Pre-Requisites: BAB +9, the wielder must have absorbed a [light] effect of 5th level or higher with her Blade of Phys.

Cost: 21,000 gp, 1440 xp

4th Ritual (Guided by the Stars)[edit]

Absorb Light: The wielder of the Blade of Phys may as a standard action usable once per minute absorb all ambient light into her blade. The Blade of Phys immediately become charged with a 3rd level [light] effect and leave a true darkness effect in the square she stood while using this ability, the darkness effect last until the beginning of the wielder's next turn.

Aura of Light: As long as the Blade of Phys has a [light] effect of at least 5th level within it radiate light as a daylight spell. It automatically dispel all [darkness]] effect no matter the level within it range.

Quasar Protector Stance: This ability replace the Quasar Defender Stance. As a swift action the wielder of the Blade of Phys can enter a unique defensive stance, granting her a +4 dodge bonus to AC and a +2 luck bonus to all saving throws. The wielder also gain a +8 bonus when attempting to absorb light effect with the Blade of Phys (see prismlight). While in the Quasar protector Stance the wielder of the Blade of Phys is immune to damage and harmful effect dealt by [light] effects. This stance count as a martial stance (see tome of battle) and cannot be used in conjunction with other stances.

Nova Champion Stance: This ability replace the Nova Knight Stance. As a swift action the wielder of the Blade of Phys can enter a unique offensive stance, while in this stance she deal an additional 2d6 damage on each attack, this bonus damage increase to 4d6 if the weapon is wielded in two-hands. The wielder also gain a +4 bonus on attack rolls when discharging the light power of the blade (see prismlight). While in the Nova Champion Stance the wielder of the Blade of Phys move faster and act than the eyes can see, she never provoke attacks of opportunity. This stance count as a martial stance (see tome of battle) and cannot be used in conjunction with other stances.

Enhancement Bonus: The weapon gains a +3 enhancement bonus.

Pre-Requisites: BAB +12, the wielder must have defeated a creatures of a CR equal or higher than her's while her Blade of Phys contained a 9th level [light] effect.

Cost: 36,000 gp, 2560 xp

5th Ritual (Herald of the Power)[edit]

Light of the Heavens: As a 1 round action, while under the sky (either starlight or during daytime) the wielder of the Blade of Phys may call a ray of pure light upon her blade. Doing so charge the blade with a 8th level [light] effect.

Starsurfer's Blessing: The Blade of Phys now behave like a starsurfer staff, it can only be used by the wielder who unlocked it power, do not require any spellcasting abilities to activate. The wielder count as having the Master Staff and synchronize magic item feats while wielding the Blade of Phys (but not normal staves).

Pre-Requisites: BAB +15, the wielder must have traveled to another solar system and meditated for 24 hours.

Cost: 300,000 gp, 4000 xp

Prerequisites: N/A.
Cost to Create: Unique item, cannot be created.

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Leziad's Homebrew (4522 Articles)
AuthorLeziad +
Body SlotHeld +
Cost4285 +
Identifier3.5e Equipment +
RatingUnrated +
SummaryA blade made of strange alien crystal, the Blade of Phys is capable of channeling light in destructive ways. +
TitleBlade of Phys +