Den, the Merchant of Ruin (3.5e Witch Patron)

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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 7-27-17
Status: Complete
Editing: Mechanical changes on Talk
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Den, the Merchant of Ruin[edit]

Happy mask salesman x reader by freakwolffreakish-d8l42gn.png

There are tales of a smiling wandering merchant, who dabbles in more wares than just material goods and services. He is said to be able to appraise the value of anything and trade even incorporeal and theoretical things for one another, such as your soul, your voice, your abilities, or even the concepts which make up your reality for all things have a price. None know who or what this merchant truly is, for the price for that knowledge is more than could ever be paid and would surely drive any mortal mad. Be wary in your dealings, for the merchant never gives anything away without profit for himself and his inscrutable goals. And it always seems to be fate for those who deal with Den to eventually find themselves in ruin.

It is difficult but not impossible to find the merchant as he drifts between time and space, and by setting up the correct time and place once can have a chance encounter. Often, Den appears to find his customers just in their time of need, ready to make a deal at a high price.

Special Requirement and Rules[edit]

Den cares not for the alignment of the witch, but values those willing to trade and who understand the value of money. He is amoral and callous concerning the well being of others, and his servants gain no more favor than anyone else.

Spell Granted[edit]

This Patron grant the Witch the following spell, she add those spell to her spell list but she must prepare them normally.

Granted Abilities[edit]

Economical (Ex)[edit]

The Patron Witch only pays half as much as normal for expensive material components and focus components.

Name of Power (Ex)[edit]

A Patron Witch can always hear their name being called by anyone they have a physical contract or agreement with. They know the speaker and their general direction and distance, but no other details. This does not prove distracting in the slightest, and is usually used as a prompt for them to be summoned.

True Value (Ex)[edit]

The Patron Witch automatically gains ranks in Appraise equal to their class level, and Appraise is always a class skill.

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Eiji-kun's Homebrew (5628 Articles)
AuthorEiji-kun +
Identifier3.5e Witch Patron +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryA cryptic merchant of unknown origins who is more than happy to trade power for service. +
TitleDen, the Merchant of Ruin +