Greater Lance (4e Equipment)

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Author: Xeadin (talk)
Date Created: 2-1-11
Status: Complete
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Greater Lance

Superior Melee[edit]


Weapon Prof. Bonus Damage Range Price Weight Group Properties
Greater Lance +2 1d10 30 gp 7 lbs Spear, Polearm Brutal 1, Reach


A step up from the quori lance, this weapon can’t be thrown but makes up for this with its high rate of damage.

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AuthorXeadin +
Cost30 gp +
Damage1d10 +
GroupSpear, Polearm +
Identifier4e Equipment +
Proficiency+2 +
PropertiesBrutal 1, Reach +
RatingUndiscussed +
TitleGreater Lance +
TypeSuperior Melee +
Weight7 lbs +