Harsh Training (3.5e Feat)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 14th December 2015
Status: Finished
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Harsh Training [Fighter] You have been trained since childhood to do dangerous stuff.Prerequisites: 1st level onlyBenefit: Upon selecting this feat, choose two of the abilities below:

Combat Conditioning: You gain an additional hit point per HD and proficiency with all simple and martial weapons. If you are already proficient with all martial weapons, you become proficient with an exotic weapon instead.

Muscle Memory: You gain a +2 bonus on all Dexterity-based checks and skill checks as well as Reflex saving throws. You can take 10 on any dexterity-based skill check, even in stressful conditions, as long as you made that particular check before (for example, jumping over the same gap). If you would be able to take 10 in normal circumstances, you may instead take 15.

Psychological Warfare: You gain a +4 bonus on Intimidate checks, and creatures attempting to use Intimidate against you take a −8 penalty. Finally, you treat fear effects as if they were one category less severe (to a minimum of shaken).

Stoneskin: You start every encounter with 10 temporary hit points; these stack with any other source of temporary hit points. You may recover these temporary hit points as a 1 round action.

Strong Back: Your Strength counts as if it was 4 points higher for the purpose of determining your Carrying Capacity. Additionally, your movement is not slowed when carrying medium armor or a medium load. Special: You may take this feat multiple time; you do not need to qualify for the '1st level Only' clause for any subsequent times you take this feat after the first. Each time you take this feat after the first, you receive one additional ability from the list above.

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Leziad's Homebrew (4498 Articles)
Article BalanceHigh +
AuthorLeziad +
Identifier3.5e Feat +
Prerequisite1st level only +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryYou have been trained since childhood to do dangerous stuff. +
TitleHarsh Training +
TypeFighter +