Ideal Heart (3.5e Martial Discipline)

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Author: Luigifan18 (talk)
Date Created: September 23, 2015
Status: Barely started
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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A discipline oriented towards defense, healing, and nurturing allies. The path of the Ideal Heart emphasizes the welfare of all beings, and as such, it emphasizes protection over offense. Only crusaders have the altruistic zeal required to master this discipline, and they have access to it by default.

Game Mechanics of the Ideal Heart

Available To: Crusader

Discipline Skill: Heal (Wis) - Ideal Heart adepts are extremely concerned with the well-being of others.

Discipline Weapons: Club, light mace, mace, quarterstaff, shortsword, sap - These weapons are ideal for parrying, deflection, and otherwise resolving a combat situation with a minimum of bloodshed. 

Saves: 10 + Maneuver level + Wisdom 

Legacy Weapon: Healer's Fist (cold iron sap) 

Maneuver Granting Item: Healer's Periapt 

Discipline Feat: <- Discipline feat, usually based on skill and usually prereq for tactical feat -> 

Tactical Feat: <- Tactical feat of discipline -> 

Special: <- Anything mechanical of note that is different than usual. ->

Maneuvers of the Ideal Heart Discipline[edit]

To see the full, expanded description of every maneuver, click here.

1st-Level Maneuvers

2nd-Level Maneuvers

  • Fortify Moderate Wounds: Boost, Counter [X-Discipline] — Fix up a small wound.
  • Healing Flourish: Boost, Strike — Heal yourself or a willing ally with a skillful weapon twirl or flick (attack roll).
  • Invigorating Lunge: Boost, Strike — Gain temporary hit points with a skillful weapon twirl or flick (damage roll).

3rd-Level Maneuvers

  • Fortify Serious Wounds: Boost, Counter [X-Discipline] — Fix up a significant wound.
  • Healing Riposte: Boost, Strike — Heal yourself or a willing ally with a skillful weapon twirl or flick (attack & damage rolls).
  • Invigorating Flourish: Boost, Strike — Gain temporary hit points with a skillful weapon twirl or flick (attack roll).

4th-Level Maneuvers

  • Fortify Critical Wounds: Boost, Counter [X-Discipline] — Fix up a large wound.
  • Invigorating Riposte: Boost, Strike — Gain temporary hit points with a skillful weapon twirl or flick (attack & damage rolls).
  • Solar Strike: Strike [X-Discipline] — Strike with an attack that restores your health, equivalent to the damage done to your enemy.

5th-Level Maneuvers

6th-Level Maneuvers

7th-Level Maneuvers

  • Reverse Causality: Boost — Turn a tactical assault from your foes into an intense heal.

8th-Level Maneuvers

9th-Level Maneuvers

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Luigifan18's Homebrew (383 Articles)
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AuthorLuigifan18 +
ClassCrusader +
Identifier3.5e Martial Discipline +
RatingUndiscussed +
SkillHeal +
SummaryA discipline oriented towards defense, healing, and nurturing allies. The path of the Ideal Heart emphasizes the welfare of all beings, and as such, it emphasizes protection over offense. +
TitleIdeal Heart +
WeaponClub +, light mace +, mace +, quarterstaff +, shortsword + and sap +