Project Eye of God (3.5e Equipment)
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[hide]Project: Eye of God[edit]
Project: Eye of God uses the Functional Weapons of Legacy variant rule.
Price: | 2500 |
Body Slot: | Face |
Caster Level: | |
Aura: | Powerful Transmutation DC 35 |
Activation: | See Text |
Weight: | 2 lbs |
"If I have seen further than others, it is because I stand on the shoulders of giants." - Dr.Vanhomin Zameck, not being completely honest.
Project: Eye of God is an organic eyeball, the Iris is brilliant gold and has a slowly moving ornate pattern woven in it. At first Project: Eye of God counts as a +1 improved eye. Designed by a Master Biomancer, this graft will never rot.
As various rituals are made and power is gained, the graft starts taking on stronger powers. There are five rituals that are performed, they must be performed in order (the 2nd ritual must be completed before you start the 3rd, even if you achieve the 3rd level pre-requisites). Rituals cost gold (in the form of feeding the weapon raw materials) and xp, with an additional pre-requisite. Once the 1st level ritual is unlocked, the weapon displays its omen effect. You can take time out and spend 8 hours bringing the weapon to the next level once you have the pre-requisites.
Project: Eye of God is a unique magic item, on its way to becoming an artifact. While it has a price, it cannot be completely destroyed. If reduced to 0 hp it is unable to be used until it has healed, but is not destroyed as items usually are. It is treated as an artifact against the effects of mage's disjunction. If it is not healed with magic, it will regenerated in 1 year.
Omen: The movement of the patterned iris speeds up, the pupil morphs into different shapes and sizes as its various powers are used.
Prerequisites: N/A Cost to Create: Unique Item, can not be created
1st Ritual (Induce Development)[edit]
Road to Perfect vision 1': Project: Eye of God is able to see perfectly in the dark, distinguishing color and fine detail out to 120ft. It is able to interpret molecular information in order to interpret likely colours, and translate that information perfectly to be perceived by its host. If the host organism naturally had dark vision, they add 60ft to the range and gain the ability to distinguish additional detail.
Hone Eyesight 1: Your bonus to spot increases to +10 per ritual completed.
Pre-Requisites: BAB +3. You must have the graft activated in you by a qualified individual (you may do the surgery on yourself if able, but take a -5 penalty on the check). The operation is DC 30. The eye adapts quickly, and you suffer no loss of vision or other side effects if the surgery succeeds by 2 or more points.
Cost: 4000 gp, 80 xp
2nd Ritual (Cascading Vision)[edit]
Road to Perfect vision 2: As a swift action, you may have arcane sight as the spell.
Ocular Offense 1: You gain a Gaze Attack with the effect of Charm Person. You may choose to have the DC be Charisma or Intelligence based. As you gain more gaze attacks, you may choose to have as many or as few active at once as you choose. However, having multiple gaze effects requires a DC 20 Concentration check with a cumulative -5 penalty per additional gaze characteristic, each gaze type past the first causes 1d6 damage per round they are active. On a failed attempt to add gaze types you must make a saving throw as if you were hit by the gaze attack you were trying to add. An enemy gets a save for each gave type you have active.
Hone Sight 2 Your precise vision allows you to automatically confirm critical hits.
Pre-Requisites: BAB + 6 or CON 20. You must make an eye ointment out of herbs and drip it over the graft over the course of an hour.
Cost: 8,500 gp, 320 xp
3rd Ritual (Seeing Beyond)[edit]
Road to Perfect vison 3: As a swift action you may activate permeavision out to 30 feet. Permeavision is a mixture of X-ray vision and spectrovision. X-ray vision allows the viewer to perceive in great detail through solid objects, with the viewer seeing as if he were looking at something in normal light even if there is no illumination. X-ray vision can penetrate up to 1 foot of mineral or stone, 1 inch of common metals or 3 feet of wood or earth. Spectrovision allows for detection of substance density and spaces within solid matter, but unlike X-ray vision it cannot distinguish the general shape of objects. A thin sheet of lead blocks permeavision. Using this mode makes the eye emit a magical deluge of X-Rays that are not harmful at all, but may be detectable with certain methods.
Ocular Offense 2: You gain a Gaze Attack with the effect of Symbol of Fear. You may choose to have the DC be Charisma or Intelligence based.
Hone Sight 3: You are always able to understand what someone is saying by reading lips without a check, as long as you know the language they are speaking and maintain line of sight with them.
Sight Beyond Eyes: You gain a SRD:Blindsight of 30ft.
Pre-Requisites: BAB + 9. You must have seen a magic aura of each magic school.
Cost: 18,000 gp, 720 xp
4th Ritual[edit]
Road to Perfect Vison 5: The wearer has thermal sight out to 120 feet. This functions as a detect heat spell and grants the wearer the resulting bonuses to Spot checks involving such sources.
Ocular Boost: Your Arcane vision mode becomes Greater Arcane Sight.
Ocular Offense 3: You gain a Gaze Attack with the effect of Symbol of Weakness. You may choose to have the DC be Charisma or Intelligence based.
Hone Sight 4: You are immune to being dazzled and blinded.
Pre-Requisites: BAB +12. You must inject your eye with an alchemical mixture that blinds you for a week.
Cost: 32,000 gp, 1280 xp
5th Ritual (Shoulders of Giants)[edit]
All Seeing: The wearer may replicate the effect of any detect spells (detect undead,detect snares and pits, detect secret doors, detect animals or plants, detect law, detect chaos, detect good, detect evil, detect poison, detect psionics,detect disease, detect radiation , detect mineral,detect power level ,out to 120 feet. This functions as a spell of the proper type and grants the wearer the resulting bonuses to Spot checks involving such sources. If the host activates multiple detect-vision modes he must make a DC 25 concentration check with a cumulative +5 to the DC per additional vision type. On successful checks all aura sources are easily distinguishable to the host that mesh perfectly with each other. If the detection method is not normally a visual key, it becomes one.
Perfect Vision: As a swift action you may gain any combination of: True Sight , Ubiquitous Vision , and Foresight. All of your vision ranges are doubled both enhanced and natural
Ultimate Ocular Offense: You gain a Gaze Attack with the effect of Mirror of Life Trapping,you see those trapped in your eye as ghosts and they can communicate with you and vice versa. However a DC X will check can suppress them where X is the HD of the trapped creature. You may choose to have the DC be Charisma or Intelligence based. All your Gaze Attacks gain a +1 to DC. On a successful save you are blind in the Legacy Eye for 2 rounds.
Sight Beyond Eyes 2: You gain a SRD:Blindsight of 120ft.
Prerequisite: BAB +15 or Knowledge Nature 18 ranks. Cost: 95, 000 gp, 2580 xp
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