Redeemed Undead (3.5e Template)

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Author: The Dire Reverend (talk)
Date Created: 4/10/2011
Status: Completed.
Editing: Suggestions in talk page welcome.
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Redeemed Undead[edit]

A Redeemed Undead is an undead that has pleased the good deities enough that they grant them a second life to replace their unlife.

Redeemed Undead look the same as when they were undead.

Creating a Redeemed Undead[edit]

The deathless template can be added to any undead creature who fufills one of the two requirements below:

An undead with who has gained enough favor from the gods to be granted this template.


An undead created by a Redeemed Undead with a create spawn ability.

Size and Type[edit]

A Redeemed Undead looses its Undead subtype and gains the Deathless subtype (from the Book of Exalted Deeds.) Size is unchanged.

Special Qualities[edit]

If the Redeemed Undead had an ability to create spawn that had the undead subtype, they retain said ability, however the undead created also has the Redeemed Undead template.

If any of their attacks dealt negative energy, It now deals positive energy, hurting the undead while healing the living and other Deathless.

If the Redeemed Undead had the Energy Drain ability, it now has the Energy Charge ability.
If the redeemed undead wants to harm living with their Energy Drain, they need to take the Painful Energy Charge Feat.

Challenge Rating[edit]

Same as base creature.

Level Adjustment[edit]


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Sourcebooks Bleach D20
Classes & ACFs Militant Spellcaster, Spellcasting Lifedrinker, Unarmored Duskblade, Undead Paragon, Boneclaw Hybrid, Undead Soul Eater, Unevasive, Wand Wizard, Whiteguard
Feats, Flaws, Traits Adaptive Weapon, Advanced Spiked Chain Proficiency, Armorless Warforged, Bundle of Terror, Deathless Energy Drain Immunity, Emo Vampire, Expendable Familiar, Hungry Hungry Construct, Incognito Undead, Increased Monk AC, Independent Mage of the Arcane Order, Missing Hand Replacement, Necessary Evil, Painful Energy Charge, Persistent Shapechange Attack, Reloading Finesse, Sharp Teeth, Shoulder Riding, Simply Exotic, Spell-Like Imbuing, Jump
Equipment AC Scouter, Battle Sai, Chained Weapon, Cloak of Vampiric Protection, Contracting, Disguised Weapon, Expanding, F.U.E.L., Hair Dryer, Infinite Ammunition, Long Fall Boots, Merciful Crystal, Orb of Power Amplification, Wizard's Wand
Creatures,Races & Templates Awakened Avian, Awakened Bat, Awakened Ferret, Beeforged, Child, DR Variant, Dire Reverend Vampire, Draconic Kobold, Kitten of Endless Decanters, Redeemed Undead, Slaymate, Technoplush, Unhallowed Minion, Werecorgi
Etc. Binding Pact, Energy Charge, Revised, Vampiric Protection, Jump Speed
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AuthorThe Dire Reverend +
Identifier3.5e Template +
Level Adjustment0 +
RatingUnrated +
SummaryA Redeemed Undead is an undead that has pleased the good deities enough that they grant them a second life to replace their unlife. +
TitleRedeemed Undead +